Post-Game Talk: Oilers put Hollywood in production hell


Registered User
Feb 22, 2013
Edmonton, Alberta
McLeod may not be scoring but his line has elite possession numbers.
I made a post about McLeod in the GDT for game 1 and essentially said how he's become such an awesome 2 way player. I don't care if he's scoring, that will come in spurts as it does for most bottom 6 players. What I care about is his incredible puck pursuit on the back check. He strips pucks constantly in the neutral zone and causes nightmares for players trying to carry the puck into the Oilers zone. I'd argue outside of McDavid he is probably the best player on the team at doing that. Its why his possession numbers are great because teams can't set up in the offensive zone against his line unless they dump and chase and win a puck race.


Registered User
Jul 30, 2016
His real issue is he is so afraid to be seen as biased for the Oilers, that the pendulum too often swings the other way, so he comes off too praise worthy of the other team.

Now why he is so obsessed by this notion is the real question imo.
Nah. Mostly just fans crying over them wanting every play to go their way and want someone to suck off the Oilers at all costs

These GDTs are filled w/ comments that lack any semblance objectivity, or fact for that matter.

It's ludicrous to suggest that Louie, who played for the Oilers and is still employed to cover them has some hidden agenda to discredit them

Half the time I see ppl blast Louie for a comment he is absolutely correct and the whining is generally b/c he is not defending the team despite logic..or fact

Praising the other team for good plays or good players is common sense. The Oilers are not the only other team on the planet. It's actually nice to hear someone break down plays based on facts and objectivity vs a bias one way.

It's a breath of fresh to see someone not crying about how Bettman is out to get them, the refs have been paid off and how California gets the advantage EVERY SINGLE CALL.

Good job Lou for not pandering to the masses and breaking down plays based on his hockey experience
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Registered User
Dec 29, 2006
Waterloo Ontario
Nah, Perry is honestly generationally talented in terms of games man ship. You'll never see him lose the plot, honestly I think he did yeoman's work last night in keeping the group focused.

Perry knew that the kings were going to blow the lid off the game and he made sure the Oilers stayed calm, composed, and rational. In years past - a younger and more emotional oilers lose the plot after that Englund hit. We take that invitation to the streets and we go looking for our pound of flesh, and who knows what happens after that.

Instead - we had the refs primed. Perry initiated not one but three (!!!) one on one chats with the refs with Kane in the second period. And then the roof blows off and that did we do? Calm. Composed. Desharnais is out there minimizing flights and holding people back. Not for a second were we anywhere mentally aside from "we've got a game to win."

We played this exact same game against the knights last year and lost. We got pulled into the streets and forgot about what was important. Lost our heads. Got a few extra two minute penalties. Suddenly a game we should have room we lost. This year - we turned the kings into the court jesters.

I think Perry deserves a ton of credit, tbh.
He looked like the Kane whisperer to me. When Kane looked ready to go off Perry would cruise by him and it seemed he reminded Kane of the mission.
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Dec 29, 2006
Waterloo Ontario
Keeping in mind if everybody this season had just played like Kane and brought it when he felt like it we wouldn't be even talking about playoff hockey right now. Hyman had an MVP season and playoffs. I get what you're saying but I'll be reserved in praise of Kanes game, which was great, due to how infrequently he unpacks this game. Maybe just playing possum but I'll wait and see what he does tomorrow. Its been Kanes tendency not to be consistent with effort this season. That was his most complete game of the year.
No question Hyman is incredibly consistent. But as for Kane, in today's NHL I don't think you can play the way he does when he is on consistently in the regular season. First off at his age it would be a recipe for injuries. But the league has changed from the old days. Kane at his best is right on the edge of chaos. In the regular season he'd be in the box far too often and would hurt the team.. The intensity of the playoffs lets him push the envelop that much more. Even in the playoffs, timing matters. There is a risk that he takes a bad penalty early that costs the team. It's really about reading the flow of the game.


Edmonton Ex-Pat who still loves his hometown team.
Sep 26, 2019
I just don't see what you guys see in Louie. He praises the Oilers plenty.
I don't think the issue is him not praising the Oilers enough, it's that he sometimes seems to praise the opposing team too much.

I guess the real truth is that I want him to be a bit more of a homer broadcaster, as many other team's broadcasters seem to be. Probably doesn't reflect great on me, lol.

I don't hate him, or think he's the worst broadcaster out there like some folks here though. I also hate the conspiracy theory's people have about him, the league, Bettman and the Refs. It's ludicrous as @bobbythebrain pointed out in his reply. Some fans here are so deep down their PTSD rabbit hole that they think broadcast times, scheduling and even signing/trades are made with the sole reason of screwing the Oilers. I mean, c'mon.

I just get frustrated with DeBrusk's comments sometimes. He just seems to be so determined to be 'fair and balanced', even when the event unfolding doesn't seem to warrant it. Maybe it's just my bias talking though. I try not to be, but everyone is in some way or another.

Gordian Knot

Registered User
Jul 3, 2016
People also forget that VD was a rookie last season. This season is his 1st full season. He has been unbelievable defensively in the D'Zone all series. In our own zone, I'd argue that he's by far the best of the series.

I hope he keeps this up because what a force he's become!

Own zone defence is more or less playing according the team system, keeping cool head and things simple plus using your strenght when and where it is possible. It also needs mental toughness to be in front of the shots when needed. VD is doing all that, but he is positioning and moving miles better than last year.
He also seems to be 100 % team first guy.

I like what I am seeing. He needs to improve bit by bit his opening plays either with skating or passing, but it will come with experience.


Big Daddy Kane
Aug 3, 2005
HF boards
Shocking that you jumped at the chance to discredit Draisaitl.
Giving credit to other players who earned it and are just as deserving doesn’t have to mean he took credit away from anyone else. I swear the Drai super fan victim complex on this board is something I’ll never understand. You can’t say “Awesome play by Nuge” without certain fans going off about how Drai does that play more often and more better.
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Registered User
Feb 15, 2007
Nah. Mostly just fans crying over them wanting every play to go their way and want someone to suck off the Oilers at all costs

These GDTs are filled w/ comments that lack any semblance objectivity, or fact for that matter.

It's ludicrous to suggest that Louie, who played for the Oilers and is still employed to cover them has some hidden agenda to discredit them

Half the time I see ppl blast Louie for a comment he is absolutely correct and the whining is generally b/c he is not defending the team despite logic..or fact

Praising the other team for good plays or good players is common sense. The Oilers are not the only other team on the planet. It's actually nice to hear someone break down plays based on facts and objectivity vs a bias one way.

It's a breath of fresh to see someone not crying about how Bettman is out to get them, the refs have been paid off and how California gets the advantage EVERY SINGLE CALL.

Good job Lou for not pandering to the masses and breaking down plays based on his hockey experience

I mostly agree with you except up until this playoff series I think there has been abundant evidence of D ops, league office, refs, etc demonstrating bias towards certain markets. I think Louie usually stops short of calling them out directly but often does quietly point out or remark that calls/decisions seem wrong. I think he oughta be a little more upset at the BS sometimes, but he usually doesn’t totally gloss over it.

This series has been different for some reason. Small sample size? Theres a certain amount of bad calls that fall into general human error, it’s only the abundance over time that makes it suspicious. This series is well within the room for error range, even Oilers getting some favourable calls inexplicably- but the pendulum of random chance SHOULD see us coming up roses once in a blue moon.

if D Ops has to get involved for any reason I guarantee you won’t like the result if you’re an oiler fan


Registered User
Nov 21, 2011
I find American announcers very cringe with their homerism

I think debrusk walks a fine line between praising the oilers and actually calling what he sees...I don't want to be told every win or lose how good the oilers are, infact during the regular season sometimes I'll flip to the other teams broadcast to hear the other side....we really do take him for granted
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Registered User
Nov 10, 2023

Nuge's career regular season point per game average is 0.79
His playoff point per game average is 0.81
Part of the issue with nuge is two fold. When everyone is mucking it up even mcd and Dri he plays his perimeter game.

Second those points are in large part by being the 5th most important guy on a generational pp.

Reminds me of Tyson Barrie where everyone was worried "what about the pp now??" and Bouchard showed just how unimportant he was with the pp actually improving afterwards.

At the end of the day he's a centre and should be able to centre his own line as its the more important position than wing but still can't.
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Registered User
Apr 9, 2016
Edmonton, AB
Giving credit to other players who earned it and are just as deserving doesn’t have to mean he took credit away from anyone else. I swear the Drai super fan victim complex on this board is something I’ll never understand. You can’t say “Awesome play by Nuge” without certain fans going off about how Drai does that play more often and more better.
This is true, but to use your example, you (and everyone else on the board) know how big of a Nuge fan I am. I’m probably one of a few posters around here in contention for HFOil’s biggest Nuge fan. And at times (less recently I think) I’ve been accused of downplaying Drai for that reason. So when I say this game I don’t think Drai’s getting enough credit, I really mean it. I really do think Drai’s first 40 minutes was the biggest reason we won.
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Jul 1, 2010
Nuge's career playoff statline is 52gp-11g-32a-43p while being one of the most defensively responsible forwards. Nobody should be talking shit about Nuge.
He can score on the PP, but he's his usual ghostly self at 5v5 again.

1 goal and 2 assists at 5v5 in his last 15 playoff games isn't remotely good enough for someone who gets primo minutes. That's with the worst defensive numbers on the team in that span too.

Oilers in NS

Registered User
Oct 11, 2017
Wasn’t it only 4-1 at that point? You absolutely send out your top unit, blown 3+ goal leads that we’ve had in the past still give me nightmares. This wasn’t like the Canucks being up 6-1 with a minute left still icing their top unit.
I always relate back to the Anaheim series when we were up a few with a few minutes left and lost. Playoffs are a different game. When u get to crush your opponent, you do it. I think it was a good lesson from Knobby. You grease our players and we will score on our PP. Our PP should be feared and respected. I remember watching the PP in the 80's and this modern day PP we have here is a masterpiece. SO many buttons we can push


Dec 24, 2016
I don't think the issue is him not praising the Oilers enough, it's that he sometimes seems to praise the opposing team too much.

I guess the real truth is that I want him to be a bit more of a homer broadcaster, as many other team's broadcasters seem to be. Probably doesn't reflect great on me, lol.

I don't hate him, or think he's the worst broadcaster out there like some folks here though. I also hate the conspiracy theory's people have about him, the league, Bettman and the Refs. It's ludicrous as @bobbythebrain pointed out in his reply. Some fans here are so deep down their PTSD rabbit hole that they think broadcast times, scheduling and even signing/trades are made with the sole reason of screwing the Oilers. I mean, c'mon.

I just get frustrated with DeBrusk's comments sometimes. He just seems to be so determined to be 'fair and balanced', even when the event unfolding doesn't seem to warrant it. Maybe it's just my bias talking though. I try not to be, but everyone is in some way or another.
Fair enough.

I'm so used to watching Shorthouse and Garrett that I'm over the color guy being a homer :D
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Registered User
Feb 3, 2013
So no suspension? If that was Kane on the other end that's likely a 2 or 3 game suspension.


Finding Hyman
Oct 8, 2017
Canuck hunting
No question Hyman is incredibly consistent. But as for Kane, in today's NHL I don't think you can play the way he does when he is on consistently in the regular season. First off at his age it would be a recipe for injuries. But the league has changed from the old days. Kane at his best is right on the edge of chaos. In the regular season he'd be in the box far too often and would hurt the team.. The intensity of the playoffs lets him push the envelop that much more. Even in the playoffs, timing matters. There is a risk that he takes a bad penalty early that costs the team. It's really about reading the flow of the game.
Sure, but I'm not just talking about the mayhem. There were long stints this season where Kane was unable to be utilized as a topsix forward or was very unproductive while there.

Nothing prevents Kane from making plays in regular season like he did last game. I always felt Kane + Drai could be something special and at times it is. But Kane is sometimes not letting his talent and reads shine through. There is of course an immensely skilled player in him. Just frustration this is the first we're seeing of it in 2024. Glad to have it arrive at all though. Lets hope he has some more games like this.


Registered User
Jan 13, 2018
Giving credit to other players who earned it and are just as deserving doesn’t have to mean he took credit away from anyone else. I swear the Drai super fan victim complex on this board is something I’ll never understand. You can’t say “Awesome play by Nuge” without certain fans going off about how Drai does that play more often and more better.
The poster I quoted is notorious for undervaluing Draisaitl so there is some context to my reply. One of the other posters even commented on it.

Secondly, the "Drai super fan victim complex" that you reference is simply people who appreciate the player continuously defending from from his haters. Unfortunately, there is a small but vocal segment on here that undervalue him to the point of continuously calling him "lazy" and even go so far as to call him "trash." I find it disgusting how some people treat one of our star players. Conversely, I don't know of any posters that get upset when another player gets praised. That seems a bit strange to me.

That being said, I do agree that a lot of players shined on Friday as it was the most complete team effort thus far. Let's hope they keep it up today.
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Registered User
Jan 13, 2018
This is true, but to use your example, you (and everyone else on the board) know how big of a Nuge fan I am. I’m probably one of a few posters around here in contention for HFOil’s biggest Nuge fan. And at times (less recently I think) I’ve been accused of downplaying Drai for that reason. So when I say this game I don’t think Drai’s getting enough credit, I really mean it. I really do think Drai’s first 40 minutes was the biggest reason we won.
I would like this post, but the Powers that Be recently deprived me of that ability for accidentally finding myself in a King's GDT. So here's a like for you :thumbu:
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Big Daddy Kane
Aug 3, 2005
HF boards
The poster I quoted is notorious for undervaluing Draisaitl so there is some context to my reply. One of the other posters even commented on it.

Secondly, the "Drai super fan victim complex" that you reference is simply people who appreciate the player continuously defending from from his haters. Unfortunately, there is a small but vocal segment on here that undervalue him to the point of continuously calling him "lazy" and even go so far as to call him "trash." I find it disgusting how some people treat one of our star players. Conversely, I don't know of any posters that get upset when another player gets praised. That seems a bit strange to me.

That being said, I do agree that a lot of players shined on Friday as it was the most complete team effort thus far. Let's hope they keep it up today.
I’ve also seen McDavid called lazy by those same people. But more often than not on here Nuge or other some players can’t even be complimented without some for some reason taking it as a slight against Drai. There is 100% a victim complex with his biggest fans who feel he should be immune to any kind of criticism when he messes up or plays poorly.


Registered User
Jan 13, 2018
I’ve also seen McDavid called lazy by those same people. But more often than not on here Nuge or other some players can’t even be complimented without some for some reason taking it as a slight against Drai. There is 100% a victim complex with his biggest fans who feel he should be immune to any kind of criticism when he messes up or plays poorly.
Fair enough. I agree with you that people shouldn't bash one player to elevate another or vice versa. I don't think Draisaitl should be immune to criticism, but I think that people need to put things in perspective. It's OK to say he's having a bad game but some of the things I hear in the GDTs are outright disgusting.
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Registered User
Sep 20, 2018
Part of the issue with nuge is two fold. When everyone is mucking it up even mcd and Dri he plays his perimeter game.

Second those points are in large part by being the 5th most important guy on a generational pp.

Reminds me of Tyson Barrie where everyone was worried "what about the pp now??" and Bouchard showed just how unimportant he was with the pp actually improving afterwards.

At the end of the day he's a centre and should be able to centre his own line as its the more important position than wing but still can't.
Look at the PP% when Nuge is injured. Goes in the toilet.

He's not great 5on5 imo but guy is one of the best PP specialists in the league.


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