#1 in 2004 - Ovechkin or Crosby??

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Apr 21, 2002
North Bay
gb701 said:
Isn't it time to move on, already? There hasn't been a new thought expressed in at least the last page of this thread.

It would be nice to see the links to Ovechkin's goals that was offered above - but maybe on a new thread and without the comparisons that get everyone's shorts in a knot.
Fair enough dude, I'm out.


Foppa_Rules said:
Mario Lemeuix getting a certain number of points and Sydneykins getting a certain number of points is completely different. You are telling me the league has not changed at all since Lemeuix was in it? Ickle Sydneykins is only 13 points ahead of complete no-names in his league. I'm sure he's done some amazing things but against who? We'll see at the WJ Championships what he can do. Let's see how many scoring titles HE can win.....I mean, picture the two at the faceoff. Does Crosby play LW? If he does, and if Ovechkin plays RW on his line, they will probably be on opposing lines, the Russian Prize vs. the Canadian Prize. Tell me who would win the staredown between the two?? I'll bet you Sydneykins will be the first one to blink. There goes his confidence.


This was completely idiotic...


Sammy said:
I know you didnt say that & I agree its nice for the resume, but in & of itself it means virtually nothing when comparing one player to another, so why then even say that. I know why. Its because whoever says it says it because he/she thinks it provides some evidence in supporting ones view that player A is better than player B, which imo is frankly stupid.

Well, I'm not trying to argue Ovechkin v Crosby, but I'm saying that Ovechkin has proven more. No more, no less.

Regardless, that was just a minor part of my post - don't worry about it.


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Mar 3, 2002
Foppa_Rules said:
I have never heard of anyone else in Crosby's league.

Please, never repeat this sentence too often because that's proove you're a big time ignorant... :dunno:

My father said to me in joke

"don't say anything and appear to be dumb then speak and give the proof"

P.S: It's the translation of a french expression.. I don't know if it'll be well understand in english....


Foppa_Rules said:
Mario Lemeuix getting a certain number of points and Sydneykins getting a certain number of points is completely different. You are telling me the league has not changed at all since Lemeuix was in it?

You're right. The league has changed. It has become more defensive and scoring has gone down. So Sidney's points in a way, are worth more than Mario's were. :teach:

Foppa Rules said:
Let's see how many scoring titles HE can win.....

I'd like to see Alex win one first before you start bringing this up.


Dr_Chimera said:
Well, I'm not trying to argue Ovechkin v Crosby, but I'm saying that Ovechkin has proven more. No more, no less.

You are absolutly correct on that.


lalalaprise -twitter
Feb 28, 2002
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Foppa_Rules said:
Well, come to think of it, he has several scoring titles on the Russian Natonal team...

And Crosby has scoring titles from the Air Canada Cup, Prep School and Midget AAA

Im not trying to argue Sid is better, but you seem to think Ovechkin is light years ahead and you probbaly havent seen either play more than once.


Registered User
Nov 1, 2003
Earth...how about you?
Not light years ahead, but he does seem to be a bit ahead because he is older despite having started playing at a later age. We'll see what Sydneykins does in the upcoming WJ Championship. I have no doubts that Sydneykins is good, but Ovechkin IS lightyears ahead in maturity.


Foppa_Rules said:
I have no doubts that Sydneykins is good, but Ovechkin IS lightyears ahead in maturity.

You don't know much about Crosby I see. This is the guy that voluntarily wears/wore suits to games and practices (even when he didn't need to) because he believes that if you dress well, you'll play well (Sather's philosophy). A guy who sounds like a 20 year old, 5th season junior player in interviews etc.

Don't say light years, he may be ahead in maturity, but not by that much.


lalalaprise -twitter
Feb 28, 2002
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Foppa_Rules said:
He does SOOOO many interviews. I found a picture of him at practice with a cell phone talking to reporters while his teammates are gathered somewhere else.

Half the worlds population uses cell phones, does that mean we are immature? I dont see the correlation.


Light years? :lol:

Have you just not seen Crosby, or do you just dislike Canadian prospects?


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Sep 10, 2002
nova scotia
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Foppa_Rules said:
I became an Avs fan because of Peter Forsberg.....after he goes......who knows. But no, I do not like Crosby. I root for Ovechkin.

Why don't you like crosby? Do you have any logical reason, or is it "gut" feeling. What has he done for you not to like him.

DJ Spinoza

Registered User
Aug 7, 2003
Wow, this thread has really taken off.

At this point, I would take Ovechkin over Crosby. He has proven more, and I think he is a more complete player than Crosby. If I have to choose one for my team to build on (Pens, so this isn't hypothetical really), I take Ovechkin.

Un/Fortunately, my team may end up with both.:dunno:


lalalaprise -twitter
Feb 28, 2002
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Foppa_Rules said:
I think he is kind of disgusting. Overconfident, ect. Besides, he's Ovechkin's rival.

You call a 16 year old disgusting?

What makes you think he is overconfident? Saying that he isnt as good as Gretzky?

He is always giving credit to his team mates and he doesnt think of himself as being special.

You;re judgemental, and that makes YOU disgusting, not Crosby.


Registered User
Nov 1, 2003
Earth...how about you?
Talking about how his conditioning will make it easier to "knock guys off the puck".......eeesh. Who says he's going to knock guys off the puck in the first place? He may be an all right guy, but he's just NOT as good as Ovechkin.


lalalaprise -twitter
Feb 28, 2002
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Foppa_Rules said:
Talking about how his conditioning will make it easier to "knock guys off the puck".......eeesh. Who says he's going to knock guys off the puck in the first place? He may be an all right guy, but he's just NOT as good as Ovechkin.

That is like saying I worked on my shot so i can score more goals!

So he works hard, that is a good thing for a young player to do.

And by the way, he already does knock guys off the puck.


Registered User
Mar 3, 2002
Foppa_Rules said:
Talking about how his conditioning will make it easier to "knock guys off the puck".......eeesh. Who says he's going to knock guys off the puck in the first place? He may be an all right guy, but he's just NOT as good as Ovechkin.

I think you're lost in your planet hockey.

You reminds me few years ago when I wrote that Spezza was way better than Kovalchuk because he was so hyped since 15th. Even if I had never seen Kovalchuk played. I have learn from that. I hope you will pass througth this syndrom sooner than later...

Why always try to find the better of two.. They are two phenomenon. End of debate...

Before few season from now, it's just speculation....


Registered User
Apr 21, 2002
North Bay
Foppa_Rules said:
Talking about how his conditioning will make it easier to "knock guys off the puck".......eeesh. Who says he's going to knock guys off the puck in the first place? He may be an all right guy, but he's just NOT as good as Ovechkin.
Dude your a joke, he's overconfident 'cause he wants to knock guys off the puck? Isn't that the idea? I don't mind if you pick Ovechkin over Crosby, I actually might just agree, but seriously, you are coming up with some weak reasons why.
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