Advice: staying hydrated


Registered User
May 29, 2010
During the day, I drink at least 2 l. of water. The problem is, when I drink a lot of water, it seems like I get dehydrated because I have to go to the bathroom every 20-30 mins, my lips and my mouth are getting dry and I get a mild headache.

I've tried to use more salt in my diet, but that doesn't seem to make any difference. Besides that, I'm a really really sweaty guy, I can drink 1,5 l during hockey and I still feel cramped up and woozy because of dehydration after 30 mins.

Is there something I can do retain more water ? I also take a bit of creatine every morning.


Registered User
Dec 12, 2008
I generally do a 50/50 mix of water and gatorade. mixing the two gives you plenty of electrolytes, and also dilutes the sugar and flavor of the gatorade.

Also, rather than always drinking the water, take one gulp and then wash out your mouth with cold water. keeps your mouth from drying out and also wont bloat you and fill you with water that you will essentially have to get out.


Registered User
Sep 25, 2002
I take it you haven't watched the World Junior Hockey Championships on TSN the past 3 years or so???


Dec 28, 2010
if your taking creatine 2 litres isn't enough and all the water is retaining in your muscles and not in other places where it is needed.

creatine requires you to drink MORE water.

I drink a minimum of 1 gallon of water a day because i also take creatine.

hydration needs to be a process throughout the day not just right before the game.

i drink my gallon of water a day then i sip on gatorade before the game to get some carbs into my system.

i sip the next half of the gatorade bottle during the game.


Dec 28, 2010
just a useful type our bodies can handle 3 gallons a day.

ofcourse that would be annoying to try and drink that.


Dec 28, 2010
if your taking creatine monohydrate.. its only use is just to store it in your muslces so that you look "bigger" you piss it all away if you don't drink enough water.


Apr 29, 2012
Nova Scotia
I usually don't drink anything during hockey games. I find that once I drink once I get ridiculously thirsty every 2 minutes. I try to just drink quite a bit in the dressing room and between periods.


Registered User
May 29, 2010
I take it you haven't watched the World Junior Hockey Championships on TSN the past 3 years or so???

Nope, I'm from ze Netherlands, we dont have that over here..same goes for gatorade. We have simular stuff though, I'll give that a try.

I thought creatine was usefull to retain water in your muscles, wich you need to avoid getting cramps and for better stamina ? Should I quit that ?


Registered User
May 16, 2012
I try and drink water throughout the day and drink a 24 oz bottle with creatine on the drive to the rink.

Drinking water regularly will help with having to pee every 10 minutes. It can take some time for your body to know to absorb and retain the water versus just pissing it away. Avoiding caffeine and alcohol helps as well.


Registered User
Sep 9, 2012
When taking creatine, just imagine you can't drink too much water. just keep drinking.

My non-medical advice would be to take the creatine after hockey. Taking it before requires you to drink a lot of water with it, which can lead to cramping, not to mention having to piss a lot. Taking it after will still have its desired effect without some of the annoyances (imo).

If hydration continues to be a problem for you, I'd stop taking it and find another supplement that fits what you want.


Formerly PRNuck
May 20, 2009
Nope, I'm from ze Netherlands, we dont have that over here..same goes for gatorade. We have simular stuff though, I'll give that a try.

I thought creatine was usefull to retain water in your muscles, wich you need to avoid getting cramps and for better stamina ? Should I quit that ?

Do you have frozen concentrated juice like this?:

I'm a very salty sweater, and during workouts I get super trembly which I think (completely unconfirmed) means blood sugar is getting low? Anyways, I mix that stuff with twice as much water as it calls for, add 2 teaspoons of salt and drink it during my workouts. I'll bring it to hockey too when I'm playing again. I call it orange drank, I think it helps. Since you are Dutch I will also add that it is lekker, and eet smaakelijk. :D


Registered User
Jun 11, 2010
I drink a gallon of water over the course of a day out of a gallon jug. Sip it whenever I have a chance. I take gatorade prime chews 15 minutes before hitting the locker room and mix gatorade perform in my water bottle. Keeps me pretty well hydrated and energized. I hardly ever feel dehydrated or cramped up. I wouldn't say I'm a big sweater but I think it would be hard NOT to sweat if you're playing hard. I'm usually dripping 10 minutes in lol.

I also work out 5-6 days a week taking creatine before and after (2.5g before, 2.5g after) w/ a protein shake.

Even with the creatine I still piss 5-7 times a day. Though I've only started supplementing with creatine for about a month. I did load though so I should be at my max creatine store.


Like the OP, when i go into trying to drink a ton of water phases, I end up having to go to the bathroom every 20-30 minutes which is a huge annoyance. Do the guys here who drink an gallon of water go through the same thing? Or is my body just really annoying when it comes to drinking water then having to piss.

It feels like if I wanted to drink the recommended amount of water all the time, then my kidneys would end up being abused since i was pissing so much.


Registered User
Jun 11, 2010
Like the OP, when i go into trying to drink a ton of water phases, I end up having to go to the bathroom every 20-30 minutes which is a huge annoyance. Do the guys here who drink an gallon of water go through the same thing? Or is my body just really annoying when it comes to drinking water then having to piss.

It feels like if I wanted to drink the recommended amount of water all the time, then my kidneys would end up being abused since i was pissing so much.

Your kidneys will probably appreciate the water to help flush it. I'm no water drinking expert but I may piss twice in 30 minutes depending on how I drink the gallon. If I can constantly sip it throughout the day then that's what I'd rather do. But sometimes I get busy and have to step away from my desk for long periods of time so I'll come back and get a half dozen solid gulps in, lol. When I do drink in large amounts is typically when I explode, but if I sip I feel I can regulate better. Still piss probably once an hour. I can't see anything being wrong with that as long as it's water. The clearer your piss the better.


Registered User
May 29, 2010
Do you have frozen concentrated juice like this?:

I'm a very salty sweater, and during workouts I get super trembly which I think (completely unconfirmed) means blood sugar is getting low? Anyways, I mix that stuff with twice as much water as it calls for, add 2 teaspoons of salt and drink it during my workouts. I'll bring it to hockey too when I'm playing again. I call it orange drank, I think it helps. Since you are Dutch I will also add that it is lekker, and eet smaakelijk. :D

Haha bedankt hoor :) We have minute maid over here, but I try to avoid refined sugar because I need to shed another 10 kg. But you are right, after hockey or workouts I also have low bloodsugar. I'll skip creatine for a couple of weeks and see how that works out. That combined with this
before and after every session should do the trick.

Goeie tip, bedankt daarvoor !:D


Registered User
Jan 12, 2013
I realize this is an older thread but I thought I would share some experiences and learning’s.

First off, some medical experts recently revealed and agree that unless your body is sweating and your loosing sweat / electrolytes Gatorade does NOTHING for you. It makes sense if you think about it. Gatorade restores the lost electrolytes lost during a workout. You really can’t put electrolytes “in the bank” for later use by drinking it before a game. While at the office, you want to drink water, lots of it. If you drink Gatorade at the office your wasting money.

Secondly, while shopping on Amazon I discovered NUUN tablets. These are tablets you drop into your water bottle and drink during a game. They seem to do a very nice job of keeping my energy levels up and hydration topped off.

I think there are several other products like this and they contain NO high fructose corn syrup, sugars or bromine – which is/was in Gatorade and is not good for you at all.

Nothing beats loading up on water the day before a big game.


Registered User
Jan 12, 2013
This is why I quit creatine and just went back to whey. Having to drink gallons of water and pissing every 15 minutes doesn't suit my lifestyle.

Agreed - and the mens room at my work smells like someone died in there. It does suck to be running in there every 30 minutes.


Registered User
Aug 29, 2011
During the day, I drink at least 2 l. of water. The problem is, when I drink a lot of water, it seems like I get dehydrated because I have to go to the bathroom every 20-30 mins, my lips and my mouth are getting dry and I get a mild headache.

I've tried to use more salt in my diet, but that doesn't seem to make any difference. Besides that, I'm a really really sweaty guy, I can drink 1,5 l during hockey and I still feel cramped up and woozy because of dehydration after 30 mins.

Is there something I can do retain more water ? I also take a bit of creatine every morning.

dehydration is not your mouth feeling dry. as long as you are going to the bathroom, and not peeing orange, you are not dehydrated.

if your taking creatine 2 litres isn't enough and all the water is retaining in your muscles and not in other places where it is needed.

creatine requires you to drink MORE water.

I drink a minimum of 1 gallon of water a day because i also take creatine.

hydration needs to be a process throughout the day not just right before the game.

i drink my gallon of water a day then i sip on gatorade before the game to get some carbs into my system.

i sip the next half of the gatorade bottle during the game.

where do you think water is needed if not in the muscles?

if your taking creatine monohydrate.. its only use is just to store it in your muslces so that you look "bigger" you piss it all away if you don't drink enough water.

that's really not what creatine does. you really wouldn't notice a difference in how your muscles "look".

Nope, I'm from ze Netherlands, we dont have that over here..same goes for gatorade. We have simular stuff though, I'll give that a try.

I thought creatine was usefull to retain water in your muscles, wich you need to avoid getting cramps and for better stamina ? Should I quit that ?

if you don't get any problems from creatine, there's no need to stop taking it. it will provide a small but measureable effect, unless you are a non-responder. if you are a non-responder, you might want to switch to CEE from mono.

When taking creatine, just imagine you can't drink too much water. just keep drinking.

My non-medical advice would be to take the creatine after hockey. Taking it before requires you to drink a lot of water with it, which can lead to cramping, not to mention having to piss a lot. Taking it after will still have its desired effect without some of the annoyances (imo).

If hydration continues to be a problem for you, I'd stop taking it and find another supplement that fits what you want.

it really doesn't matter when you take it. the effect of taking it "optimally" is much-much-much-much smaller than the effect of simply taking creatine, which is also somewhat small. take it first thing in the morning, or last thing at night, just so you take it consistently.


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