What's so ludicrous about it?


Registered User
Feb 1, 2013
I could see Kris Letang, Ian Cole, and Trevor Daley all making the same exact play that Niskanen did to Crosby.

Does it make it a hockey play? No, but acting like Ovechkin and Niskanen both specifically decided to team up against Crosby to take him out of the game is just silly black and yellow tinted glass BS. Did they mean to hit him with their sticks? Sure.

This is where I'm at. I have no doubt in my mind that part of their game plan was to hit Sid (and pretty much anyone else) at every given opportunity. That's probably similar to what the Pens have in mind, too. Did they intend on what happened to actually happen? It's hard to say. But this is a play that could've easily happened between a Pens defenseman and a Caps forward. The outcome sucks, no doubt. I can't quite get on board with this being the result of some sort of players only meeting to go out and decapitate Sid.


ti kallisti
May 31, 2004
When I think different ways of winning the Cup I guess my mind doesn't go right to "sweep the leg, Johnny." But I suppose if you are of the "Just win. At all costs." mentality that would seem fine. A win is a win after all, right?

When Ovechkin took out Gonchar's knee in '09 and suddenly forgot how to speak English after the game when the press was grilling him about it, I didn't think to myself "Now there's a guy who just wants to win!"
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Registered User
Dec 18, 2009
San Diego, CA
When I think different ways of winning the Cup I guess my mind doesn't go right to "sweep the leg, Johnny." But I suppose if you are of the "Just win. At all costs." mentality that would seem fine. A win is a win after all, right?

When Ovechkin took out Gonchar's knee in '09 and suddenly forgot how to speak English after the game when the press was grilling him about it, I didn't think to myself "Now there's a guy who just wants to win!"

But when you watched Kunitz cross check Varly in the neck or Malkin throw some of his patented dirty late hits you did, right?

That's why it is called a bias. If Ovechkin had charged Crosby and hit him in the head like he was doing a couple years ago when he was getting suspended, I could see the argument against him. The play that happened is an accident. When you get in a car accident there are always two perspectives and usually the other person is at fault.

I don't think it is the right way to win a cup, and I wish so hard the Canucks would've won in 2011. Ultimately though, there are two ways to play hockey and history shows us that.


ti kallisti
May 31, 2004
Man... I am right there calling Malkin, Letang and any other Penguin a reckless dumbass that deserve what they get whenever they refuse to exert control over themselves on the ice. So I'm really not sure what point you are trying to make, there.

Dirty is dirty is dirty. I want it ALL out of the league.


Registered User
Dec 18, 2009
San Diego, CA
Man... I am right there calling Malkin, Letang and any other Penguin a reckless dumbass that deserve what they get whenever they refuse to exert control over themselves on the ice. So I'm really not sure what point you are trying to make, there.

Dirty is dirty is dirty. I want it ALL out of the league.

We don't win against the Capitals last year then. Letang is done for the series and likely the playoffs after blatantly leading in the air to headhunt MoJo on a late predatory hit.

Not to mention Orpik doesn't play game 6.


ti kallisti
May 31, 2004
We don't win against the Capitals last year then. Letang is done for the series and likely the playoffs after blatantly leading in the air to headhunt MoJo on a late predatory hit.

Not to mention Orpik doesn't play game 6.

Well then that's the consequences of endangering another player for no good reason. You know... in a league that makes sense. Guarantee you Letang never does it again and would maybe learn a life lesson in the process.


Registered User
Dec 18, 2009
San Diego, CA
Well then that's the consequences of endangering another player for no good reason. You know... in a league that makes sense. Guarantee you Letang never does it again and will maybe learn a life lesson in the process.

Honestly, I'd say the NHL isn't for you then. Maybe in thirty years, but with the way older players are put into positions via hockey nepotism, you aren't going to see a change in the game.

Not to mention, if you really want these types of changes to take place you are sacrificing the Penguins main advantage which is speed. Slow down the game and it is much safer and people are just breaking bones and not destroying their brains.

I agree with your premise, it is just something that isn't going to happen especially with a play like this one.


ti kallisti
May 31, 2004
Honestly, I'd say the NHL isn't for you then.

Well, yes. That's kind of the reason I'm upset. I've been following the league since 91. But it's pretty clear they are dead set on staying in the gutter. It's doubly upsetting because this could be a much, much bigger sport... if they wanted it to be.

But I'm sure the old boy's club knows what they are doing...


Registered User
Dec 18, 2009
San Diego, CA
Well, yes. That's kind of the reason I'm upset. I've been following the league since 91. But it's pretty clear they are dead set on staying in the gutter. It's doubly upsetting because this could be a much, much bigger sport... if they wanted it to be.

But I'm sure the old boy's club knows what they are doing...

Honestly, you are asking them to take hitting out of the game and I don't know if that would translate to much "bigger" sport. I think the main issue with the popularity of hockey is the fact that it is played on ice and half our country doesn't see ice.


ti kallisti
May 31, 2004
I... wait, what? I am by no means advocating taking hitting out of the sport. I have no idea where you got that or how you were somehow able to sublimate my entire premise down to "he wants to turn hockey into ice capades!" I have an interest in the league enforcing it's own rules. Lets start there. I know that sounds ludicrous but everyone has to have a dream, I guess.

I like physical play. I did when I played, I do on TV. I don't like cross checks to the back of the neck. That's assault. Not physical play.


Registered User
Dec 18, 2009
San Diego, CA
I... wait, what? I am by no means advocating taking hitting out of the sport. I have no idea where you got that or how you were somehow able to sublimate my entire premise down to "he wants to turn hockey into ice capades!" I have an interest in the league enforcing it's own rules. Lets start there. I know that sounds ludicrous but everyone has to have a dream, I guess.

I like physical play. I did when I played, I do on TV. I don't like cross checks to the back of the neck. That's assault. Not physical play.

It is the fact that you start taking out things like Letang's hit on MoJo and cross checks like Niskanen on Crosby and it leads to a slippery slope.

I understand your argument and of course as a Penguins fan for the same amount of time as you, I agree. I just don't know how you do it. Especially, with the increase in the speed of the game. If Crosby isn't barreling into the net right there does he get as spun around as he did in the sequence?

If you want a safer game, call ever stick infraction, call ever hit to the head, and bring back the red line honestly. I just think that creates a much more boring game and if you don't think players are going to take complete advantage of strict calling of cross checks you're kidding yourself. Players will be faking injuries left and right.


Registered User
Apr 21, 2007
Madden and Rossi are jokes, why is anyone taking them serious?

This conspiratorial nonsense also needs to die. People are whack enough over non hockey conspiracies, you don't need to add this to the list.

I have found that generally anyone who tends to call others a snowflake tends to fit the definition more than those he or she is accusing. It's rather amusing every time it happens.


Registered User
Dec 23, 2009
It's not just this one incident. It's a larger problem with discipline in the league. As soon as the playoffs start the DOPS goes on vaca.


That series of events gets a single game. He literally skated over to a player and broke his stick over him, then knocked him to the ice just for ***** and gigs. A single game for something is cannot be justified or defended, and is the furthest thing from a "hockey play".

If that's the standard, why should the league even look at this incident? I mean, Nisky's stick didn't even break. Geez. Must have not even touched him. And if something like that only gets a single game, why not keep doing it? Down 2-0 in a series, desperate... what do you have to lose? All reward situation to injure someone when you know the league has set the threshold for a serious suspension so incredibly high.

The league sees the playoffs as a blood sport and let the healthiest team at the end of it win. The terms "it's playoff hockey", "refs swallowed the whistles", "they're just letting them play" are all sayings that make me cringe. If the league wants future generations to play this sport, they need to start taking player safety seriously in the playoffs as well.


My posts are jokes. And hockey is just a game.
Nov 23, 2016
It is ludicrous because regardless of intent or whatever this is a play that happens in every hockey game. It sucks that it happened to Crosby. We got the opportunity to make the Capitals pay when we were given a five minute major and Niskanen was thrown out.

Complaining about it like babies just plays into exactly how everyone wants to view Penguins fans.

Also, giving Madden and Rossi any amount of views for these "hot takes" is exactly what they want.

Pixies, you're very wrong on this. If this is "common" then THAT is the problem. No reason for high hits. It's not about protecting oneself...that's what pant shells, girdles, and cups are for...hell, nisky could have just used a glove to guide Crosby away--why is he using his stick AND extending his arm? Because the NHL refuses to fine and suspend to change this flawed thinking leading to flawed actions. That play was not too fast to pull up. Nisky attacked him. I'm sure you've played the game and understand that.

PensPlz has the right idea.

And honestly, I dont care about sacrificing our advantage of speed if the rest of the league goes speedy skilled. That's the most ridiculous thing ever. Parity on skill not on 6'3" dinosaurs hacking and slashing is way more entertaining to me. The league is trending there...but Neanderthal plays peg it back over and over.

It's simple. Look at any nhl promo. About one skill goal to five "devastating" hits in their advertising.

My cynical side says, hey, anyone in the bottom six or on defense, hit high and break their skill players and run their goalie, is a legit gamelan.


Registered User
May 22, 2009
Praha, CZ
The league sees the playoffs as a blood sport and let the healthiest team at the end of it win. The terms "it's playoff hockey", "refs swallowed the whistles", "they're just letting them play" are all sayings that make me cringe. If the league wants future generations to play this sport, they need to start taking player safety seriously in the playoffs as well.

THIS. Thank you. :handclap:

Plays like Calvert-on-Kuhnhackl have NO place in the sport. In ANY sport. For cases like this there's no reason why the suspension should be anything less than "rest of the playoffs + 10 games at the beginning of the next season". Yes, that's not how DoPS and the rules see it but that's how it should be. That kind of "play" just doesn't bring anything to the table. "His stick was already broken", "he hit him in the shoulder, not head", "Kuhnhackl was not injured"... who cares, this is not part of the game, get rid of it or get rid of the player doing it!


Registered User
May 27, 2008
LOL.. you don't get it. They don't hate us because we whine, they hate us because they ooze of JELLY. You don't want to be hated any longer, let the Pens go back to the team they had before Mario. Trust me, no hated the Pens back then.

If you had your way this team would have NEVER won a 4th cup. So maybe you don't get it....

Whale Mingo

Registered User
Nov 18, 2012
When I think different ways of winning the Cup I guess my mind doesn't go right to "sweep the leg, Johnny." But I suppose if you are of the "Just win. At all costs." mentality that would seem fine. A win is a win after all, right?

When Ovechkin took out Gonchar's knee in '09 and suddenly forgot how to speak English after the game when the press was grilling him about it, I didn't think to myself "Now there's a guy who just wants to win!"

I appreciate this post and your opinion.

To the OP, don't bother challenging (or listening to) Madden, he will just drag you down to his level and beat you with experience. He's just a wrestling character on the radio after all. He is the radio equivalent of the Caps. Ratings at all costs. He doesn't care who he insults, pisses off or offends. None of that matters to Madden and that's the reason I don't listen to him. I think he's actually the smartest hockey guy in town, but the peripheral nonsense you have to put up with from him makes it not worth listening to.


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