News Article: Lawless gives Chevy huge vote of confidence; tells people to check their expectations

Tintin's Ghost

Registered User
May 28, 2007
We all make fun of the Oilers loser mentality and yet Lawless writes the same type of column that Edmonton reporters have been writing for the last three years??? about lowered expectations. Who was calling for Chevy's head?? I think most recognize he is doing a very good job. If anything, it's Noel who needs a kick in the arse.

I accept a long-term plan and work to build a winner….but seriously, who doesn't?? Every fan wants they team to commit to a long-term, stable plan. Nothing revolutionary here. Heck, even the once spend-thrift Rangers focus on draft and develop now.

I don't accept this uninspired play the Jets are putting on for the last month. Are the Jets really that bad that they are regressing? I tend to think that a better coach will produce more competitive results with the exact same personnel.


Registered User
Jul 16, 2010
At the very same time I find it funny how some act like we have the best GM or the best coach or the best bottom 6 or the best goalie, etc. etc.

The point centre of the arguments should not be whether you have the best or not...

Lawless argues against change for change sake; however, very few have argued for this point...

The point is about optimizing and being efficient.

* Is Noel an above average coach or not? Regardless of answer, could he be improved upon with the available resources?
* Is Chevy an above average GM or not? Regardless of answer, could he be improved upon resources?
* Repeat for every position and player...
* Have the Jets performed to the best they can given their talent?
* Have the players been optimized?
* Have the assets been optimized?
* Have losses been mitigated and gains increased above the progression expected due to being a young team and high draft position?
* Is the Jets in a league where marginal differences cause a huge chain reaction in improvements over the standings?
* etc?

Not saying I have all the answers, but the questions are legitimate.

Didn't say that the questions were not legitimate.

My point is that there is a vocal contingent here that seems to think that whatever the Jets current situation is, that it's somehow unique to Winnipeg.
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Jan 25, 2011
Most fans would agree with the long term approach of building through the draft, but this is also a team that should be far better right now. I'm not sure how you can just dismiss that part of the equation. Perhaps your successful colleagues would also suggest that long term goals won't likely come to fruition when you aren't meeting your short term targets. TNSE was very clear as to the short term target of making the playoffs this year. I would also suggest that making the playoffs last year should have been an easily attainable target.

I think TNSE and Chevy made a mistake targeting the playoffs this year, as this team is not good enough to be in the playoffs. I think some fans of the team think the team is actually better than it is, and is underperforming. They are not that good, not in the Central.

Bob E

Registered User
Aug 20, 2011
If the players are asking for change (Ladd, Stuart, Wheels, agent call to Lawless), but Chevy does nothing, the players can either "suck it up" and realize they can do better individually or some "demand a trade" to greener pastures.

Seems like either option works. Dedicated players pull up their bootstraps, quitters want to leave Dodge and Chevy knows who he has to move. May see a move at deadline, but summer may be where moves are made.

White Out 403*

What bothers me about this article is it seems to give chevy cart blanche to do whatever. If we aren't going to mortgage the future or burn assets for instant gratification, then why didn't we sell at the deadline last year? Why are we re-upping our core to be a cap team when the core has demonstrated they aren't working as a group and haven't now for 5 seasons? If this is a true rebuild, because our organization was in such bad shape (give me a break) why didn't we initiate a proper rebuild then?

The danger here is there seems to be only one way to measure Chevys success as a GM; over a time frame of 5 years or longer. If we don't see development or progress, people can just say 'hey its a process'. So in 5 years from now if we still stink (which is a very real possibility) what have we had to show for it? I'm fine with a gm being given a long time line, but we can't see regression into our 3rd season. This is when a team should be in the upswing. If you want a 5 year plan to get into the playoffs, then chevy basically has 2 years to do it. Does that seem like its happening to anyone? Does anyone really think this team is a lock for playoffs in 1.5 seasons?

So that will bring us to year 5 of Chevy at the helm of this team, and there's a better than 50/50 shot we will have missed the playoffs every single year. Sounds like utter failure to me as a GM. This dose of reality is why there's got to be some progression. We have 2 young guys who are showing they can be legit nhl players, and at the same time almost our entire core has proven to be over valued. That's not how chevy envisioned it, if you are honest with yourself. He saw our core growing, not regressing, and our bottom 6 and defence bolstered by our youth. Guess what? The NHL is filled with teams who have several young players who are very exciting and will be difference makers in the very short term. This team is in huge trouble.

I can be ok with a rebuild but if that was the case it should have started in 2011. Otherwise this is all window dressing. Chevy belived in this core and thought he could get into the playoffs with it; that's why he spent the money. He was wrong. He was HUGELY wrong on pavelec too. Holding him accountable for these blunders isn't trying to speed up the process or be impatient; it's being practical. This isn't a video game where you can initiate a 5 year process of stinking out the joint and there's no media or fans paying through the nose to not get angry.
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Enjoy your flight
May 4, 2007
Osborne Village in the 'Peg
If the players are asking for change (Ladd, Stuart, Wheels, agent call to Lawless), but Chevy does nothing, the players can either "suck it up" and realize they can do better individually or some "demand a trade" to greener pastures.

Seems like either option works. Dedicated players pull up their bootstraps, quitters want to leave Dodge and Chevy knows who he has to move. May see a move at deadline, but summer may be where moves are made.

Players want a change do they? Well, this is always a good place to start looking...



Strong & Free
Aug 29, 2010
There are some things he touches on which is good to see MSM do...

He does accept that Chevy has made mistakes.
He does mention the waning honeymoon, but not in prototypical way.
He accepts that it's not just merely leadership and "trying harder" but inadequacy of talent.

Ya some things are eye roll-able, but there are good points too.

I feel the same.

Neither Cheveldayoff nor Chipman have stated that this is a playoff team and Cheveldayoff has made some mistakes.

Fortunately, none of his mistakes have been catastrophic like when the Flames traded Phaneuf to Toronto.

Bob E

Registered User
Aug 20, 2011
One thing I always find funny / annoying at the same time, is posters here who somehow think some of the things that the Jets are going through are unique to the Jets. As if it's only Chevy who's the worst GM in the league. Or it's that only Noel is a terrible coach and every other team has Scotty Bowman behind the bench.

Here is a quote from a DIFFERENT board about a DIFFERENT team. I've taken out the parts that might identify where it's from. Seem similar?

Great point, Huff.

Every team, especially if they aren't in a playoff spot or as high in the standings as fans want, will question just about every move made. I personally love the passion. People care. That's fantastic. So many haven't cared for so long.

I say, question the coaching. Is he making the right lineup moves, player or match-up adjustments during the game, or simply plays the right system for the players he has. It's up to Chevy and Zinger to really know if he is.

And... Question Chevy. We have a lack of depth. Can that be improved on? As some have said, it takes time. Sure. Can he do a better job? Are there players not buying in, should they be moved, or will they eventually buy-in?

We also have heard thru rumours Chevy has tried to make moves. They haven't happened. Is it a case of cold feet, or the other team or players involved not 'cooperating'.

I have some players I'd move, if I was a GM, as we all do. So does Chevy, i'm sure. But those moves take a willing partner to get a reasonable return.


The thrill is gone
Mar 16, 2011
I think TNSE and Chevy made a mistake targeting the playoffs this year, as this team is not good enough to be in the playoffs. I think some fans of the team think the team is actually better than it is, and is underperforming. They are not that good, not in the Central.

Have to agree, the talent just isn't here, we have some talented guys who are very streaky, a goalie who is average at best, a pretty overrated defence (aside from Trouba), no clear cut #1 lines, and 3th and 4th line comprised of guys not good enough to make a lot of other teams, specifically play-off teams.


The Ballad of Ville Bobby
Mar 10, 2010
Am not the biggest Lawless fan by any means but do feel he takes a lot of unwarranted flack from many. He also hits one out of the park every now and then, and this happens to be one of those occasions in my view. I wish to now sincerely apologize in advance to any of those I’m surely about to offend.

Frankly, I find that the conversational tone here on some days borders upon the bizarre. I believe this is because many of the opinions expressed here (and those displayed by many in the local blogosphere) come due unrealistic expectations. Most Jets fans I personally know conversely tend to actually be a rather pragmatic lot that had quite restrained expectations for these early relocation years; they don’t express the sort of beliefs apparently held by many here. Perhaps that is because I work in a business segment that involves very detailed planning, and is due that most of the adults I interact with are of an age that life experience has drilled into them the long-view of pragmatism. I also work with and personally know many quite successful people; those people do not express the sort of excessive negativity one can find here on a daily basis but rather tend to be folks that focus mainly upon the positive. They also tend to mostly be proactive people who plan and do not deviate from their planning based upon situational circumstance. They are not the sort to call for the coach to be fired in the preseason (for example, hello), and can see that TNSE have in-place a head coach whose task is to properly integrate their draftees, is to preach personal accountability, and is to stress defensive play in a conference that requires it; getting the latter from a group that has never previously faced that level of expectation was obviously going to be difficult at best. They’ll surely eventually change coaches when they no longer fit within TNSE’s plan.

This team was never going to do a rebuild; that is because they sold season tickets with attached multi-year commitments and those folks were owed at least the appearance of an attempt to compete while the organization was being built. Instead, management and ownership have stated from day one that they plan to build a team that will be competitive for the long haul and in this market that mainly requires drafting and developing in-house, while trading a key piece or two that doesn’t fit within the long-term plan, and by dispatching others via planned obsolescence as their contracts expire. They are building. We are still in the early stages here. A good analogy is that the foundation and basement work is now complete (they’ve built a minor-league feeder system where one did not previously exist) and they have just begun the framing work (draftees have now slowly begun to trickle into that system). What is to come over the near-to-intermediate period is likely to be more of the same. Some may counter that this process will be too slow and will not mesh with the developmental curve of the bulk of their core, but surely their planning takes that into account and is flexible due that they are not married to this specific core in perpetuity, but rather, key pieces can be moved when need be. There is light at the end of the tunnel, and it isn’t an oncoming train but rather is that the system is currently being stocked with competitive players of good character.

If your only response is one of witty hashtags such as “#fuelled by patience†or is to suggest that I am a victim of drinking their Kool-Aid, I’d counter by suggesting that you conversely are a victim of your own unrealistic expectations, and apparently were either unwilling or unable to fathom exactly how they told you this team was going to be built.

Sorry for the long rant. Carry on! :naughty:

Yea we tend to agree Gump but I have one reservation.

I really like the "type" of player we are drafting and how we are handling those we draft and that is part 1 of the job. I certainly hope the bolded above is true because “IFâ€, when, and how we move "core" pieces is really where the rubber hits the road. I will need to see that part unfold before I get a true feel of the big picture. Now that we are having dinner at the adults table it’s become more apparent we are undermanned and our core is getting in the way of us building the main floor with highest end materials and appliances available ;). I am not saying blow it up but I am saying action steps “at the next level†will be needed.

My hunch is that Chevy gets it and we will begin to see him address our systemic roster challenge this summer……hope you are right Gump and their planning takes this into account and they are not married to the older core?

Edgar Halliwax

aka Marvin Candle
Sep 23, 2011
Am not the biggest Lawless fan by any means but do feel he takes a lot of unwarranted flack from many. He also hits one out of the park every now and then, and this happens to be one of those occasions in my view. I wish to now sincerely apologize in advance to any of those I’m surely about to offend.

Frankly, I find that the conversational tone here on some days borders upon the bizarre. I believe this is because many of the opinions expressed here (and those displayed by many in the local blogosphere) come due unrealistic expectations. Most Jets fans I personally know conversely tend to actually be a rather pragmatic lot that had quite restrained expectations for these early relocation years; they don’t express the sort of beliefs apparently held by many here. Perhaps that is because I work in a business segment that involves very detailed planning, and is due that most of the adults I interact with are of an age that life experience has drilled into them the long-view of pragmatism. I also work with and personally know many quite successful people; those people do not express the sort of excessive negativity one can find here on a daily basis but rather tend to be folks that focus mainly upon the positive. They also tend to mostly be proactive people who plan and do not deviate from their planning based upon situational circumstance. They are not the sort to call for the coach to be fired in the preseason (for example, hello), and can see that TNSE have in-place a head coach whose task is to properly integrate their draftees, is to preach personal accountability, and is to stress defensive play in a conference that requires it; getting the latter from a group that has never previously faced that level of expectation was obviously going to be difficult at best. They’ll surely eventually change coaches when they no longer fit within TNSE’s plan.

This team was never going to do a rebuild; that is because they sold season tickets with attached multi-year commitments and those folks were owed at least the appearance of an attempt to compete while the organization was being built. Instead, management and ownership have stated from day one that they plan to build a team that will be competitive for the long haul and in this market that mainly requires drafting and developing in-house, while trading a key piece or two that doesn’t fit within the long-term plan, and by dispatching others via planned obsolescence as their contracts expire. They are building. We are still in the early stages here. A good analogy is that the foundation and basement work is now complete (they’ve built a minor-league feeder system where one did not previously exist) and they have just begun the framing work (draftees have now slowly begun to trickle into that system). What is to come over the near-to-intermediate period is likely to be more of the same. Some may counter that this process will be too slow and will not mesh with the developmental curve of the bulk of their core, but surely their planning takes that into account and is flexible due that they are not married to this specific core in perpetuity, but rather, key pieces can be moved when need be. There is light at the end of the tunnel, and it isn’t an oncoming train but rather is that the system is currently being stocked with competitive players of good character.

If your only response is one of witty hashtags such as “#fuelled by patience†or is to suggest that I am a victim of drinking their Kool-Aid, I’d counter by suggesting that you conversely are a victim of your own unrealistic expectations, and apparently were either unwilling or unable to fathom exactly how they told you this team was going to be built.

Sorry for the long rant. Carry on! :naughty:
Good post Gump. I agree with your observations.

However with respect to unrealistic expectations - I think there are at least a few of us here who want to see the players we have right now at least "appear" to really care if the Jets win or lose.

If we lose a game where we have played hard then I'm fine with that. What I have a problem with - and where my emotions get the better of me - is when it appears that not enough players really hate to lose ...


Free Capo!
Jul 20, 2004
I don't really like Lawless. I don't like his writing style, I don't like his inaccuracies in his articles, and I don't like the fact that he is obviously connected to the team and therefore has to pander to them to some extent. However, that is the job of local sports writers across all North American sports nowadays. The teams control the message with access.

I don't disagree really with much of the article though. I think Cheveldayoff is doing the right thing, and that it is going to take time. I still believe he could do some things right now to improve our short term success without negatively affecting the long term plan, but that is just a difference of opinion. Overall I am very happy with Chevy's work so far, and I am willing to be patient in areas where patience is warranted.

However, in areas that obviously need some immediate attention, I will continue to want change.

Bob E

Registered User
Aug 20, 2011
Yea we tend to agree Gump but I have one reservation.

I really like the "type" of player we are drafting and how we are handling those we draft and that is part 1 of the job. I certainly hope the bolded above is true because “IF”, when, and how we move "core" pieces is really where the rubber hits the road. I will need to see that part unfold before I get a true feel of the big picture. Now that we are having dinner at the adults table it’s become more apparent we are undermanned and our core is getting in the way of us building the main floor with highest end materials and appliances available ;). I am not saying blow it up but I am saying action steps “at the next level” will be needed.

My hunch is that Chevy gets it and we will begin to see him address our systemic roster challenge this summer……hope you are right Gump and their planning takes this into account and they are not married to the older core?

Agree, ps.

It looks like we'll miss the playoffs. If that's the case, I would like to see three things before the start of next season...

1) the Jets move pieces 'not in their future picture' at the deadline. My guess is that's Olli (age) and Seto (ineffective) - could also be Burmi's rights - for picks/prospects.

2) finish with a top 5 or 6 pick. A player like Bennett, McCann, Perlini may be the type of player this team needs, in spades. Prefer them over a Nylander, Dal Colle or Draisaitl, tbh.

3) move a core player at the deadline - or more likely in summer - to fill 'holes', but with younger players that could join your young core of Trouba, Scheifele, Kane and Bogo.

Bob E

Registered User
Aug 20, 2011
I don't really like Lawless. I don't like his writing style, I don't like his inaccuracies in his articles, and I don't like the fact that he is obviously connected to the team and therefore has to pander to them to some extent. However, that is the job of local sports writers across all North American sports nowadays. The teams control the message with access.

I don't disagree really with much of the article though. I think Cheveldayoff is doing the right thing, and that it is going to take time. I still believe he could do some things right now to improve our short term success without negatively affecting the long term plan, but that is just a difference of opinion. Overall I am very happy with Chevy's work so far, and I am willing to be patient in areas where patience is warranted.

However, in areas that obviously need some immediate attention, I will continue to want change.

Agree with you too, Jet.

If they don't want to fire Noel right now, then I would like them to move a core piece (Buff, Toby, Ladd, Wheels) for young players (and picks) that fill needs. Something will have to change if their play and record doesn't improve. Building a "culture of inconsistency" won't be what they want either.


Registered User
Jan 7, 2012
Great White North
Never have been much of a fan of Gary Lawless either as a TV or radio man and certainly not as a writer. This is basically a kiss-ass article and if Gary Lawless was as smart about hockey and in the know as much as he would have us believe, he'd be managing the Jets.

However, I am a fan of the Jets and, I guess unfortunately, believed that, by year 3, the team would, at the least, be in a position to compete every night. I don't see that; I don't see any kind of team identity except, as the fellows on Hockey Central said today, the identity of the Claude Noel. The more I think about it the more it makes sense; a pretty laid back, dour kind of play, elevated a bit when things are bad; pretty well settled into a 50-50 mentality as being ok to get by. And if this is ok over the next while with Gary Lawless and Jets management, then so be it. 15,004 will still attend each and every game. I worry however, if the status quo will still be acceptable in year 5-10; I sure hope not.


Admitted Homer
Nov 29, 2011
Yea we tend to agree Gump but I have one reservation.

I really like the "type" of player we are drafting and how we are handling those we draft and that is part 1 of the job. I certainly hope the bolded above is true because “IF”, when, and how we move "core" pieces is really where the rubber hits the road. I will need to see that part unfold before I get a true feel of the big picture. Now that we are having dinner at the adults table it’s become more apparent we are undermanned and our core is getting in the way of us building the main floor with highest end materials and appliances available ;). I am not saying blow it up but I am saying action steps “at the next level” will be needed.

My hunch is that Chevy gets it and we will begin to see him address our systemic roster challenge this summer……hope you are right Gump and their planning takes this into account and they are not married to the older core?

Agreed and hope you are right. I'd like to see Chevy gradually start moving out some of the older core for young players/prospects/picks and try to assemble something where Bogosian is the old man of the core group one day.


Registered User
Jul 1, 2012
Am not the biggest Lawless fan by any means but do feel he takes a lot of unwarranted flack from many. He also hits one out of the park every now and then, and this happens to be one of those occasions in my view. I wish to now sincerely apologize in advance to any of those I’m surely about to offend.

Frankly, I find that the conversational tone here on some days borders upon the bizarre. I believe this is because many of the opinions expressed here (and those displayed by many in the local blogosphere) come due unrealistic expectations. Most Jets fans I personally know conversely tend to actually be a rather pragmatic lot that had quite restrained expectations for these early relocation years; they don’t express the sort of beliefs apparently held by many here. Perhaps that is because I work in a business segment that involves very detailed planning, and is due that most of the adults I interact with are of an age that life experience has drilled into them the long-view of pragmatism. I also work with and personally know many quite successful people; those people do not express the sort of excessive negativity one can find here on a daily basis but rather tend to be folks that focus mainly upon the positive. They also tend to mostly be proactive people who plan and do not deviate from their planning based upon situational circumstance. They are not the sort to call for the coach to be fired in the preseason (for example, hello), and can see that TNSE have in-place a head coach whose task is to properly integrate their draftees, is to preach personal accountability, and is to stress defensive play in a conference that requires it; getting the latter from a group that has never previously faced that level of expectation was obviously going to be difficult at best. They’ll surely eventually change coaches when they no longer fit within TNSE’s plan.

This team was never going to do a rebuild; that is because they sold season tickets with attached multi-year commitments and those folks were owed at least the appearance of an attempt to compete while the organization was being built. Instead, management and ownership have stated from day one that they plan to build a team that will be competitive for the long haul and in this market that mainly requires drafting and developing in-house, while trading a key piece or two that doesn’t fit within the long-term plan, and by dispatching others via planned obsolescence as their contracts expire. They are building. We are still in the early stages here. A good analogy is that the foundation and basement work is now complete (they’ve built a minor-league feeder system where one did not previously exist) and they have just begun the framing work (draftees have now slowly begun to trickle into that system). What is to come over the near-to-intermediate period is likely to be more of the same. Some may counter that this process will be too slow and will not mesh with the developmental curve of the bulk of their core, but surely their planning takes that into account and is flexible due that they are not married to this specific core in perpetuity, but rather, key pieces can be moved when need be. There is light at the end of the tunnel, and it isn’t an oncoming train but rather is that the system is currently being stocked with competitive players of good character.

If your only response is one of witty hashtags such as “#fuelled by patience” or is to suggest that I am a victim of drinking their Kool-Aid, I’d counter by suggesting that you conversely are a victim of your own unrealistic expectations, and apparently were either unwilling or unable to fathom exactly how they told you this team was going to be built.

Sorry for the long rant. Carry on! :naughty:

Great Post Gump!
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Am not the biggest Lawless fan by any means but do feel he takes a lot of unwarranted flack from many. He also hits one out of the park every now and then, and this happens to be one of those occasions in my view. I wish to now sincerely apologize in advance to any of those I’m surely about to offend.

Frankly, I find that the conversational tone here on some days borders upon the bizarre. I believe this is because many of the opinions expressed here (and those displayed by many in the local blogosphere) come due unrealistic expectations. Most Jets fans I personally know conversely tend to actually be a rather pragmatic lot that had quite restrained expectations for these early relocation years; they don’t express the sort of beliefs apparently held by many here. Perhaps that is because I work in a business segment that involves very detailed planning, and is due that most of the adults I interact with are of an age that life experience has drilled into them the long-view of pragmatism. I also work with and personally know many quite successful people; those people do not express the sort of excessive negativity one can find here on a daily basis but rather tend to be folks that focus mainly upon the positive. They also tend to mostly be proactive people who plan and do not deviate from their planning based upon situational circumstance. They are not the sort to call for the coach to be fired in the preseason (for example, hello), and can see that TNSE have in-place a head coach whose task is to properly integrate their draftees, is to preach personal accountability, and is to stress defensive play in a conference that requires it; getting the latter from a group that has never previously faced that level of expectation was obviously going to be difficult at best. They’ll surely eventually change coaches when they no longer fit within TNSE’s plan.

This team was never going to do a rebuild; that is because they sold season tickets with attached multi-year commitments and those folks were owed at least the appearance of an attempt to compete while the organization was being built. Instead, management and ownership have stated from day one that they plan to build a team that will be competitive for the long haul and in this market that mainly requires drafting and developing in-house, while trading a key piece or two that doesn’t fit within the long-term plan, and by dispatching others via planned obsolescence as their contracts expire. They are building. We are still in the early stages here. A good analogy is that the foundation and basement work is now complete (they’ve built a minor-league feeder system where one did not previously exist) and they have just begun the framing work (draftees have now slowly begun to trickle into that system). What is to come over the near-to-intermediate period is likely to be more of the same. Some may counter that this process will be too slow and will not mesh with the developmental curve of the bulk of their core, but surely their planning takes that into account and is flexible due that they are not married to this specific core in perpetuity, but rather, key pieces can be moved when need be. There is light at the end of the tunnel, and it isn’t an oncoming train but rather is that the system is currently being stocked with competitive players of good character.

If your only response is one of witty hashtags such as “#fuelled by patience†or is to suggest that I am a victim of drinking their Kool-Aid, I’d counter by suggesting that you conversely are a victim of your own unrealistic expectations, and apparently were either unwilling or unable to fathom exactly how they told you this team was going to be built.

Sorry for the long rant. Carry on! :naughty:

Thanks for the post.

I also agree with the article by Gary Lawless , and how you outline the current situation we are in and where we are headed. Perhaps some of the content can be considered pro organization , but not without a true basis imo .

Personally I feel at ease knowing that Cheveldayoff has his vision in place and is following it and won't be deterred . Further to that , the ownership also is fully behind him and committed to the long term vision.

We have as he mentioned two premium very young rookies , who are playing very very well and almost everyone believes they have much much more ahead of them. We have 4 prospects in the WJC , and so much more depth behind him . Big change from year one. Indicates to me that the scouting and direction is at least , above average.

We have our better players signed to very good deals , not perfect , but it is a positive. This positions the Jets to be able to use one or more to better the team for the long term certainly and perhaps the near term as well.

There is no easy button , what there is , is an opportunity to make positive moves or choices when they occur. Personally I feel Cheveldayoff has done that , and done that better than ok , I think he has done that noticeably above average. I think that is a key for a team like Winnipeg , to make each decision in all areas noticeably above average . If we continue to do that , we will be a playoff team somewhat soon , and one that isn't an easy out in the playoffs.


Registered User
Dec 28, 2011
Basically I think it's clear that Lawless believes in the brain trust of this organization and wants to believe most of their moves/philosophy have been correct.
This is not the first supportive of Chevy column GL has written, after all. But I agree with those who think a true rebuild should include dumping a few pieces of the core for future assets.
Many of us thought last year the team was close and as Trouba and Sheifele were added the closer to contender status we would be. We know now that optimistic period just before the 5 game skid last March was fools gold.


Agree with you too, Jet.

If they don't want to fire Noel right now, then I would like them to move a core piece (Buff, Toby, Ladd, Wheels) for young players (and picks) that fill needs. Something will have to change if their play and record doesn't improve. Building a "culture of inconsistency" won't be what they want either.

To me , it isn't if I or anyone wants to move a core piece(s) , it is if and or when ( I think when ) we do that to our best advantage.

Making the move before that offer is available doesn't make sense just to make a change. Sure it would shake things up , appease a major portion of the fan base but it would not necessarily optimize the return. That to me is paramount , I am confident that is Cheveldayoff's position as well.


What bothers me about this article is it seems to give chevy cart blanche to do whatever. If we aren't going to mortgage the future or burn assets for instant gratification, then why didn't we sell at the deadline last year? Why are we re-upping our core to be a cap team when the core has demonstrated they aren't working as a group and haven't now for 5 seasons?

That Hainsey wasn't signed until very late this off season indicates to me that no other team was willing to pay anything near a decent price for him at the deadline. Who else was there that was wasn't moved that should have been?

We are re-upping the core to retain valuable assets . Which one or more of these should we have let walk for no return? Just because they haven't been flipped , or used to make a positive change doesn't mean they won't . Again cap issues came into play as well.

They are assets we hold and can be used to our best advantage.


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