TSN: Patrick O'Sullivan 'Everyone hates the Canucks'


Registered User
Aug 22, 2007
I posted on the main board that I was also mistreated as a kid by my father. I didn't mention that my mother was also involved and that it not only included physical abuse involving weapons being used against me like large metal spoons, belts, pieces of wood or a coffee cup that was thrown at me cutting me for stitches. But I didn't mention that the psychological abuse I endured was even worse. It was actually far worse. A person can be beaten just as badly that way. Try dealing with both. I struggle most to this day with things that were said and done to me but which did not involve physical violence.

I was also sexually abused by a neighbour when I was around 8-12 years old.

I put that **** behind me long ago. I've forgiven my parents and I've never searched for the neighbour to call him out even though I know his full name, his former address, etc. You need to get on with your life and not let this **** consume you. And I would certainly never redirect my anger at people that were never even involved.

Sorry but i disagree. The "neighbor" may continue ... you should not just call him out, but let everyone know that he needs to be checked ... needs to be stopped.


Never Stop Poasting
Oct 19, 2012
tldr; washed up nhler who chronically disappointed his teams goes on a stupid rant for publicity right around the time he tries to sell a book


Positively #toxic
Jan 21, 2008

  • Vancouver is your favourite team right?
  • O’Sullivan Oh can’t stand them. Couldn’t stand them when I played. Can’t stand them now. Can’t stand their fans. Let me point this out. Why are Vancouver fans even listening to your show I guess that’s a compliment to you and but do they not have their own show to listen to so that alone right there tells you here’s Toronto if you want good content you gotta look outside of where you live I guess?
  • Do we have to change the name of the city out there Patty to mini Toronto west
    Something like that
  • O’Sullivan Like you said off-air to me like it should be more relaxed you know everyone says there is similarities between California, BC. It’s a beautiful part of the country but there’s some people that are wound pretty tight. Listen I’m not really ahhh I just moved back here so this isn’t a Toronto guy saying this. My wife’s from here. I live here now and I probably will for a long time but I didn’t grow up here and so this kind of third party view that I have then there’s not too many people that enjoy the Vancouver Canucks or their fans
  • You played them a lot <Yep>
    You were out in LA so <Edmonton>
    Western conference you played for Edmonton so that’s a divisional rival so you see that team a lot, you saw that team a lot what was I mean the Sedins are a class acts right? <100%>
    But you had Kesler, he’s in Anaheim now, you had Kesler back in the day, you had Alex Burrows who’s still doing his thing out there <Yup>
    Was it the on-ice product, was it the off-ice product, was it the fans, was it noticeable when you went into whatever it was called, GM place or Roger’s place or whatever they call it
  • O’Sullivan Yeah, it was GM place, I don’t know what it was when I started I think it was GM place but yeah I mean to me it was as a player it seemed like they were just full of rats and they had Matt Cooke too <Yeah>
    So it just it it it and then when my career went along I played for 5 teams and every team even teams in the west were like can’t stand Vancouver but in Edmonton yeah everyone thinks there’s this Edmonton Calgary rivalry and there was back in 15 years ago but from that point forward it’s everyone hates Vancouver the Oilers hate Vancouver, Calgary hates Vancouver, you know, LA has played them in the playoffs can’t stand Vancouver
  • But I remember the 2011 cup final Patrick, Boston versus Vancouver now you’re sitting there with no dog in the fight you’d think to yourself alright …
  • O’Sullivan What you’re about to say is the tell all situation for the city
  • Exactly but outside of the Montreal Canadiens because as a Leafs fan my whole life there is no circumstances I would cheer for Montreal, there just isn’t
    Never. Doesn’t matter. I’m 14 years old in 1993. I was the biggest LA Kings fan and they had just beaten the leafs so there’s a prime example of that so outside of Montreal I would say if I don’t have a dog in the fight 2004, Flames versus Lightning, Calgary is the Canadian team I’d like to see them do well. 2006 Oilers and Carolina, Edmonton is the Canadian team, I’d like to see them hoist the Stanley Cup and they could be nice. I can’t remember exactly what way I was leaning at the start of that Boston Vancouver final in 2011 but I was definitely pulling for the Bruins by the end of that series
  • O’Sullivan And Canada as a whole was
    <Just totally unlikable. The Rome hit on Horton, still to this day>
    Aaron Rome another guy it just a long list of guys like that. That’s really all it is and then to me the fans were .. just… if they were losing.. quietly leaving half way through the third … they’re winning all of a sudden ya know, they’re loud they wanna be compared to fans in Montreal or Chicago or it .. it just ..and to be honest I feel like they’re very similar to Seattle Seahawks fans which is also despise
  • I’m a San Francisco 49ers fan
    < There you go>
    So it used to matter more to me when my team was good but that’s a prime a example, ugh, Seahawks Fan,
    Do you know who Steve Largent is. Do you know who Cortez Kennedy is. No you don’t because you just started cheering for them when they start putting the fluorescent on and winning under Pete Carroll.
    <Big Sigh>
    I thought I was a west coast guy at heart and here I am realizing maybe I’m not.
  • O’Sullivan Well it’s the same thing when you play you play against teams in your division and at the end of the day there’s so many games not every game is where you want to rip the guys head that you’re playing against so you get to know guys and sometimes you see them after games out or you talk in warmup a little bit when you’re stretching and as a player watching that you’d think well I played in that division I should like some guys on that team I’d like to see them do well… and it’s just not the case. It’s across the board.
  • And even with changes in the organization it’s just … I dunno… something in that jersey
  • O’Sullivan Until… in my mind… until but even now they have Derek Dorsett who’s basically a slightly more willing Burrows. Until Burrows is gone because he’s by far the most hated individual in the entire league. I mean this is a guy who bites people. Literally. Biting guys fingers in scrums, hitting guys from behind, spearing guys, he’s just
    Just top to bottom yeah and he’s a coward I mean I have my own personal situation with him but if talk to any other guy it’s the same thing it’s there’s not.. I mean there’s guys…and he even may be a nice person off the ice I don’t know him that well and and and also by the way if you give money to charity it doesn’t mean you’re not a
    Right. I seen that thrown around when people defend him but yeah, but they’re just hated and I think it’s deserved
  • Did you ever have a personal situation where you ended up a teammate of somebody you hated in the past or disliked in the past or were ever on a team where a couple of guys who had been at it when they were opponents ended up the same team and if so was there sort of an awkward reconciliation. Did they keep apart. How’s that dynamic. When two guys end up on the same team they had hated each other in the past. Can’t that be a problem or does it get dissolved pretty quickly.
  • O’Sullivan I think usually it’s dissolved. I think most guys are able to laugh about it.
  • Remember Peca and Tucker here in Toronto <Yeah> When Mike Peca came to Toronto and Tucker had got his knee in the 02 playoffs
  • O’Sullivan Yeah typically that Tucker Peca situation they would have spoke well before you get to the point where now all of the sudden the guy’s on your team. You know, if it’s an apology or you know, something like that where everything gets smoothed over but not to go back to it but if one of those guys on Vancouver that everyone hated I think it would take long time to get back to the point where you don’t hate their guts. So did it happen for me personally not really I didn’t really play that style where I had a guy that was always in my face and vice versa but..
  • There could have been a guy that cheap shotted you or the smack talk got a little too far whatever, stuff like that, I dunno I’m just asking
  • O’Sullivan I can’t really think of an example and most guys are good guys at the end of the day and I believe Alexander Burrows is not one of those guys so I were to every play on this team I don’t know given what he said to me when I was playing, I don’t know I would ever get to the point where I’d say, “let’s go grab a beer”. And that’s a problem because you can’t have that and no good team has that situation. Which is probably why when he’s done there, he’s done.
  • So it can get that far with… cause I’m thinking too, not speaking for him, I’m figuring in his mind it doesn’t matter how personal I get this is business, I’m trying to distract you, I’m trying to get under your skin <yeah> but what you say and what you intent is isn’t always how it’s received
  • O’Sullivan Yeah and that’s typically true because like we just talked about if you play against a guy that says stuff or that plays a certain way you know he’s trying to win he’s trying to get the better of you and if you end up playing on the same team you know, you get over it, you understand it’s part of the game but there’s a line that should never be crossed. It’s racial stuff, it’s sexual orientation stuff, it’s … for me for my situation was he used to say stuff to me about what my dad used to do to me as a kid. And only guy I ever played with.. err.. played against in my entire life that would ever consider bringing that up and he did it multiple times so there’s that line and it’s really clear and nobody ever really goes near that and why would you.. because at that point what I’m going to say. Like if you’re going to chirp on the ice or if you’re going to hit or whatever things like that that guys that agitate .. the things they do.. there has to be an equal opportune answer to that. You know if someone says something to me about how I was raised as a kid or the abuse I had or any of the other stuff what’s my answer. Like I can’t respond with anything that’s of equal value <Right, it’s deeply personal> It’s gutless, it doesn’t belong in the game and that’s the kind of stuff that he’s thrived on and to be honest, he wouldn’t even be in the league he got really lucky he had a number of years where he played with the Sedins and he capitalized off that. So, but just this stuff we’re just talking about now that’s why everybody hates the Canucks.
  • What are you expecting from tomorrow night’s game with the Kadri stuff and the Matt Martin stuff and the threat that Matt Martin is going to get killed and this that and the other thing <laugh> and that’s all talk <yeah>. Are you expecting controlled violence?
  • O’Sullivan My expectation is that Gudbranson and Martin are probably going to either speak in warm up or lock eyes, give a head nod, the stuff that goes on, the stuff that’s never on TV and they’re going to say let’s do this because we need to do this for a number of different reasons let’s do it early and then let’s play. The Kadri stuff, that might come into effect but if it does, it’ll be because he doesn’t something again and it probably will because of that reason but I can’t see. You just have to look at the players involved in the game on both sides. Dorsett’s hurt, Hansen’s hurt for Vancouver. So if you look at their line up I mean, Gudranson like I said but if hes jumps Kadri, we’re looking at a circus again. I don’t see that happening so Gudbranson and Martin will probably fight. I mean that’s partly why you bring Martin into the room. He’s a valuable player for that reason. These situations. They’re rare these type of situations in the league but they exist and tomorrow is one so I think some stuff happens early and then it’s done and then you play the game because Vancouver is playing much better than they were when these two teams met last time where at that point you’re losing big in the game, I think they were on a 8 or 9 game losing streak so who cares what’s going on. You’re looking to generate some kind of momentum at all and in this game tomorrow both teams are in the playoff race in their respective conference and there’s a game to play
  • Alright Patrick we’ve got about 2 and half minutes you played for a long time. Leafs are in Edmonton Tuesday night they win. They’re in Calgary Wednesday night they lose. They fly after the game to Vancouver where they have yesterday off and they practice this morning and they don’t play tomorrow afternoon 4 local time. Quality of practice this morning you had late Wednesday night with the time change you got to go out maybe a little bit. Day off Thursday. Thursday night. Practice Friday morning. There’s some groggy brains at today’s skate.
  • O’Sullivan With this team I’m not sure because of how young they are but with this trip, it’s <you circle that> oh 100% and there’s team parties around it just like the California trip when you get that on the schedule especially when you’re from out east and at around it starts getting cold and ya know, Vancouver, in their defense, it’s a great city, we talked about that off the air, great places to go, like yesterday, day off that’s, in my day, not that I’m old <chuckle, you’re like 30 come on you’re not that old> I’m in my early 30s but what I’m saying with the guys I played with that’s a noon start on a patio. Ok and you’re gonna go to a couple different places and if you start that early you wrap it you go have dinner and you probably go to the hotel but that’s a serious, ya know, sunshine out day long shift in it’s a pretty good city to sit on a patio in but there’s always the Roxy and we all know about that and I had many many a night there but you know these days we said the other day when I was on with you it’s just no, the players don’t look at the game the same way and to me it’s kinda makes me said to be honest because here’s what happen when you retire I can’t remember very many games that I played, I can tell you when I scored my first goal, some big wins, you remember all the stuff you did off-ice, the flights, in the locker room, the fun times off the ice. Hey it is what it is, You want to maximize your money it makes sense logically that’s what they should do but I hope they have… the unfortunate thing is you see Leafs Halloween party, there’s all these pictures in social media and now all of a sudden everyone knows what you’re doing all the time like stop… keep it secret and you get away with more
  • You got a busy one tomorrow brother
  • O’Sullivan Yeah yeah.. that long pregame show we really like to maximize our time talking about each game on the weekend
  • Alright Patrick O’Sullivan will be on with Jim Tatti tomorrow 4:30/5:00 two two and half pregame show here on a TSN105

J Canuck

Registered User
Mar 19, 2013
the couch

Let the hate flow through you...


Le Sex God
Aug 3, 2006
Surrey, BC
Patrick O'Sullivan's opinion is about as relevant as his NHL career. Not sure why we're even going to dignify his comments with a thread.


Registered User
Jun 3, 2012
So I didn't read the entire thread, but wanted to comment on what I have heard.

I understand some of him comments about our 2011 team, but its still more funny than anything.

We had some very hate-able players if they weren't on your team, burrows, Kes, Lappy, I get it, but A) every team has those guys, you hate them until they are yours. B) why did he choose of all players Rome to go after? I don't get it.

Every team in the world has bandwagon fans when they do well. If you hate fans that have this, you won't like any team.

Are we currently relevant enough to hate? I hate our management for letting us become this, but I love my team. I might complain about some of the players, but they are still part of my team, and I wish them well as long as they are here, and when they leave I wish them nothing but the best (Except maybe Messier).

As far as the Burrows thing, why let your hate for one person affect how you feel about a city.


Professional Winner.
Oct 25, 2011
I feel for O'Sullivan for the horrible **** he endured but this is getting ridiculous. Using your traumas or experiences as justification for denigrating a massive demographic of people is pathetic and beyond childish. He can hate Burrows all he wants, I doubt Burrows is losing sleep over it. Instead of harping on something that happened almost 11 years ago, why not use your experience to bring more awareness to child abuse victims and help raise money for the support organizations that work with victims?

No, instead he will parade out what happened when it's convenient to him so he can pad his pockets from his book that purely exists so as to ******* his own ego. Well done dude, you're getting pretty close to being as disgusting as the "people" who abuse the defenceless. Profiting off sympathy with no intention of helping those who can't help themselves is some mega slimy ****. Get bent Patrick, I'll bet big money Burrows has probably donated more money and time to helping children than you ever have or will.

Assclown as Bobby Mac would say.


Sep 25, 2016
as much as people say it's the canuck bad act players, it's also the fact we were the best canadian team for a decade or more and regularly crushed the other teams that has a lot to do with it.

i still hate the oilers and the flames for what they did to the canucks in the 80s. there was a measure of payback with the flames in 94 but we have never squared it with the oilers for me. the 93 playoffs with the oilers beating us with all their great names gone still hurts, and the fact we then started signing their cast offs made it worse.

i have no doubt other fanbases love to see the canucks down for similar reasons, and the cast of characters we used to get to the final in 2011 makes it easier.

and none of it would bother us if we'd gotten a cup.


Registered User
Jul 13, 2010
Eh...he's not wrong. People outside the BC market hate the Canucks, and Canucks fans. Sometimes i don't even blame them. It's honestly embarrassing to be a Canucks fan sometimes, the way certain segments of the fanbase act.

POS obviously has his own personal issues with Burrows though. So there's that too, and he's kind of stupidly draping that over the whole team. But you're just being obtuse if you can't recognize that those Canucks teams had that irritating "rat" character built in as part of their "identity" - and a lot of Canucks fans openly embraced that perception at the time. Can't just sweep that under the rug now that the winning is over.


Registered User
Sep 21, 2006
Eh...he's not wrong. People outside the BC market hate the Canucks, and Canucks fans. Sometimes i don't even blame them. It's honestly embarrassing to be a Canucks fan sometimes, the way certain segments of the fanbase act.

POS obviously has his own personal issues with Burrows though. So there's that too, and he's kind of stupidly draping that over the whole team. But you're just being obtuse if you can't recognize that those Canucks teams had that irritating "rat" character built in as part of their "identity" - and a lot of Canucks fans openly embraced that perception at the time. Can't just sweep that under the rug now that the winning is over.

That is what they were/are. Still have Burrows playing for them


Registered User
Sep 21, 2006
Sure, he's a dummy using deductive reasoning as it relates to Canucks fans. Burrows is a jerk, Burrows represents Canucks fans, therefore Canucks fans are jerks. It's silly.

That doesn't mean we need to lash out like some kind of collectively wounded animal and say some of the crap that's being said here and on Twitter. It's heartless and indicative of some real, collective problems. Just roll your eyes and take the high road, man.

The same fans don't think Bertuzzi should be to blame for Moore's injuries

Horse McHindu

They call me Horse.....
Jun 21, 2014

He actually said he hates us, the fans as well. Apparently he can speak on behalf of Edmonton, Calgary, LA, etc etc. He seems like he really has a huge beef with us. Guys a loser so there's that...

Everyone is entitled to their opinion unfortunately.

That stuff used to bug me greatly between 2011-2013 when the 'Canuck hate' was at its peak, but to each their own.

The Sedins' and I are almost the same age (I'll be 36 in January), and I've tried to adopt their mindset when it comes to these things, and not act like a 14 year old and retaliate.

1) Fudge the haters.
2) Let your play, conduct, and class speak for itself.

Jabba The Hutton

Nucks STH
Jul 28, 2009
They should just play this in the dressing room before the game and just see what happens. Guarantee you there will be a response on the ice.


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