Is it time for Gary Bettman to leave?


Registered User
Jan 19, 2007
as for Winnipeg, you should blame Barry Shenkarow, who for some reason, couldn't find a local buyer to acquire a (then) money-losing team and finance a new rink.

It's not really Shankerow's fault that the Jets left. Nobody stepped forward to buy the Jets because not one group could afford to operate the team, so he had to look for outside buyers. Bettman made almost no effort to keep the team in Winnipeg.

Bear of Bad News

Your Third or Fourth Favorite HFBoards Admin
Sep 27, 2005
It's not really Shankerow's fault that the Jets left. Nobody stepped forward to buy the Jets because not one group could afford to operate the team, so he had to look for outside buyers. Bettman made almost no effort to keep the team in Winnipeg.

Were you planning on Bettman buying the team himself?


Registered User
Jun 4, 2005
Sorry that you cannot see that my post is a direct response (and thorough refutation) of your point in that post, as well as the one before it (about the lockout being a "collective failure").

My point is that the lockout and canceled 2004-05 season influenced ESPN's thinking and decision making in regards to televising the NHL. You have simply ignored how the lockout and canceled 2004-05 season might have influenced ESPN and have responded with digression instead.

Oh, and you took my "collective failure" out of context. I wasn't referring to the wholesome goodness that the lockout achieved, I was simply referring to the fact that Management and the PA couldn't reach an accord in time to avoid the lockout.

In the future, I will try to parcel out my responses to yours in bite-sized portions with which you can better cope.

Just stop digressing.

My point was that the NHL was marginalized in ESPN's eyes long before the lockout. With its low ESPN ratings, EPSN had no intention of doing anything other than lowballing the NHL - which they did.

Ah, the TV ratings. I mentioned the TV ratings in Post #104 of this thread, you must have missed that.

The TV ratings however weren't the only thing for ESPN to use in their bargaining stance, the lockout and canceled season were also used. They MUST have. How do you miss a whole season and ESPN NOT feel that they would be bargaining from a position of strength in their negotiations with the NHL?

Incidentally, ESPN did not make a "decision to no longer televise the NHL". They made a decision to not match a price that OLN was willing to pay and not to raise their lowball offer.

You're just splitting hairs.

For the right price, they were prepared to televise the NHL. That kind of shoots your theory down in flames.

Well 200M over 3 years is a lot of coin to spend on an NHL that just made MAJOR changes to its economic landscape and its sport through the lockout and canceled season. ESPN simply declined to match and the lockout and canceled season was a big reason why.


See, the difference between my post and yours is that I have the actual ratings and the fact that ESPN did in fact make an offer for hockey as support for my view, whereas you have - well, nothing.

In your post, you simply ignore my point (or take it out of context) in order to scream yours.

Lil' Jimmy Norton*

Registered User
Jan 31, 2005
Pittsburgh, PA
Based on the level of business knowledge and insight your post indicates, I would be willing to bet that you haven't come within a mile of an actual CEO, much less know what one would or would not be fired for.

Do you not realize that everyone and anyone recognizes what a silly little cliche your CEO statement is? Do you think we will believe that you came up with that observation? It is spouted by hockey fans who can't spell CEO, much less assess the performance of one.

How about instead you come with an original thought, or at least an original way of expressing one?

What part of my post don't you like??? You don't like facts....Actually I'm an Executive at a very successful Public company...I'm not the CEO but I do meet with him I'm closer than you think.....

You are clueless my friend...474,000 people watched that joke of an allstar game in the US !!! What Part Don't You Get???? I live in the US and I can see games on Versus or NBC (Wow 6 Games this Year) or subscribe to Center Ice..which I do. Do you know how many households have Versus on their cable package Mr. Genius??? I'll tell ya ...20 million..Do the math...When they Lost ESPN they lost you know women's gymnastics pulls a higher share than NHL hockey!!!! Come on man be smart...You live in Canada and I'm a Cananadian living in the US and I can tell you the NHL down here is getting it's teeth kicked in except for Pittsburgh. Bettman has not marketed the product down here...they are giving away tickets in Nashville, Atlanta, Florida, Carolina, Columbus and St. Louis....!!!! Can you ever imagine Leaf tickets given away because ACC was half filled !!!!! You need to do a little research...get your facts right and come back here and we can have a serious conversation.
Last edited:


Registered User
Jun 9, 2005
What part of my post don't you like??? You don't like facts....Actually I'm an Executive at a very successful Public company...I'm not the CEO but I do meet with him I'm closer than you think.....

You are clueless my friend...474,000 people watched that joke of an allstar game in the US !!! What Part Don't You Get???? I live in the US and I can get to see games on Versus or NBC (Wow 6 Games this Year) or subscribe to Center Ice..which I do. Do you know how many households have Versus on their cable package Mr. Genius??? I'll tell ya ...20 million..Do the math...When they Lost ESPN they lost you know women's gymnastics pulls a higher share than NHL hockey!!!! Come on man be smart...You live in Canada and I'm a Cananadian living in the US and I can tell you the NHL down here is getting it's teeth kicked in except for Pittsburgh. Bettman has not marketed the product down here...they are giving away tickets in Nashville, Atlanta, Florida, Carolina, Columbus and St. Louis....!!!! Can you ever imagine Leaf tickets given away because ACC was half filled !!!!! You need to do a little research...get your facts right and come back here and we can have a serious conversation.
This has been hashed out already.

And I don't understand what your two rants have added that hasn't been refuted, in this and other threads, by several posters including gsc2002?

Bear of Bad News

Your Third or Fourth Favorite HFBoards Admin
Sep 27, 2005
What part of my post don't you like??? You don't like facts....Actually I'm an Executive at a very successful Public company...I'm not the CEO but I do meet with him I'm closer than you think.....

You are clueless my friend...474,000 people watched that joke of an allstar game in the US !!! What Part Don't You Get???? I live in the US and I can see games on Versus or NBC (Wow 6 Games this Year) or subscribe to Center Ice..which I do. Do you know how many households have Versus on their cable package Mr. Genius??? I'll tell ya ...20 million..Do the math...When they Lost ESPN they lost you know women's gymnastics pulls a higher share than NHL hockey!!!! Come on man be smart...You live in Canada and I'm a Cananadian living in the US and I can tell you the NHL down here is getting it's teeth kicked in except for Pittsburgh. Bettman has not marketed the product down here...they are giving away tickets in Nashville, Atlanta, Florida, Carolina, Columbus and St. Louis....!!!! Can you ever imagine Leaf tickets given away because ACC was half filled !!!!! You need to do a little research...get your facts right and come back here and we can have a serious conversation.

No offense intended, but I'm calling BS on your "executive" claim. Executives generally have far better composition skills than you've presented in your posts to date.

The remainder of your post has been refuted multiple times in threads on page one of this subforum, including this very thread.

Lil' Jimmy Norton*

Registered User
Jan 31, 2005
Pittsburgh, PA
No offense intended, but I'm calling BS on your "executive" claim. Executives generally have far better composition skills than you've presented in your posts to date.

The remainder of your post has been refuted multiple times in threads on page one of this subforum, including this very thread.

Hmmm your going to go after my professional career because you don't like my composition on a hockey board....WOW :biglaugh:

I state facts...I know the truth hurts...but be a man and accept them.

Hey send me your email address and I'll forward you my W2 for last year...then you can recant the BS remark...Ok Cuz????

Bear of Bad News

Your Third or Fourth Favorite HFBoards Admin
Sep 27, 2005
Hmmm your going to go after my professional career because you don't like my composition on a hockey board....WOW :biglaugh:

I state facts...I know the truth hurts...but be a man and accept them.

Hey send me your email address and I'll forward you my W2 for last year...then you can recant the BS remark...Ok Cuz????

I stand by my remarks. And unless you work in the recording industry, executives don't say "Cuz".

Lil' Jimmy Norton*

Registered User
Jan 31, 2005
Pittsburgh, PA
I stand by my remarks. And unless you work in the recording industry, executives don't say "Cuz".

It's short for cousin...don't you get it?? No seriously send me your email address and I will enlighten you. Step up to the plate Dr. No...take one for the team..

Actually I work in the software industry...It is truly amazing that banks still buy software and are willing to pay millions of dollars for it...:biglaugh: :biglaugh: :biglaugh:


Hmmm your going to go after my professional career because you don't like my composition on a hockey board....WOW :biglaugh:

I state facts...I know the truth hurts...but be a man and accept them.

Hey send me your email address and I'll forward you my W2 for last year...then you can recant the BS remark...Ok Cuz????
I Don't think any of us are interested in reading your dad's W2.

Bear of Bad News

Your Third or Fourth Favorite HFBoards Admin
Sep 27, 2005
Considering he passed away 10 years ago..guess not huh??

Wow your a class act gs...really enjoy personal attacks do you??

Wouldn't you have to be a person in order for his attacks to be "personal attacks"?

Since your identity is apparently fictitious, that proposition is highly in doubt. You're welcome.


Considering he passed away 10 years ago..guess not huh??

Wow your a class act gs...really enjoy personal attacks do you??

Maybe you should move out of your Mom's basement...??
Yeah, I'll get right on that.


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