Qualifying Rounds - Wrestling Draft A [PICK 8!]


Registered User
Apr 29, 2009
If you could...
Please take my vote away.
I really only liked 5...
But I will try to find 8.


Global Moderator
Feb 27, 2002
If you could...
Please take my vote away.
I really only liked 5...
But I will try to find 8.

We can manually change the votes, but you wouldn't be able to vote again. Only thing you could do is just post what other three cards you want to vote for and one of us can change the vote count.


Registered User
Apr 27, 2010
ColePens – Very nice roster of wrestlers on this card. Michaels and Steamboat is of course tremendous. The ECW match is also well built with three stocky brutes who would do damage. Two matches sorely need descriptions though. I want to know what is going on with Edge and Owen Hart, particularly when both were far better as heels. I also would prefer to know what is going on with McMahon and Sting. Vince’s matches are never particularly good from an in-ring perspective, so context is almost everything with that one.

Sheppy – I really like the tag team match, and the JBL/Blackman match I have to respect a lot as I strongly considered doing the exact same match myself. This is another card that is hurt by lack of details though, particularly the Rude/Orton match, as both are naturally very much heels. I don’t like HHH at all, but the main event could be good if it is 1999-2000 era HHH.

PeterSidorkiewicz – Roberts vs Ambrose is intriguing, and I really like seeing the survivor series match. I particularly enjoy the stipulation for that match. I have to give you credit for properly using my most hated wrestler, The Patriot. I don’t really like Lethal as Bryan’s opponent as I think Bryan is better served with a match of bigger magnitude. Batista/Sammartino scares me somewhat too because it would be so plodding.

CHGoalie27 – I very much like the old school nature of your card. In particular I like the old school all American team vs evil foreigner team. The hardcore match would also be a beautiful, bloody spectacle. I have two issues. One, there are probably too many matches. Two, the bottom five matches on the card (not including the pre-show) feature almost exclusively guys that don’t interest me. I really enjoyed the promos you wrote though. I regret not giving you a vote earlier for that reason.

GarbageGoal – I like pretty much all of your matches. The decision to go with young DiBiase is unexpected but very interesting. I’m not big on getting match results, though I like that you put thought into it at least.

Dr Pepper – I don’t have much to say. Most of the wrestlers are solid, but outside of Raven and Wyatt I don’t have a lot of interest in most of the matches. Need some details or something.

Shoalzie – I like the Final Round concept, and I really like Savage/Jericho. I would also like seeing the Road Warriors against modern tag teams. Elgin and Awesome interests me more than I thought it would.

JackSlater – Wow, what a card! That aside, there may not be enough straight up wrestling matches, and the tag team title match feels a bit bloated because I was seduced by talent being available so late.

The Gongshow – It’s a bit too current for me. Most of the pieces are good, but it seems more like a fantasy booking of the last two years instead of an all time draft.

bruins309 – Solid old school card. New Day and Demolition is a natural fit, and Austin/Piper could be tremendous both in terms of promos and style. I don’t particularly have interest in Andre, but Hansen is a great opponent for him. Good to see Bockwinkel and Stevens together as well, as that was the best tag team in the world for some time.

GKJ – I’m still not thrilled that you took Castle, but I like what you did with him so credit there. I like the contrast found in your matches. I also very much enjoy the details you provided. I might like Joe/Tanahashi better than the actual main event. Three women’s matches is more than I would ever prepare, but even with my limited knowledge of most of them I know that Toyota is great.


Global Moderator
Feb 27, 2002
I just noticed that both drafts have a Revival vs. Briscoes match.


RIP Fugu Buffaloed & parabola
Mar 27, 2008
Jack - I may be in the minority, but I prefer face Edge/heel Owen. Just my preference. I really liked Edge as a face. He has natural charisma and he's an easy guy to like. And I just wanna see both of those guys at their peak going 1 on 1 in a ladder match.

As for Sting vs. Vince. I don't think any explanation is needed. Vince at his best. Sting as a face of the WCW world. In a fantasy world where promotions went 1 on 1 against each other, holy ****. Say Sting left WCW and came to WWF. Vince tried to cheat him out of everything because hew as WCW. Sting finally gets him alone inside a cage. Vince takes his normal suit off to reveal he's not some push-over. Sting beats his ass all over town. Ahhhhhh. A dream to me. Sting then moves on to take on HBK for the title.


The Devil Killer
Sep 18, 2007
I think Edge is definitely better as a heel but I also think when you pair up two talents like that you don't always need to define who is good and bad. Bad guys can clash too and those two would make a very entertaining program.

Some will then say well who am I meant to cheer for, well you cheer for whoever you like more just like always, or whoever you dislike less. Or you just be entertained by two top level talents at work. They don't need to be defined as good or bad just let them be themselves and enjoy the ride.


Registered User
Apr 27, 2010
Jack - I may be in the minority, but I prefer face Edge/heel Owen. Just my preference. I really liked Edge as a face. He has natural charisma and he's an easy guy to like. And I just wanna see both of those guys at their peak going 1 on 1 in a ladder match.

As for Sting vs. Vince. I don't think any explanation is needed. Vince at his best. Sting as a face of the WCW world. In a fantasy world where promotions went 1 on 1 against each other, holy ****. Say Sting left WCW and came to WWF. Vince tried to cheat him out of everything because hew as WCW. Sting finally gets him alone inside a cage. Vince takes his normal suit off to reveal he's not some push-over. Sting beats his ass all over town. Ahhhhhh. A dream to me. Sting then moves on to take on HBK for the title.

Interesting regarding Edge and Owen. I don't particularly care for Edge as a face, at least compared to his heel work, but the talent is there in the pairing to compensate for the most part. I still find it difficult to think of a reason for them to feud. One thing that this highlights, and it is common in many cards in this draft (my own included) is the shortage of top end faces. Heels (or at least guys who were better as heels) are much, much more common.

Sting and Vince is clearly going to be something regarding WCW vs WWF, yes. I should have clarified I guess but I tried to only write a short blurb about each ppv. I don't consider Sting to be a rival for Vince, mainly because the rise of WCW coincided with the rise of the NWO and Goldberg. I consider the NWO and Goldberg to be Vince's main WCW competition, though yes guys like String and Flair can also get that rub I suppose. I guess I'm more just not a fan of Vince matches in general. In your case at least you've got the most talented in-ring match headlining your card to compensate.


Global Moderator
Feb 27, 2002
Hard decision at the end again but luckily I wasn't deciding anyone's fate. That wasn't a good feeling. Will vote earlier next time.


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