Shoot outs are good for the NHL

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Jul 1, 2003
amazingcrwns said:
I compare this to the MLS... Soccer is a team sport played with 90 minutes of team play. If it's tied at the end of regulation there is OT. if it's still tied you go to the shootout. In the MLS you don't face the problem of teams playing for a tie as much as you see in hockey. Teams fight for a win right up until the final whistle. Sure teams sit back and take fewer chances when they have the lead but you don't see both teams sitting back playing to not make a mistake for the last half an hour because they get one point if they make it to overtime. They are trying to win for 90 minutes.
Um. MLS did away with shootouts about five years ago.


Registered User
Feb 3, 2005
San Jose
Bring on the shootout with a 3-2-1-0 point system. They use it in Germany and the scoring seems to be better and fewer games are tied at the end of regulation. Although I haven't seen enough of their play, I suspect that their is much less emphasis on the trap and more on skating. The Germans on the Sharks are excellent skaters.


Feb 27, 2002
Shoot-outs seem like a no harm/no foul way of adding some juice to regular season games. I don't think it will drastically alter the way the game is played or the regular season results. I see teams still getting a point for an OT loss, and the game getting more exposure with high lights on ESPN. No big deal if they implement it, imo, and just an extra bit of fun at the end of a game.


dolfanar said:
My point is that rather than go back to things that worked *before* (tightly called obstruction, 10 minutes 5 on 5 ot) the NHL is so damn eager to throw away tradition in favor of gimmickry. And that's all Shootouts are, a gimmick meant as a band aid.

I say let's try a few of the less gimmicky alternatives (10 minutes 5 on5 Ot, 3 point regulation win, tag up off-side, calling obstruction, moving the nets back), and then if the situation isn't helped then lets go for some of the more radical changes.

Heck I could even live with 10 minutes of 4 on 4 OT, and allowing 2 line passing, but deciding a game with a shoot out is a 100% turn off.

Hell you can even look at penalties and go back to players serving the full duration of the penalty, or removing the right to ice the puck during a penalty kill. Or both! That in combination with stringent application of the rules will, increase scoring, give talented players more room, give teams incentive to carry more skill players vs muckers, and in turn reduce the number of ties (more scoring = more scoring in OT).

All these options are open, while still at least maintaining some form of continuity in the league...

It makes sense, I can't disagree with that and I'm not even one to look at the no red line rule as a positive. But I feel this league has become so defensive and conservative, all system oriented in its aproach, that IMO more than a few minor tweaks will be needed if we really want to give back this game to offensive players (and I hope ultimatelly this is what we want, at least this is what I want).

Also, if the players didn't grab and hook all the time, it would probably be enough to get back the speed and flow that has been taken away from the game over the years. Problem is, the league has tried its now famous "crack down" on obstruction for a few years now, promising at the begining of the season they'll enforce the rules, which they do, for about 20 games, and when they see the players constantly in the box and the number of infractions not decreasing, they just soften until we're back to square one. It's the same thing every year.


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Jan 19, 2005
I am in favor of a shootout as long as the change the points system. I hate the fact that right now a team can be rewarded for making it to OT and losing, but a team is not penalized for needing to go to OT to get a win. I would support shootouts and a points system iwth 3 for a regulation win, 2 for a shootout win, 1 for a shootout loss, and 0 for a regulation loss. This would insure that each game is worth the same amount of points in the standings (3).


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Nov 15, 2003
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Bring Back Bucky said:
Exciting, yes. Good for the game like fire is good for a straw house. I understand the excitement of a big play ending a game, but it's a team game and shootouts are an individual competition highlighting only a limited portion of the good things about hockey. It would also be exciting to tie the goaltender to the post with no gear and fire pucks at him, but it is not part of the NHL. Wait til some team finishes out of the playoff picture because of shoot-out losses. I, for one, will be turning off the television at the end of a tie game before this circus commences...

Man, you're a sadist. ;)


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Feb 9, 2005
RaTcine said:
I think it should be a five minute overtime, 4 on 4, and then a shotout if there's no winner.

Before the OT, we need a new ice too, zamboni please.

Half of the fans in the arena leave in the beginning of overtime. If they cleaned the ice more people would leave.

IMO, What they need to do is play it like it has been, then bring out the zambonie to clear just a strip so the ice is nice and clean before the penalty shootout. This should only take about 60 seconds to do and people would wait around for it to see a shootout. Not sure if they clean a strip in the AHL now or not but they should if they don't


Habber said:
A shootout won't "fix" anything. It would probably make things worse.

You could say goodbye to any kind of excitement in OT if there's a shootout. Where's the incentive to open things up in overtime when a team can just go into a defensive shell and try to win the crapshoot called a shootout.

The weaker teams will just make things worse, because with a shootout they could win a game without taking a single offensive chance. And believe me, they will try it.

Can you imagine if baseball only played 10 innings, and if the game was still tied they had a homerun derby to decide the winner? It's just plain stupid, and so are shootouts in hockey.
You know what I would love to see a homerun derby to decide the winner in baseball. That's what I call entertainment baby!!!


Nov 9, 2004
Shootout is a horrible way to change the game. Like people have stated in other threads and probably this one...people arn't going to get attracted to the NHL by the chance there will be a shootout. People are not going to go out and buy tickets to an NHL game because of that chance there will be a shootout. Sure..if Joe Nobody is flipping through the channels at 10:00 at night and see's a shootout going on he will watch for that 2 minutes..thats about it...hes not going to say to himself..hmm this shootout was so im going to sit through 2 and a half hours of hockey tomorrow night hoping I will get to see another shootout. If the NHL brings this into the sure it would only last a year. Look how popular it was in the AHL at the a lot of fans hate it. Bringing it to the NHL would be a mistake.


Registered User
Feb 3, 2005
I don't like the idea of shootouts.

If it were up to me, it'd be 10 minutes of OT (4v4 or 5v5) and a change in the points system to 3 for a regular win, 2 (or 3) for an OT win, 1 for a tie, 0 for any kind of loss.

The points system gives the incentive to win at all times, not play for the tie. The exra time means there's a better chance there'll be a winner.

Someone posted a writeup on how the extra point for an OT loss did reduce the number of games ending in a tie, but it also increased the number of games that went into overtime, teams just ended up playing the last 7-8 minutes of the third cautiously enough to ensure they got at least one point and went to OT.

If the system stayed the same and shootouts came in, you'd see the same thing, only for overtime as well. So you'd get 7-8 minutes of boring hockey at the end of the third, and then 5 more minuntes of boring hockey in OT till the shootout.


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Jul 1, 2003
Injektilo said:
If the system stayed the same and shootouts came in, you'd see the same thing, only for overtime as well. So you'd get 7-8 minutes of boring hockey at the end of the third, and then 5 more minuntes of boring hockey in OT till the shootout.
This is what is happening in the AHL. The percentages of games tied after regulation and games tied after overtime have both increased.


drop the puck
Feb 13, 2003
Western MA
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Weary said:
Um. MLS did away with shootouts about five years ago.

Well that'll teach me... also goes to show just how much I watch the MLS. Thanks for the correction.

I still think the argument stands though. I think that there shouldn't be any points for any sort of loss and the games having a winner of every game would help draw more fans to the sport. It would also prevent teams from playing for overtime and then playing 5 minutes for an extra point with nothing really on the line if they lose.

I'm in favor of the shootout in order to expand the game to a larger audience. I think it's effect on the standings is about the same as teams getting a point for an overtime loss.


If they ever put this joke of a solution into play i will never watch an nhl game until they get rid of it. It absolutely ridiclous. He!! do they solve NBA games by having a slam dunk contest, thats the most exciting play so why not solve the game that way maybe more people will watch it :dunce:

Or how about Golf instead of having extra holes maybe they can have a long drive competition.

Or in Football instead of having the extra plays we could have a touchdown dance off!!!!! GREAT FRIGGIN IDEA

Or in baseball all the fans are getting hammered so why dont we have the teams starting pitchers have a shot contest what a great idea is they're anyone here working for a major sports league ive got great ideas on how to get rid of ties



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Mar 12, 2005
Chili said:
No. Fix the game, not the result.

It isn't hockey, just a skills event to reward points in the standings.

If the game itself was more entertaining this would not even be discussed.

Couldn't have been said any better! Great post.

Shootouts are just another way for the NHL to avoid fixing the tuff problems facing the game today. It's also another way to bring in "non-hockey" elements in to the game in order to bring in "non-hockey fans." Sure a breakaway is exciting, so is a two on one, they gonna put a two on one session in too? How about taking a little XFL flavour and have two guys charge for the puck at the opening faceoff? Finally, shootouts are a great way to take the "team" out of the greatest "team" game in the world. Nice job NHL, you've done it again. :shakehead


Registered User
Dec 13, 2004
txpd said:
First of all, it is not fixing the result. It is fixing the game. Ties are not good in any sport. The allstar baseball game ended in a tie and it was a national scandal. Football, college and pro, have eliminated ties for all intents and purposes. yet one out of every 3 or 4 NHL games ends in a tie. that is bad for nhl hockey.

To take what you are saying and move it in a different direction ... imagine the scandal that would have occurred in baseball if after 10 innings they decided to have a "pitch off" or homerun derby to decide things. It would be laughed at like you wouldn't believe. Yet this is exactly what is being proposed by those who endorse shootouts.

In baseball, there are so many boring games throughout the year, yet if you had game #111 go into the 15th inning, then all of a sudden things get really interesting. I say, why cap OT in hockey at 5 minutes? Let's make it sudden death and not award any points for a loss. Critics might say that this is a tax on players in an overly long schedule. Well you better believe that teams will try to end things early by playing it wide open (including in regulation). We could even keep it 4-on-4 in OT still. This would save a few bodies and ensure that things still move on at a fast pace.

One of the most un-rewarding things in hockey right now is that all too often you are subject to a relatively unexciting 60 minutes followed by a really intense 5 minutes. Yet, what the league is doing is shutting things down after the 5 and saying, "How did you like that taste ... sorry we can't show you any more ... come back again won't you." It just doesn't make sense.


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Mar 11, 2003
Tonawanda, NY
Fan-in-Van said:
To take what you are saying and move it in a different direction ... imagine the scandal that would have occurred in baseball if after 10 innings they decided to have a "pitch off" or homerun derby to decide things. It would be laughed at like you wouldn't believe. Yet this is exactly what is being proposed by those who endorse shootouts.

In baseball, there are so many boring games throughout the year, yet if you had game #111 go into the 15th inning, then all of a sudden things get really interesting. I say, why cap OT in hockey at 5 minutes? Let's make it sudden death and not award any points for a loss. Critics might say that this is a tax on players in an overly long schedule. Well you better believe that teams will try to end things early by playing it wide open (including in regulation). We could even keep it 4-on-4 in OT still. This would save a few bodies and ensure that things still move on at a fast pace.

One of the most un-rewarding things in hockey right now is that all too often you are subject to a relatively unexciting 60 minutes followed by a really intense 5 minutes. Yet, what the league is doing is shutting things down after the 5 and saying, "How did you like that taste ... sorry we can't show you any more ... come back again won't you." It just doesn't make sense.

The problem with sudden death is that broadcasters will not agree to show unlimited OT. They maybe willing to accept 5 miniute, and the league may be able to push them to accept 10 minutes, but in the end, the broadcaster will want to be able to move on to their planned programming.

Didn't they go to the 5 minute overtime because the broadcasters were complaining in the first place?


Approaching infinity
Feb 8, 2004
pjbth said:
If they ever put this joke of a solution into play i will never watch an nhl game until they get rid of it. It absolutely ridiclous. He!! do they solve NBA games by having a slam dunk contest, thats the most exciting play so why not solve the game that way maybe more people will watch it :dunce:

Or how about Golf instead of having extra holes maybe they can have a long drive competition.

Or in Football instead of having the extra plays we could have a touchdown dance off!!!!! GREAT FRIGGIN IDEA

Or in baseball all the fans are getting hammered so why dont we have the teams starting pitchers have a shot contest what a great idea is they're anyone here working for a major sports league ive got great ideas on how to get rid of ties

I think you're being just a little bit dramatic and your examples don't hold much because fact is the sports you mentioned DO NOT END IN TIES!!! Hey if the players would actually go for it, I'm all for sudden death 4x4 until someone scores but I doubt that will fly. Until someone comes up with a better idea, I say bring on the shootout. I don't care if it attracts fans, I don't care if it's a team sport, I don't care about any excuses either side puts forth...the fact is TIEING IS A JOKE!!!!!
Sinurgy said:
I think you're being just a little bit dramatic and your examples don't hold much because fact is the sports you mentioned DO NOT END IN TIES!!! Hey if the players would actually go for it, I'm all for sudden death 4x4 until someone scores but I doubt that will fly. Until someone comes up with a better idea, I say bring on the shootout. I don't care if it attracts fans, I don't care if it's a team sport, I don't care about any excuses either side puts forth...the fact is TIEING IS A JOKE!!!!!

Ties are part of regular season hockey. The fact that a tie game is decided arbitrarily in the end by a shout out will not change the fact that the *HOCKEY GAME* ended with a tie.

The result of a side-show gimmick tacked on at the end is really irrelevant, and will become less and less attractive as the novelty of the gimmick wears off.


Registered User
Jan 31, 2005
GoBuckeyes9 said:
I think shoot out will be a great thing for the NHL. The NHL sold out during its massive expansion. Its not the hockey thats played on frozen ponds up north. Its not the hockey that The Great One played just a few years ago. The NHL needs change, it cant try and force this watered down dump and chase on to the fans.

The shoot out is needed. It will give the game some style back. Also think it will do wonders for the players and the game's marketing. The skill players will be highlighted every night somewhere in the NHL. It would get a face on sportscenter. People think thats overrated, but its a huge deal if you get a couple of players in Top Plays each night. Shows the emotions of a player winning a game, fans cheering for the will be good. Every end of the game will finish with a BIG PLAY! thats a good thing.

Has anyone noticed the Salo vs Souray war of words going on in Europe? Maybe we will get these players talking to eachother and get some people hating eachother. Again getting the sport in the media! Getting people's attention and possiblilty of people getting interested in the sport. As annoying as it to hear that Shaq doesn't like Kobe every 5 mins on created a buzz in the off-season, it created a buzz when the schedule was released, etc you get the point.

That said...I think the point system has to be changed a make sure teams go for the win in regulation. I only want shoot outs in regular season, playoffs should stay the same.

I think shoot outs are boring, this is a team sport, not a one on one sport, leave that to tennis.


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Mar 2, 2002
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Hockey is the only sport where fans and the league have no interest in selling the sport.

Shoot outs arent popular because its not tough, hard nosed, or boring. Who wants to see skill decide a game? Certainly not hardcore hockey fans. The league needs to start bringing in more fans instead of pandering to hardcore ones.

Shoot outs will bring in more fans then they will drive away. Theres no reason not to have them.


Registered User
Jul 5, 2004
everyone needs to relax a little bit.

Shootouts will not fix the game alone. Everyone is correct when speaking of the coaches having a very large influence on the defensive/boring style of play. Honestly, I have not heard or read anyone speak of an idea or a rule change or anything to fix the current coaching philosophy of dump and chase/sit back and play the trap style that most teams play.

So in my opinion is that its the NHL's job to maintain a high quality on-ice product. I agree with people who say the games should not end in ties. Thats fine, everyone would like a winner. Let me be up front and say I can appreciate a 1-0 game. Its just you would hope its a back and forth style, with shots and chances and a goalie actually earning a shut out with stellar play.

I think shoot outs would do provide the league with so many great things. I understand hockey is a team sport, but its a failing team sport. Bringing back some of the individuals is not a bad thing. Shoot outs have the power to make national stars. People the public will see them for their amazing skills and idolize them for it or hate them for beating their team. Such feelings and emotion will create quite the stir in divisional match ups.

In addition to shoot outs, the NHL has alot of work to do in other areas of the game. Moving the nets back, goalie pads(legs AND upperbody), tag up offsides, ice color(i support the light blue movement), PK rule changes, actually calling the rules in the book or changing them so they are written as called, point system needs to be changed so that it is heavily encouraged to win in regulation.

Oh, yea and people who feel shoot outs will disgrace the game...I think the lock out did a pretty good job of that. I would like the NHL back, and I would like it back as a cheaper and more entertaining product.


HFWF Tourney Undisputed Champion
Apr 30, 2004
Lansing, MI
Although I agree shootouts arent the most fair way to end a game and don't really represent the game of hockey and how it is played, it's something entertaining to bring in new fans and I think it should be done. Plus its only for the regular season, the regular season where a lot of people say it doesn't really matter and its too long blah blah blah, so why not add some spice to it if a lot of people say its somewhat worthless? Although I disagree with the reg season being worthless a shootout is still a cool way to attract new fans and make the game spicier. And if it doesn't affect playoff games is it really THAT big of a deal? An NHL shootout reminds me of the final 2 minutes of a basketball game but a lot more exciting. I mean the final 2 minutes of a basketball game for the most part is just a free throw shooting contest that lasts 45 minutes. If no changes to hockey were ever made we still wouldn't have a forward pass.


Nov 9, 2004
iagreewithidiots said:
Hockey is the only sport where fans and the league have no interest in selling the sport.

Shoot outs arent popular because its not tough, hard nosed, or boring. Who wants to see skill decide a game? Certainly not hardcore hockey fans. The league needs to start bringing in more fans instead of pandering to hardcore ones.

Shoot outs will bring in more fans then they will drive away. Theres no reason not to have them.

Again...people are not going to become hockey fans on the slim chance they will see a 1 minute shootout.


Registered User
Jul 5, 2004
dolfanar said:
Ties are part of regular season hockey. The fact that a tie game is decided arbitrarily in the end by a shout out will not change the fact that the *HOCKEY GAME* ended with a tie.

The result of a side-show gimmick tacked on at the end is really irrelevant, and will become less and less attractive as the novelty of the gimmick wears off.

I am glad you said "ties are a part of regular season hockey"

I am a hockey fan...I love the sport..I play it, I watch any form of it and I attend games and spend the money on the sport.

I know a TON of casual hockey fans...they all love the playoffs and hate the regular season. Hockey fans will watch the regular season, casual fans will not. The NHL's job is to turn those casual fans in to hockey fans! Excite them, entertain them, show them its fun to go see a game in person. The regular season needs a TON of work. If it didn't we wouldn't be in this mess right now and we would also have a TV contract. Try shoot outs. Try and make them not an every day event. Add insentives to win in regulation. Get creative. But the product has to get better. everyone is quick to say the NHL has gone downhill but then no one wants to "fix" it or even try something.


Registered User
Jul 5, 2004
FLYLine4LIFE said:
Again...people are not going to become hockey fans on the slim chance they will see a 1 minute shootout.

I think you are wrong. People might think it really cool to see a highlight reel goal on sportscenter. And might just get interested in seeing more hockey.
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