The Regression of Zac Rinaldo


Mar 29, 2007
Philadelphia, PA
After the visible improvements Rinaldo made in his first two years in the league, many were expecting Rinaldo to take the next step to become an elite 4th liner and agitator. Instead, like most of the Flyers’ roster this season, Rinaldo has taken a step back. He has taken an average of 3.9 penalties per 60, and drawn only .9 per 60, which are by far career worsts. The 3.9 penalties taken per 60 is by far the worst in the league among regular players, with second place going to Chris Neil at 2.9. Statistically, he has been the least disciplined player in the league.

Moreover, the penalties that Rinaldo has been taking have been particularly frustrating. Ask any coach, and they will say that the penalties that they hate the most are offensive zone penalties, and lazy penalties. Rinaldo has taken a total of 13 minutes of penalties in the offensive zone this season that put the Flyers’ shorthanded. To put that number in perspective, that is more penalty minutes in the offensive zone for Rinaldo than 347 (54.9% of players who have played at least 10 games) other players in the NHL have taken altogether. He actually has 33 penalty minutes in the offensive zone, but 20 of those came from the misconduct he got when he jumped Antoine Roussel, which I’ll touch on in a bit. The Flyers struggle to score goals as it is, so putting them shorthanded and taking away opportunities in the offensive zone is particularly discouraging.

Although he is not at all relied upon to provide offense, the fact that he has just one assist in 32 games this season does not help make up for how he hurts his team with penalties. Simply put, Rinaldo is hurting the team more than he is helping.
The Ian Laperriere Effect

When Peter Laviolette was fired early in the year, Ian Laperriere was brought behind the Flyers’ bench as an assistant coach. For more than any other player, this was great news for Rinaldo because “Lappy†was a very similar player to Rinaldo in his playing days. Rinaldo called Laperriere a role model, and Laperriere has taken Rinaldo under his wing as one of his “project playersâ€. Rinaldo has spent some time on the penalty kill after some teaching from Laperriere, and has been average in the area.

The curious thing is that being under Laperriere’s tutelage should have made Rinaldo a much more disciplined player. Despite playing the game with as much passion, tenacity, and heart as anyone, Laperriere was a very disciplined player. Do not let his 13 seasons of 100+ penalty minutes fool you, Laperriere did not put his teams in harm’s way by taking stupid penalties. In the three years of data that are available, Laperriere’s highest penalties per 60 was 1.0. If Laperriere took a penalty, it was often either a fight or one where he took an opponent with him, which is why his penalties per 60 is so low.

What makes Rinaldo’s undisciplined play this season so frustrating is that it’s happening under the watchful eye of Laperriere. Laperriere should be helping him be more disciplined, not letting him run wild. This effect is truly puzzling.

After showing a lot of progress last year in terms of discipline and maturity, Rinaldo has been downright awful this season. He's the most undisciplined player in the league right now, and deserved to be sat in the press box awhile ago.

Fire Tortorella

Formerly Flyersfan1406
Apr 2, 2010
I don't expect Berube to scratch him, but for the love of God take him off the PK rotation please.


Registered User
Jun 9, 2010
Richmond BC, Canada
as the entire team has played ****** so has Zac.

im not ready to write him off..

hes game seems to improve with the teams, so im going to write it off as him trying to do to much when the team struggles.

but if hes still a bonehead into next season with the team hopefully improving, then i guess it would be time to cut ties


Knublin' PPs
Feb 12, 2004
Van City
Outside of the Roussel incident, I haven't seen much change in his discipline. Last year his stupid penalties were often offset by his drawing penalties, which made him fun to watch. This year he hasn't drawn as many penalties, which has hurt his value on the 4th line.

I like that he has been given responsibility on the PK; I don't expect him to be great right away and I don't think he has looked completely out of place.


Registered User
May 10, 2009
I don't think I've seen him lay a big hit since before the Anaheim game in late October.

He was much more effective last year, this year it's like he has been neutered.


Registered User
Oct 28, 2010
Looks like the worst 4th liner in the NHL right now. Its puzzling because of how effective he was last season. And his minutes are down so he cant be trusted not to take a penalty.


Registered User
Jan 22, 2011
Carinthia, AUT
I think he was the same old Rinaldo at the begin of the season until he tried to become someone else. As much as the PK thing sounded logical and like a good step at first it is holding him back now. Less hitting, trying to play a more contained game and all of a sudden he has lost all the little magic that he ever had... like he completely lost the feeling for the right on-the-edge but not over it game that he needs to bring.


Registered User
Nov 17, 2010
Yep. He has been damned bad this year, and while I haven't checked the stats it looks like hes hitting a lot less too.

He is hitting less. Last season he played 32 games and had 143 hits, this season he has 105 hits in the same number of games.


Registered User
Mar 30, 2013
Well, I don't know if he considers himself "established" in the league, but he could be out of it sooner than he'd be able to say "Roussel". So he should shape up and use that tenacity and speed to do some good sooner rather than later.


Global Moderator
Feb 27, 2002
Looks like the worst 4th liner in the NHL right now. Its puzzling because of how effective he was last season. And his minutes are down so he cant be trusted not to take a penalty.

He was never effective last season. He drew a few extra penalties. Otherwise, his useage was sheltered and was outplayed by a great margin, and this year he is in the bottom 10 in the league among forwards in GVT. Not even Jay Rosehill.


Registered User
Nov 6, 2012
I wish the Flyers would just cut bait with him. He does two things well. He hits well (which is fun to watch but doesn't really win you games) and he skates well, that's about it. I'd rather have Arron Asham back. He can at least give you 5-10 goals a year and doesn't take nearly as many PIM's.


Global Moderator
Feb 27, 2002
Everyone can use Rinaldo as a whipping boy but the whole team outside of Mason @ Coots have been ****.

That's nice. There's sufficient threads for just about everyone else on the team as well.


Registered User
May 10, 2009
Zac Rinaldo was a very effective player last year. The big hits he delivered on people helped give the team a boost for sure, but this year if he can't do that, he's useless.

Last year he was what he should be: an energy player. He was great last year, to say he wasn't effective last year is wrong, but then again, I know you've always hated him, GKJ :laugh:. This year I agree with you, but last year, nope.


Global Moderator
Feb 27, 2002
Zac Rinaldo was a very effective player last year. The big hits he delivered on people helped give the team a boost for sure, but this year if he can't do that, he's useless.

Last year he was what he should be: an energy player. He was great last year, to say he wasn't effective last year is wrong, but then again, I know you've always hated him, GKJ :laugh:. This year I agree with you, but last year, nope.


Notice that the other forwards with white circles are all gone.

Garbage Goal

Registered User
Apr 1, 2009
There's not much to regress from there. He was always fun to watch and people liked him because he hits like a tank and skates very well with very visible energy. He may or may not have been drawing penalties better before too.


Sep 24, 2009
Meh, the whole team as a whole has been below what we had expected/hoped. I'm not too concerned with Rinaldo's play. He'll either improve or we won't see too much more of him, but his play this season is toward the bottom of the list of "reasons the Flyers aren't currently in a playoff spot."


Registered User
Sep 22, 2005
Western Pa.
Funny how you put this thread up because I was thinking about starting one myself.

Yes he is taking a step backwards and I was thinking what could of made this happen. I think I know when it started and I am taking a guess and say when he started to PK. I love the way he just drills people and makes other players make mistakes and takes penalties. But since he started pking, its like he is saving his energy for pking and not giving his all on his regular shifts. Just my observation and something I was going to discuss.


Mar 29, 2007
Philadelphia, PA
Everyone can use Rinaldo as a whipping boy but the whole team outside of Mason @ Coots have been ****.

Blaming Rinaldo for the failure of this team is stupid. It's not his fault, but he certainly isn't helping the cause. He's been bad, but his impact on the team is minimal so people might not realize how terrible and ineffective he's really been.


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