Scientists Discover Early-Universe Galaxy 13 Billion Light Years Away


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Sep 22, 2004
Sin City

Using gravitational lensing and a special telescope at the W.M. Keck Observatory in Mauna Kea, Hawaii, physicists detected a faint galaxy 13 billion light years away from Earth. Its stellar mass is barely a fraction of our Milky Way galaxy. In other words, it is still in the reionization epoch — the end of the cosmic dark ages, “when the first stars became visible.â€

Scientists published their findings in the May 19 issue of Astrophysical Journal Letters.

This newly discovered world was hidden behind a large galaxy cluster known as MACS J2129.4−0741. University of California Davis researcher and lead author Kuang-Han Huang says the distant galaxy’s faint light would not have been discernible without MACS J2129.4−0741, which served as a gravitational lens to magnify and create three images of the tiny galaxy. Astronomers have confirmed the three images are of the same object, because they show the same spectra.

...In a galaxy far, far away....


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