Official Sports Media Thread (TV, Radio, Print etc.) - Rebooted

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Fire Sweeney and Neely
Jun 19, 2012
Franklin, MA
Minihane throwing a hissy fit because Dennis brought up Ovechkin's milestone and he didn't like the topic so Dennis told him he brings nothing to the table.

Wouldn't shock me if it was planned before hand. I think DJ Bean was spot on with what he said about how he plans rants and what not. And he's not the only one who feels that way. Jimmy Stewart (producer of F&M) and T&R have said that from people they've talked to that used to work at 'EEI and that know Minihane, he absolutely plans rants and arguments in order to get ratings. He's smart enough to know that that sort of stuff will get ratings, and you know what? It works. Kirk has saved that show.


Registered User
Dec 22, 2006
Wouldn't shock me if it was planned before hand. I think DJ Bean was spot on with what he said about how he plans rants and what not. And he's not the only one who feels that way. Jimmy Stewart (producer of F&M) and T&R have said that from people they've talked to that used to work at 'EEI and that know Minihane, he absolutely plans rants and arguments in order to get ratings. He's smart enough to know that that sort of stuff will get ratings, and you know what? It works. Kirk has saved that show.

He was acting like a 10 year old for a few minutes,off putting to me.

Roll 4 Lines

Nov 6, 2008
In The Midnight Hour
Wouldn't shock me if it was planned before hand. I think DJ Bean was spot on with what he said about how he plans rants and what not. And he's not the only one who feels that way. Jimmy Stewart (producer of F&M) and T&R have said that from people they've talked to that used to work at 'EEI and that know Minihane, he absolutely plans rants and arguments in order to get ratings. He's smart enough to know that that sort of stuff will get ratings, and you know what? It works. Kirk has saved that show.

How can it possibly work? Do they really think we care about their personal lives or preferences on musicians, food, etc.?

Every morning this week I've changed the station.

Of course, the other "Sports" station has been sukking hard in the A.M., too.


HF Bookie and Bruins Historian
Sep 26, 2007
Cambridge, MA
I found his comments on Eichel even more interesting. Hall of Fame projection,strongest player on BU at 17 etc...

EVERY scout at BU games I have talked to says he may be better than McDavid and they have seen both in person.

McTavish from Edmonton was in Manchester watching him last weekend.


Registered User
Dec 22, 2006
EVERY scout at BU games I have talked to says he may be better than McDavid and they have seen both in person.

McTavish from Edmonton was in Manchester watching him last weekend.

I've heard the same thing, that NHL scouts were more and more favoring Eichel.


HF Bookie and Bruins Historian
Sep 26, 2007
Cambridge, MA
Milbury to Hags - 'Where do you shop for clothes - Salvation Army?'



HFBoards Sponsor
Jan 29, 2003
I'm not surprised by their ignorance, as they've had a long track record of saying things like this. What I am surprised about is why they're allowed to continually get away with it. Most other radio jocks or hosts say half of what these guys do, and they'd be canned in a day.

Or maybe, it's really only a small percentage of people that are continually being offended by their views and comments.

Seems odd that this little island in the whole digitized media world, is somehow exempt from the mores that some here seem to feel are representative of the masses.

And I'm not referring to the Metco comment, because I agree that was clearly wrong, and above and beyond bad taste. But, they served their time.

As I've said before, if I cut out everyone who has said similarly offensive things, I wouldn't have one liberal friend left, as I continue to find it interesting that the side that claims to be all about fairness and tolerance, frequently unfairly refuses to tolerate anyone who has a different perspective.

Stone Clode

Kicks him, stunner!!
Jun 1, 2010
Swansea, MA
It's amazing how Murphy-like Haggs is becoming by the day. The guy is a completely desperate for clicks and attention. It's kind of sad.


Registered User
Dec 22, 2006
Or maybe, it's really only a small percentage of people that are continually being offended by their views and comments.

Seems odd that this little island in the whole digitized media world, is somehow exempt from the mores that some here seem to feel are representative of the masses.

And I'm not referring to the Metco comment, because I agree that was clearly wrong, and above and beyond bad taste. But, they served their time.

As I've said before, if I cut out everyone who has said similarly offensive things, I wouldn't have one liberal friend left, as I continue to find it interesting that the side that claims to be all about fairness and tolerance, frequently unfairly refuses to tolerate anyone who has a different perspective.

Great post. I was listening to the program during the Metco comment and laughed out loud as I grew up in the shadow of Franklin Park. I've also laughed at Catholic jokes.


Cup driven
Mar 1, 2002
Central MA
Or maybe, it's really only a small percentage of people that are continually being offended by their views and comments.

Seems odd that this little island in the whole digitized media world, is somehow exempt from the mores that some here seem to feel are representative of the masses.

And I'm not referring to the Metco comment, because I agree that was clearly wrong, and above and beyond bad taste. But, they served their time.

As I've said before, if I cut out everyone who has said similarly offensive things, I wouldn't have one liberal friend left, as I continue to find it interesting that the side that claims to be all about fairness and tolerance, frequently unfairly refuses to tolerate anyone who has a different perspective.

A different perspective is one thing. Having a platform to openly question someone else's life is another. And that's what we're talking about. Callahan's rant on Indiana was nothing more than straight hate ripped right from the 80's. It was childish, ignorant, and erroneous. The thing is, I don't care if he believes it or not. He's more than welcome to his opinion, and I certainly wouldn't expect him to change it because I disagree with it. Where I do take offense is the moral judgement aspect of it and his hypocritical behavior. I'm not going to get into the full debate of what he said, because you either heard it or you didn't, and it contains a fairly large part of religious views, which I have no interest in discussing. Suffice it to say that he can say whatever he wants. He makes himself look ignorant, so it doesn't matter to me if he self identifies himself as ignorant. However, just like he's free to say what he wants, I'm equally free to disagree and take issue with how misinformed he really is. I'm not trying to stop him from saying what he wants. I'd rather a bigot be overt and in the open. That way you don't have to read between the lines. I just find it surprising that in an age where there is a sensitivity by large corporations to be inclusive to as broad an audience as possible, that they would give a guy like that a platform.


HF Bookie and Bruins Historian
Sep 26, 2007
Cambridge, MA
I have thought for years that D&C would be better off on sister station WRKO where they would be preaching to the choir and have WEEI go a different way in the AM.

I think the only reason Dennis wasn't fired in 2003 is WEEI was having huge ratings then because of the upcoming Red Sox playoffs,

Dennis said that Little Joe, the gorilla that escaped from Franklin Park Zoo, was "probably a Metco gorilla waiting for a bus to take him to Lexington." Metco, the Metropolitan Council for Educational Opportunity, is a voluntary desegregation program that enrolls Boston students in suburban schools. The program provides transportation to some schools.

Dennis's on-air remarks brought immediate condemnation from minority leaders and parents, who said the comparison echoed racial slurs likening black people to monkeys.


Cup driven
Mar 1, 2002
Central MA
Great post. I was listening to the program during the Metco comment and laughed out loud as I grew up in the shadow of Franklin Park. I've also laughed at Catholic jokes.

So incredible that you seemingly missed the part where Sarge said that remark was in poor taste.


HFBoards Sponsor
Jan 29, 2003
A different perspective is one thing. Having a platform to openly question someone else's life is another. And that's what we're talking about. Callahan's rant on Indiana was nothing more than straight hate ripped right from the 80's. It was childish, ignorant, and erroneous. The thing is, I don't care if he believes it or not. He's more than welcome to his opinion, and I certainly wouldn't expect him to change it because I disagree with it. Where I do take offense is the moral judgement aspect of it and his hypocritical behavior. I'm not going to get into the full debate of what he said, because you either heard it or you didn't, and it contains a fairly large part of religious views, which I have no interest in discussing. Suffice it to say that he can say whatever he wants. He makes himself look ignorant, so it doesn't matter to me if he self identifies himself as ignorant. However, just like he's free to say what he wants, I'm equally free to disagree and take issue with how misinformed he really is. I'm not trying to stop him from saying what he wants. I'd rather a bigot be overt and in the open. That way you don't have to read between the lines. I just find it surprising that in an age where there is a sensitivity by large corporations to be inclusive to as broad an audience as possible, that they would give a guy like that a platform.

Fair enough. All I'll say in response is that far too often liberals (or anti-conservatives), tend to say that they are tolerant, but their default perspective, oftentimes through written or spoken comments, is that they have no respect for opposing views.

Just in your post above, you definitively call his views "childish, ignorant and erroneous", as if it's an absolute fact.

Obviously, I don't agree with a lot of things people say, but rarely (aside from science, math,) are there absolutes in life. Therefore, I tend to equate people's opinions on politics, religion, sports with food. I like anchovies but hate mashed potatoes. I know I'm in the minority here, but it doesn't make me right or wrong,


Cup driven
Mar 1, 2002
Central MA
Fair enough. All I'll say in response is that far too often liberals (or anti-conservatives), tend to say that they are tolerant, but their default perspective, oftentimes through written or spoken comments, is that they have no respect for opposing views.

Just in your post above, you definitively call his views "childish, ignorant and erroneous", as if it's an absolute fact.

Obviously, I don't agree with a lot of things people say, but rarely (aside from science, math,) are there absolutes in life. Therefore, I tend to equate people's opinions on politics, religion, sports with food. I like anchovies but hate mashed potatoes. I know I'm in the minority here, but it doesn't make me right or wrong,

It's ironic because you're making a snap decision that I'm a liberal based only on the fact that I didn't agree with his take. I'm not. I've never been. And you making that assumption is similar to the sweeping judgement that Callahan used to color an entire group of people with blanket statements that ring hollow, IMO. I don't think whether you like or dislike the guy's view point should matter on what your political affiliation is. I'm a person, just like you are. We're all in this together, so why make it a place that's intolerant of differences? Especially when what they do or don't do doesn't impact my life at all. It just seems counter intuitive to me to worry about what the neighbors are doing and whether it aligns itself with my own beliefs.


HFBoards Sponsor
Jan 29, 2003
It's ironic because you're making a snap decision that I'm a liberal based only on the fact that I didn't agree with his take. I'm not. I've never been. And you making that assumption is similar to the sweeping judgement that Callahan used to color an entire group of people with blanket statements that ring hollow, IMO. I don't think whether you like or dislike the guy's view point should matter on what your political affiliation is. I'm a person, just like you are. We're all in this together, so why make it a place that's intolerant of differences? Especially when what they do or don't do doesn't impact my life at all. It just seems counter intuitive to me to worry about what the neighbors are doing and whether it aligns itself with my own beliefs.

To be fair, I parenthesized anti-conservative, to include people who don't identify themselves as liberal, but clearly present as anti conservative.

I think we're all intolerant of a lot of differing viewpoints, it's just how and to what degree we choose to share this intolerance, that becomes an issue.

Personally, bcause of the field I work in, I find myself biting my tongue significantly more than most people, when political discussions arise. I'll also say, that because of this I often find myself embedded in "enemy" territory, and am often appalled over what is said about Christians, Jews, and especially conservatives.

I get what you're saying about Callahan and maybe I'm too desensitized based on what I shared in the paragraph above this one, but I just don't get too worked about it because in the end, he's just a guy with opinions, and I can choose to listen or not.


Registered User
Dec 22, 2006
To be fair, I parenthesized anti-conservative, to include people who don't identify themselves as liberal, but clearly present as anti conservative.

I think we're all intolerant of a lot of differing viewpoints, it's just how and to what degree we choose to share this intolerance, that becomes an issue.

Personally, bcause of the field I work in, I find myself biting my tongue significantly more than most people, when political discussions arise. I'll also say, that because of this I often find myself embedded in "enemy" territory, and am often appalled over what is said about Christians, Jews, and especially conservatives.

I get what you're saying about Callahan and maybe I'm too desensitized based on what I shared in the paragraph above this one, but I just don't get too worked about it because in the end, he's just a guy with opinions, and I can choose to listen or not.



Registered User
Mar 9, 2006
North of Boston
The last time I listened to 98.5, at least during the day, was probably over a year ago. However you have to give credit where it's due.

Probably old news around here, but that skit w/ the mock game show - "Guess Claude's Lines" was absolutely hysterical.

BlackNgold 84

Known Kellyist
Nov 21, 2011
I tend to not give Callahan any mind. In a couple of year he'll be farting saw dust. Also his ignorance towards other people he's probably never gotten to know is astounding. And no, I'm not a liberal. He's *****, and he knows it. He's arrogant, and he knows it. He's ignorant, and he knows it. You can only do two things with people like that.. walk away/don't listen, or shoot him between the eyes (I am in no way encouraging this by the way) because he's never gonna change his mind. I'll just keep on listening to T&R and listening to audio books.


The Bergeron of HF
Feb 27, 2002
He was acting like a 10 year old for a few minutes,off putting to me.

I think this new fame to Minehane is starting to overwhelm him a bit. He's talking about way to much private life things and I can see him crashing and burning at some point.

Danton Heineken

Howard Potts
Mar 11, 2007
Fall River
Felger: "Did you know there are 2 NFL players who are trying to save the world from zombies?"
Jim Murray: "Did they get an acting gig, or are they just nuts?"
Mazz: "I haven't heard this story, but I'm leaning towards nuts."
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