OT: All Things Game of Thrones III (The End!?)

Who sits on the Iron Throne?

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Ruck Over

When the revolution comes, pants will do you no gd
Apr 19, 2016
Philadelphia, Pa
This entire theory is based off a book release timeline that, 11 years later, still hasnt come to fruition. It's entirely just as possible that GRRM told them he was close to completing the storylines in 6 and 7 and they could've continue to slow play and tell out details through 9 seasons or 10. Then they hit season 5 and 6 and theres no books. Making this show is a year round job for these guys that theyve done for 11 years. Producers arent in the business of dedicating their entire lives to one show, especially if there was a presumption that they wouldn't have had to dedicate as many resources to developing a storyline they thought that they would already have.
Say it with me, "D&D f***ed up by believing GRRM would finish the books and make their tv show adaptation easy. They underestimated the amount of work, time, resources, they'd need to invest to create a show by themselves without the books. At the end of the run, because of their new gained popularity and pizzaz, they decided to cut bait on the show to pursue other interest."

So in essence, D&D bit off more than they could chew, and are producing a lesser product than what was originally aired. That's my point.


Top .01% OnlyHands
May 8, 2011
Philadelphia, Pa
Say it with me, "D&D ****ed up by believing GRRM would finish the books and make their tv show adaptation easy. They underestimated the amount of work, time, resources, they'd need to invest to create a show by themselves without the books. At the end of the run, because of their new gained popularity and pizzaz, they decided to cut bait on the show to pursue other interest."

So in essence, D&D bit off more than they could chew, and are producing a lesser product than what was originally aired. That's my point.

They didn't bite off more than they could chew jf they were promised that the books would be finished sometime in the next 11 years they planned to run the show in, but someone else didnt deliver said storyline.

And sure, a lesser product, not a "omgwtf is this garbage dont even call it GoT cause Arya cant jump" type reaction. Because, well, d&d arent GRRM, so if he isnt doing the bulk of the writing, With d&d adding details to make it screen friendly - you know the formula that worked so well in the early seasons - that should have been expected. If you expected them to maintain that level of quality, as I said before, the problem isnt the show. Its you.

They're screenwriters, not book writers. You're asking a basketball player to play hockey. Sure, they're both athletes, but they require significantly different skill sets. I wouldn't expect Lebron to step on the ice and give me Gretzky level results. Thinking he would would be completely foolish.

Juicy Pop

Apr 26, 2014
Scranton, PA
I’m gonna dice roll Bran because something major needs to happen with his character and I can’t see Jon sitting on the throne. Dany is as good as dead if we’re in the actual last bits that GRRM gave them.

I have no goddamn clue what they do with Arya.

Ruck Over

When the revolution comes, pants will do you no gd
Apr 19, 2016
Philadelphia, Pa
They didn't bite off more than they could chew jf they were promised that the books would be finished sometime in the next 11 years they planned to run the show in, but someone else didnt deliver said storyline.

And sure, a lesser product, not a "omgwtf is this garbage dont even call it GoT cause Arya cant jump" type reaction. Because, well, d&d arent GRRM, so if he isnt doing the bulk of the writing, With d&d adding details to make it screen friendly - you know the formula that worked so well in the early seasons - that should have been expected. If you expected them to maintain that level of quality, as I said before, the problem isnt the show. Its you.

They're screenwriters, not book writers. You're asking a basketball player to play hockey. Sure, they're both athletes, but they require significantly different skill sets. I wouldn't expect Lebron to step on the ice and give me Gretzky level results. Thinking he would would be completely foolish.

You're making an assumption, make a strong argument off of what we know.

And I'm not judging D&D on making a book, but a tv show, that they put themselves as creators in the title cards.


You have no marbles
Jul 28, 2004
A lot of characters that need to have storylines/fate decided or explained


Top .01% OnlyHands
May 8, 2011
Philadelphia, Pa
You're making an assumption, make a strong argument off of what we know.

And I'm not judging D&D on making a book, but a tv show, that they put themselves as creators in the title cards.

The same way you're making an assumption that they shouldn't have expected to have additional GRRM storyline 11 years later, and signed on to continue the storyline on their own, and deciding to "cut bait to pursue other interests"?

I'm a hell of a lot more comfortable with the assumption that GRRM wasnt going to need 10 years to write a book then I am assuming peoples motives based on information I dont have. Guess were just at another crossroads where we dont agree.

Hollywood Cannon

I'm Away From My Desk
Jul 17, 2007
South Jersey
Gendry wasn't in the background at all in the last episode, was he?

Weird if not.

Skeleton Ned and Alive Ned also weren't.


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Beef Invictus

Revolutionary Positivity
Dec 21, 2009
Armored Train
Correct. Gendry, brienne, sansa, and bran were noticeably absent from the last episode. I think weve closed out at least two of their storylines, for better or worse.

I expected not to see Brienne, Sansa, or Bran, but you'd think Gendry would have tagged along. Especially so he can get to his property.
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Ruck Over

When the revolution comes, pants will do you no gd
Apr 19, 2016
Philadelphia, Pa
The same way you're making an assumption that they shouldn't have expected to have additional GRRM storyline 11 years later, and signed on to continue the storyline on their own, and deciding to "cut bait to pursue other interests"?

I'm a hell of a lot more comfortable with the assumption that GRRM wasnt going to need 10 years to write a book then I am assuming peoples motives based on information I dont have. Guess were just at another crossroads where we dont agree.
How is it an assumption that HBO told D&D they'd pay whatever, for however long, but D&D decided to stop at near 73 hours to tell the story? From their own mouths, confirmed by HBO execs, D&D had a preconceived notion of how long the story would last. In the famous sit down, the two of them guessed Jon's parentage and then GRRM blessed them the green light to make the show, and they've discussed on more than one occasion how the story would go since then.

Keep making excuses. GRRM didn't finish the books, so how could anyone expect anything from D&D, boo hoo.


Top .01% OnlyHands
May 8, 2011
Philadelphia, Pa
I expected not to see Brienne, Sansa, or Bran, but you'd think Gendry would have tagged along. Especially so he can get to his property.

Yeah, I'd have thought hed want to be involved in going after the people who tried capturing/having him killed. Maybe hes just too heartbroken from Sansa.


Top .01% OnlyHands
May 8, 2011
Philadelphia, Pa
How is it an assumption that HBO told D&D they'd pay whatever, for however long, but D&D decided to stop at near 73 hours to tell the story? From their own mouths, confirmed by HBO execs, D&D had a preconceived notion of how long the story would last. In the famous sit down, the two of them guessed Jon's parentage and then GRRM blessed them the green light to make the show, and they've discussed on more than one occasion how the story would go since then.

Keep making excuses. GRRM didn't finish the books, so how could anyone expect anything from D&D, boo hoo.

This isnt even remotely what I was hinting at, so I'm just gonna let you go off the deep end on your own.


Sep 24, 2009
I said Sansa. I think it is not going to be Jon or Dany at this point, and Arya doesn't seem to want it. Tyrion I don't think would be accepted by the masses. Gendry is going to go to Storm's End and marry Arya. No one else really makes any sense.
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