Worst NHLPA leader

Big Phil

Registered User
Nov 2, 2003
In light of the recent accusations of tampering with players' e-mails from the NHLPA I thought I'd write a thread on the worst of the three - so far - NHLPA head honchos.

Alan Eagleson - Well what cant you say about him that's bad? The good thing is that he helped the NHLPA get off the ground and was key in organizing the Canada Cup tournys. Could someone else have done it? Maybe. The only way he wont be the worst on this list is if people think Goodenow's term was worse. Hockey was always played under Eagleson's watch, but is that better than being a thief?

Bob Goodenow - Well as far as we know he didnt steal from players like Eagleson. He's been accused of tampering with their e-mails which he's denied. Personally I could trust him as far as I could throw him. In his term there has been an 8-day player's strike, a half of a season lockout, and a full year's lockout. He failed so badly in those negotiations after his promises to never accept a cap. Players salaries escalated through the roof in his time and unless you are Alexei Yashin you probably wont think that was a good thing.

Ted Saskin - In his brief time as the NHLPA leader he's worn out is welcome faster than a door to door salesman. I have no idea why he hasnt stepped down. From his quyestionable hiring process to being a suspect of tampering has he done anything good?

Sens Rule

Registered User
Sep 22, 2005
Let's see the player's salaries have sky-rocketed to astronomical proportions.

Eagleson stole money from the player's, was in collusion with the owner's to keep salaries down. Eagleson is BY FAR the worst. He screwed the players for years - he helped the players in some ways but in the end screwed them over far more than he helped them.

Goodenow made every NHL player into milionaires. He is a huge success and even if there were problems with his reign he had a massive beneficial effect on players.

Saskin - Too early to tell and he is going out the door soon it seems.


Registered User
Jul 3, 2005
Mass/formerly Ont
Eagleson is the worst by far. The others are not even close. He was a arrogant opportunistic thief who cheated everybody he could. He did absolutely nothing for the players. The NHLPA & Canada cup type tourneys would have happened anyway.

God Bless Canada

Registered User
Jul 11, 2004
Bentley reunion
Anyone who votes for anything other than Eagleson needs a history lesson.

You might not like Goodenow. You might find him smug and arrogant. I did. You might question his actual concern for the game. I did. You might question his character because of his relationship with David Frost. I did. But you can't deny what he did for the players when he was in charge. He negotiated two excellent CBAs for the players during his tenure. Does he lack integrity? Sure. Would I want him in my corner if I was ever in negotiations? You bet. But he had to go after the players went against his hard-line status on the cap.

The new CBA wouldn't have happened if not for Saskin. Who knows what the NHL would look like if not for Saskin's philosophy winning out in negotiations. And the bottom line is, the cap has been good for both sides. I don't think it's a coincidence that the number of players opposed to his hiring and the way it was done, was about the same number as those who voted against the cap. I don't know what to say about the E-Mail tampering controversy, it looks bad, especially since it took Saskin several days to come out with the Goodenow theory.


Registered User
Sep 18, 2003
Oiler fan in Calgary
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Wasnt it in the news the other day that Eagleson was auctioning off Canada Cup memoribilia? He was auctioning off players jerseys and stuff like that. How low is that? How would you like it if one of the most corrupt people in NHL history was making money, auctiioning off your 20 year old Canada Cup jersey.

I didnt check for a link, but it was on the news last week.

Bring Back Bucky

Registered User
May 19, 2004
Canadas Ocean Playground
Wasnt it in the news the other day that Eagleson was auctioning off Canada Cup memoribilia? He was auctioning off players jerseys and stuff like that. How low is that? How would you like it if one of the most corrupt people in NHL history was making money, auctiioning off your 20 year old Canada Cup jersey.

I didnt check for a link, but it was on the news last week.

Yup, at Classic Auctions, a favorite spot of mine. Prolly piss me off if he was making money off my stuff.


Registered User
Dec 19, 2006
It is incredibly easy for people now to say that Eagleson was the worst NHLPA leader. The man is totally discredited in every quarter. Read the Book Game Misconduct by Russ Conway which ultimately lead to Eagleson's unraveling. The amazing thing is the man survived in his position as long as he did.


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