Patrick Roy's real level as a head coach?


King in the North
Jul 5, 2003
Regarding the first paragraph, there's really not an inconsistency as much as you want to believe. One group of players cost more and are a reflection of how wisely he spends money. The other group of players in your dichotomy don't make nearly as much so analyzing those signings is purely an exercise in assessing whether they can play--but with out the cost trade off.

I wasn't analyzing signings.

People can't say things like "Well it's too early to tell on Everberg and Rendulic" when wanting to compare Roy's "GM" skills (and I use the "" because Roy isn't even the GM, Sakic is, and it's been said numerous times that Sakic has the final say on Player Personnel matters--but let's not let facts get in the way of this unruly mob here) but then turn around and for another player who is in his first season with the Avs call him a complete and total failure. In pointing out the salary of Stuart and Engelland, I was merely preparing myself for what I believed to be the counterpoint: "Okay, but why extend him at $3.6M?" Well because we see what UFA Defenseman contracts are going for.

So again, I wasn't doing anything that you seemed to think I was, and I'd appreciate it if you didn't attempt to make my response something it wasn't.


I need to stop talking about this. This is just so frustrating and it doesn't help to list all the reasons. It just makes it worse. It's less taxing when you focus on one group of mistakes while ignoring all the others. Some mistakes don't hurt so much and some you pay for in blood. Last summer Roy carved this team up and left it for dead. Last summer was truly an abomination.

Pierce Hawthorne

HFBoards Sponsor
Apr 29, 2012
Caverns of Draconis
I need to stop talking about this. This is just so frustrating and it doesn't help to list all the reasons. It just makes it worse. It's less taxing when you focus on one group of mistakes while ignoring all the others. Some mistakes don't hurt so much and some you pay for in blood. Last summer Roy carved this team up and left it for dead. Last summer was truly an abomination.

Roy must have killed your cat as a kid or something.

This hatred you have towards him goes to an unimaginable extreme, for things that aren't even solely his doing, nor as bad as you make it out to be.

I dont understand how people still seriously believe the Stuart signing or the Iginla signing are bad things. Especially Iginla. Some people really just do not understand the salary cap at all.


I wasn't analyzing signings.

People can't say things like "Well it's too early to tell on Everberg and Rendulic" when wanting to compare Roy's "GM" skills (and I use the "" because Roy isn't even the GM, Sakic is, and it's been said numerous times that Sakic has the final say on Player Personnel matters--but let's not let facts get in the way of this unruly mob here) but then turn around and for another player who is in his first season with the Avs call him a complete and total failure. In pointing out the salary of Stuart and Engelland, I was merely preparing myself for what I believed to be the counterpoint: "Okay, but why extend him at $3.6M?" Well because we see what UFA Defenseman contracts are going for.

So again, I wasn't doing anything that you seemed to think I was, and I'd appreciate it if you didn't attempt to make my response something it wasn't.

Unruly mob? Seriously? That's an interesting characterization coming from you. It's also highly erroneous. Why the labeling? Because those are the people you disagree with? Given that this team went from a top 5 team last season to where it is now, it's perfectly sensible to be critical. Or in your mind does "unruly" = "being critical",...which , again, is completely appropriate given the current state of affairs. If you're going to get into labeling, it can go both ways and words like "acquiescence" and "sheep" come to mind.


Registered User
Jul 2, 2011
I don't really differentiate between putting blame on Roy and Sakic for our management decisions.
I personally believe that Roy calls the shots but no one really knows and in the end they probably both make the decisions together in some way. I think they are equally responsible for the Avs decisions.

Roy must have killed your cat as a kid or something.

This hatred you have towards him goes to an unimaginable extreme, for things that aren't even solely his doing, nor as bad as you make it out to be.

I dont understand how people still seriously believe the Stuart signing or the Iginla signing are bad things. Especially Iginla. Some people really just do not understand the salary cap at all.


Odds are that Iginlas contract will be bad in two years. There is a reason no one else wanted to give him 3 years.
My main problem with the Iginla signing is that Stastny only makes 1.4 M more with an extra year. I just hate that swap.

The cap hit right now is fine. But he won't win a cup with us and he won't be in our future plans. It is an Ok move but not one I would praise them for. They had to do something after losing Stastny for nothing.

I don't get the Stuart love. The nice stretch he had before his injury somehow turned him into a good player on here. He is fine as a third pairing guy but he never would have gotten more than 4M in Free Agency. And even if he did, we could have used that money(+ an extra 2M we save by not extending our bottom liners) to chase a better player in UFA.

Giving up a 2nd for him is still indefensible.

Especially when during his 21 games he has been Colorados worst Corsi player so far. I know people hate Corsi but being the worst out of our always putrid Corsi-bunch is a bit damning.

Although you probably can make an excuse for him playing his games during our horrible stretch and not profiting from our small turnaround in performance.
Still not pretty.

On-Ice Corsi (CF%):
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King in the North
Jul 5, 2003
Unruly mob? Seriously? That's an interesting characterization coming from you. It's also highly erroneous. Why the labeling? Because those are the people you disagree with? Given that this team went from a top 5 team last season to where it is now, it's perfectly sensible to be critical. Or in your mind does "unruly" = "being critical",...which , again, is completely appropriate given the current state of affairs. If you're going to get into labeling, it can go both ways and words like "acquiescence" and "sheep" come to mind.

When I read this thread, and the GDT's, yes "unruly mob", while being admittedly exaggerated, isn't far off with the hate being spewed.

Do you enjoy your attempts at ruffling feathers?
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Registered User
Jul 2, 2011
The Islanders offered Iginla 4 years.

Really? News to me.

I thought it was down to us and Vancouver and we offered an extra year.

Or only us and Vancouver offered that extra year and he choose us?
Something to that extent.

I could see it with Snow being desperate after the Vanek fiasco but I have never heard about them offering him 4 years x 5.66M.

EDIT: It looks like you are right. Just found a report. My bad. Nothing about money in the report but it makes sense that Snow would pay up.


King in the North
Jul 5, 2003
Really? News to me.

I thought it was down to us and Vancouver and we offered an extra year.

Or only us and Vancouver offered that extra year and he choose us?
Something to that extent.

I could see it with Snow being desperate after the Vanek fiasco but I have never heard about them offering him 4 years x 5.66M.

The Isles definitely offered 4 years, but I am not sure if the $ they offered was ever released.

But I do believe you are right when it came down to us or Vancouver for Iginla.


Registered User
May 3, 2009
One thing I cannot and will not forgive Roy for is not starting O'Reilly with Duchene. They had great chemistry last year. Down low on the PP they were excellent together. Makes zero sense to me.


HFBoards Sponsor
Aug 25, 2006
Why do you feel he'll be a failure? Or that every personnel decision makes this team a little worse?

- Jones and O'Brien to Calgary for Tanguay and Sarich: A clear win for us getting Tanguay

- Making the decision to draft Nathan MacKinnon: Early, but I believe he'll be the best player from his draft

- Signing Matt Duchene to a 5 year extension, and Gabe Landeskog to a 7 year extension

- Trading Steve Downie to Philadelphia for Max Talbot: A win for us because of Downie's injury problems, and Talbots bottom six and PK ability, as well as his leadership and big game experience.

- Signing Semyon Varlamov to a 5 year extension

- Signing John Mitchell to a 3 year extension

- Signing Dennis Everberg and Borna Rendulic as free agents from Europe. Both look to have bright futures ahead of them with at least 3rd line potential, maybe even more for Rendulic, and it cost no assets

- Drafting very promising players like Connor Bleackley, Alexis Pepin, Julien Nantel etc in the 2014 draft

- Trading a disgruntled P.A. Parenteau and a pick for Daniel Briere. Danny has more goals then P.A. while playing in 7 less games, and his contract comes off the books this season. I'd say we're more positive than negative in this deal

- Signing Zach Redmond to a 2 year contract. Very good, underrated signing for a guy who can, if Roy lets him, be a good 3rd pairing d-man who plays our PP

- Trading a 2nd and a 6th for Brad Stuart. Do I like that he moved another 2nd? No, but do I like Brad Stuart? Absolutely. I think he's going to be extremely valuable if we make the playoffs this season, and the next two seasons especially on the PK where he is an absolute warrior

- Signing Jarome Iginla to a 3 year contract. No matter what people want to say about his age, Jarome continues to produce and I believe he 100% will produce at this same rate for all three seasons. He has lost a step, yes, but he's on pace for 52 points this season and, given how much our offence has sucked, that's pretty darn good for the old man. He also doesn't look anywhere near as slow as some believe

Now, there are obviously moves that are highly questionable, such as moving a 2nd for Reto Berra, extending players like Holden, Guenin, McLeod, Cliche, and Stuart before they needed to, losing Stastny for nothing as a UFA even though we were clearly all-in on the playoffs, going through another hostile negotiation with Ryan O'Reilly, and not addressing the defence problem properly. But if people are going to rag on Roy for every bad move made, he also needs to be praised for every good move made. Not saying it's you specifically ragging on him, but in general people will say something along the lines of "Wow why did he re-sign bums like Holden and McLeod so early" while ignoring the fact that he was also here when Duchene, Landeskog, Varlamov, and Mitchell all signed extensions.
Good post. Add Allaire as well as a great acquisition.

Iginla was a must due to the loss of Staz so I'm ok with the 3rd year for Iginla to make sure they were getting him. As for the loss of Satz, yes in hindsight we should have moved him but I also understand the reasons to keep him. With the year we had anything could have happened in the playoffs if we stayed healthy. It was also important to try to give the team as good a playoff experience as they could and they needed Satz for that. However it didn't turn out that way unfortunately.

As for the contracts they certainly deserve praise for signing the kids to great cap hit AND terms. This is not always easy as we can see with ROR. If they are going to screw up on contracts extensions It is better if it is on bottom six players when it is easier to bury those. I'm still ok with their decision to extend Holden at the time they did because if they had waited this year and he had a great year he would have cost a lot more. Even at that money he can still be a serviceable 6/7th dman. I'm also ok with the Cliche signing as the money is so low.

The only signing I'm not ok with is McLeod. One more year might not have done it but two years should have been the maximum given.

I'm also ok with Stuart's extension as we need vet presence and we really need him on the PK. It gives time to the kids to get NHL ready.

The only problem I have with Roy's coaching is that he continuously send out the 4th line for an O-zone faceoff after a great shift. It very often kills the momentum.


Not a Core Poster
Jun 5, 2012
Wyoming, USA
I dont understand how people still seriously believe the Stuart signing or the Iginla signing are bad things. Especially Iginla. Some people really just do not understand the salary cap at all.

I guess I fall into that category then because I can't "understand" over $4m/yr for 3 years being spent on an average 3rd pairing unless you are a team that has the luxury of having a quality top 4 locked up and have the cap space to spend the extra.

Add in that Holden will be making at least 600k more than he should be, and because of that salary, likely a lock for a roster spot as he probably won't be tradeable at his current level of play.

Iginla has surpassed my expectations and I will admit my first reaction will likely be proven wrong and his contract may not be as bad over the term as I initially thought.


Registered User
Sep 25, 2002
A guy whose opinion I respect a lot (RS knows him pretty well I believe) posted this recently:

I feel like the praise he got was more a result of him surpassing exceedingly low expectations (we've seen bad defense for so long it's warped our perceptions).

He could probably be okay as a third pairing guy in limited action, but I have no hopes beyond that. His abysmal puckhandling skills and decision-making make it clear he isn't top four. Once again the Avs go out and get another bottom pairing pylon when they had too many to begin with, except this time they gave up a decent pick and then signed him for way too much term/money. Good thing that the cap is likely going up so that the Avs can at least have a chance of building a decent roster in spite of this royal ****-up.

I was honestly looking forward to seeing him in the lineup again because I had high hopes he would boot one of Guenin or Holden out. Forget that now, somehow he managed to suck so bad he got REDMOND sent to the press box.

Oh well if CORSI says he sucks, then he must really suck...cuz you know, corsi, right?!

It's not Brad Stuart's fault that Redmond is sitting. I certainly don't think he should be sitting, I think he's our 4th best d-man after EJ, Barrie and Hejda but that's neither here nor there. When all the dust settles, Holden and Guenin are our two worst d-men overall. But right now, Guenin has turned his game around (since 2-3 games after earning "the general" moniker) and he looks decent on most nights, limiting his mistakes and Roy loves to use him on the PK. As for Holden, they re-signed him to a 3 year contract that starts next year, they were always going to give him a chance to recapture his roster spot. He's been fine in the 2 games he's played since that has happened.

As for Stuart himself, I don't know what the hell game you guys are watching. I don't know if it's because of the corsi stats themselves that frustrate you but I have found myself RARELY complaining about his play during the season. Not even close to the level of Guenin and Holden at times so far this year. For the most part, he's been fine. He's one of the few that actually hits pretty hard and while he's not a great puck mover, he's not prone to giving the puck away.

At his cap hit, when you compare with guys like Engelland (as mentioned), Bryan Allen, Clayton Stoner all making about what he's making, I think he's better than any of those guys by a lot. I think some of the hate is just from people that were just hoping we'd bring in a top pairing guy and when that didn't happen, just went full rage. Brad Stuart has been fine...he is not the main reason for our .500 record this season, not even close. He's likely a #5 guy with cup winning experience, that will hopefully raise his level of play come playoff time. While I don't "love" the guy, we have many other reasons as to why this team is .500 rather than Brad Stuart.

Any chance Roy goes back to man to man?
(Semi rhetorical)

I'd say since we started the season 4-8-5 with man-to-man and we are 11-7-3 since the 6-0 loss to the Islanders after which we made the change, I'd say no.

Why would we do that?

I need to stop talking about this. This is just so frustrating and it doesn't help to list all the reasons. It just makes it worse. It's less taxing when you focus on one group of mistakes while ignoring all the others. Some mistakes don't hurt so much and some you pay for in blood. Last summer Roy carved this team up and left it for dead. Last summer was truly an abomination.

So Stastny signs with the Blues for an INSANELY high amount which turns out to be a raise over what he had been making where fans were complaining nightly about his salary and performance. For the most part, Avs fans were happy we didn't cave in and give him that much and while we knew there would be growing pains with MacKinnon all-in-all, weren't too upset we didn't have a $7M dollar man on our payroll.

So what's changed? These are the growing pains that everyone anticipated. Here we are.

I don't really differentiate between putting blame on Roy and Sakic for our management decisions.
I personally believe that Roy calls the shots but no one really knows and in the end they probably both make the decisions together in some way. I think they are equally responsible for the Avs decisions.


Odds are that Iginlas contract will be bad in two years. There is a reason no one else wanted to give him 3 years.
My main problem with the Iginla signing is that Stastny only makes 1.4 M more with an extra year. I just hate that swap.

The cap hit right now is fine. But he won't win a cup with us and he won't be in our future plans. It is an Ok move but not one I would praise them for. They had to do something after losing Stastny for nothing.

I don't get the Stuart love. The nice stretch he had before his injury somehow turned him into a good player on here. He is fine as a third pairing guy but he never would have gotten more than 4M in Free Agency. And even if he did, we could have used that money(+ an extra 2M we save by not extending our bottom liners) to chase a better player in UFA.

Giving up a 2nd for him is still indefensible.

Especially when during his 21 games he has been Colorados worst Corsi player so far. I know people hate Corsi but being the worst out of our always putrid Corsi-bunch is a bit damning.

Although you probably can make an excuse for him playing his games during our horrible stretch and not profiting from our small turnaround in performance.
Still not pretty.

On-Ice Corsi (CF%):

If that's actually the case then CORSI is a bigger ****ing joke than I thought before I read this because [MOD] anyone could tell you that Nick Holden has EASILY been our worse defenseman through the first 35 games of the season and it's not even remotely close.


If Corsi can't even tell you that, then it's a bigger pile of **** than I could ever have even imagined. Totally laughable and it makes me giggle to no end to think that teams like the oilers think they're clueing in on stuff that other teams are not. Go right ahead. :laugh:
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Registered User
Oct 3, 2003
If that's actually the case then CORSI is a bigger ****ing joke than I thought before I read this because [MOD] anyone could tell you that Nick Holden has EASILY been our worse defenseman through the first 35 games of the season and it's not even remotely close.


If Corsi can't even tell you that, then it's a bigger pile of **** than I could ever have even imagined. Totally laughable and it makes me giggle to no end to think that teams like the oilers think they're clueing in on stuff that other teams are not. Go right ahead. :laugh:

Absolutely. The amount of times corsi gets player evaluations wrong just totally devalues it. You can't say it's remotely accurate, while at the same time telling people to ignore the countless examples that are blatantly wrong for various reasons. If it's wrong that often, it can't be relied upon.

Holden and Guenin have no doubt about it been worse than Stuart. It's not even close actually. Barrie plays a different role, as does Redmond who hasn't played as many games, so they're hard to compare. EJ's definitely been better, and it's close with Hejda. He played a great game the other night, but he's been pretty inconsistent this year.

Stuart after about 5 games or so, and pre-injury was playing very solid defensive hockey. He's also slowly gotten better after his injury, though he's not back on his previous level of play.


Registered User
Dec 9, 2011
Edmonton, Alberta
Absolutely. The amount of times corsi gets player evaluations wrong just totally devalues it. You can't say it's remotely accurate, while at the same time telling people to ignore the countless examples that are blatantly wrong for various reasons. If it's wrong that often, it can't be relied upon.

Holden and Guenin have no doubt about it been worse than Stuart. It's not even close actually. Barrie plays a different role, as does Redmond who hasn't played as many games, so they're hard to compare. EJ's definitely been better, and it's close with Hejda. He played a great game the other night, but he's been pretty inconsistent this year.

Stuart after about 5 games or so, and pre-injury was playing very solid defensive hockey. He's also slowly gotten better after his injury, though he's not back on his previous level of play.

He is back on the right side too, and I think he needs to stay there. He's just one of those defenseman who looks so much more comfortable playing his off-side. He and Phaneuf are the two players who come to mind where they can play LD, but they prefer to play RD.


Size doesn't matter!
Aug 10, 2010
He is back on the right side too, and I think he needs to stay there. He's just one of those defenseman who looks so much more comfortable playing his off-side. He and Phaneuf are the two players who come to mind where they can play LD, but they prefer to play RD.

And Streit.

And guys come on, ignoring all stats what so ever. Stuart has been a trainwreck.
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Registered User
Dec 9, 2011
Edmonton, Alberta
And Streit.

And guys come on, ignoring all stats what so ever. Stuart has been a trainwreck.

You honestly think that Stuart has been a trainwreck? Because that, to me personally, would suggest that you haven't watched even half of the games this season. Stuart in a 3rd pairing role is very good. If he's given 15-17 minutes per game with an emphasis on PK, he can be great for a team. We don't have the luxury to do that because our defence blows, but he's been as advertised. I don't think anyone was expecting anything more out of him other than solid defensive play.

He's been better than Guenin and Holden, and I'd also say he's been better than Redmond. He's been much better defensively than Barrie, though Barrie's offensive ability changes things, and I'd say he's just a step below Hejda. He's been far from a trainwreck. As others have said, I'd rather Stuart on this team at 3.6 than Derek Engyllend for his money or some of the other bums who got overpaid. At least we know what we're getting with Stuart, and he brings that exact game every night


I’ve been told it’s spelled “Pokecheck”
Aug 5, 2003
The Flatlands
A couple Habs fan friends of mine were discussing recent successes and it gave me a bit of hope.

Emelin gets a lot of flack, but the truth is if he's the biggest problem on this team, then it means we have a pretty good team.

I was one of the first to start the Emelin tirade, but I agree with this statement. Plenty of very good teams compete with an Emelin on their roster.

A year ago the Habs had this as their D:

Gorges - Subban
Markov - Emelin
Bouillon - Diaz

Gorges was a 4/5 D playing on the top pair, Emelin a depth D playing on the second pair, Diaz is a 7D this year, Bouillon and Murray are out of the NHL. When they put Markov-Subban together last year they had a second pair of Gorges-Diaz.

It was a really, really bad D. There were problems everywhere.

FTR the Habs blueline nowadays is:

Markov - Subban
Beaulieu - Gonchar
Emelin - Gilbert

So to me it looks like the Habs had their own versions of Guenin/Holden, and I suppose they have their own version of Stuart in Emelin. One could reasonably argue that Emelin is a better player, but IMO they're very similar.

The Habs are only now just starting to incorporate their defensive prospects, starting with Beaulieu. They got some better vets to fill the gaps than they had in the previous season as well. I'm hopeful the Avs and Roy follow a similar path.

Yes, I am not at all a fan of Stuart, but it'll be a great day when he's the biggest problem on the team.


Size doesn't matter!
Aug 10, 2010
You honestly think that Stuart has been a trainwreck? Because that, to me personally, would suggest that you haven't watched even half of the games this season. Stuart in a 3rd pairing role is very good. If he's given 15-17 minutes per game with an emphasis on PK, he can be great for a team. We don't have the luxury to do that because our defence blows, but he's been as advertised. I don't think anyone was expecting anything more out of him other than solid defensive play.

He's been better than Guenin and Holden, and I'd also say he's been better than Redmond. He's been much better defensively than Barrie, though Barrie's offensive ability changes things, and I'd say he's just a step below Hejda. He's been far from a trainwreck. As others have said, I'd rather Stuart on this team at 3.6 than Derek Engyllend for his money or some of the other bums who got overpaid. At least we know what we're getting with Stuart, and he brings that exact game every night

I disagree a lot on Stuart.

But yes, it's better than Engelland. But he is one of the worst examples in the league. If we were going for mediocre this summer, why not sign Volchenkov for ONE year at 1-1.5M? Instead of paying picks for Stuart and that stupid re-signing?


Not a Core Poster
Jun 5, 2012
Wyoming, USA
I disagree a lot on Stuart.

But yes, it's better than Engelland. But he is one of the worst examples in the league. If we were going for mediocre this summer, why not sign Volchenkov for ONE year at 1-1.5M? Instead of paying picks for Stuart and that stupid re-signing?

This is where I'm at as well.

Stuart was not good in SJ the previous season, and I honestly think it was a gamble Sakic and Roy made and so far look like they've lost. Similar to my feelings on the Berra situation.

The only way I can make sense of the trade (and early extension) is that they truly believed Stuart would be able to play alongside EJ or at least as the defensive anchor for Barrie on the 2nd pairing. I believe Roy even projected Stuart on the 1st pairing initially. I don't at all think they were expecting mediocrity, but just that they missed.

Perhaps this, along with Holden and Berra, this may be the "young" FO/Coach moves that they learn from, so that when it does matter in a few years (when MacK and EJ are making bigger money and the cap space is tighter), Sakic/Roy the GM and Roy the coach will manage these gambles a bit better.


HFBoards Sponsor
Dec 4, 2002
I don't really differentiate between putting blame on Roy and Sakic for our management decisions.
I personally believe that Roy calls the shots but no one really knows and in the end they probably both make the decisions together in some way. I think they are equally responsible for the Avs decisions.


Odds are that Iginlas contract will be bad in two years. There is a reason no one else wanted to give him 3 years.
My main problem with the Iginla signing is that Stastny only makes 1.4 M more with an extra year. I just hate that swap.

The cap hit right now is fine. But he won't win a cup with us and he won't be in our future plans. It is an Ok move but not one I would praise them for. They had to do something after losing Stastny for nothing.

I don't get the Stuart love. The nice stretch he had before his injury somehow turned him into a good player on here. He is fine as a third pairing guy but he never would have gotten more than 4M in Free Agency. And even if he did, we could have used that money(+ an extra 2M we save by not extending our bottom liners) to chase a better player in UFA.

Giving up a 2nd for him is still indefensible.

Especially when during his 21 games he has been Colorados worst Corsi player so far. I know people hate Corsi but being the worst out of our always putrid Corsi-bunch is a bit damning.

Stuart has not been nearly as bad as some of you make him out to be. He's a limited player in terms of puck movement, but he's easily been the Avs 2nd/3rd best defensive blue liner this season. Perhaps not worth a $4M salary, but he's not too far off either.

The Berra trade/signing is looking more and more like a fairly silly mistake. Not only because of his dreadful play and contract extension, but also because it's not terribly hard to find a decent backup goaltender in the NHL - certainly easier than finding a 2nd pairing defenseman.


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