Alfie's Gone.... Part II: "This Sucks" Edition

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Same Old Hockey
Nov 27, 2006
Does #11 still make it to the rafters when he retires?

Not as quickly I would guess. Time heals all wounds though. If he had stayed, 11 would go up the game after he retired. Now I think even if next year is the last year, everyone will need more time to put this behind us. It also depends on how much of a grudge Melnyk personally has over his spurning of the team. He statement wishing Alfie and his family well 'in future endeavours' sure makes it sound like there's no longer a corner office with his name on it.


Bring in Peter
Apr 13, 2005
I understand Alfredsson wanting a chance at the cup... but Detroit? Really? Maybe 4 years ago.

Obviously any team can win the cup each year, but if you're picking odds, you go with Chicago, Pittsburgh, Boston... maybe L.A. Not Detroit.

The Wings had as many points as we did last year, and they wouldn't have even made the playoffs if it wasn't for a big 4 game win streak at the end of the year. Sure, they were in a tougher conference, but we were without Spezza, Karlsson and Anderson for a good portion of the year.

I don't get how Alfredsson and his agent can say with a straight face that Detroit has a significantly better chance at a cup than Ottawa does.

Alfie's going to regret this. I see Detroit being one of the team battling Ottawa for a bottom 4 spot, not at the top of the conference. If he thought his time was up in Ottawa and wanted a better chance at the Cup then I can accept that, but he picked the wrong team to go to.


Registered User
Mar 13, 2013
I understand Alfredsson wanting a chance at the cup... but Detroit? Really? Maybe 4 years ago.

Obviously any team can win the cup each year, but if you're picking odds, you go with Chicago, Pittsburgh, Boston... maybe L.A. Not Detroit.

The Wings had as many points as we did last year, and they wouldn't have even made the playoffs if it wasn't for a big 4 game win streak at the end of the year. Sure, they were in a tougher conference, but we were without Spezza, Karlsson and Anderson for a good portion of the year.

I don't get how Alfredsson and his agent can say with a straight face that Detroit has a significantly better chance at a cup than Ottawa does.

Alfie's going to regret this. I see Detroit being one of the team battling Ottawa for a bottom 4 spot, not at the top of the conference. If he thought his time was up in Ottawa and wanted a better chance at the Cup then I can accept that, but he picked the wrong team to go to.

This argument is repeated a lot, but to be honest I don't agree with it. Yes Detroit finished 7th in their conference last year just like the Sens. However, the trick is getting in to the playoffs. The LA Kings won the cup as an 8 seed just two seasons ago while Chicago won as a 1 seed this year, so there really is no rhyme or reason to it sometimes. I think the important part that Alfie is seeing is that Detroit had the eventual champs on the ropes before losing in 7 while the Sens got blown out by the team that got blown out by the team that lost in the final. So while the Sens and Wings both got to the second round, their chances in that round were completely different.

That was last year. Going forward we are much better with Ryan in our lineup and all of our players coming back from injuries. On the other side, Detroit also added to their roster and they are willing to spend up to the cap to win. It will be very interesting if these two teams meet up in the conference final. Maybe Alfie will experience that same sinking feeling that Iginla did, where he realizes he put his money on the wrong horse.
Oct 31, 2011
Your face when you heard Alfredson left:


Post em



Veni Vidi Toga
Jul 29, 2003
I had forgotten about Lidstrom's role in this, that would be interesting if he unretired.

I never liked the idea of calling LA an 8th place team. When they were in 8th place, most of us were wondering how could this what should be a first place team that has made all the right moves to be a contender be languishing in 8th place fighting for a playoff spot. But then they went on a solid run in the 2nd half and then the playoffs and lived up to the expectations in the end. But they dont really demonstrate to me that Cinderella teams still exist in the salary cap era or that "8th place" teams have a chance any more than a team not spending to the cap does.

There may have been teams with a better chance than Detroit, but apparently none of them offered alfie a contract. As alfie said, it's not like he had 29 offers to choose from. But one, from a team that would allow him to play his final year on a pizza line making him surely an olympian, where the team will spend to the cap and not be flattered if they are considered pesky, and where he isnt expected to be a mentor, whether contender or not, that has to be an appealing hockey decision. And like we saw with Iginla at the deadline, players can be talked into changing their minds at the last minute. Maybe he will even prefer the way fans treat him now rather than having to live up to god status which for a guy like alfie may not be all we feel its cracked up to be.

Very Stable Genius

Jan 3, 2005
Pretty damning statement: “And they have a commitment from their owner to make it work, whereas I don’t know whether that is evident in Ottawa"


Registered User
Mar 2, 2002
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Trent are you for real?

Niedermeyer had a broken foot or something and was wearing extra protection on his boot and Alfredsson deliberately took a shot right at it.

How can you even question that?

It's a 2 second play and he spends most of it looking away from Niedermayer who was standing behind another Duck at the start of it. The timing and the player don't make any sense to me. The Game 5 blow out was the time to be frustrated. What was he frustrated about then? Having an excellent chance to tie the series in the 3rd period in a 2-2 game? That Niedermayer was on the same team as Pronger who just finished elbowing McAmmond after obstructing every single player who crossed the blueline without the puck?

The worst part of the clip by far every time I watch it is assclown Pierre McGuire being a drama queen to attract attention to himself, as per usual.

What makes you think that Alfredsson is coming back here in any capacity. He is moving his entire family to Detroit so that he can come back to Ottawa a year later?


He's not coming back.

Detroit is not a better team than we are. Our "kids" were just in the playoffs. We have guys like Neil, Spezza & Phillips that have been around forever.

I get that you are probably shocked and are still in denial, but come on man.

This is indefensible stuff.

When people are more sensible about this, they'll realize that he didn't really hurt us all that much. He's already helped sow the seeds of the future for the team in whatever ways that he could. This season would have been yet another farewell tour. He's declined as a player, such that you couldn't really guess who would finished 2nd behind Spezza (Michalek, Alfredsson, Turris, Zibanejad, Conacher, Silfverberg) in scoring any more.

We lost 1 season of a 50 point player. We lost him a year earlier than expected. He spurned us by implying that Detroit has a better chance... they do. They're playoff proven, a cap team and a high roller at the trade deadline. The Sens are none of those things this year. Did you hear the part in his interview where he said that it wouldn't be fair to ask or expect Murray to accelerate the program for his sake? Detroit is going to do everything in their power to win this season and we aren't.


Exiled from paradise
Nov 10, 2010
Canadas Black Hole
Pretty damning statement: “And they have a commitment from their owner to make it work, whereas I don’t know whether that is evident in Ottawa"

Not going to knock Detroit's skills in assembling Cup teams, but ya have to disagree with that. That the Sens have not only exceeded expectations (hell weren't they supposed to be rebuilding the last few years according to pundits), but have made deals to get solid G and some scoring punch that didnt' have their best years in 2001 speak to at least an effort being made? What was he expecting, that they'd get Crosby, Oveckin, and Quick in a season?

Once again, it was all about the money. The rest screams of lame excuses.


Registered User
Nov 13, 2008
I'm pissed at Alfie for this. He talked about knowing what his legacy was, but it was what it was partly because of his apparent commitment to one team.

The only way this makes sense to me is if he sees a better chance of making the Olympic team if he spends the season with the Detroit Swedes.

John Holmes*

Hmmm...what discussions would those be? Did Chiarelli just admit to tampering?


Let's Go Hawks!
Feb 11, 2012
imo, he made a mistake - i don't think detroit will be more competitive than ottawa next year - i think if alfredsson had stayed, they'd added ryan (and assuming you weren't depleted by injuries again), you would probably have been the more competitive team. i think detroit is going to have more trouble in the east than people are guessing.

also, i don't know how much alfie is going to help detroit - they are adding more age to an already old roster. i'm not saying his playing days are over or anything - but if i wanted a team to move to the next level, i wouldn't have added him to the top 6 on a team with that makeup.

i have a feeling that ottawa will have the last laugh on this one but :dunno:
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