Guelph Storm 2018-19 Season Thread (Part 3)

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Registered User
Feb 2, 2015
Amazing game, amazing series, amazing playoff run, amazingly built team. Hats off to George Burnette and the boys for some absolutely incredible playoff hockey.
How crazy that both teams in the final had a GM/head coach combo.
How crazy that the 'best in the east' had the worst record against the storm a few games into the series.


Registered User
Feb 15, 2018
Congrats to Guelph

Good luck in Halifax. It will be interesting to see if the team can shake the slow starts. Short tournament so adjustments have to be made in game. Good luck. Represent the ohl well

storm surge

Registered User
Dec 5, 2017
And Ottawa said we couldn't and wouldn't win 4 games in a row against them since they were the best and better than any of the teams we'd played before. Congratulations to our Storm boys for never giving up and now they're Halifax bound. Hard work and talent pays off.
and the weight challenged lady at the bench didn't hurt ..
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Registered User
Feb 10, 2015
Flint, MI
So much for the theory that there's no longer a Western Conference superiority. Ottawa swept all the way through the East and then gets blown out by Guelph who had to go to 7 twice to get to the Finals.
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Living Vicariously

Registered User
Mar 15, 2014
Let's be clear....

First, the West is not better than the East, at least not enough that it makes any real difference. At best, it is marginally better, if that. I believe all the disrespect stems from this premise. Somehow Ottawa dispatching of Oshawa and Sudbury in easy fashion creates a situation where it may look like the East was weak because of how easily Ottawa rolled through both teams. Both of those teams EARNED 91 & 92 points through the regular season. No average teams accumulate 90+ points over a full season. I believe the disrespect given to Oshawa and Sudbury as somehow being lessor teams for some reason is the reason why, by extension, Ottawa is being disrespected. We've heard over and over that now we will finally get our first test of the playoffs? Really? Guelph was a 90 point team. They picked before Oshawa AND Sudbury in the Draft. I'm sorry but on paper Guelph looks great but they haven't been consistent at all, at least not in relation to the other top tier teams. That isn't speculation, that is a fact and their record compared to other teams in the same category support that premise.

Oshawa took out Niagara, who by many were going to win the East. They ran up four straight after going down 2-0. Ottawa heard all of the rumblings about how good Oshawa was and them slaying the giant with ease after losing the first two. Then they got steam rolled. We also heard about it before the Sudbury series, how UPL was going to be an impenetrable wall. They got steam rolled.

I give a lot of credit to Guelph for taking out both London and Saginaw. Saginaw was my pick to come out of the West. I was wrong. Guelph beat two immensely talented teams. Just because I don't feel doing it with late series heroics through massive series comebacks is a credible means of assessing the quality of the team doesn't diminish the fact they won their series. I think the fact Guelph won the series is the only factor at play. If they had won one, lost one all the way through Game 7, would we be talking about it as much? Probably not. It is only the way with which they won is the talking point.

Guelph won two seven game series in seven games. They beat two great teams. Congrats. Well deserved. Having to come back from 3-0 and 3-1 is a concern in my books. In the end it doesn't matter what four games you win as long as you win four games. I get it. That said, this Ottawa team is better than both London and Saginaw. The Storm need to bear down early and take it to the 67's hard right from the first drop of the puck if they want a chance to win this series. They can't expect to turn on the jets when their backs are against the wall. If they do, they will get shoved right through the wall.

This. Did. Not. Age. Well.


Registered User
Nov 26, 2014
Yup the West is a meat grinder on teams. But as the saying goes if it doesn’t kill you it’ll make you stronger! Just getting thru the West is a victory in itself!! Awesome that the Storm has enough in the tank to dispose of the 67’s.


Registered User
Nov 26, 2014
Doubt we’ll be hearing much more about East vs. West supremacy from Mr. OMG 67 in the near future. Heck he’s barely been spotted since this past Thursday, probably preparing himself for this very scenario!
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Registered User
Sep 1, 2013
Congrats boys (and girls)!

Well played series. Loads of great players but not just guys that are talented but also really easy to like based on the way they play. It is always easier to accept defeat from a team loaded with a bunch of players that play the game the right way. It is really hard to hate this edition of the Guelph Storm.

Good luck in the Memorial Cup. I will be a temporary Storm fan!

Enjoy the rest of the ride.

Ottawa goes back to the drawing board...


Junior Hockey Fan Since Birth
Aug 25, 2016
Owen Sound, Ontario
Congrats to the Storm on winning the OHL title and representing the league in Halifax, NS.

As a fan from a rival city if anyone had told me that Guelph would go the distance and win the league back in September I probably would've rolled my eyes, however this is not September and here we are not quite a week till the Memorial Cup in Halifax and the Storm will represent the O.

Just goes to show the Midwest is the dominant force in the league on a consistent basis season after season.

Enjoy the moment Storm fans and best of luck to all the former OS Attack players who get a chance at Canadian Junior Hockey's most distinguished prize.

Go Storm Go !!!!


Registered User
Jan 21, 2013
Kitchener Ontario
Great series win Storm. Your GM deserves a lot of credit for the moves he made. Poppy wasn't given enough credit by many but was a huge factor in this championship. Guelph was built the right way. Big strong talented team. They made it hard for opponents to win those battles along the boards with their size. Good luck in the Mem Cup.


Code Spelunker
Jan 12, 2018
Congrats to the Storm and their fans. Well built team that took advantage of all opportunities afforded them. That's the mark of a Championship team. Good luck at the Mem Cup.
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