Confirmed with Link: Blues Hire Former Blue MacTavish as Assistant Coach


Registered User
Aug 30, 2011
I can forgive tired and old drivers because they literally did not choose to be that way and both of them may have to go places.

I cannot forgive drunk/high and/or distracted drivers because they have a choice. They always have a choice. They could call a taxi to pick them up or have a friend be the designated driver, put the phone down and turn it off instead of checking that one text, choose to eat before driving or after they get to their destination.
Yeah I get it, they made a bad choice.

But holding that against them forever is just not right. All humans make bad choices. If you can’t forgive people, you’re not as moral of a person as you act like you are, quite honestly.


Registered User
Nov 14, 2011
St. Louis, MO
I dont know anything about MacTavish's coaching skills. But I admire his courage to survive as he has.

Did he drink and drive and kill someone. Yes, but how many people coming home from Blues and Cardinal games are impaired drivers? Plenty! Our society is bi-polar on the issue of alcohol use. And MacTavish has never again in the news in a bad way, at least as far as I know.

MacTavish is part of our team now and I support him and the management who brought him in.


HFBoards Sponsor
Dec 4, 2016
Houston, TX
2020-21 in the Swiss League according his Elite Prospects staff profile. Craig MacTavish at

Overall I'm kind of 50/50 on the hire. It's not too thrilling, and although I'm glad to see Monty get another head coaching gig (and thankfully one unlike Dallas where we don't have to see him a lot), it's still going to be a big loss on the bench with him gone.
Did not realize that. Feel better about hire now. Thanks!
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Future Authoress.
Sep 12, 2011
St. Louis, Missouri
Yeah I get it, they made a bad choice.

But holding that against them forever is just not right. All humans make bad choices. If you can’t forgive people, you’re not as moral of a person as you act like you are, quite honestly.

Tell that to my deceased friend, who got killed by a drunk driver who ran a red light under a suspended license.

Never did I claim to be moral; I've done shitty things in my life. The difference is that I don't let go of things, including my own actions. If that makes me moral or immoral, so be it.


HFBoards Sponsor
Dec 4, 2016
Houston, TX
Tell that to my deceased friend, who got killed by a drunk driver who ran a red light under a suspended license.

Never did I claim to be moral; I've done shitty things in my life. The difference is that I don't let go of things, including my own actions. If that makes me moral or immoral, so be it.
Sorry about your friend. But never letting go is recipe for unhappy and unhealthy life.

MacT made terrible mistake nearly 40 years ago, but he served time. Seems to have become decent person. Should he not be allowed to work ever again because of it?


Registered User
Nov 14, 2011
St. Louis, MO
Tell that to my deceased friend, who got killed by a drunk driver who ran a red light under a suspended license.

Never did I claim to be moral; I've done shitty things in my life. The difference is that I don't let go of things, including my own actions. If that makes me moral, so be it.

Incidents like these have different levels of culpability. You have to look at the life history of the defendant

Some who drives drunk with a suspended license sounds like a totally irresponsible person. But some drunk drivers live uber-responsible lives and enjoy the release of alcohol.

We all make mistakes and some of those mistakes have terrible consequences
. I drove under the influence plenty of times in my younger days and lucked out. I didn't hurt anyone. So I can't judge a guy like MacTavish harshly.

I don't drive like that anymore.


Registered User
Jun 27, 2015
Denver, CO
Lol this is so bad. Dude is a dinosaur, why would we do this when we have Bannister or Tkaczuk that have been paying their dues for years now.


Registered User
Aug 30, 2011
Tell that to my deceased friend, who got killed by a drunk driver who ran a red light under a suspended license.

Never did I claim to be moral; I've done shitty things in my life. The difference is that I don't let go of things, including my own actions. If that makes me moral or immoral, so be it.
I’m sorry if my post came off harsh - wasn’t my intention, and I’m also sorry to hear about your friend.

Truly, I do understand you 100%. I’m actually the same way - letting go of things can be very difficult and it’s something that I’ve had to work on myself.

I just think if we can’t move on, what’s the incentive for any of us to do better? That should be what life is all about. As long as we learn and improve, there’s a ton of dignity in that.
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reckless optimism
Jun 9, 2015
Tell that to my deceased friend, who got killed by a drunk driver who ran a red light under a suspended license.

Never did I claim to be moral; I've done shitty things in my life. The difference is that I don't let go of things, including my own actions. If that makes me moral or immoral, so be it.

Looks like you're angry about a repeat offender, not someone that made a terrible mistake once 40 years ago and has lived a clean life since.

Reality Czech

Registered User
Apr 17, 2017
Lol this is so bad. Dude is a dinosaur, why would we do this when we have Bannister or Tkaczuk that have been paying their dues for years now.

Just listening to Army's press conference now, he says it's useful to have a guy with prior head coaching experience around to support Berube. Plus, there are few guys with more NHL experience than MacT. I would imagine Berube had input on the decision as well.


Registered User
Jan 5, 2016
I don't care. I abhor drunk drivers - and before you accuse me of hypocrisy, I don't very much care for Ryan O'Reilly off the ice myself. Nobody holds a f***ing gun to the heads of drunk drivers and makes them drink and drive. I lost a close friend to the actions of a drunk driver, so yeah, I really hate this move.
Pretty convenient. Our top player got busted for drinking and driving: I’ll dislike him, but only off the ice.


Believe In The Note
Dec 1, 2013
Out West
Mactavish is not the problem.

The core here is gutless. Look at the people who wear letters and ask how they are doing this season.
I want to know what has changed and where the 'bad' influence or voice is in the room that's given our guys lead feet and weak hearts. We see glimpses of this team where they are absolute fighters and the will is there, the skill and the strength is also. Who is or what is holding us back?

If we come out fighting and lose, that's fine. You see that kind of heart with teams like the Habs who don't have the skills or size but refuse to lay down and die. We had that resolve, now it's gone.

If I had to guess on this, it wouldn't be about losing players or coaching or all of that, it's that the year we won the Cup, management had declared the year lost, let go of the reins and let the players play their game. That's what made Chief a certified badass in my book. If I had to guess, I'd say there's either too many hands on this team or too much pressure or 'we know what we're doing, do it our way' from somewhere in the hierarchy. I know it's not Stillman because he is invested in Army and lets Army make those kind of decisions, so maybe Army leverages pressure on the team in some other way that comes out as negative? Because when he took his hand off the wheel, the team became something else and something wonderful. He should try doing that again, whatever that is.

It could very well be a combination of things too, but I feel like there's one prevalent theme in the room that's holding our boys back and I can't figure out what it is.

Don't jump on my s-it now boys, I'm stating an opinion, don't give me grief on that lol.
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