WJC: Kadri's "throat slit" gesture to the Swiss bench


Registered User
Aug 16, 2005
HAHAHAHA How did the Kadri haters like that goal last night... man there are a lot of people on Hfboards who would fit in well on that old Dave Chapelle skit "Playa Haters Ball" LOL

Rants Mulliniks

Registered User
Jun 22, 2008
And what's "worse" than a death threat?

Given I'm sure we all know the person making the threat has ZERO intention of following through on it, I'd say racial comments or attacking people over deadly diseases or very personal issues is worse. For instance, cupping your hand to your ear and saying "What's that? I can't hear you." to Steve Downie would be pretty low.


$$$$$$$*NICE*$$$$$$$ 69 in 79 $$$$$$$*NICE*$$$$$$$
Oct 22, 2006
In your head
250+ replies now

No other player in this tournament could get a thread like this :D


$$$$$$$*NICE*$$$$$$$ 69 in 79 $$$$$$$*NICE*$$$$$$$
Oct 22, 2006
In your head
Where'd you get that gif from? Beauty.
I tried to make it myself :laugh:

I think it turned out ok. But the frame speed is kind of slow.
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Registered User
Jul 7, 2009
How is some irrelevant gesture more offensive than an elbow or a slash? What a bunch of babies.

I went through this whole thread, and of all the replies... this makes the most sense. You see guys cheapshotting each other all of the time... often times quite dangerously, leading to injury (suckerpunches, elbows, KNEE ON KNEE hits, headhunting, etc). This guy had it right.. how is a stupid little gesture worse than that.. and more deserving of an 11 page Kadri-bash-athon? Like seriously..

I think it is because he's a Leaf, and people will take any oppurtunity they get to take a shot at them. But it's okay, because this really surprised me, and raised my opinion of Kadri. Yeah, he's cocky and emotional.. but he's also 19. Once he finds that line, and learns not to cross it... he'll become that much better of a player.

You look at guys like Ruutu, Ott, Downie, Avery... yeah their pests, and antagonizing is a large part of the role they play.. but they don't have much more beyond that, talentwise. Kadri on the other hand, we all know is a stud, and will continue to get better. If he can bulk up and develop those pesty attitributes that opposing teams hate to play against.. watch out. He'll be so much more valuable to the organization, than if he was just a skilled forward.

I'm talking Corey Perry-esque... amazing. I can't wait.

Crispy Crust

Registered User
Jul 6, 2007
Hall is a million times better then Kadri.

Thanks for your input. Its not like we needed to know that Hall was better than Kadri or has more upside. However, Hall better step up he had a horrible game. Cam Fowler did a good job on him.


It's people like Kadri and Cormier that make Canada look bad. If it wasn't for the maple leaf on his jersey, I wouldn't care. They need to know their place. Save it for the NHL, boys.


Registered User
Aug 16, 2005
I think Toronto avoided a landmine taking Kadri over Cowen. Cowen should have been a 10 or lower pick with the work he has to do. Myers and Aulie both looked more polished in their first WJC.

But hey, if you're happy...

God Cowen has looked absolutely abysmal. No wheels at all, makes decisions at the pace of a Dman we used to have here in Edmonton named Scott Ferguson.
I think he made Team Canada on reputation alone.


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