Pollak Retiring From the Merc, Pashelka taking over full time

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Registered User
Jul 30, 2010
Moose country
Pretty clear on two things based on the reaction of the fans:

1)EVERY comment on his post was positive. That shows that he was legit and not a guy trying to click-bait. From Bobby Mac to Puck Daddy, most of the top notch hockey guys wrote something nice about him.

2)Sharks fans are pretty classy. (yes...even you). No trolls, just well-wishes

Pollak's articles could always be taken as gospel. In sports writing these days, that's sadly very rare.

Happy trails, Dave!

Not necessarily.
I posted this a few weeks ago

Joe pretty flat out said he wants to retire a Shark. His angry comments at Wilson at the time were circumstantial.

As per Drew Remenda on the podcast, Wilson did not say it in a way intended to be malicious, but the dumb journalist who went to Thornton with the story to get his comments omitted the nice things Wilson said and just said "So Wilson said they had to strip the C from you because you get frustrated and lash out at teammates when things are not going your way, what do you think of that"

Drew Remenda also broke the story on podcast about how his later comments were not meant as Jabs at TMac at all. That he considered him family and said he should talk to them before making any decisions. But the same sensationalist journalist looking for headlines intentionally misinterpreted his words for a big headline. Remenda literally said that Joe texted him the moment the story broke because that was not what he said at all.

But everyone chooses to ignore that story and stick with "Joe takes jabs at coach"

That Journalist should be blackballed.

In any case, Plattner came into the picture and as per another journalist(Friedman I think), pretty much guaranteed Joe could retire a Shark to put the matter to bed

Only response was
That was all Pollack, and he's pretty much the only beat writer the Sharks have.

Also, he was likely commended by his editor for generating page views and controversy. As much as we want to chastise him for this, it's pretty much the nature of print media these days as it dies a slow death. If we want reporters with integrity we need to be willing to subscribe to quality print news, otherwise they are forced to do stuff like this in order to stay in business. I don't really blame Pollack, he likely had no real choice.

I do admit it is short cited though.


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