New York Post not reporting on New Jersey Devils anymore?


Old Skool
Jul 17, 2006
New York
Klaus is a moron, and believes only what he reads in the New York Post.


Hahahaha!!! Awesome reference.


"$8 Million Goalie My Ass!"
Jan 9, 2013
Exit 105
Can't help but notice some hints of political agendas on both sides.

I, for one, grew up reading the NYDN. Not as blatantly low-class and tabloid-y as the Post, not as rabidly partisan or elitist as the Times, and with the best sports section in town.

Newark Star-Ledger and Trenton Times are alright, when you want Jersey news.

Never liked Newsday, even before I knew it was associated with the Knicks (yuck) and Rags (double-yuck).

Mory Schneideur*

All you guys saying you're glad the Post isn't reporting anymore are being naive. We should be looking after the NYC market with wanting more exposure, not losing it.

I like to check out the post Bc of the smaller gossipy stories but I would rather have the Devils in there than not. I don't agree that they were "making up lies", they were reporting news on rumors, which is in essence what news papers are for. We can't just sit and pretending everything is all rosy here in Devils land all the time.

Mory Schneideur*

Newspapers are supposed to reports facts, not rumors. Rumors are for magazines

I meant to say they were reporting leaks, wrongs choice of words. Most of what they reported ended up being true. It's not like they made things up, perhaps their sources didn't have all the info & maybe circumstances changed, it happens.


Registered User
Sep 13, 2010
New Jersey
I meant to say they were reporting leaks, wrongs choice of words. Most of what they reported ended up being true. It's not like they made things up, perhaps their sources didn't have all the info & maybe circumstances changed, it happens.

If their sources are questionable, not fully informed, or not providing solid info, then they are just as much as fault as the source for printing it. Good journalists should be using trustworthy sources. If their sources can't be trusted, don't use them. Or just write for the tabloids. No one cares if you're right then.


Registered User
Mar 10, 2010
It's early in pre season when there is a story it will be there. That's what they get paid to do write a story that sells newspapers. As for lies, they generally were correct the Devils were in big financial trouble before sale. I am not trying to defend them but rather be objective within reality.

Seriously; the cognitive dissonance and refusal to accept reality by some here is almost incomprehensible at this point. :help:

I meant to say they were reporting leaks, wrongs choice of words. Most of what they reported ended up being true. It's not like they made things up, perhaps their sources didn't have all the info & maybe circumstances changed, it happens.

Sure the Post was right that VBK could not afford the team. But let's not sing their praises when they were talking NHL takeover one day before a guy buys the team for about $100 million more then what VBK owed for it. Those guys were on the wrong planet in terms of where the pulse of the devils was at that point in time.


Corsi is GROSSLY overrated
Oct 11, 2007
Sure the Post was right that VBK could not afford the team. But let's not sing their praises when they were talking NHL takeover one day before a guy buys the team for about $100 million more then what VBK owed for it. Those guys were on the wrong planet in terms of where the pulse of the devils was at that point in time.

If......after everything we now know...... you still do not recognize just how dire the financial situation was.... and you really dont believe that the NHL definitely had a contingency plan in place to take over the Devils, should a buyer not emerge AND (key word) complete a deal, then you weren't paying attention. The Devils were in fact for all intents and purposes "bankrupt", simply without having the legal label of bankrupt attached to them for several practical purposes.

Brick City

Ignore me!
May 21, 2012
New Jersey
I wouldn't waste much time defending either.

The former is fluff, the latter is propaganda.

Well, it can be argued that virtually all media outlets are propaganda in some form or another. That said, I would not put the NYPost and the NYTimes in the same sentence (besides this one ;)). The Post is a rag regardless of its political bias. The Times, while clearly favoring the left-wing, is still a quality publication. To be fair, I would say the same thing about the Wall Street Journal despite it leaning to the right-wing.

If......after everything we now know...... you still do not recognize just how dire the financial situation was.... and you really dont believe that the NHL definitely had a contingency plan in place to take over the Devils, should a buyer not emerge AND (key word) complete a deal, then you weren't paying attention. The Devils were in fact for all intents and purposes "bankrupt", simply without having the legal label of bankrupt attached to them for several practical purposes.

I agree that they were right that all was not well with the Devils' finances; however, the NYPost (lacking general credibility to begin with) definitely jumped the gun in what I assume was an attempt to be the first to the story. They declared that the Devils were going bankrupt imminently (didn't happen) or had an internal payroll set by the league (signings heavily suggest that wasn't the case). Then deafening silence when their prognostications did not come to pass.


Corsi is GROSSLY overrated
Oct 11, 2007
Well, it can be argued that virtually all media outlets are propaganda in some form or another. That said, I would not put the NYPost and the NYTimes in the same sentence (besides this one ;)). The Post is a rag regardless of its political bias. The Times, while clearly favoring the left-wing, is still a quality publication. To be fair, I would say the same thing about the Wall Street Journal despite it leaning to the right-wing.

Yes, I agree with you that all media outlets are biased one way or another, but the NYT is one of the worst offenders due to their scope and influence. There is nearly not a day that passes that The New York Times isnt overtly incorrect or intentionally misleading to promote an ideological view. Yesterday's example is the false statement that the DC shooter used an AR-15, when in fact, he used the most commonly owned shotgun in all of America. I'm sure if I go to their website right now, I could give you an example for today as well. It's like Groundhog Day.


Registered User
Mar 10, 2010
If......after everything we now know...... you still do not recognize just how dire the financial situation was.... and you really dont believe that the NHL definitely had a contingency plan in place to take over the Devils, should a buyer not emerge AND (key word) complete a deal, then you weren't paying attention. The Devils were in fact for all intents and purposes "bankrupt", simply without having the legal label of bankrupt attached to them for several practical purposes.

Again, while the Post was talking NHL takeover, a billionaire owner was hours(not months, not weeks, not even days, but mere hours) away from buying the team while VBK was walking away with $100 million in his pocket.

That is completely whiffing on the story.

But hey, the Devils in Newark were never a tenable situation from the beginning. So what do I know?


Corsi is GROSSLY overrated
Oct 11, 2007
Again, while the Post was talking NHL takeover, a billionaire owner was hours(not months, not weeks, not even days, but mere hours) away from buying the team while VBK was walking away with $100 million in his pocket.

That is completely whiffing on the story.

And you honestly expect the reporter to know this? :help:

This very subject has been covered before*, please go back to the previous thread to read comments on this very subject. This will be my last attempt at this, but to put it simplistically, real life isn't a Hollywood movie, and working on Wall Street isnt like Wall Street with Charlie Sheen and Michael Douglas. It's not the reporters' fault if they report on the known financial details at hand, but dont know that Bluestar Airlines is about to be taken out.


*then again, I'm not sure any angle of this conversation hasnt been covered to death at this point. :deadhorse

But hey, the Devils in Newark were never a tenable situation from the beginning. So what do I know?

A valid point.


Optimism: Unwavering
Mar 5, 2012
New Jersey
The glaring difference between the Post and the Times isn't political or ideological...

it's that the Post has a low bar set for integrity. Their methods of investigation include hound dogging and journalistic dumpster diving and some of the sources they use... I wouldn't trust to tell me what the current weather is.

Ask anyone that works there, though, and they're absolutely, 100% fine with being the paper that sells on headlines alone. It's one of the few real papers I see people holding every morning because it's cheap, it grabs your attention and it's entertaining.

Trust in its content.. I'd always be tentative with, though.

In regards to the Devils - they got the foundation correct, somewhat.
Financial problems were real and JVB was looking to sell some, most or all of his shares.

It's the garbage that they build on top of that foundation that is unreadable.
Not being able to pay FAs or internal cap concerns when there was evidence to the contrary.
Or hammering down the point of an imminent league takeover. Phoenix 2.0.
Did the league have a contingency plan? I sure as hell hope they did.
The imminence is what was questionable. But they led with it, continuously. A team with a rich history tied to a building in the NY metro area that was attracting high caliber events and performers? It was seemingly unlikely that a sale couldn't be made before any last resorts were pulled.

Of course, having a flare for the dramatics is what the Post continues to live off of, but it shouldn't be a surprise that people tire of it, as well.

Circling back to the OP's topic. I'm less concerned with the NY post not covering the Devils than I am with the fact that we don't have any major NJ coverage that doesn't have to cater to Flyers & Rangers, as well.


Registered User
Mar 10, 2010
BG, even if we give the post a pass for not knowing the devils were about to be sold(again hours after the NHL takeover story). The fact that they were reportedly sold for $100 million more then the dept flies in the face of the general financial situation of the team that was being put out there.

That selling price clearly shows that dept was not really the issue, it shows that the corporate entities that are the Devils and the pru are/were on fairly stable financial footings with strong future growth potential. It clearly looks now that in fact VBK's personal finances that were the issue.

That price also strongly suggests that there were other viable offers on the table, and those offers were really not mysterious at all.

I mean if the post ever printed a story of the ilk "Devils market value far exceeds it's current dept", or "Competing offers driving up Devils Value" then I'd say, OK they printed stories that show the true situation from different angles. but they didn't. Only the doom and gloom. I mean why is it, that their unnamed inside sources only came on the side of "NHL Takeover". Why were there zero inside sources on the side of "VBK about to walk away with $100 million"


Corsi is GROSSLY overrated
Oct 11, 2007
it's that the Post has a low bar set for integrity.

I would call it a low-bar more in terms of intellect than integrity. Like I said, the NYP is 90% fluff.

What's Lindsay Lohan been up to?
Who won big on Million Second Quiz?
Did you see the outfits at The New York Fashion Show?

That's the junk NYP tends to focus (the same silly topics are covered by their main competitor, The Daily News). That, and if it bleeds it leads of course.


Optimism: Unwavering
Mar 5, 2012
New Jersey
I would call it a low-bar more in terms of intellect than integrity.

That is a better way to put it.
The Post truly, 100% stands behind everything they do and write.
They 100% trust in the people and things they claim to be sources.... but they are pretty much the only ones willing to invest that amount of trust and commitment.

Mory Schneideur*

Some of you guys are looking too deep into this, its not like the reporters are know it all oracles.

As "gossipy" or "trashy" (I prefer to call it entertaining) the Post is, its way ahead of the general content you'll find in the local papers such as Herald or Record. Maybe the NJ papers cover the Devils better than the Post, but in general those papers are mostly garbage in comparison to the Post. Does anyone honestly care about what the Board of Ed is doing in Maywood NJ for example besides the resident of Maywood? :laugh:

I would call it a low-bar more in terms of intellect than integrity. Like I said, the NYP is 90% fluff.

What's Lindsay Lohan been up to?
Who won big on Million Second Quiz?
Did you see the outfits at The New York Fashion Show?

That's the junk NYP tends to focus (the same silly topics are covered by their main competitor, The Daily News). That, and if it bleeds it leads of course.

Yea its kind of more like a daily magazine and its a interesting contrast to say the Times or WSJ.


Optimism: Unwavering
Mar 5, 2012
New Jersey
As "gossipy" or "trashy" (I prefer to call it entertaining) the Post is, its way ahead of the general content you'll find in the local papers such as Herald or Record. Maybe the NJ papers cover the Devils better than the Post, but in general those papers are mostly garbage in comparison to the Post. Does anyone honestly care about what the Board of Ed is doing in Maywood NJ for example besides the resident of Maywood? :laugh:

Therein lies the problem, though. Journalism should not be a race to the media finish line, and that's what's wrong with a lot of reporting today above and beyond the Post.

I'd prefer a factual, accurate, informative story come a little bit later than a hasty rehashing of unverified rumors.

Being first shouldn't mean being the best - but that's a deeper discussion for journalism overall.

The Post often jumps the gun, though. You have, routinely, any number of unpaid interns or nosy neighbors who think they've stumbled on scandals or the inner workings of a major deal to-be and want to run straight to the press with it.
They'll typically get turned away with, "come back to me when you have something more accurate" or "leave your number, we'll research this a bit to see if it holds water" - papers like the Post that have nothing to lose, though. They know exactly who they are. They'll pick up on the bare scraps of a story and follow the scent as long as they can. Sometimes it leads to something, but often it does not.

Which is why you can say that the Post picked up on some facts in the recent sale of the Devils. But they connected their own dots with the basic facts that they had and presented it in the way that made the potential sale of a local sports team interesting and compelling. That leads to a lot of fear mongering, rumor pushing and overall inaccuracies.

But, at the end of the day... most readers want a timely written piece that is compelling than a heavy write up of mundane details.


Registered User
Apr 8, 2008
I wouldn't waste much time defending either.

The former is fluff, the latter is propaganda.
The NYT and Daily News, who Bondy writes for...not the Post.. have NEVER covered the Devils and dont bother reading the NYT go right to Pravda

Team Concept

Registered User
Jul 11, 2002
Wingdale, New York
My favorite New York Post columnist is Phil Mushnick. In my opinion they have the best Sports section of all of the New York Newspapers (better than the NYT and DN).


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