UPDATED: Full details of NHLPA 49M counter-proposal

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Nov 4, 2003
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Reilly311 said:
um, perhaps because there's 12 hours left and people usually sleep at night, thus, a deal is unlikely to get done unless Gary rides his bike over to Bob's house and throws rocks at his window to wake him up.

You really think sleep is going to be the reason the season is cancled? Hell, I'm gonna forsake sleep for the sake of my art history test tommorow morning (which is also at 11, coincidentally.) I would expect that Bob and Gary can bite the bullet and work through the night.


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Jul 14, 2003
xander said:
You really think sleep is going to be the reason the season is cancled? Hell, I'm gonna forsake sleep for the sake of my art history test tommorow morning (which is also at 11, coincidentally.) I would expect that Bob and Gary can bite the bullet and work through the night.
Yeah I have a major test tomorrow, I'm studying for a while then reading then studying then reading.....etc.....
Lets hope this baby gets settled and we don't lose marks for nothing!


Registered User
Feb 24, 2004
The PA's latest counter is very workable. If Bettman really is in this for the small markets than this is what I think he should do tonight.

Counter with a $45 million hard cap. Allow the 2 time 10% exceeding of this cap, because teams would contribute extra money to the luxury tax and it's really not a big deal if a team goes up to $49 million once every 3 years. In return for upping the cap and leaving the 10% on the table, Bettman should propose to have the luxury tax payments be added to the revenue sharing payments, rather than have them credit the amount a team owes to the revenue sharing process. This will create a lot of extra money for the smaller markets, and in return the bigger markets get to spend up to $45 million rather than $42. This is a deal the PA would HAVE to accept, and they would.

red devil

Registered User
Oct 14, 2004
Another concession the PA has given is using the NHL's revenue sharing plan, and not the PA's plan. This has been a major sticking point for the PA, but I guess they decided it wasn't a deal breaker. These two sides have to find away to get this done.

Ol' Dirty Chinaman*

Does anybody else feel sorry for the TSN webmaster ?

The guy's getting woken up at god knows what time with McKenzie telling him to update that **** :D


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May 5, 2004
SENSfreak_03 said:
bobby mac on tsn says the nhl has responded, with a rejection and for the moment looks like nothing else is comming.

that succkkkkkssssss


Registered User
May 5, 2004
Seachd said:

What comes next?

man o man, if everything stope here and the season is infact cancelled.....bettman is gonna get ROASTED by EVERYONE in the hockey and sports world for not negotiating further!! :madfire:


Registered User
May 29, 2003
Gainesville, Fl
Flukeshot said:
InGoodenow's letter to League there are quite a few points that seem to be a slap in the face to the league. The payroll tax doesn't even kick in til $40m, $6m less then where the NHL wanted it. 50% taxation doesn't begin until $43m which is over the league's hard cap. That and the final condition that the players get 55% of playoff revenues, Goodenow is using the linkage numbers the NHL came up with.

I think there are too many issues other than a straigtforward issue of $49m or $42.5

Agree completely. I'd also like to add that little bit about the Luxury Tax counting as "revenue sharing paid." That's nonsense, why even have a luxury tax then? The whole point of the luxury tax is to redistribute excess payroll to the smaller markets. This is a huge loophole and should not be glossed over.

If I were Bettman I'd stand firm at $42.5 and lower the % of the luxury tax by $0.10 in each category. That would be the only negotiating point left.



Microagression King
Jul 9, 2004
Northern Idaho
nickyb said:
that succkkkkkssssss

actually I think it is a good sign that he rejected it this early. I thought maybe he would make the mistake of saying nothing until deadline. Now I think since he said no so fast he has to come back with a counter proposal. I , for the first time , actually have faith that there will be a season.


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Sep 13, 2002
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There in way too deep now to cancel the season and get away with it from a fans standpoint, IMO. In all seriousness I thought this season was done a while ago and was ready to except this thing needed more time to get done. But, with them both caving in and being so close now, I believe they've convinced all the fans, even the low-tier fans, that a deal can get done, so they better get it done!

Just my thoughts...


Registered User
Sep 18, 2004
Chattanooga, TN
Buttman was an idiot for playing this "final offer" crap with 18 hours left until "THE" deadline. What did he expect the NHLPA to say, "Yes sir, your Majesty, we'll be glad to take your Final Offer and not submit a counter offer of our own"?
What a rube move. He will have to eat crow now, as fans will, in no way, take getting this close now without coming away with a deal.
Hope Gary likes his blackbird pie....


Registered User
Nov 1, 2003
Earth...how about you?
If I wake up tomorrow morning to find that no deal has been made, I'll be very unhappy. If 11:00 comes along and no deal had been made, I'm going to be suicidal. If they come this close and don't get the job done, they're going to have a lot of angry fans on their hands. So they'd better get a deal done--quick.


I expected Gary to reject the 49M offer. The players must know that if the season is cancelled they won't be talking mid-40's when the talks resume. I expect (hope) that the PA sends over one more proposal of around 46M, the league responds with 44M, and the deal is signed tomorrow morning. (Please?)

Ol' Dirty Chinaman*

handtrick said:
Buttman was an idiot for playing this "final offer" crap with 18 hours left until "THE" deadline. What did he expect the NHLPA to say, "Yes sir, your Majesty, we'll be glad to take your Final Offer and not submit a counter offer of our own"?
What a rube move. He will have to eat crow now, as fans will, in no way, take getting this close now without coming away with a deal.
Hope Gary likes his blackbird pie....

No, this is the endgame.

Bettman's reasoning for the 42.5cap/final offer is any more and payroll:revenue would still be more than the league can comfortably sustain. It's not as if he 'felt' like saying this is our final offer. Why negotiate any further when any more is drawing blood from a rock ?

When (not if) Bettman announces the cancellation, I wanna see the Goodenow's face.


Registered User
Aug 22, 2004
Gary's next letter to Bob should include Play it now play it now, play it now my Bobby, Cracklin' Rosie, make me a smile, God if it lasts me an hour, that's all right, WE GOT ALL NIGHT to set the world right, find us a dream that don't ask not questions, yeah! :lol


Registered User
Mar 7, 2003
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The waiting is the hardest part
Every day you see one more ca rd
You take it on faith, you take it to the heart
The waiting is the hardest part

Don’t let it kill you baby, don’t let it get to you
Don’t let ’em kill you baby, don’t let ’em get to you
I’ll be your breathin’ heart, I’ll be your cryin’ fool
Don’t let this go too far, don’t let it get to you
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