WJC: Kadri's "throat slit" gesture to the Swiss bench


Registered User
Dec 10, 2004
Burnaby, BC
Maybe I missed it, but why has no one talked about this yet? During the Canada-Switzerland with the game completely out of reach, Kadri skated by the Swiss bench and did a "throat slitting" gesture while clearly saying "you're ******* dead" to the bench. I don't have a youtube clip but it was shown on SportsCentre yesterday. Frankly, I am still pretty ticked off about Kadri's actions and am even more ticked off that people aren't talking about it. When you are representing Canada, especially in an event that is as widely covered as the WJ's, I think it should be an expectation that the players represent us with a certain level respect. Doing a "throat slit" gesture isn't acceptable at any level of hockey IMO and certainly not at the world juniors. But just like Cormier, Kadri gets a free pass, presumably because the jersey he wears.

I will always cheer for Canada regardless who plays on the team, but there are two players in particular who have lost my respect and I hope they never represent Canada again.

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I Ron Butterfly

Registered User
Jan 6, 2007
I never really understood why these throat-slitting gestures are taken as such and affront to everything decent. He's clearly not serious about cutting his jugular artery, and way worse things are said on any given shift. Regardless of what team he plays for, there's really no need for a suspension. Maybe it's time to grow a pair if people are offended by this.

Hermit Wizard Eater

Registered User
Nov 29, 2009
A few posters were talking about it in another thread in this section, and TSN ran an interview with Kadri and his coach about the incident.


Registered User
Nov 26, 2009
Kadri seems like a cocky little ***** to be honest. He also said to a player "You're a biotch" from the penalty box which was caught on TV obviously. He can't control his emotions.


Registered User
Nov 11, 2008
Im glad Tor picked this guy before Ott did, he clearly has attitude problems and this incident is another blemish on the kid...albeit he is a great talent


In Byfield We Must Trust
Aug 16, 2008
Reno, NV
I never really understood why these throat-slitting gestures are taken as such and affront to everything decent. He's clearly not serious about cutting his jugular artery, and way worse things are said on any given shift. Regardless of what team he plays for, there's really no need for a suspension. Maybe it's time to grow a pair if people are offended by this.

It is just a classless attitude. Especially considering that most of the players are just kids. Also, it is an international tournament... He is representing Canada - there should be a lot more respect shown than just some typical game.


Registered User
Mar 18, 2008
Noticed it to, and didnt want to start a flamewar. Glad u did it. Kadri seems like an ass and he should get some for that, why did he do that really? REALLY?


Oct 26, 2002
South Cackalacky
I'm pretty surprised this hasn't resulted in a suspension for him. Personally I don't really think the throat slash is that big of a deal, but it's become taboo in basically every professional sports league in recent years, and almost always results in either a fine or suspension.


Rest in Peace Johnny Bower
Mar 23, 2008
Hockey Mecca, ON
People DID talk about it. It was on TSN several times too.

He apologized for it. Willie talked to him about it too. He said it won't happen again.

I don't approve of what he did. But he's a kid who needs to mature and keep his emotions in check. I'm not a fan of this action and hopefully it's out of his system.

I hope he DOES represent Canada again because he's a highly skilled player with an edge.


Registered User
Jul 29, 2004
18 year olds are immature and do dumb things.

Kadri seems like a cocky little ***** to be honest. He also said to a player "You're a biotch" from the penalty box which was caught on TV obviously. He can't control his emotions.

on the other hand this is probably pretty tame compared to most of the stuff that gets said in a hockey game.

Then again, it's not like he's the first guy to do some immature hand gestures during a hockey game


Raging Bull

Jan 25, 2004
Hamilton, ONT
Love the fact that everybody he plays against hates his guts. I'd probably hate him too if I wasn't a Leaf fan, this kid is going to be a ******* to play against.


This would probably be analyzed way more if Pajarrvi Svensson did it(for those of you who get the reference) and really it isn't that big of a deal. Maybe crossing the line but I sort of laughed at it when I saw it.


Registered User
Jun 25, 2002
Visit site
He did it when the other player was in the box.

Once, he came out of the box, kadri played like a girl again.

Immature player, with a big ego, in a woman's body.

Le Golie

Jul 4, 2002
Love the fact that everybody he plays against hates his guts. I'd probably hate him too if I wasn't a Leaf fan, this kid is going to be a ******* to play against.

Seeing all his giveaways I think teams will happily play against him.

As a person though, he just seems like a jerk.


Registered User
Mar 13, 2009
I thought it was funny a bit. Similar to the Serena William's incident everyone in the media blew up. But I think Kadri's actions were highly unnecessary and quite disrespectful, especially being on an international stage. Truth be told, i never really liked him since last year and being drafted by the leafs has no say in the matter, but i really dislike his attitude. Confidence and arrogance have fine lines and i personally thinks he steps over a bit too many times.

I hope that he will mature like Della Rovere has seemed to over the past year. It will make him a better player.


Registered User
Apr 9, 2007
Atlantic City
I have no problem with it. People get way to upset about this stuff. The other should and has the right to respond to that kind of disrespect but there shouldn't be any outrage.


Registered User
Oct 4, 2009
I thought it was funny a bit. Similar to the Serena William's incident everyone in the media blew up. But I think Kadri's actions were highly unnecessary and quite disrespectful, especially being on an international stage. Truth be told, i never really liked him since last year and being drafted by the leafs has no say in the matter, but i really dislike his attitude. Confidence and arrogance have fine lines and i personally thinks he steps over a bit too many times.

I hope that he will mature like Della Rovere has seemed to over the past year. It will make him a better player.

I agree with this 100%.


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