Congrat´s Canada you killed the game of hockey...

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Registered User
Apr 10, 2004
Congratulations Canada you killed the game of hockey that we know of. Your jealous attitude towards what the players are making and the competitive imbalance thats given big city american teams an advantage has made this possible. The attitude of a few owners like Eugene Melnyk is what runs this negotiations. Canada has never been able to face competition eye-to-eye in the game of hockey. Canada has always made sure they have the refeeres on their side, in their rinks and all that is find. But this time you have really went to far.

The fact is that USA has done more for the good of the game of hockey then Canada, Russia and all other countries in the world together have.

Gary Bettman plans to start a replacement league. Its gooing to take atleast 12 month before a replacement league is up and running. If its even possible to start one ´cause it will take atleast 600 players to get gooing. All europeans will leave the AHL and north america as soon as possbile, I wouldn´t be suprised if allot of guys left right away after christmas. They will sign contracts in Europe this spring long before the NHL can offer them contracts.

I am telling you that a replacement league in the USA is gooing to have a helluva lot harder to survive then the NHL would have with the NHLPA´s offer.

Hockey is the most entertaining sport in the world when you see it live, in a full arena and the best players in the world on the ice. However if you watch a team made out of 50% ECHLers with 1500 people in the stands, in a arena that takes 20.000 you are never gooing to come back, and I doubt you would be willing to spend even 10$ on it in the first place.

You guys belive that the NHL is in a poor state allready. Well teams have been able to charge 70$ a seat and still fill arenas. When there have been no hockey to watch for thoose people who fill the arenas for 18 month, allot of them won´t come back. When thoose of them who comes back gets to watch crappy hockey in a arena with only a couple of thousends in it the NHL will be in a poor state.

Good luck Bettman you will kill hockey in the USA thats for sure. Gary you have never been to a hockey game where you can hear every thing the players say on the ice. When the loudest sound in the arena is when the puck hits the end board after a iceing. Not one of the guys who makes the decision have. This is what you will have to work with in the american market in 12-14 month. Good luck indeed!

Without a strong NHL, hockey will loose its status everywhere. The NHL and a strong american market is what makes allot of young kids all over the world choice Hockey instead of Basketball, Handball, Bandy, Floorball and even Soccer. Hockey is gooing to loose major parts of the market to other sports(mainly soccer) in countrys like Russia and Chechz rep. Where soccer is by far the biggest sport today and only will get bigger.

Today hockey is a sport that gets world wide attention. It won´t tomorrow. Thanks CANADA!
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Registered User
Dec 25, 2003
Westward Ho, Alberta
Ola said:
Congratulations Canada you killed the game of hockey that we know of. Your jealous attitude towards what the players are making and the competitive imbalance thats given big city american teams an advantage has made this possible. The attitude of a few owners like Larry Melnyk is what runs this negotiations. Canada has never been able to face competition eye-to-eye in the game of hockey. Canada has always made sure they have the refeeres on their side, in their rinks and all that is find. But this time you have really went to far.

The fact is that USA has done more for the good of the game of hockey then Canada, Russia and all other countries in the world together have.

Gary Bettman plans to start a replacement league. Its gooing to take atleast 12 month before a replacement league is up and running. If its even possible to start one ´cause it will take atleast 600 players to get gooing. All europeans will leave the AHL and north america as soon as possbile, I wouldn´t be suprised if allot of guys left right away after christmas. They will sign contracts in Europe this spring long before the NHL can offer them contracts.

I am telling you that a replacement league in the USA is gooing to have a helluva lot harder to survive then the NHL would have with the NHLPA´s offer.

Hockey is the most entertaining sport in the world when you see it live, in a full arena and the best players in the world on the ice. However if you watch a team made out of 50% ECHLers with 1500 people in the stands, in a arena that takes 20.000 you are never gooing to come back, and I doubt you would be willing to spend even 10$ on it in the first place.

You guys belive that the NHL is in a poor state allready. Well teams have been able to charge 70$ a seat and still fill arenas. When there have been no hockey to watch for thoose people who fill the arenas for 18 month, allot of them won´t come back. When thoose of them who comes back gets to watch crappy hockey in a arena with only a couple of thousends in it the NHL will be in a poor state.

Good luck Bettman you will kill hockey in the USA thats for sure. Gary you have never been to a hockey game where you can hear every thing the players say on the ice. When the loudest sound in the arena is when the puck hits the end board after a iceing. Not one of the guys who makes the decision have. This is what you will have to work with in the american market in 12-14 month. Good luck indeed!

Without a strong NHL, hockey will loose its status everywhere. The NHL and a strong american market is what makes allot of young kids all over the world choice Hockey instead of Basketball, Handball, Bandy, Floorball and even Soccer. Hockey is gooing to loose major parts of the market to other sports(mainly soccer) in countrys like Russia and Chechz rep. Where soccer is by far the biggest sport today and only will get bigger.

Today hockey is a sport that gets world wide attention. It won´t

You're quite welcome! :yo:


Go Habs Go
Mar 21, 2002
USA has done more for hockey then Canada? How about the rangers spending like drunken sailors for years and not making the playoffs, that's millions of dollars pissed away. But yea it's Canada's fault.

If the NHL comes back, the Habs will be sold out just about every night, I don't think too many US teams can say that. I don't know if I've read a post more off base.


Registered User
Dec 11, 2002
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Ola said:
Congratulations Canada you killed the game of hockey that we know of. Your jealous attitude towards what the players are making and the competitive imbalance thats given big city american teams an advantage has made this possible. The attitude of a few owners like Larry Melnyk is what runs this negotiations. Canada has never been able to face competition eye-to-eye in the game of hockey. Canada has always made sure they have the refeeres on their side, in their rinks and all that is find. But this time you have really went to far.

The fact is that USA has done more for the good of the game of hockey then Canada, Russia and all other countries in the world together have.

Gary Bettman plans to start a replacement league. Its gooing to take atleast 12 month before a replacement league is up and running. If its even possible to start one ´cause it will take atleast 600 players to get gooing. All europeans will leave the AHL and north america as soon as possbile, I wouldn´t be suprised if allot of guys left right away after christmas. They will sign contracts in Europe this spring long before the NHL can offer them contracts.

I am telling you that a replacement league in the USA is gooing to have a helluva lot harder to survive then the NHL would have with the NHLPA´s offer.

Hockey is the most entertaining sport in the world when you see it live, in a full arena and the best players in the world on the ice. However if you watch a team made out of 50% ECHLers with 1500 people in the stands, in a arena that takes 20.000 you are never gooing to come back, and I doubt you would be willing to spend even 10$ on it in the first place.

You guys belive that the NHL is in a poor state allready. Well teams have been able to charge 70$ a seat and still fill arenas. When there have been no hockey to watch for thoose people who fill the arenas for 18 month, allot of them won´t come back. When thoose of them who comes back gets to watch crappy hockey in a arena with only a couple of thousends in it the NHL will be in a poor state.

Good luck Bettman you will kill hockey in the USA thats for sure. Gary you have never been to a hockey game where you can hear every thing the players say on the ice. When the loudest sound in the arena is when the puck hits the end board after a iceing. Not one of the guys who makes the decision have. This is what you will have to work with in the american market in 12-14 month. Good luck indeed!

Without a strong NHL, hockey will loose its status everywhere. The NHL and a strong american market is what makes allot of young kids all over the world choice Hockey instead of Basketball, Handball, Bandy, Floorball and even Soccer. Hockey is gooing to loose major parts of the market to other sports(mainly soccer) in countrys like Russia and Chechz rep. Where soccer is by far the biggest sport today and only will get bigger.

Today hockey is a sport that gets world wide attention. It won´t tomorrow. Thanks CANADA!
What the hell is this? A completely disjointed rant that touches on many different aspects and intelligently discusses none of them. This thread will be lucky to last another ten minutes.


Registered User
Apr 10, 2004
montreal said:
USA has done more for hockey then Canada? How about the rangers spending like drunken sailors for years and not making the playoffs, that's millions of dollars pissed away. But yea it's Canada's fault.

If the NHL comes back, the Habs will be sold out just about every night, I don't think too many US teams can say that. I don't know if I've read a post more off base.

Who in the world today cares if the Molson center is sold out? There are floor ball games in sweden that are sold out. There are Handballs games in Copenhagen that are sold out. I never once heard New York complain about lost money. There are seven strong nations in hockey today, and 3-4 more countries like for example Germany who are getting stronger. Without a strong NHL in 15 years the game of hockey won´t be among the 3-5 biggest team sport in the world. It will be number 20.

Every sport league in the world have teams who have better conditions to be successful then other teams. Every league.


Registered User
Apr 10, 2004
Jets4Life said:
Hockey has a ruptured disc without the Jets in the NHL.....

I felt sad when Winnipeg moved. It was a sad day for hockey.

But really what is the diffrence between lacrosse and hockey? Well one is on the american market, the other isn´t.

Hockey is big today, no matter what some of you guys think. Without the NHL it won´t be nearly as big. Canada wants to have the best national team, the best club team, and in a couple of years you will have it. And no competition. Beacause the game in the rest of the world won´t be able to compete without a strong NHL, thats for sure!


Registered User
Apr 10, 2004
SwisshockeyAcademy said:
What the hell is this? A completely disjointed rant that touches on many different aspects and intelligently discusses none of them. This thread will be lucky to last another ten minutes.

You think I am wrong? Come back to me when the NHL starts its replacement league with ECHL talent in 14 month on the american market. We will see how hockey ratings compares to the World Tour of Poker then...


Registered User
Apr 10, 2004
How these negotiatings can be run by the six smallest market teams in the league is beyond me with so much at stake.

All I ever hear is the Canadian teams this and the Canadian teams that. Without the american market the game as we now it today is doomed.

Goodwith Sticks

Registered User
May 11, 2004
Ola said:
Congratulations Canada you killed the game of hockey that we know of. Your jealous attitude towards what the players are making and the competitive imbalance thats given big city american teams an advantage has made this possible. The attitude of a few owners like Larry Melnyk is what runs this negotiations. Canada has never been able to face competition eye-to-eye in the game of hockey. Canada has always made sure they have the refeeres on their side, in their rinks and all that is find. But this time you have really went to far.

The fact is that USA has done more for the good of the game of hockey then Canada, Russia and all other countries in the world together have.

Elaborate on these parts specifically, if you would - "jealous attitude..."

"competitive imbalance.."- here I assume your talking of offices of Canadian clubs in pointing fingers - how can it be argued any Canadian club has contributed more to to an uneven playing field than the Rangers, Red Wings, Flyers etc. ---

"Canada has never been able to face competition eye-to-eye in the game of hockey " - PLEASE explain what you mean by this, without an explanation it sounds ABSURD -

"Canada has always made sure they have the referees on their side.." - equally ABSURD and how is that relevant to whatever point it is you're trying to make with this post. Really.. please tell

"The USA has done more for the good of the game of hockey" - :dunno: - What noteworthy has the USA done for the good of the game of hockey ASIDE from increase league revenues and exposure by means of expansion and television coverage. Really.... what?


Registered User
Mar 16, 2002
Isn't trolling grounds for a ban? (Hopefully, it is). I didn't even have to get past the first paragraph to see that this guy: a) doesn't know much about hockey, b) is posting this only to stir up a reaction.

Still, it's better than a lot of other joke threads.


Registered User
Dec 25, 2003
Westward Ho, Alberta
Ola said:
I felt sad when Winnipeg moved. It was a sad day for hockey.

But really what is the diffrence between lacrosse and hockey? Well one is on the american market, the other isn´t.

Hockey is big today, no matter what some of you guys think. Without the NHL it won´t be nearly as big. Canada wants to have the best national team, the best club team, and in a couple of years you will have it. And no competition. Beacause the game in the rest of the world won´t be able to compete without a strong NHL, thats for sure!

What about Europe? Scandinavians MADE the Jets when they first came to the WHA in the mid 70's, leading them to 3 Championships. The Russians turned the Devils into instant competetors after years of mediocrity, when two defected to the NHL in 1988. Hockey will be strong no matter what happens. It's sad that some Americans think that they are "the world".


Go ahead foot
Jun 28, 2002
Make my day.
shadoz19 said:
Blame the Canadians!!! Ignorance is bliss isn't it?

Its all Canada's fault. If Canada hadn't invented hockey we wouldn't be stuck in this lockout. Grrrr Canada Grrrr. I'm so ashamed. :cry:


Registered User
Dec 25, 2003
Westward Ho, Alberta
Ola said:
You think I am wrong? Come back to me when the NHL starts its replacement league with ECHL talent in 14 month on the american market. We will see how hockey ratings compares to the World Tour of Poker then...


That would be a step up for the NHL. the World Series of Poker crushed the NHL last year ratings-wise.

Vlad The Impaler

Registered User
Feb 27, 2002
Ola said:
Today hockey is a sport that gets world wide attention. It won´t tomorrow. Thanks CANADA!

I will leave aside for a minute the fact you are a ****ing moronic troll and ask you seriously, why is it Canada's fault?

How can it be Canada's fault when there are 30 NHL owners but only 6 teams located in Canada (not to mention certain Canadian team owners are in fact Americans, as well as the commissioner).

How do you translate that to Canadians having so much power they can make or break the CBA or the NHL? They can't.

Face it, Canadians have very little say in this negociation. They have very little to do with the whole process, good or bad. Canadians are a minority as far as big players in this CBA.


His point is...

1. The NHL wouldn't exist without the USA... hail America.
2. Though the NHL is run by American lawyers, anything that goes wrong is Canada's fault.
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