Official OT Thread--Isles Lounge VI


Thank you, Lou!
Jun 7, 2006
NYisles, I saw your post in the other OT thread about protests. His first practice people were there were signs and THEIR PIT BULLS.


Registered User
Mar 21, 2004
Since this is the off topic thread, I'm just going to hit some random buttons on my keyboard without looking and post them.

iontiju5bnw glesfdjkgb j4k53q 4intow;ert90ij45owsgdxlw54ljsjdjv wiungb uiw45t90gsfinov xc3q0jt35iwnltrj, trfsvbxnioqy9tg09qjtewlsdnj0pq3oi4kntrl eg,fnvwrts]gb\srtgsei]gregj]qh34t89rag;ivno ljkxfm.

(Hey, look, I ended with a period like it's a sentence or something!)


Regular User
Sep 3, 2006
Queens, NY
Can someone remind me when training camp starts? I know there's less than a month to go, but I can't seem to remember the exact date.


Let me just say that i think not only woman are stupid (like in IL V) i am starting to believe that most people are stupid

**** it i said it

People listen to someone elses opinion about something and they don't investigate to see if people are right
Or do people just take other people on their word? Because to me it seems like they do
(you see this is why i like hfboards because if i say something wrong about a NHL player or team people call you out on it, it is sad that doesnt happen so much in the world out there)
I can see how cults and the such get footing, because their is a gullible person in every i am beginning to believe that it is not just one or two people in a group but a lot of people

It is good that people question things, but come on........It is also good to discover new ideas, but look around for a descending opinion if their is one, then make a decision

Cults, descending political discussion, rumors about people, money making schemes are things i am thinking about, but it is safe to say that those 4 i just mentioned are not the only ones for sure

Sorry I just had to say that



Thank you, Lou!
Jun 7, 2006
Its bad enough this country has gotten soft, now the whole world is. Very disappointed in Scotland this morning. How do you release a ****ing degenerate who has no regard for human life to walk out of jail and die in peace with his family. He killed 270 people. I say **** him, let him rot from cancer in jail. **** him and his terrorists friends.


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Mar 3, 2002
New Jersey
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Let me just say that i think not only woman are stupid (like in IL V) i am starting to believe that most people are stupid

**** it i said it

People listen to someone elses opinion about something and they don't investigate to see if people are right
Or do people just take other people on their word? Because to me it seems like they do
(you see this is why i like hfboards because if i say something wrong about a NHL player or team people call you out on it, it is sad that doesnt happen so much in the world out there)
I can see how cults and the such get footing, because their is a gullible person in every i am beginning to believe that it is not just one or two people in a group but a lot of people

It is good that people question things, but come on........It is also good to discover new ideas, but look around for a descending opinion if their is one, then make a decision

Cults, descending political discussion, rumors about people, money making schemes are things i am thinking about, but it is safe to say that those 4 i just mentioned are not the only ones for sure

Sorry I just had to say that


For the first highlighted portion, I would only like to say that with that "solid" mentality, if you're no longer single - your extremely lucky, and if you are than you should plan on being so for quite some time. :sarcasm:

For the second highlighted portion, I would like to point towards todays ideologically driven media. Many people look to the Keith Olbermann's, Rachel Maddow's, Sean Hannity's, Glenn Beck's, Rush Limbaugh's, etc etc... for their "fact's"

People tend to believe what they want to believe, whats convienent for them.
I could never understand why a person would declare themselves either a Republican or Democrat. I have never supported either party's platform 100%, nor have I ever even found one party line with the more qualified candidates. As an Independant, I get to pick and choose, and its my obligation to try to be more informed than the rest on ALL of the candidates, not just the party line.

To use Health care reform as an example - two ideologically diffrent views. Its often hard to learn the truth when facts are being manipulated to support which ever view the commentator/author is trying to promote his/her own agenda.

In short, both Men and Women have more than their fair share of stupid (ignorant) people, and if people want to be sheep, they are going to be regardless of how valid an arguement you put forth. ;)


Registered User
Nov 30, 2006
4 is the biggest cluster-**** of a website I have seen in years. They still can't get their **** together. F them.

Also, I'm watching my friends dog and cat. I love dogs, always have always will. Cats suck. Fact.


For the first highlighted portion, I would only like to say that with that "solid" mentality, if you're no longer single - your extremely lucky, and if you are than you should plan on being so for quite some time. :sarcasm:
For the second highlighted portion, I would like to point towards todays ideologically driven media. Many people look to the Keith Olbermann's, Rachel Maddow's, Sean Hannity's, Glenn Beck's, Rush Limbaugh's, etc etc... for their "fact's"
I don't know anyone who watches regular evening news, I know you are right. The rest of them mostly watch Fox and claim that they are either
1-honest and correct (FNews is)
2- that they get info from other places, but when you talk to these people they sound like they only watch FNews. I actually watch FNews and know how full most on their are. (I try to know what people are going to rebuke me with and already know how to respond to them) As long as they stay civil, which most people can't do these days anymore. I am learning to not attack as much when people bull bate me into arguments. Its turning over a new leaf for me, not to argue with people that can't be reasoned/talked to.

Just in a world where you can look on the internet and double, triple check facts......people don't do that because they are lazy or what not or they want to be sheep and believe anything, both of those reasons piss me off.
People tend to believe what they want to believe, whats convenient for them.
I could never understand why a person would declare themselves either a Republican or Democrat. I have never supported either party's platform 100%, nor have I ever even found one party line with the more qualified candidates. As an Independant, I get to pick and choose, and its my obligation to try to be more informed than the rest on ALL of the candidates, not just the party line.
yeah what s convenient for their beliefs, but come on? I mean if you are accusing someone of something make sure you get your facts right. Their fact checkers and they are your friend
As for this whole Republican/Democrat/Independent thing, i dont think which one i am registered as matters as i try to do what you just said. Then again i have got some time on my hands, so i am in a different position than most peoples busy lifestyles
To use Health care reform as an example - two ideologically diffrent views. Its often hard to learn the truth when facts are being manipulated to support which ever view the commentator/author is trying to promote his/her own agenda.
what about these everyday Joe's angry at these town hall meetings. I think in this society of reality shows and Joe the Plumber people want to say the shocking thing to get on TV and maybe get famous. Sure it agrees with their political agenda/ideals, but some of these people just seem to not have any idea what they are talking about. I even remember "talking" (I'll use that word lightly) to an older woman that i work with and she insisted she was right about something she claimed to read in the proposal for healthcare. I dont even remember what it was, i just kept on thinking "you didnt read that, because where is a copy of the Senate of HoR plans in full"... The thing is that I dont even know (at this point) where to get a full copy of it, that I know she didn't read it, she just listen to someone who claimed he/she read a part of it and it said whatever it was she was so passionate about (once again i dont even remember what thing she claimed she read). It was upseting to me that she was lying to me. I think that is where my post about here and that if I say something wrong their are plenty of people that can correct and arent afraid to correct me (but atleast they check facts an come in not angry screaming that i am not a nazi or a communist)
In short, both Men and Women have more than their fair share of stupid (ignorant) people, and if people want to be sheep, they are going to be regardless of how valid an arguement you put forth. ;)
yeah (thanks for responding to me by the way :handclap:)
I guess i was never a sheep because I was more of a keep it to myself guy. I was not a preppy guy in high school that became goth when it was cool to do so (back in the 90's none the less), so i never was one of the sheep. I am proud to be not one of the sheep. Actually it has served me well because now i open my mouth and i dont ive a ****, but i at least know a few things about what was going on about teh lighthouse. And also i just didnt take Wang and Co's word for it on anything.....I was the guy at the lighthouse meeting that said sugar mommy, so i can say crazy ****, but at least it had to do with what i was saying and actually made sense with my argument, i did not just say it for shock value. I said "sugar mommy" because it proved my point that i don't have a gf, wife or sm and it is tougher to survive on LI with one income.
I didnt, in other words, call Kate Murray a Nazi or Commie or Hippie or say you are taking my America away :laugh: (some lady said that at one of those town hall meetings)I have much more pride than that.

In other news that Usain Bolt is crazy fast, I hope it is a legit win (not steriods or other stuff enhanced) But hey even a Jamaican has a name that is a tribute to our country..........
USAin Bolt.....everybody still loves this country even people that dont live here. (how many people like France and Jordan and Japan anyways;):p::sarcasm:)


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Mar 3, 2002
New Jersey
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Just in a world where you can look on the internet and double, triple check facts......people don't do that because they are lazy or what not or they want to be sheep and believe anything, both of those reasons piss me off.

yeah what s convenient for their beliefs, but come on? I mean if you are accusing someone of something make sure you get your facts right. Their fact checkers and they are your friend.

Once again, "Facts" are minipulated in all mediums, not just T.V. or print. Who's funding the sites that you are getting your information (facts) from? Often, for me it comes down to common sense - if it sounds to good to be true, it most likely is - but as you already know, not everyone is blessed with common sense.

what about these everyday Joe's angry at these town hall meetings. I think in this society of reality shows and Joe the Plumber people want to say the shocking thing to get on TV and maybe get famous. Sure it agrees with their political agenda/ideals, but some of these people just seem to not have any idea what they are talking about.

People are scared and pissed off - they are performing their civic duty as americans in a democracy. Sure there is plenty of misinformation out there - blame the left AND the right for that, because neither side is being entirely candid. MSNBC constantly shows the hate mongers and "birther" idiots when they show the town hall clips on their show - I haven't seen too many clips of legit questions being asked. Fox shows Barney Franks and Arlen Spector getting defensive but doesn't show them giving any legitimate answers.


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Mar 12, 2006
former Long Islander
I guess MSNBC, CBS and the other news broadcasts give fair information? LOL :laugh:

If anyone expects "fair" and "legit" news from any source, they need a check up from the neck up.

The media is not fair and balanced, they are only going to show what fits in with their agenda.

I listen to both sides and form my own opinon.

Let's stick to what Sal said, try and keep the politics to the the politics board.


If anyone expects "fair" and "legit" news from any source, they need a check up from the neck up.

The media is not fair and balanced, they are only going to show what fits in with their agenda.

I listen to both sides and form my own opinon.

Let's stick to what Sal said, try and keep the politics to the the politics board.
I didnt mean to start a whole convo on politics i just went on a rant about people that just seem to be dumb that dont listen and take one persons opinion as a fact like an infomercials spokesperson or a politician or some boob at their job and just take them on their word. No fact checking no thought that this persons opinion could be partially wrong

I realized what kind of hypocrite i am because i used to get into fights here with other posters, so i am just as guilty as some person at a town hall meeting yelling. It is just some realizing i am going through.

In other news, woman are starting to be great again...;):sarcasm::help:


Registered User
Mar 21, 2004
I didnt mean to start a whole convo on politics i just went on a rant about people that just seem to be dumb that dont listen and take one persons opinion as a fact like an infomercials spokesperson or a politician or some boob at their job and just take them on their word. No fact checking no thought that this persons opinion could be partially wrong

I realized what kind of hypocrite i am because i used to get into fights here with other posters, so i am just as guilty as some person at a town hall meeting yelling. It is just some realizing i am going through.
No, you're absolutely right. I can't stand the idiocy and ignorance that has come to define America these days. People seem to think that not actually doing any research of their own is justified as long as they yell a lot. Plus, in this case I think the pharamecutical companies are planting angry people/spreading lies for their own greed...but enough with the politics. Just needed to get that off my chest.
In other news, woman are starting to be great again...;):sarcasm::help:
Care to explain?


No, you're absolutely right. I can't stand the idiocy and ignorance that has come to define America these days. People seem to think that not actually doing any research of their own is justified as long as they yell a lot. Plus, in this case I think the pharmaceutical companies are planting angry people/spreading lies for their own greed...but enough with the politics. Just needed to get that off my chest.
yelling a lot is something my sister does all the time she is a master at it:sarcasm:She is a black belt, of sorts, in it

The pharmaceutical companies are terrible
As i was reading online , there has been many complaints against that drug for certain cervical cancer in young girls. Not even a major version of it. Let alone there are much more deadly versions of cancer than cervical. It turns out there are more than a few young woman who took this drug and they are all becoming zombies. (having major neurological problems) It is this just put it out there mentality, before there is major research (this drug, i forgot its name) The drug company only had a study of 1200 women and that is it. From what i understand that is very little. Shame on them, the sad thing is i bet more girls are severely effected by this major side effect, then would have actually gotten that one strain of cervical cancer. It doesnt even protect against all types of cervical cancer.

I believe i have heard more than a few doctors have said the less prescription drugs you are on the better (I thought that was obvious, but i guess not)
Care to explain?
I have gotten many complements from women recently, most unsolicited. Which is great because i am still overweight and it is ****ing warm out there and people tend to be in less than great spirits (even girls)
I am hanging out with a very nice girl next week
even other woman seem to be acting more relaxed around me......probably is because i am a lot more relaxed around women now.
Thats it, Mr H to the Izzo..... V to the Hizzay



Registered User
Mar 21, 2004
yelling a lot is something my sister does all the time she is a master at it:sarcasm:She is a black belt, of sorts, in it

The pharmaceutical companies are terrible
As i was reading online , there has been many complaints against that drug for certain cervical cancer in young girls. Not even a major version of it. Let alone there are much more deadly versions of cancer than cervical. It turns out there are more than a few young woman who took this drug and they are all becoming zombies. (having major neurological problems) It is this just put it out there mentality, before there is major research (this drug, i forgot its name) The drug company only had a study of 1200 women and that is it. From what i understand that is very little. Shame on them, the sad thing is i bet more girls are severely effected by this major side effect, then would have actually gotten that one strain of cervical cancer. It doesnt even protect against all types of cervical cancer.

I believe i have heard more than a few doctors have said the less prescription drugs you are on the better (I thought that was obvious, but i guess not)
I mean, that just seems like common sense to me as well. I was on one medication for two, three years (for acne and then for a separate health problem) and it was such an annoyance. Side effects that I still think stick with me, not to mention the paranoia of drinking while on sucks.

I have gotten many complements from women recently, most unsolicited. Which is great because i am still overweight and it is ****ing warm out there and people tend to be in less than great spirits (even girls)
I am hanging out with a very nice girl next week
even other woman seem to be acting more relaxed around me......probably is because i am a lot more relaxed around women now.
Thats it, Mr H to the Izzo..... V to the Hizzay

Good to hear and good luck. I would offer advice but that would be like asking Paris Hilton to help you with quantum physics.

Space Herpe

Arch Duke of Raleigh
Aug 29, 2008
I know I shouldn't be perputating the conversation about politics too much...

But, when I was a teacher, one of the things I taught my class was trying to find an unbiased source. (Which is really hard to do!)

The kids (5th graders) were amazed at how easy it was to take something simple and spin it.

Here was the example I used: (Bush was in office then...)

Pres. Bush just singed a bill into a law today which focuses on improvements to dog shelters, especially ones where you can leave your dog when you go on vacation.

If I was in favor of Pres. Bush and liked this idea, then I could have a headline such as,
"Pres. Bush focuses on improving improvements for dog shelters."

or "Better care for your dogs b/c of Pres Bush."

If I didn't like Pres. Bush and or this idea, I could have a headline such as,

"Pres. Bush sings a law forcing some small dog shelters out of business."

Since these mandatory improvements will cost money, some shelters might not be able to afford it, and it just might be more economically feasable for them to close down as opposed to spending all that money.

Fox News. I kinda liked them, they were okay, but then when they used photoshop to alter the look of some NY Times reporters...that's when I gave up on them.


Registered User
Nov 30, 2006
Ugh, I think I'm about to pull my first 24 hour straight trough day at the office. To be honest, it's not all that bad. I'm not even that tired. Kind of boring though, as I'm the only one here. comes in handy. Got in at 8am, it's 1:15 now. I think I can make it. On the plus side, when everyone comes in to start their Friday at work, I'll be on my way home to sleep and start enjoying my weekend. I wonder if this even makes sense... I need more coffee.:help:


Fox News. I kinda liked them, they were okay, but then when they used photoshop to alter the look of some NY Times reporters...that's when I gave up on them.
Fox News is terrible so much that when i watch say Glenn Beck or Rush or Hannity (he's missing his hair Combs)I am laughing. I really dont think it has to do with politics because Fox does pieces on other subjects than Politics....but when you are talking about a subject and acting like what you are presenting is a fact, when one or two things might be facts and the rest are your opinions well then you should say that. Not act like everything is a fact.
It is more like the Weekly World News (defunct tabloid paper) that used to say things like "Bat Boy has meeting with world leaders" The type of opinions are out there so much Fox is going down that road. It should though still be protected because free speech is protected, but that does not mean that I cant wholehardly shoot it down (not here anymore, this is the hockey part of a hockey forum)

Also saying that someone is an elitest is a way of saying that that person looks down at you because they happen to have a differing opinion than you....when in reality that person just has an opinion. It is a way of getting people to back you once again stating it like it is fact that that person is elitest. Trying to frame someones opinion as something when it is probably not is wrong. But fox loves this

I used to feel bad for people that believed this dribble, but when people brought the subject on me and i (stupidly) responded i got a few people that just jump on me and start to talk over me and yell at me about stuff that is just their opinion, but it is fact because it is their opinion!!!! They act like they are right and i am stupid for believing what i believe in. And then when i prove that they are wrong they backtrack and try to then act like they are non biased by saying oh no "I am independent"!
Right before they were calling our president a Nazi and a Commie (When you really think of it that is so stupid it is funny)
People also use this type of posturing when they are in cults, they talk like they are the ones in the right and out are the crazy one (I see this in youtube videos about scientologists all the time

It is this weak backtracking that is sad. It happened on the geek forum on here. I have a PS3 and a Wii and people call me a fanboy (Which is for when people who love one system (in this case I own two!)) The funny thing is that these guys are the fanboys themselevs, they only own a 360. They are deflecting what they are. Then they backtrack (later on, after the fact) and say something like
"oh i bought a Wii too and it is just collecting dust, it is not a gamers machine"
That "gamers" is their way of making them better than people that own a Wii because Wiis don't have as many 3rd person shooters and a "great" online community
It is sad because they proclaim they have a undying love of the 360 in a way before, and once you get them in a corner they suddenly have to act like they are innocent and unbiased. But even trying to be unbiased they still end up attacking the other persons machine (in this case the Wii, it could be the PS3 it really doesn't matter)

People can't help themselves, once they are caught they cant admit they were even in the slightest but wrong. And that is the saddest point. Disagree with some one, fine. Act like they are crazy for disagreeing you, fine. But when you are wrong be a man or woman and admit you were wrong on your one friggen little point. Its not that big of a deal. I am wrong a few times, so what.
Some people act like they werent wrong or they go and try to attack you......sad.


(this time no more politics)
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Space Herpe

Arch Duke of Raleigh
Aug 29, 2008

I went to the zoo with the family on Sunday. (Riverbanks Zoo in Columbia SC.)

We are looking at the Penguins. One is on her belly. There's another penguin standing next to her, smacking the crap out of her with his fins/flippers/wings.
He's beating her upside the head, all along her back...Then he puts one foot on her, kinda stradling her, and continues to beat the crap out of her with his flippers.

"Oh my God,"I begin. "Ike Turner has come back as a penguin!"

The man next to me spit out his Mt. Dew in a fit of laughter.

The male mounts her fully, and he's off of her in all of 10 seconds.


Then the tortises are getting it on.

Here's a video, not the one we filmed. Haven't had time to upload it yet.

Our guy was making the same sounds.

Slowly a crowd gathered. Each of us pointing, laughing, and filming.

The sounds the male made kept me from falling asleep last night.


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