OT: Quitting Smoking


Registered User
Aug 27, 2010
Well, it was my new years resolution. It's really important to me to do this and while there have been a couple days I have had a couple cigarettes, I really feel like it's happening. I still feel like a smoker who isn't smoking though, not a non-smoker. I'm just going to keep pushing, one day at a time, one hour at a time, one minute at a time, one second at a time. If mods want to move it to anything goes, go ahead but I've seen much more frivolous off topic threads than this. I've stopped drinking entirely too, kind of goes without saying. I know we all don't see each other but I want the people I talk with to know. Do we have any former smokers here? Advice?

I've kept a level head but if I go off, cut me some slack.


Let's Go Hawks!
Feb 11, 2012
Yeah...i'm trying to quit smoking for good, too. I only smoke socially when I drink - but when I do that i pretty much chain smoke and am afraid (with good reason, i suppose) that i'm in the process of killing myself as a result. Because of work and social stuff - i drink when i'm out quite frequently, which just makes the smoking frequent, too.

It's a really stupid habit because it's not as though i crave cigarettes all day - i don't stand outside smoking at work or when i'm on the road or anything. just when i drink.

cutting back on the drinking is also positive - i'd probably lose about 20 lbs if i can keep it up.


Registered User
Aug 27, 2010
Username: Yeah, I'm exactly the same way, the drinking is the main hurdle. I don't have a problem not drinking at all but the fact is you just can't do it. There just isn't any way, at least for me, to drink and not have cigarettes. So that means avoiding anywhere where there is drinking going on. Most of the people I know and work with smoke. I've dealt with it decently enough. I want to be able to workout like I used to, play hockey, feel better and the way prices have gone, have my money from the cigarettes. I could go on an extravagant vacation every year if I didn't buy cigarettes.

Hawksfan: Yeah, I've been chewing the gum. Before the new year, I got used to the gum and didn't smoke at work for a couple weeks, now I'm chewing it all the time. It is pricey but not worse than 6 bucks a day. And I'm definitely eating more. As soon as I get out of work, I'm going to go buy a bunch of crap, it's the only way I can satisfy myself right now. If I can keep up, I am going to start working out again anyway so I could give a rats ass if I gain some extra weight first.


Registered User
Oct 7, 2006
Now I only smoke socially when drinking, which thankfully isn't that often. Used to smoke maybe 1-3 packs a week. But decided one day to quit cold turkey, no nicotine gums or patches. The most difficult things were the habitual smokes, like after waking up, after eating etc. Had some relapses along the way but didn't let it bother me. Now I've been relatively smokefree for maybe 2 years or so. Didn't set out to completely quit smoking, just to cut down, so maybe that played a role. I bet I could drink without smoking, but I am not sure I want to.


Let's Go Hawks!
Feb 11, 2012
i'd say all told i probably smoke about two packs a week...which isn't two packs a day, but it's still quite a bit. i just try to keep myself out of situations where i smoke...bc i don't have a ton of willpower so if i'm in the situation will probably smoke.

if no one else is smoking, i won't either...but i have friends who do and if they do i have trouble refraining.

the time i've cut down i haven't had any weight gain...but i think the way to avoid it is drink a lot of water so you don't feel hungry.

IU Hawks fan

They call me IU
Dec 30, 2008
NW Burbs
I don't get why you say also quitting drinking goes without saying? I mean, yeah, booze can be bad for you in a way but it's not an addiction the way cigarettes are.

Best of luck, though. I've had a few buddies go through this in the last couple of years; certainly isn't an easy thing.


Registered User
Aug 27, 2010
In a regular day without drinking, I'd smoke about 7 or 8, one every 2 hours or so. However, when it comes to drinking, all bets are off, it could be a pack and a half (maybe even more) if I'm at someones house where everyone is drinking and smoking. So I'd say I'm a pack a day guy given that. I am just in a horrible workplace to not smoke and the company I keep mostly smokes. But I'm not going to let those things get in the way. I think starting out not smoking at all at work was really good because I work in a ****ing ashtray (factory). No excuses, this is on me.


Land of #1 Overall Picks
Nov 19, 2009
Fulton Market, Chicago
I don't get why you say also quitting drinking goes without saying? I mean, yeah, booze can be bad for you in a way but it's not an addiction the way cigarettes are.

Best of luck, though. I've had a few buddies go through this in the last couple of years; certainly isn't an easy thing.

A lot of people crave cigs more when they drink. Many people only smoke when they drink so I get it.


Registered User
Aug 27, 2010
I don't get why you say also quitting drinking goes without saying? I mean, yeah, booze can be bad for you in a way but it's not an addiction the way cigarettes are.

I don't know. I chain smoke when I drink. I wouldn't be able to quit smoking without not drinking at all, not even 1 beer after work. Maybe after a month I will feel ready to have one but it will just **** everything up for now.


Every time you feel the urge to smoke, eat celery.

It works.

Drinking is horrible and one should quit such a vice asap. Nicotine gum isnt the answer, either. Electric ciggs are dangerous and should be avoided all together.

Quiting smoking is similar to quiting heroin. You need to quit cold turket, eat right, and eat more while maintaining a proper exercise routine to compensate the extra pounds you will gain. Mental strength, your better then killing yourself.


Registered User
Aug 27, 2010
I set a date and just decided to stop. :dunno:

Yeah, that's what I've done and it has worked, I'm kind of surprised how easy it has been to be honest. It's just about knowing what makes me want to smoke and staying away from those things. And if it pisses people off around me, oh well, not my problem. I've definitely noticed some kind of schadenfreude/jealousy at work "Oh, let's go have a smoke, oh yeah, you're not coming, you're quitting" Always with the anouncement of having a cigarette, never happened before. Doesn't bother me though but it is ****ed up if you ask me. If they all want to keep smoking, they still need to respect what I'm trying to do and let me be.

Blue Liner

Registered User
Dec 12, 2009
Good to luck those of you looking to quit. My girlfriend is in the process of doing the same, has been gradually for a few months. Upon meeting me she cut her smoking in half because I don't smoke (I've literally never even taken one puff off of a cigarette) and she's down to just a few every day. Still trying to gradually ween herself off. The final "I'm quitting completely now" time will be when kids are in the picture if she hasn't already by then.

I've been known to have a cigar once in a GREAT while and I don't chew so I'm glad cigarettes were never something I tried. Too expensive anyway!


4th Liner
May 16, 2010
From someone who has quit cigarettes and more recently H, it can be done. For me it was the 3rd/4th day without any that got me. I have this famous story I tell about my quitting cigs that in short goes like this: was heading home on about the 4th day without one, im on a two lane road... Turn left to the gas station where I can go pick up a pack or turn right and I am about home. Needless to say that I switched back and forth between the two lanes until finally saying F IT and went home. It wa easy after that.

Just make sure you quit for yourself. I quit that particular time for a girlfriend. Two years later we broke up and I've been smoking ever since ;)


Registered User
Dec 19, 2006
London, Ont.
Is the e-cigarette an option? My cousin started using it instead of cigs and he hasnt turned back. Been like 2 or 3 yrs now for him.

Also, wont a thread about it make you think about it more? (out of sight, out of mind)

I never smoked cigs, so not much advice.


Registered User
Aug 20, 2009
Good luck, man. I know my father was able to cut cold turkey. Stopped drinking and smoking cold turkey the day he found out my mom was pregnant.

From what I've heard, around the third day is the worst. I'd like to hear how your progress goes. Good luck to you. It's a nasty, and I mean rough, habit to break. Update us on your progress.


Registered User
Jul 10, 2009
Good luck, it's no small thing. I hope the transition isn't too rough.

You could do what I did - when my wife got pregnant with our first child, we didn't want her smoking - bad for baby and all that, so I had to quit so I wouldn't tempt her. That was in 1979, daughter born in Jan/80. I've cheated 3 times over the years, twice in the first couple months after my daughter was born, but my wife held firm and shamed me into (re)quitting. The third cheat was in the 90's when I was at a going-away work party and got absolutely annihilated. The guy leaving the company and me closed the place and I must have smoked half of his cigarettes. I was death warmed over the next day and I've never had an urge for a cigarette since then.

Bottom line - it's discipline. I needed my wife and the health of our unborn baby to make it important enough to me to actually do it. Everyone is different but it's not easy. Good luck.


Registered User
Jul 10, 2009
Good luck, man. I know my father was able to cut cold turkey. Stopped drinking and smoking cold turkey the day he found out my mom was pregnant.

From what I've heard, around the third day is the worst. I'd like to hear how your progress goes. Good luck to you. It's a nasty, and I mean rough, habit to break. Update us on your progress.

Ha! I hadn't read your post before posting almost same story.

Hey ... wait a minute ... did you used to be a girl named Bridgett?

edit: except the part about drinking. I still tip a few every now and then.


Land of #1 Overall Picks
Nov 19, 2009
Fulton Market, Chicago
Every time you feel the urge to smoke, eat celery.

It works.

Drinking is horrible and one should quit such a vice asap. Nicotine gum isnt the answer, either. Electric ciggs are dangerous and should be avoided all together.

Quiting smoking is similar to quiting heroin. You need to quit cold turket, eat right, and eat more while maintaining a proper exercise routine to compensate the extra pounds you will gain. Mental strength, your better then killing yourself.

So much wrong in the post I don't know where to start. Drinking is ok in moderation, pretty much anything can be. There is nothing wrong with a few social drinks.

Not everybody is the same in regards to quitting smoking. Nicotine gun can be used over time to ween the withdrawal symptoms. Gradually lowering the dosage. It also solves a bit of the oral fixation. As far as electronic cigarettes I don't know much about them. They are at least not as bad for you as the real thing.

If you're serious you should use every resource possible. Cold turkey is not that easy. There is also the prescription for quitting.


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