Wild Forum Rules - [Please Read]

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Doing Nothing
A reminder about some of the rules:

- In order to keep good discussions and attitudes, we enforce the site rules.

- Part of those rules is trolling, which is posting for the sole purpose of starting a dispute, antagonizing other posters, or disrupting the forum.

- If you see anyone violating the site rules, PLEASE USE THE REPORT BUTTON. The post will be immediately reviewed by global mods and that will keep some peace and order.

- If you have any questions or comments, you can PM any of the mods. We actively discuss how to keep the boards friendly and with good hockey talk. Wild moderators: Lapa, Minnesota, Bazeek and TaLoN

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Repeat Offender...
Aug 8, 2008
X Marks The Spot
To add to this (although Jarick did a great job highlighting the big points):

-The Minnesota forum is slanted towards the team. Same goes with any other team forum; if you decide to post on one that isn't the Wild, be respectful, courteous and remember that it's a board for fans of said team.

-The general boards are "neutral." What may be a trolling post on a team board may not be one in the NHL or prospect boards.

-Debate the point, not the poster.

Fel 96

Mar 19, 2010
Little Canada
One more thing, when you see a bad post and you report it, just do that. There's absolutely no reason to quote the post and respond.

And posting on other team boards is at your own risk. Expect consequences if you had a bad purpose.


Doing Nothing
Quoting this because I've noticed a lot of flaming issue happened here lately.

Please be respectful between each other. If you don't like a member, you can simply add this member in question to your ignore list and everything will be fine.

Thank you!

Since it's been fairly heated here the last couple weeks, just a reminder of the site rules...

1) Flaming: Do not post any messages that harass, insult (name calling), belittle, threaten or mock other members. Debates are fine, but critique the opinion, not the person. Personal attacks are not permitted. Do not call other posters trolls. Do not use sweeping generalizations and plural pronouns to cloak personal attacks. For example if a poster(s) states that he thinks 'x' is a good idea, replying that "Anyone who supports 'x' is an idiot" is a personal attack. Do not start threads to call out and embarrass other members; or make posts about ignore lists

I'd like to add a couple things.

First, let's avoid the "you're not a GM, you're not a scout, you're not a pro hockey player" BS. Obviously. None of us are (especially since Kassian was traded :sarcasm:). The reality is this is a hockey fan forum where we frequently give our opinions, agree, and disagree. This isn't a debate club where we're trying to score points and win arguments.

Second, there's been a lot of little snipes here and there about posters being overly positive or negative. I don't think this is conducive to good hockey talk. It borders on flaming as you're focused on the poster and not the message.

Let's keep it friendly and civil!


L'Etoile du Nord
Aug 5, 2011

Visiting fans, keep in mind that this is the Wild board and any inflammatory posts will be considered trolling. Wild fans, do not reply to inflammatory posts; report them.

Thank you.
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Global Moderator
Feb 21, 2010
Now that the season has started, a reminder for everyone regarding links to streaming services.

Streams/Proxies – (UPDATED 10/17/15) Per site admins: "Links to illegal streams may not be posted. The forums may not be used to solicit links to streams." Because of DMCA issues this policy covers all threads, including gameday threads. We do not permit any discussion of illegal streaming services or proxy use whatsoever.


Highlight Streams/Video Clips - (UPDATED 11/19/15) We require users to include accompanied commentary so these can fall under fair use. The same applies for video clips. The purpose of the posting the clip needs to be clear; the viewer needs to know that the intent of the poster is to spur discussion. The fact that the site permits comments is not enough to indicate that intent.

Warnings or infractions will be issued if you post or ask for a link to an illegal stream. This comes from the site owner, CraveOnline Media LLC.

If you have questions regarding this, PM one of the Wild moderators: Lapa, Minnesota, gphr513 or Generic User.



Global Moderator
Feb 21, 2010
The playoffs are starting this week as you know, so I'm going to remind everyone of the following rule:

2) Trolling: Do not make posts or threads with the sole intent of starting a dispute. Please note that a person disagreeing with your opinion is NOT trolling. Please keep it civil even if you're sure the other person is wrong. When visiting the team forums, please note that these are fan forums for that team and are here mainly for the enjoyment of that team's fans. Do not visit team forums to cheer against nor demean their team. In other words, if you want to cheer for the Habs and criticize the Bruins, do it on the Habs board. And if someone is doing the opposite on the Bruins board, don't start flaming them to defend the honor of your team. Either ignore it or respectfully disagree and move on. Copying posts from one HFBoard forum to another for this purpose is considered trolling/flaming as well. Wishing injury/illness on anyone (players, members, etc.) will be regarded as trolling/offensive in most cases.

You also can't insult, belittle or demean the fans of another team even if you do it on the Wild board.

Tempers can run hot during the playoffs, so if you are going to opposing team's board, please be respectful and civil.

As always, you can always PM one of the HFWild moderators if you have any questions.

Thanks everyone, and go Wild!


Global Moderator
Feb 21, 2010
I know everyone is frustrated right now, but please stay civil.



Watch the world burn
Jan 14, 2014
Minneapolis, MN
Wanted to bump this up and stick it again, just as a friendly reminder.

Playoff season always makes tempers run a little hotter, this is natural, but please be mindful of the rules, and do not attack fellow site members.

DO NOT go on opposing team's boards to troll or otherwise cause trouble. You will be dealt with harshly. Just as we will deal harshly with anyone trolling on HFWild.

If you see a post you believe breaks the rules, please report it and it will be dealt with as soon as possible.

If you have any questions or concerns you can always contact any of us on the HFWild mod team. Thanks for your cooperation, folks!


Red 5 standing by
May 30, 2010
Farmington, MN
Just want to reiterate the forum rules above. Please keep things civil. We're all here to discuss the team and sport we love. Respect that others may have opinions different than yours, which is completely OKAY.

Don't try to police the discussions by telling others to "get over it" or "move on". If a discussion is relevant in a thread, it's okay, if you feel it's not, report it and let the moderators do their job to see if that line has been crossed or not. If you think a post is crossing a line, report it, don't quote it and respond to it. If you aren't interested in a subject of discussion, don't tell others to stop discussing it, just move on to something else.

Some people will agree with what the GM/Team does, others will disagree. Neither opinion is right or wrong and both are welcome.

Any questions please contact @Minnesota, @Lapa, @Bazeek or myself (@TaLoN)

Thanks, and let's keep this place fun!
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Red 5 standing by
May 30, 2010
Farmington, MN
REMINDER: Please stay away from the opposition's forum during the playoffs. Nothing good will come of it and you will find yourself warned for Trolling, and likely banned from said forum.

If you want to interact with opposing fans, please go to the Stanley Cup Playoffs forum. That is considered neutral ground.

Thank you
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