Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (The Second One)

Smelling Salt

Busey is life
Mar 8, 2006
Maybe it's just the holidays still affecting things but I've only played once in the last week because my list of 8-10 friends who consistently play COD are not playing AT ALL. It's brutal out there. I hope the game got a Christmas boost because if my friends list is any indication, existing players have dropped hard.

I guess that's what happens when you alienate players with questionable design decisions, slow bug fixing, zero communication and a lack of 6v6 maps. Imagine ignoring core gameplay - your game's bread and butter - with a pitiful selection of maps.


HFBoards Sponsor
Dec 6, 2014
NWA 217
LOL I platinumed my Shield at launch and never used it again.

Yes, just adapt. It's not rocket science. I do know what I'm talking about.

This is the Chimera AR (from the Raid), a Bryson 890 Shotty (both of which I'm working on Golding them), Smoke, Molotov. Perk Package is Overkill, Scavenger, Cold Blooded, and Quick Fix. Field upgrades are Trophy system (for the hard points), and ammo box.

I sometime switch out the Molotov for a drill charge to take care of the wusses that sit in a corner and camp.

This is a match from about 30 minutes ago.

Holy friggin spray and pray.. sheesh.

Maybe it's just the holidays still affecting things but I've only played once in the last week because my list of 8-10 friends who consistently play COD are not playing AT ALL. It's brutal out there. I hope the game got a Christmas boost because if my friends list is any indication, existing players have dropped hard.

I guess that's what happens when you alienate players with questionable design decisions, slow bug fixing, zero communication and a lack of 6v6 maps. Imagine ignoring core gameplay - your game's bread and butter - with a pitiful selection of maps.
Yeah, the maps (or lack thereof) are what caused me to take a break.. The game has so much potential but they really dropped the ball with the slow fixes and lack of content.
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The one...the only...
May 4, 2004
Washington DC
At this point it makes sense to get the 2022 version. I’d imagine healthier lobbies. I’m sure people still play 2019 MW but have to imagine more are playing the new game.

That wasn’t even the question.
But it's the answer. Any non-Sony CoD has an insane amount of restrictions on it.
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Registered User
Feb 27, 2018
Enjoying it despite the sweat and inability to play against anybody trash. Please turn down the SBMM


Registered User
Sep 17, 2013
Maybe it's just the holidays still affecting things but I've only played once in the last week because my list of 8-10 friends who consistently play COD are not playing AT ALL. It's brutal out there. I hope the game got a Christmas boost because if my friends list is any indication, existing players have dropped hard.

I guess that's what happens when you alienate players with questionable design decisions, slow bug fixing, zero communication and a lack of 6v6 maps. Imagine ignoring core gameplay - your game's bread and butter - with a pitiful selection of maps.
Game feels like it's dead already. Pretty much everybody on my friends list have dropped it outside of two guys because quote "it's all we have left." And he's not wrong. We used to cycle between Overwatch, NHL and COD. Blizzard completely butchered their matchmaking algorithm for the former, NHL is so bad they refuse to touch it (these are guys that would grind to elite rank regardless of how bad it was) and they dumped the non-BR part of COD outside of camo grinding.

COD, and most of multiplayer gaming is in the shitter and i'm not sure we ever get a new golden age because it isn't about entertaining people anymore. It's about sucking them dry. Only MP game i played and enjoyed in the last 6 months was the Street Fighter 6 beta. Finally a online game where it feels like ME and my skill (or lack thereof) dictating outcomes instead of a shitty algorithm trying to make a bunch of thumbless 8 year olds feel better.

This game in particular makes it pretty clear what the purpose of 6v6 is; to grind your camos and weapons so you can jump into Warzone kitted out.

(Co-op multiplayer is still largely okay i guess, but still)

Gardner McKay

RIP, Jimmy.
Jun 27, 2007
Maybe it's just the holidays still affecting things but I've only played once in the last week because my list of 8-10 friends who consistently play COD are not playing AT ALL. It's brutal out there. I hope the game got a Christmas boost because if my friends list is any indication, existing players have dropped hard.

I guess that's what happens when you alienate players with questionable design decisions, slow bug fixing, zero communication and a lack of 6v6 maps. Imagine ignoring core gameplay - your game's bread and butter - with a pitiful selection of maps.
The game is dead. It's currently pulling in fewer daily players than a nearly 10 year old GTA V game.
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Gardner McKay

RIP, Jimmy.
Jun 27, 2007

People don’t want to grind a battle pass anymore. It’s a terrible game mechanic
It is also terrible when the game is not an enjoyable experience. If the game was fun, it wouldn't be as much of an issue IMO.
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Registered User
Sep 17, 2013
Battle passes are fine if;

- Your game is F2P. Given people are coming into your system for free, you do need a way to make money back. I just recently started playing Fortnite with the boys (we were desperate) and the battle pass is actually okay. Rewards people actually want (Doomguy, Geralt skins) and it does pay for itself. Doesn't seem too grindy since we don't play it every day and i'm sitting at like level 40 with just under 2 months left in the season/chapter/whatever. Halo infinite's also isn't bad since if i recall you actually own the pass forever once you buy it and can go back and finish it whenever,

- You're not charging for it. MLB The Show does this with the cards/stuff they give out for playing for free, they just call them inning programs. You don't pay extra for them and the rewards as with other MLB games are usually top shelf stuff. This year they did one where it was a pick five of nine situation with all of the fan favorite cards (Griffey, Lindor, Guerrero, etc.) Only complaint here is the length on some of those programs were a bit too short, but other than that it's okay.

Battle passes are not fine if;

- You are forcing people to buy it. Blizzard in their infinite wisdom decided that locking new heroes behind Overwatch 2's battle passes was a good thing to do. People who want to play competitively essentially have no choice since at some point, a meta-defining hero is probably going to be locked behind there. Nothing says balance like locking heroes behind another paywall in your game where countering by switching to other heroes is the way to go.

- You are already charging 10 more dollars for your piece of shit game that you barely pay attention to because it's not BR and most of the rewards are absolute dogshit that no one would ever care to use (oh hi, MW2)

I didn't have to pay for MW2's pass since i had COD points left over from way back in Cold War but most of it is absolute shit. "pro tuned" weapons you won't ever use, car/boat skins that are essentially useless to you if you only play 6v6, a couple of skins, and that's basically it.
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Registered User
Dec 27, 2008
finished the storyline mission yesterday. started last week and played 5 missions in one session. died a few times the one thing i have a problem is that theres a lack of health bar for the player. like u get shot 1 or 2 times and theres blood on the screen of your character. then one more shot your dead. overall storyline is 10/10 for me. now just beginning to start warzone.

Smelling Salt

Busey is life
Mar 8, 2006
I haven't been playing lately. No interest. Stale 6v6 maps, a Battlepass with content that feels like an afterthought, and simply nobody on my friends list playing anymore.

Sad - I do like the game but IW/Activision killed it themselves. Of course they don't care cause they made their billion in 4 days or whatever but if they considered VG a disappointment then this one must be heading in that direction too.

Gardner McKay

RIP, Jimmy.
Jun 27, 2007
That's just steam. That doesn't mean anything. That list goes up and down more than a rollercoaster.
Discounting how MW2 is doing on a game service that on a Monday morning in January right now has almost 29 million players online and saying it doesn't mean anything... Yikes. The game is dying. It isn't fun. I am happy you enjoy it, but it misses the mark for a large portion of its fanbase.


The one...the only...
May 4, 2004
Washington DC
Discounting how MW2 is doing on a game service that on a Monday morning in January right now has almost 29 million players online and saying it doesn't mean anything... Yikes. The game is dying. It isn't fun. I am happy you enjoy it, but it misses the mark for a large portion of its fanbase.
It’s misses the mark for players who want jet packs, 2000 nukes a month, one shot core sniper kills, and players with no tactical skills.

The last four CoD all had different paces of play and all dropped off for some reason or another.

Players are too lazy to learn a new style of play and are whining because they can’t run all over crappy players and actually have to try against players just as good as them.

The numbers people should be looking at are Sony numbers not Steam. Steam has a lesser experience than Sony due to their exclusivity contract.

Also the new PvE play is getting more and more popular (Raid, spec ops missions and the DMZ).


Registered User
Sep 17, 2013
Ah yes there's that excuse again. It's the players fault.

Also shut the f*** up about the sony contract. It means literally nothing.

Smelling Salt

Busey is life
Mar 8, 2006
No one is playing Raid and DMZ, Dolemite. Don't kid yourself. DMZ is f***ing pointless, ultimately. "Oh great, I have collected some tape and put it in my backpack. Oh yay, I found some clothes! This is all so exciting!" Just absolutely half-assed.

People don't like the lack of core content. That is a fact. Again, the game lacks core content. Your lame OMG JUST PLAY TACTICAL is just nonsense and has nothing to do with the game's problems. People can play however they want - I don't give a shit. People just want more maps to do it on. The game is a camo grind simulator, and only serves to upgrade weapons for WZ2. Which at this point, is also a bust.

I assume Season 2/leading up to Season 2 is gonna have a shit tonne of changes/fixes, but hopefully it's not too late. I don't think they are magically gonna drop four new maps day one, so already it's not gonna fix the main problem.

x Tame Impala

HFBoards Sponsor
Aug 24, 2011
No one is playing Raid and DMZ, Dolemite. Don't kid yourself. DMZ is f***ing pointless, ultimately. "Oh great, I have collected some tape and put it in my backpack. Oh yay, I found some clothes! This is all so exciting!" Just absolutely half-assed.

People don't like the lack of core content. That is a fact. Again, the game lacks core content. Your lame OMG JUST PLAY TACTICAL is just nonsense and has nothing to do with the game's problems. People can play however they want - I don't give a shit. People just want more maps to do it on. The game is a camo grind simulator, and only serves to upgrade weapons for WZ2. Which at this point, is also a bust.

I assume Season 2/leading up to Season 2 is gonna have a shit tonne of changes/fixes, but hopefully it's not too late. I don't think they are magically gonna drop four new maps day one, so already it's not gonna fix the main problem.
Until people stop buying the games they're going to keep pumping out these minimal content, BP grinds, of a game. It's like all the major gaming studios saw what EA was doing and saw that people still buy their games no matter what so f*** it, keep doing what they're doing and keep making money.
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The one...the only...
May 4, 2004
Washington DC
No one is playing Raid and DMZ, Dolemite. Don't kid yourself. DMZ is f***ing pointless, ultimately. "Oh great, I have collected some tape and put it in my backpack. Oh yay, I found some clothes! This is all so exciting!" Just absolutely half-assed.

People don't like the lack of core content. That is a fact. Again, the game lacks core content. Your lame OMG JUST PLAY TACTICAL is just nonsense and has nothing to do with the game's problems. People can play however they want - I don't give a shit. People just want more maps to do it on. The game is a camo grind simulator, and only serves to upgrade weapons for WZ2. Which at this point, is also a bust.

I assume Season 2/leading up to Season 2 is gonna have a shit tonne of changes/fixes, but hopefully it's not too late. I don't think they are magically gonna drop four new maps day one, so already it's not gonna fix the main problem.
No it's just you. You don't get it. The game has core content. You CHOOSE (key term here) not to play it.

The TikToks coming from DMZ alone are awesome.

x Tame Impala

HFBoards Sponsor
Aug 24, 2011
Maybe it's just a generational thing. I'm in my mid thirties. Growing up playing Halo and COD we almost exclusively just cared about playing against other real players online and getting to the highest level you could. You wanted to be really good at the game, your level was representative of that, and that was enough. It was fun getting the camo's for the COD guns as well but it also meant something to unlock them.

The spec ops in MW2 was pretty fun, my buddy and i would play them as an occasional change of pace. Other than that i can't imagine playing against bots to be any fun whatsoever. It was something people who weren't very good at the game would do. Custom games in Halo were fun as well but the real meat and potatoes was trying to get as close to a level 50 as you could.

It could be a generational gap here where younger gamers today are used to and even prefer PvE and Battle Pass game structures. Which is fine i guess, it's just never what interested me when i was in my "prime".
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Registered User
Sep 17, 2013
No one is playing Raid and DMZ, Dolemite. Don't kid yourself. DMZ is f***ing pointless, ultimately. "Oh great, I have collected some tape and put it in my backpack. Oh yay, I found some clothes! This is all so exciting!" Just absolutely half-assed.

People don't like the lack of core content. That is a fact. Again, the game lacks core content. Your lame OMG JUST PLAY TACTICAL is just nonsense and has nothing to do with the game's problems. People can play however they want - I don't give a shit. People just want more maps to do it on. The game is a camo grind simulator, and only serves to upgrade weapons for WZ2. Which at this point, is also a bust.

I assume Season 2/leading up to Season 2 is gonna have a shit tonne of changes/fixes, but hopefully it's not too late. I don't think they are magically gonna drop four new maps day one, so already it's not gonna fix the main problem.
Attaching a weapon unlock to that mode shows how little faith they have in DMZ.

We played it a couple times. It's very boring and lmao Dolemite clinging to the idea people give a shit about raids. No one plays COD for co-op, pal.


The one...the only...
May 4, 2004
Washington DC
Maybe it's just a generational thing. I'm in my mid thirties. Growing up playing Halo and COD we almost exclusively just cared about playing against other real players online and getting to the highest level you could. You wanted to be really good at the game, your level was representative of that, and that was enough. It was fun getting the camo's for the COD guns as well but it also meant something to unlock them.

The spec ops in MW2 was pretty fun, my buddy and i would play them as an occasional change of pace. Other than that i can't imagine playing against bots to be any fun whatsoever. It was something people who weren't very good at the game would do. Custom games in Halo were fun as well but the real meat and potatoes was trying to get as close to a level 50 as you could.

It could be a generational gap here where younger gamers today are used to and even prefer PvE and Battle Pass game structures. Which is fine i guess, it's just never what interested me when i was in my "prime".
The Spec-Ops missions help you to do the normal and Veteran Raids (The first of five chapters are out now) with the three classes and all the tier rewards. Those load outs help IMMENSELY with the raid as well as surviving the Spec-ops missions.

x Tame Impala

HFBoards Sponsor
Aug 24, 2011
The Spec-Ops missions help you to do the normal and Veteran Raids (The first of five chapters are out now) with the three classes and all the tier rewards. Those load outs help IMMENSELY with the raid as well as surviving the Spec-ops missions.
Sorry should have clarified. I did the spec ops in the ORIGINAL MW2. Not this one. I have no interest in playing online against the computer in any capacity. It's boring and less challenging than playing against real people online.

I haven't touched spec ops in the new game but what you described sounds very boring, no offense.


The one...the only...
May 4, 2004
Washington DC
Sorry should have clarified. I did the spec ops in the ORIGINAL MW2. Not this one. I have no interest in playing online against the computer in any capacity. It's boring and less challenging than playing against real people online.

I haven't touched spec ops in the new game but what you described sounds very boring, no offense.
You won't know it unless you try it. The Gun Game Defend is a lot of fun.
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