Reviewing a Goal Twice


Just the tip!
Jun 2, 2012
Cold and Dark place!
The refs do not actually look at it on the first review, so it's as if it's the first review from their perspective. And the call of "good goal" from Toronto has nothing to do with goalie interference.

It even worse your bosses just told you it a good goal, now you're asked to reverse it by what you see on a crappy Ipad.


Registered User
Nov 4, 2009
It even worse your bosses just told you it a good goal, now you're asked to reverse it by what you see on a crappy Ipad.

No, your boss just told you the puck crossed the line, wasn't kicked in, or the stick was below the bar.

Now you got to decide if the goaltender got interfered with or the play was onside.

They're mutually exclusive events. Not really seeing the big deal.


Setting up the play?
Sep 17, 2012
It even worse your bosses just told you it a good goal, now you're asked to reverse it by what you see on a crappy Ipad.

"Your bosses" would have to tell you it was a good goal even if the forward had literally picked up the goalie and thrown him into the crowd. If the puck conclusively crossed the goal line, and the war room made a "no goal" call anyway, it would be a scandal.

I Hate Philadelphia

Registered User
Aug 10, 2015
Orlando, Florida
The goal review system is a total joke.

Almost every single one I've seen has been for a go ahead goal where nothing even remotely close to interference/offsides etc happened and the opposing coach just challenges it because why the hell not and it's a complete waste of time.


Mar 4, 2002
Visit site
Cooper wasted a timeout. Nevermind what they review or not, the moment they look at the replay and decided it a good goal your odds of getting it overturned on a second review are slim to none. It call human nature and confirmation bias, it the reason why challenge should always be sent to the war room. This is not fair to the refs to have them look back at their own work. They take enough heat as it is.

I thought it was a good challenge. I remember a goal that Montreal scored on Boston earlier in the year where there was a scramble in the crease.

Basically, chara decided to pin Gallagher against the goalie and not to let him move. Meanwhile, a habs player stuffs the puck into the net.

The ref goes to review it and overturns the good goal.

Last night, the push received by dale weise into the goalie looked alot less sinister than the chara/Gallagher incident, yet this goal stood.

At this point, I have no idea what the standard for goalie interference is. Sometimes, you can push a guy into the goalie, and it counts, while others, not so much.

All I can come up with at this point is that refs may rule with bias depending upon their perception of certain players. For example, what if it was Gallagher who made that play last night instead of dale weise. Does it still count?


Registered User
Feb 14, 2004
Imagine this happening:

Team A scores a goal, ref rules it out because of goalie interference. The coach of team A challenges the call and then it is deemed there was no goalie interference so it's a good goal...

...and then the coach of team B challenges the call, stating there was an offside before the goal.


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