Phoenix XCV: We Trust Gary Bettman

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Mar 19, 2009
keep on truckin'

In the beginning ... the first Phoenix fiasco thread!!! (?)
03-04-2007 Coyotes to lose 30M?

12-08-2008 Hockey in The Desert (Phoenix franchise and finance/business matters)
02-04-2009 Hockey in the Desert II (Phoenix Coyotes franchise and business matters)

Fresh from Al Capone's Geraldo Rivera's Evil Doctor's Vault - The Lost Thread:
04-28-2009 The Arizona Republic: NHL loan keeps Coyotes operating

05-05-2009 Balsillie puts in $212.5 mil offer for the Coyotes
05-07-2009 Balsillie/Phoenix part II
05-18-2009 Balsillie/Phoenix part III
05-22-2009 Balsillie/Phoenix part IV
06-03-2009 Balsillie/Phoenix part V
06-09-2009 Balsillie/Phoenix Part VI
06-12-2009 Balsillie/Phoenix Part VII: I'm just waitin' on a judge
06-16-2009 Balsillie/Phoenix Part VIII: It's dead, Jim
06-24-2009 Balsillie/Phoenix Part IX: 'Dorf on Hockey
07-25-2009 Phoenix bankruptcy/ownership Part X: The Truth? You Can't Handle The Truth!
08-03-2009 Phoenix bankruptcy/ownership Part XI: A Fistful of Dollars?
08-07-2009 Phoenix bankruptcy/ownership Part XII: For a Few Dollars More
08-12-2009 Phoenix bankruptcy/ownership Part XIII: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
08-21-2009 Phoenix bankruptcy/ownership Part XIV: The Wrath of Baum
08-27-2009 Phoenix bankruptcy/ownership Part XV - SITREP: SNAFU
09-02-2009 Phoenix bankruptcy/ownership Part XVI: Barbarian at the Gate
09-08-2009 Phoenix bankruptcy/ownership Part XVII: Wake Me Up When September Ends
09-10-2009 Phoenix bankruptcy/ownership Part XVIII: Is that a pale horse in the distance?
09-12-2009 Phoenix bankruptcy Part XIX: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Baum
09-21-2009 Phoenix Bankruptcy Part XX: There Will Be Baum
09-28-2009 Phoenix Bankruptcy Part XXI: 2009 -- A Sports Odyssey
10-26-2009 Phoenix Bankruptcy Part XXII: Long and winding road

11-24-2009 Keeping up with potential owners for NHL Phoenix Coyotes (UPD: Ice Edge signs LOI)
03-14-2010 Part II. Potential owners of NHL's Phoenix Coyotes
03-26-2010 Part III. Prospective Owners - Phoenix Coyotes (UPD Lease vote 4/13; IEH signs MOU)
04-10-2010 Part IV Phoenix Coyotes post bankrtuptcy; UPD COG approves Reinsdorf MOU, not IEH MOU
05-02-2010 Part V Phoenix Coyotes post bankruptcy UPD Reinsdorf out? IEH back in? else Winnipeg?
05-11-2010 Part VI Phoenix Coyotes post bankruptcy
05-23-2010 Part VII Phoenix Coyotes post bankrtuptcy
06-07-2010 Part VIII: Phoenix Coyotes Post-bankrtuptcy
06-22-2010 Part IX: Phoenix Coyotes Post-bankruptcy UPD: Pres Moss fired 6/30 with IEH input
07-26-2010 Part X: Phoenix Coyotes - Between Scylla and Charybdis
08-27-2010 Part XI: Phoenix Coyotes -- Greetings, Starfighter, You have been selected ...
09-16-2010 Part XII: Phx Coyotes - Still haven't found what I'm looking for
10-12-2010 Part XIII: Phoenix Coyotes - The Final Cut?
10-27-2010 Part XIV: Phoenix Coyotes - To Infinity And Beyond....
12-05-2010 Part XV: Phoenix - the battle of evermore
12-14-2010 Part XVI: Phoenix -- Money for Nothing
12-20-2010 Part XVII: Phoenix -- Thread Title Available For Lease
01-09-2011 Part XVIII: Phoenix -- Imminence Front
01-24-2011 Phoenix XIXth: Nervous Breakdown
02-02-2011 Phoenix XX: Two weeks
02-11-2011 Phoenix XXI: When will then be now?
02-22-2011 Phoenix XXII: It's Now or Never
02-28-2011 Phoenix XXIII - Bond: The Phoenix Project
03-03-2011 Phoenix XXIV: How many twists does the scriptwriter have left?
03-07-2011 Phoenix XXV: Anyone in the theatre seen a pale horse?
03-08-2011 Phoenix XXVI: Pain in the AZ
03-11-2011 Phoenix XXVII: Can we all get along?
03-16-2011 Phoenix XXVIII: Lawyers, Bonds and Money
03-20-2011 Phoenix XXIX: What's the next act? I'm tired of the dog & pony show
03-22-2011 Phoenix Part XXX Hulz, you gotta get a gimmick if you want to get ahead
03-27-2011 Phoenix Part XXXI: I feel I'm in a time loop
04-05-2011 Phoenix Part XXXII: Bridge over Troubled Goldwater
04-14-2011 Phoenix XXXIII: Sound of Silence
04-20-2011 Phoenix XXXIV: Project Mayhem
04-25-2011 Phoenix XXXV: Several Species of Small Furry Animals Gathered Together in a Cave...
05-03-2011 Phoenix XXXVI - There's got to be a morning after
05-10-2011 Phoenix XXXVII - The Heat is On

Followed by the Interregnum between Kings Phoenix the XXXVII-th and Phoenix the XXXVIII-th:

The most interesting thing about King Charles, the first
Is that he was 5 foot 6 inches tall at the start of his reign
But only 4 foot 8 inches tall at the end of it because of
Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protector of England Puritan
Born in 1599 and died in 1658 September

06-09-2011 ESPN's Burnside: Hulsizer submitted new deal; COG city manager dragging it out
06-20-2011 Coyotes related: Westgate faces foreclosure
06-21-2011 Phoenix, worst case scenario

Finally, the realm was restored ...

06-27-2011 Phoenix XXXVIII: Hulsizer Pulls Bid For Coyotes
08-16-2011 Phoenix XXXIX: You Never Give Me Your Money
10-18-2011 Phoenix XL: Rich Man's World
12-07-2011 Phoenix XLI: Bongo Fury
01-06-2012 Phoenix XLII: The Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything
02-02-2012 Phoenix XLIII: How to Bake Cupcakes in Less Than Two Weeks
02-28-2012 Phoenix XLIV: Ignorance & Apathy (or I Doan't know & I Doan't Care)
03-28-2012 Phoenix XLV: You can't YANDLE the truth!
04-11-2012 Phoenix XLVI: (Tre)living on a prayer
04-21-2012 Phoenix XLVII: More Threads than Superbowls
05-01-2012 Phoenix XLVIII: Of Mice and Lieberman
05-08-2012 Phoenix XLIX: Smoke & Mirrors
05-21-2012 Phoenix L: AllByDesign?
05-30-2012 Phoenix LI: es, Damn Lies, and Arena Management Fees
06-06-2012 Phoenix LII: Goodnight, Sweet Lieberman
06-08-2012 Phoenix LIII: How the GWInch Stole Phoenix
06-12-2012 Phoenix LIV:E and Let Die
06-19-2012 Phoenix LV: is Has Left the Building
06-26-2012 Phoenix LVI: s is Still Dead (or Maybe Working at a 7-11 in Glendale)
07-04-2012 Phoenix LVII (or MDCCLXXVI): Declarations of (In)Dependence
07-13-2012 Phoenix LVIII; Will jobbing get jobbed?
07-30-2012 Phoenix LIX: The JIG is up?
08-18-2012 Phoenix LX: Pinocchio's Furniture
09-07-2012 Phoenix LXI; We agreed to pay HOW MUCH‽
09-26-2012 Phoenix LXII: Abandon Hope all Ye Who Enter Here
10-16-2012 Phoenix LXIII: Have Become, Comfortably Numb;
11-06-2012 Phoenix LXIV: Will You Still Need Me, Will You Still Read Me, on Thread LXIV?
11-21-2012 Phoenx LXV: The word is... give me a minute.... "Omnishambles"... "Omnishambles"
11-27-2012 Phoenix LXVI: Get Your Kicks On Thread LXVI
12-18-2012 Phoenix LXVII: Route66 - Aftermath
01-15-2013 Phoenix LXVIII - "Watch out for that Tree"
01-25-2013 Phoenix LXIX: Thread of LXIX
01-30-2013 Phoenix LXX: Should they stay or should they go now?
02-01-2013 Phoenix LXXI: Daydream Belever
02-12-2013 Phoenix LXXII: Send in the Clowns
03-14-2013 Phoenix LXXIII: "This Space Available"
04-04-2013 Phoenix LXXIV: Be Seeing You
04-22-2013 Phoenix LXXV: It's Like Deja Vu All Over Again
05-02-3013 Phoenix LXXVI: Renaissance Men
05-13-2013 Phoenix LXXVII: Tired of Waiting For You
05-19-2013 Phoenix LXXVIII: Know When To Hold 'Em, Know When To Fold 'Em
05-25-2013 Phoenix LXXIX: This is The End, We Hope Not
05-29-2013 Phoenix LXXX: Is there another way out?
06-01-2013 Phoenix LXXXI: I'll Gladly Pay You Tuesday for Your Franchise Today!
06-08-2013 Phoenix LXXXII: "Waive Reading Beyond the Title"
06-12-2013 Phoenix LXXXIII: "Stuff's Gonna Happen"
06-14-2013 Phoenix LXXXIV: Planespotting Edition
06-16-2013 Phoenix LXXXV: A Bridge to Nowhere
06-20-2013 Phoenix LXXXVI: There's Always Money in the Banana Stand
06-24-2013 Phoenix LXXXVII: Hotel Arizona
06-26-2013 Phoenix LXXXVIII: The Final Cupcake?
06-28-2013 Phoenix LXXXIX: If you don't approve it, we must move it!
06-29-2013 Phoenix XC: Down to the Weiers
07-02-2013 Phoenix XCI: Never Gonna Give You Up
07-02-2013 Phoenix XCII: Movie Night In Glendale
07-02-2013 Phoenix XCIII: Vote for the Yote to Keep them Afloat, or That's all She Wrote!
07-02-2013 Phoenix XCIV: The team, the dream, the scheme
07-02-2013 Phoenix XCV: We Trust Gary Bettman
07-02-2013 Phoenix XCVI: The Government You Deserve ...

A couple whole bunch of Phoenix uThreads have popped up in the wake of the "To close, or not to close" mega-thread discussion:

03-16-2012 COG to spend more on Coyotes than public safety?
03-22-2012 Dreger (3/22): NHL to investigate "plan b" for Phoenix
03-23-2012 Sunnicks strikes again "will they stay or will they go now?"
03-28-2012 G&M: Architects of Glendale pro sports disaster won't be around for fallout
03-30-2012 Shoalts: Ice Edge talking about bringing (minor) hockey to the Job should Yotes leave
04-04-2012 Shoalts: Glendale Mayor Scruggs wants city's $$ back
04-05-2012 Coyotes CEO 'confident' team is staying in Glendale
04-05-2012 Puck Daddy: Coyotes battline relocation worries with public optimism
04-06-2012 A strong PHX team in the playoffs may bring a new owner.
04-10-2012 Father of PHX AGM Brad Treliving involved in keeping Coyotes in Glendale?
04-10-2012 PKP offer for Coyotes may be 230 million (mod: to QC w/relo $$)
04-10-2012 Beasley: Coyotes deal within a month
04-11-2012 Glendale, NHL trying to close Phoenix Coyotes deal with Jamison group
04-11-2012 Bettman: no timeline on Phoenix situation (AP)
04-13-2012 Adding up the Numbers in the Phoenix Jamison Bid
04-16-2012 COG's Lieberman calls for demonstration against Coyote deal
04-17-2012 COG - budget payment to Jamison group not to exceed $20m?
04-17-2012 GWI ready to scrutinize new deal
04-18-2012 Coyotes sale soon, five things to watch
04-21-2012 Jamison looking for more investors on Coyotes bid, could be 1-2 months away from deal
04-21-2012 Greg Jamison finally goes public with potential purchase of the Coyotes
04-24-2012 Glendale Busts its Budget; Pledges More Money for Yotes
04-27-2012 Coyotes working to convert bandwagon fans to full time fans
04-28-2-12 4/28: Coyote sale deal getting closer
04-30-2012 Phoenix Coyotes sale finalized May 8th? Hulsizer back in?
05-03-2012 Phoenix CEO/Pres Nealy - something could happen next week
05-04-2012 Feschuk: Phoenix Coyotes doing just fine, thanks
05-04-2012 If the yotes make the finals
05-04-2012 Former Coyotes owner Jerry Moyes assails NHL over Coyotes’ operations
05-07-2012 NHL to announce tentative deal re: sale to Jamison
05-08-2012 Sportsnet: COG promising $306mm over next 21 years
05-08-2012 Wall Street Journal: 'Glendale's Public Hockey Project' = Loss
05-17-2012 Phoenix saga: 5/22 end date
05-17-2012 Jamison signing preliminary sales docs with NHL 5/17 or 5/18
05-21-2012 Goldwater Inst. ready to sue Glendale over arena management deal
05-23-2012 COG council approves preliminary budget with $17m payment for arena management
05-25-2012 Preliminary draft of lease agreement for in hands of COG board
06-04-2012 Phoenix lease details
06-05-2012 Bettmans plan may unravel in Phoenix (vote coming 6/8)
06-06-2012 The angst of Phoenix -- from three major league teams to one (that use city name)
06-06-2012 Forbes: Jamison having trouble raising funds
06-07-2012 GWI letter to Glendale Mayor and Coucilmembers
06-07-2012 Arizona Free Enterprise Club opposes COG deal
06-07-2012 Goldwater Institute Files for Restraining Order
06-11-2012 Coyote name change on hold?
06-13-2012 13 June, Goldwater files suit
06-14-2012 Halverstadt on NHL Home Ice talking Coyotes
06-14-2012 Coyotes deadline "now"? NHL schedule releasing soon
06-15-2012 PBJ: CoG says they'll withstand GWI legal challenge
06-15-2012 AFEC considering ballot (referendum) and COG concil recall
06-18-2012 Phoenix Coyotes, NHL looking for legal counsel to represent team, arena
06-19-2012 Coyotes deal not immediately effective - Referendum to follow?
06-26-2012 COG + GWI agreement on non-emergency status
06-28-2012 Jones/Cobb v Glendale (Coyotes Court Case)
07-04-2012 Coyotes PAC formed
07-04-2012 COG city council candidates voice opposition to Coyotes deal
07-05-2012 Shoalts 7/5 update on Coyotes situation
07-09-2012 Coyotes lease referendum petition not submitted by 7/9
07-11-2012 Glendale rejects group's attempt to overturn sales-tax increase
07-12-2012 PBJ: Jamison group has funding for purchase of Coyotes
07-16-2012 2 COG referendum proponents gearing up for legal battle
07-26-2012 Jones & Cobb decide to NOT file lawsuit after their lease referendum rejected
07-26-2012 PBJ: 7/27 deadline for Coyotes sale?
07-28-2012 PBJ: 7/28: Jamison short $20mm?
07-31-2012 Glendale arena proposal scheduled to expire 7/31, extended another 31 days
08-01-2012 Mayoral candidates speaking out on Coyotes prospective owner
08-08-2012 PBJ: 8/8 Jamison group apparently now has the funds to buy Coyotes
08-10-2012 SBN's Five for Howling: Coyotes sale a done deal
08-16-2012 COG mayoral candidate: Rework proposed lease due to lockout
08-18-2012 CBA uncertainty delaying Coyotes sale?
08-24-2012 8/24: Appeals Court Orders Glendale Sales-Tax Measure to be put Back on Ballot
08-27-2012 8/27 COG extends lease (with NHL) again (pending sale to Jamison group)
08-29-2012 COG seeking change to negotiated proposed arena deal with Jamison
09-04-2012 ESPN Burnside has source that says Jamison's got funding, arena deal to be done
09-11-2012 PBJ: O’odham tribe now involved in Jamison's deal to buy team?
09-29-2012 Final details on Coyotes lease to be settled 10/3?
10-07-2012 Final vote on reworked lease coming 10/23?
10-08-2012 Deja vu, redux = COG talk about extending agreement with NHL another 30 days
11-01-2012 Dater: Phoenix reason for lockout
11-07-2012 Impact of Glendale election on fate of Phoenix Coyotes future
11-26-2012 COG to vote on revised lease 11/27
11-30-2012 Referendum starts process (against) Glendale arena deal with Jamison
12-21-2012 Jamison officially signs lease agreement
12-26-2012 Coyotes could break even, or even profit, if there are no games
12-27-2012 Shoalts: Jamison using US Green Cards to lure investors in Coyotes
01-06-2013 Sportsnet: Jamison group about to finalize Coyotes purchase
01-30-2013 Burnside, LeBrun: Sale of Coyotes to Jamison in Question
01-31-2012 NHL no longer denying relocation a possibility for the Coyotes?
02-01-2013 USA Today's Allen: NHL must continue committment to Phoenix
02-02-2013 Phoenix - Glendale vs Scottsdale
02-08-2013 Grant Woods leading (new) ownership group to (try to) buy Coyotes
02-12-2013 Hulsizer back to looking at buying Coyotes?
03-28-2013 Report: NHL may soon consider relocation for Coyotes; Ice Edge back in picture?
03-29-2013 Bettman: Hey COG, expect something in about a week
04-07-2013 Bettman: Interest in Phoenix franchise "higher than ever"
05-06-2013 Arizona Republic: True cost of running below what COG has paid
05-06-2013 COG Mayor: waiting on NHL to approve owner
05-11-2013 Californian Darin Pastor looking to finalize "premium" purchase of Coyotes
05-27-2013 5/28 NHL, COG, Renaissance meeting in Glendale
05-30-2013 Forbes: Phoenix Coyotes $170 Million Sale To Be Partially Funded By NHL
06-05-2013 4 firms submitted bids to run arena by deadline
06-12-2013 The Hockey News: Will the Coyotes move to Seattle this Summer?
06-13-2013 Glendale announces 4 bidders for management
06-14-2013 Yet another mystery buyer courting Glendale directly
06-15-2013 FSAZ/AP: Framework in place for new lease to keep Coyotes in Glendale
06-26-2013 Mystery Coyotes investor to partner with COG?
07-02-2013 Thread for Discussion of CoG/RSE Lease Agreement 7/2/13

And, hey, why not, for completeness:

03-05-2010 NHL sues Jerry Moyes
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Registered User
Nov 27, 2005
is there a gas leak in the chamber? check for carbon monoxide now, b/c not a single completed sentence by that councilwoman.
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