Online Series: Fallout (Amazon, April 10, 2024)


DJ Crazy Times
Apr 7, 2008
Las Vegas
I actually like how much they are leaning into the style of the games (at least 3, 4, and NV). One of the opening scenes even has Lucy choosing her stats and starting skills.

Minor spoiler from an episode you haven't watched:

For example The Ghoul is very clearly using VATS and has the bloody mess perk, he also started eating some food after getting hit to get a health regen boost. It felt exactly like in the games when you walk into a raider camp as a high level player and just easily dispatch them with precision critical hits using VATS.
I got a chuckle from how she was describing her stats. I think to someone who has never played the game it would completely fly over their heads and they'd just think it was part of her quirkiness.

Something I did like was how it just very much felt like an intro you could have easily had in the start of a new Fallout game. Like you could take Lucy's intro and make it shot for shot the intro to Fallout 5 (with the Ghoul's intro as the prologue) and it would completely work. Hell, if they felt like doing a GTA5 multi character story thing you could put Maximus' story in there too.

That to me is what is most important in adapting video game content to the live action medium. It should feel like it captures the world, tone, and spirit of the game it's adapting. If they bend the lore/Canon here and there, it doesn't really matter to me. So far I think it's off to a great start. And that's promising for video game adaptations in general. Halo is an unfortunate flop (I've been waiting since 2006 for a live action adaptation and now I wish we never got one) but The Last of Us, Mario, and now it seems like Fallout are hitting it out of the park.

Edit: I'll also add that the tone and spirit of the comedic relief in Fallout seems to be really well executed so far. They have the right balance between horrific and funny and I hop they don't overtip that balance to too much funny in later episodes. Also, the Ghoul's intro scene with the first day of the nuclear attack was just sublime.
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Waiting for Ishbia
Dec 10, 2002
They didn't lean into the videogame aspects enough for my taste (stimpaks aside) but it was a good adaptation. The bar is low. Finale was surprisingly good.

This should be an audience pleaser with the simple story, dialogue, and humor. Wouldn't be surprised if it does big numbers for Amazon. Hopefully they don't f*** it into the ground with thousands of 'notes' like LOTR.

Bounces R Way

Registered User
Nov 18, 2013
I thought it was pretty good. Well acted, well written with the converging storylines, lots of fun environments. Glad they found a way to keep the vault setting relevant. I'm not really sure that anybody other than Walter Goggins could have played that character. Ella Purnell also did a great job walking the line of damsel in distress and strong independent woman making her way in the world. Always been a sucker for dark hair and big eyes.

I played several of the games but never really paid all that much attention to the main storylines or lore or whatever so I'm not sure how they did on that front. Looks like a project that just came together properly and was executed with purpose. Probably was a lot of fun to work on.


Registered User
May 25, 2012
Star Shoppin
Never played any Fallout games but always knew about them growing up. Really enjoyed the series. Thought everything was well done, dont really have any major criticisms. Love me some Walton Goggins.
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East Coast Icestyle

Registered User
Mar 6, 2015
Nova Scotia, Canada
Walton Goggins stole the entire show for me, but Maximus came close after I started off sort of hating him.

Fantastic show. Strayed away from the games just enough to not be a corny fan service, kept the tone and spirit. Super excited for s2. Missing some things and groups but obviously save some for later, right?

As far as video game adaptations and such, I mean I even really liked Halo. But I can separate a TV show from a game and I just like fun sci fi. I think they did really, really damn well on Fallout.


DJ Crazy Times
Apr 7, 2008
Las Vegas
I'm 3 episodes in and I can see where it's sort of departed from the core gameplay style of Fallout and is more a separate story happening in this universe but I don't really think that's an issue. Everything I've seen so far has been great.

End of Line

Registered User
Mar 20, 2009
Binged the entire series. f***ing phenomenal. I haven’t been hooked like this since when The Boys first came out.

I only ever played Fallout 4 and thought that the series still did a service to the game
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Aug 31, 2006
I haven't seen it but i have heard/read good things about it.

Hopefully, it's not a one season wonder considering who the showrunners are.


Registered User
Feb 27, 2018
It's not bad as far as what I expected, so far. I'm only two episodes deep. Definitely a better Amazon adaptation than all the other garbage they've done. Lore is taking a bit of a beating but whatever.


DJ Crazy Times
Apr 7, 2008
Las Vegas
Just finished episode 8. It's not without some warts here and there but overall, this is a winner for Amazon. I just hope Nolan and Joy don't crawl up their own asses and needlessly overcomplicated the plot like they did with Westworld.

I think Ella Purnell does an outstanding job as a naive vault dweller slowly but surely broken down and jaded by the outside world and when scenes called for her to break from that bubbly naivete (particularly in the finale), she did a terrific job. Good casting there.

Obviously Walton Goggins as the Ghoul/Coop Howard (great tongue in cheek last name choice there) was a scene stealer from start to finish but I'm actually glad at how much pre-war backstory we saw through his eyes. It adds to the stark contrast of the pre war 1950s esque 'normal' America compared to the dystopia hell of the post war era which I think adds to the world building and reflects in the difference between Cooper and the Ghoul.

Like I mentioned earlier, there's some lore stretching but it doesn't bother me. This show resparked my love of Fallout and has gotten me to buy and set myself to play through Fallout 3 for the first time. I did claim the free copy of Fallout 76 they're giving away with Amazon Prime Gaming. But I'd say that's a strong compliment that the adaptation is making me want to dive right back into the "source material"
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Entertainment boards w/ some Hockey mixed in.
Feb 6, 2014
Goddamn they really knocked this out of the park. I can't get over how amazingly they portrayed the Fallout universe. I'm only 4 episodes in at this point, but I am blown away.

I only have a cursory knowledge of the games (I'm more into Elder Scrolls as far as Bethesda goes), but that didn't stop me at all from understanding the story and following along. Loved Ella Purnell in Yellowjackets and she has been excellent in this as well.

I'm glad they didn't shy away from the gore in the series, it really highlights the dark, gritty, and unforgiving atmosphere of the Wastelands. The music, of course, sets an excellent vibe for the show as well.

One small thing that I've also really enjoyed from these episodes is the small scenes they have in the first portion of the credits. really neat that it adds some cool little ambience at the end.

Edit: Also I belly laughed out loud at the line about getting side-tracked by bullshit every time. Perfectly encapsulates Fallout and Bethesda games as a whole.


Registered User
Sep 24, 2021
Finished it yesterday, was really good. Everything tied in together pretty nicely.

Probably the best Amazon content I’ve seen, but that’s not saying much. Still cancelling my Prime in a month cause they added ads lol

The Macho King

Back* to Back** World Champion
Jun 22, 2011
Finished it yesterday, was really good. Everything tied in together pretty nicely.

Probably the best Amazon content I’ve seen, but that’s not saying much. Still cancelling my Prime in a month cause they added ads lol
I'm more partial to The Boys, but this is really good.

Also if we're counting it, The Handmaiden is *by far* the best thing Amazon has done.

Unholy Diver

Registered User
Oct 13, 2002
in the midnight sea
Finished it last night, I had mistakenly thought it was 10 episodes, and was kind of bummed when I realized it was 8, I thought they did a great job with it so far, and there is plenty of material for further seasons
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Mark Stones Spleen
Apr 19, 2015
Cloud 9
Just started on Ep1 I like the start, I will admit when she said her name my first though was so that's what she got up to after Die Hard 4 :laugh:


Canucks and Oilers fan
Jun 21, 2006
(Major spoiler ahead)

I think the show would benefit from having a longer scene before the bomb dropped. I would have started the show with Cooper with his daughter on their way to the family birthday party. My english is terrible so i will let Gemini take over.

Scene: Los Angeles Highway - Day

Visuals: Sun-drenched California highway, classic chrome cars zipping by. Skyscrapers with retro-futuristic designs pierce a blue sky filled with flying vehicles. Billboards advertise pre-war technology with fantastical promises.

Sound: Upbeat music on the car radio blends with the hum of the engine and the rush of wind.


Cooper (40s): A charismatic entertainer, a little stressed but trying to keep it light for his daughter.
Janey (8): Cooper's curious daughter, full of questions about the world around her.

(Cooper taps the steering wheel rhythmically as a news report plays on the radio.)

Radio Announcer: "Reports continue to swirl around the President's sudden absence. While the White House assures the public it's a minor health concern, some speculate it might be related to the ongoing conflict..."

Janey: (Leaning forward) "Daddy, where's the President?"

Cooper: (Eyes on the road) "He's just taking a little break, honey. Like when you need a nap from all that schoolwork."

Janey: "But I don't nap anymore!"

Cooper: (Chuckles) "Well, grown-ups sometimes need naps too. Important naps for important decisions."

(A billboard whizzes by - a sleek robot chef holding a steaming plate of beef.)

Janey: "Wow, that plate looks yummy! Can we get one?"

Cooper: (Smiling) "Maybe someday, sweetheart. But first, we gotta make sure Mr. Johnson's kid has his best birthday party ever!"

(They approach a large intersection. Protesters hold signs that say "End the War Now!" and "Food for All!")

Janey: "Why are those people yelling, Daddy?"

Cooper: (Sighs) "They're just… worried, honey. Sometimes the world seems like a big, messy place."

Police sirens blare in the distance. A convoy of paddy wagons filled with people wearing red armbands drives past.

Janey: "Where are they taking those people?"

Cooper: (Voice strained) "Just somewhere… safe. Don't worry about it, okay?"

(He glances at Janey, then forces a smile.)

Cooper: "How about we sing along to the radio? Make some happy noise?"

**(He turns up the music, a catchy pre-war tune fills the car. Janey starts singing along, a flicker of unease hidden behind her smile.
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Registered User
Sep 6, 2005
Portland, OR
I loved everything in the main timeline, even the flashbacks when they were in service to 'how we got here'. The set design, world building, acting, tone, etc were great. I didn't love the overarching conspiracy/twist plot that took over most of the last two episodes. Completely unnecessary to a compelling Fallout/Wasteland story.


Registered User
Feb 27, 2018
Finished it tonight. Pleasantly surprised. Nervous for season two, I hope they don’t totally f*** over New Vegas’ story and consequences.

made me scared for a second that they were gonna lay the blame entirely on vault tech there, which would be absolutely stupid but I think people are reading too much into their motives


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