Biggest fake to an injury

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Jul 10, 2004
Bryan Marchment faked getting knocked out after a suspect hit by Ruutu a few years ago. He got up off the ice after looking almost-dead, and had a little smirk on his face.
Wow. Two pages about guys diving and I'm the first to mention Peter Forsberg? Short memories. When he wants to it takes a bazooka to knock Forsberg of the puck and yet in nearly every playoff game I've ever seen the guy play in he gets tapped and drops like a sack of hammers.

And speaking as a Habs fan I say this. Alexei Kovalev is one of the most talented hockey players I have ever seen, with Montreal or any other team. He is also a diver. Doesn't make him any less of a player. Throughout his career he has been known to embellish to get a call. The one with the Nords was one of the worst I've ever seen.


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Dec 30, 2003
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God Bless Canada said:
Kovalev in the 1995 playoffs was the first one that comes to mind. The guy looked like he'd been shot by an uzi. Not only that, but Sakic went down the ice, scored, and had it waved off due to Kovalev's Razzi-worthy performance.
I like Kovy but that was the worst that I've seen. Mike Foligno and Bill Barber were pretty bad too.


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Feb 17, 2005
Malefic74 said:
Wow. Two pages about guys diving and I'm the first to mention Peter Forsberg? Short memories. When he wants to it takes a bazooka to knock Forsberg of the puck and yet in nearly every playoff game I've ever seen the guy play in he gets tapped and drops like a sack of hammers.

Wordy McWord.

Great player. Hate his guts because of his antics. He falls down when he's breathed on funny.

Theo Fleury was afflicted by a similar instinct. Great play, really ba about getting tapped on the arm and having his feet go out (or my other favorite, getting hooked and falling forward instead of backwards)

Frightened Inmate #2

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Jun 26, 2003
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Kritter471 said:
Wordy McWord.

Great player. Hate his guts because of his antics. He falls down when he's breathed on funny.

Theo Fleury was afflicted by a similar instinct. Great play, really ba about getting tapped on the arm and having his feet go out (or my other favorite, getting hooked and falling forward instead of backwards)

There is a great clip on rockem sockem 4 I think where linden gives Fleury the slightest of tugs and Fleury does a 360 in the air while Linden is standing there looking at him, shakes his head and skates off while Fleury is still in mid-dive.

Bring Back Bucky

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May 19, 2004
Canadas Ocean Playground
KOVALEV10 said:
:biglaugh: He's an idiot yet he's one of the most talented players in the league and I dont care what anyone thinks, when on top of his game he's top 10 in the whole league.

Do you think it would be safer for Kovalev if he were to ask one of his mates to hold his purse safely on the bench during his shifts?? That way he'd be able to better protect himself on the ice instead of worrying about spilling the contents during rough shenanigans ...

Bring Back Bucky

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May 19, 2004
Canadas Ocean Playground
chooch said:
When 99 was "slashed" by Billy Smith and went down in a heap in the finals. Then McTavish ran Smith a little and Smith went down as if to mock what happened earlier.

Were you alive in 1984 or what, cause Craig MacTavish wasn't a member of the Oilers at that time, and I expect you might know that had you been alive...


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Nov 24, 2002
TJF said:
What kills me about it all was when the Habs knocked the Bruins out and the players all shoke hands, Kovalev shoke hands with his left hand because his right hand was way to sensitive to shake hands but he could still play hockey. :shakehead

Kovalev has a sense of humour... that scene was the funniest thing that happened in a while with a Habs player :biglaugh:


What about the story with Milbury almost crying in a press conference because Bobby Carpenter was never going to walk again after his injury, then he comes out the next game perfect like nothing happened.

Fish on The Sand

Feb 28, 2002
TJF said:
If he really wanted to prove it was a real injury he would have showed all the camera's the bruise that the slash caused instead of covering up noting with a bunch of bandages. What kills me about it all was when the Habs knocked the Bruins out and the players all shoke hands, Kovalev shoke hands with his left hand because his right hand was way to sensitive to shake hands but he could still play hockey. :shakehead
yeah, god forbid the guy has heart and plays through an injury. He must have been faking. :cry: Give it up, it was a legitimate injury.


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Feb 4, 2005
North of North
Benton Fraser said:
There is a great clip on rockem sockem 4 I think where linden gives Fleury the slightest of tugs and Fleury does a 360 in the air while Linden is standing there looking at him, shakes his head and skates off while Fleury is still in mid-dive.

One of the best dives ever!
There are some guys who can dive well, usually smaller guys. And some who are just too plain obvious.
But the fakers that drive you crazy are those who fake serious injury. It doesn't belong in pro hockey... and 98% of the players know it. Too bad about the other 2% who will lower themselves to those tactics. :shakehead


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Feb 28, 2002
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Hasek gotta be the worst I've seen...but there are plenty out there including Andre Markov, Vladimir Malakov, Alexei Yashin, Mario Lemieux, Claude Lemieux, Ulfie Samuelson, etc...

Lou is God

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Nov 10, 2003
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Big Phil said:
To me I think of the Domi/Niedermayer hit in the '01 playoffs. Yes I'll admit it was a cheap shot Domi did on Scott but Niedermayer was carried out on a stretcher and then he's walking up and down the Hallway talking on his cell phone. I mean he looks like he's going to be in the Hospital and then he's fine? :dunno:

Com'on man, are you kidding me?? Niedermeyer layed on the ice motionless and ended up missing two weeks of the playoffs. He faked it? Why would he fake an injury for two weeks that forced him to miss a could portion of the Devils playoffs?

Just think he faked it because he talked on a cell phone moments after that hit, what's so hard about that?


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Dec 30, 2004
David said:
Hasek gotta be the worst I've seen...but there are plenty out there including Andre Markov, Vladimir Malakov, Alexei Yashin, Mario Lemieux, Claude Lemieux, Ulfie Samuelson, etc...

Andrei Markov? Ohh you must mean versus the Bruins right? Where 6'4", 220lbs Joe Thornton rams his elbow through his head along the boards! What a wimp! Gets run wih an elbowto the face and goes down.. man, Markov sucks!

:shakehead :sarcasm: :shakehead


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Feb 28, 2002
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Habs13 said:
Andrei Markov? Ohh you must mean versus the Bruins right? Where 6'4", 220lbs Joe Thornton rams his elbow through his head along the boards! What a wimp! Gets run wih an elbowto the face and goes down.. man, Markov sucks!

:shakehead :sarcasm: :shakehead
Andre has been one of my favorite prospects that I've followed since he was 17 years old...and since he plays for my cherished CH, I hate to admit it but, if it walks like a duck, and looks like a gotta call it a duck...

Even in this month's WC Andre was at it again...sigh...I hope he cleans it up soon 'cos I think that he MAY turn into a Norris candidate one day.


David said:
Hasek gotta be the worst I've seen...but there are plenty out there including Andre Markov, Vladimir Malakov, Alexei Yashin, Mario Lemieux, Claude Lemieux, Ulfie Samuelson, etc...

Markov is such a faker. He gets hit by a blatant elbow chich the stupid ref ignores yet he's a faker. Since when does Lemieux dive? I bet you havent seen him when he would have 2 guys on his back and still manage to fight them off and score. Claude Lemieux and Ulf Samuleson are asses and pests moreso then divers or fakers.

Dr Love

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Mar 22, 2002
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Hasek acts it out sometimes but for me what was more annoying is that every game, guaranteed, he would knock the net off the moorings when he needed a stop in play. And he never got called for it. The Sabres would be getting their butts kicked on a possesion and once it was clear Hasek wasn't going to get his hands on the puck, viola the net is somehow off the moorings.
KOVALEV10 said:
Markov is such a faker. He gets hit by a blatant elbow chich the stupid ref ignores yet he's a faker. Since when does Lemieux dive? I bet you havent seen him when he would have 2 guys on his back and still manage to fight them off and score. Claude Lemieux and Ulf Samuleson are asses and pests moreso then divers or fakers.

Claude Lemieux was a HUGE diver. It got better as he got older, but as a young player he was falling all over the ice. Got so bad he went down once (instead of backchecking as I recall) and Perron didn't send the trainer out. Claude had to get up and skate back to the bench.

I've seen Mario do it as well. He doesn't flop around like a landed fish, but if he knows the ref is watching and knows he can get a call out of it he's not above the tactic. Unless he's got a great scoring chance. Then he'll fight through it. But away from the puck, I've seen him do it; Gretzky too.


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Feb 28, 2002
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KOVALEV10 said:
Markov is such a faker. He gets hit by a blatant elbow chich the stupid ref ignores yet he's a faker. Since when does Lemieux dive? I bet you havent seen him when he would have 2 guys on his back and still manage to fight them off and score. Claude Lemieux and Ulf Samuleson are asses and pests moreso then divers or fakers.

Markov is who Markov is...too bad Andre couldn't be a little more like Danil...

If you haven't seen Mario dive then you obviously haven't been following hockey for very long. As for having 2 guys on his back and scoring, that would be Mario Jr. (aka Jaromir 'I do 2000 squats a day' Jagr) with his Sampson hair and not Lemieux. As I once mentioned before, the pre-cancer Mario is a completely different creature than the post-cancer one.

As for Claude and Ulfie, not only were they divers but divers who turtled when guys like Neely came knocking on their doors...why else do you think that Grapes has been calling these two dispicable for so many years???


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Nov 17, 2003
chooch said:
When 99 was "slashed" by Billy Smith and went down in a heap in the finals. Then McTavish ran Smith a little and Smith went down as if to mock what happened earlier.

Good choice. I remember that. I actually lost a little respect for Wayne due to that, but now forgotten. If I remember correctly, Smithy made the front page of an Edmonton Newspaper with a bulls-eye on him. The good old days!


Global Moderator
Jan 17, 2004
In Game 4 of the Flyers-Rangers 1987 playoff series, Bob Froese and Lindsay Carson bumped in the Rangers' goalie crease. Incensed, Froese chased after Carson until they met a few feet away from the blue line, Carson swatted at him, barely making contact, and Froese went down as if Mike Tyson just leveled him.

In the ensuing scrum, Froese then righted himself and took part in the festivities, before he skated away towards the Rangers bench, hunched over, before collapsing into the arms of equipment/training staff at the player's bench door. It was so comical that members of the Rangers' staff struggled to compose themselves; Wayne Cashman, IIRC, was smiling as was at least one player.

Big Phil

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Nov 2, 2003
This one is in Rock Em Sock Em #7. Its a playoff game between Chicago and Detroit. Slava Kozlov gets hooked near his arm or his shoulder it looks like and goes down and slides into the boards as if he was shot by a cannon. He lies there with his eyes closed as if he was knocked out then eventually scores the game winner (of course).

Also a favourite of mine is in the '98 Olympics where Canada and the Czechs are playing in OT at the time. Fleury very lightly bumps into Hasek and he goes down like a sack of potatoes. Hasek is just lying up against the mesh for a good 15 seconds not moving. I like Harry Neale's comment on that one "Well Hasek isnt going to get away with drawing a penalty as he goes down like he has just been hung!" :biglaugh: Always love Neale's comments
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