TV: Rank the South Park seasons


Registered User
Jul 26, 2010
I've stopped watching South Park on a regular basis years ago, with only catching random episodes here and there.I'm completely lost as to what episodes is in which season, and which season have major overlying theme or not.

Anyone obsessed enough to throw a ranking of all the seasons? Maybe with a small description of what goes on in the season.I know this is a lot to ask, but maybe someone out there is capable and willing to do it.Worst case scenario you can seperate them in tiers.I'm planning on buying some seasons so wanted to know which I should buy.

Dr Pepper

Registered User
Dec 9, 2005
Sunny Etobicoke
That's asking an awful lot, as it's hard to rank twenty seasons of the same show. There are way more good seasons than there are bad seasons, according this biased observer. :laugh:

I'd say the show really hit its' stride in Season 8, but that's not to say there weren't some absolute gems leading up to that point.

The past few years have seen a few more misses than hits, per episode, and while they try (and usually succeed) to remain on the ball with current events, there's a different feel to these latest seasons. Probably has to do with the continued plotlines, so if Season 21 contains ten standalone episodes, maybe we'll see a rejuvenated effort from Matt and Trey.

Trap Jesus

Registered User
Feb 13, 2012
Can't rank them, but season 6 is my favorite.

Was literally going to post this sentence verbatim lol. That season is a masterpiece.

This is a crazy task. It's rare for a show to go this long while still keeping the quality up.


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