Player Discussion New Captain- Nick Suzuki

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Non Player Canadiens

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Jan 25, 2012
Maplewood, NJ
I got to think about this one on the commute home.
I find your null hypothesis difficult to defend in the actual world of language, but reasonable in the world of science, in that there have not been measures that have been widely accepted that reduce language complexity to a number. I think this article does an awesome job describing the difficulties of quantifying complexity, without suggesting that variations in complexity do not exist.
to me, this is an indication that perhaps there is no good measurement to be made, which in turn supports the null hypothesis. to be clear though, I'm not saying that variations in grammar complexity don't exist. feature-by-feature, component-by-component, they clearly do. but I am saying that overall, when you aggregate the complexity of each component of a grammar's language, each language's total 'score' is probably similar enough to make the question not very interesting at all.

I also agree with the paradoxical nature of the question laid out in that article. Increased complexity for the speaker (encoding more information) engenders decreased complexity for the listener (more signal, less ambiguity). Likewise the inverse is true, a more 'simple'-looking language on the surface is easier to utter but requires more effort on behalf of the listener, drawing on additional cues like context to arrive at meaning. So what are we really measuring here? :dunno:

However because of these issues, empirical data is suspect and depends very much on the values and approaches of the person quantifying complexity.
I agree fully, that's the point I was trying to make earlier. As English speakers, some elements of other grammars stand out to us as very complicated in comparison to English. But just the same, to a non-Native speaker of English, aspects of English grammar look very difficult to them.

I rely on my experience with Hungarian, English, French and Latin for my position that complexity does vary, as well as my experience with students learning English and German in France.
That is a very typologically-narrow sample you're citing there :D As you well know, English , French, Latin and German are all Indo-European, which is just one language family among the many worldwide. Hungarian is a language isolate. But my point is it would be very bad form to draw any conclusions about the ~7000 languages in the world from such a sample :P I think you knew that though, sorry for being pedantic.
Is your idea that languages are all equally complex a philosophical position for you? Meaning do you think all languages are not only similarly complex in grammar, but in also in phonology and lexicons? (I am not talking about acquiring the language as a native speaker, but as a second language speaker, since we were talking about Suzuki.)
Point of order, the phonology and the lexicon are a part of grammar proper. Maybe that caused some confusion between us earlier.

I would say my position is primarily empirical, based on what I've been able to observe myself and glean from others' research. But I do think I have a philosophical position in it too. We humans have a weird practice of wanting to rank languages, races, nationalities, hair colors, etc. in a way that is often not motivated by science for its own sake. It devolves way too easily into "X is better than Y", or "X are smarter than Y". Thus I have an inherent skepticism of any such research agenda. The most rigorous research in this vein usually ends up showing that measurable differences between groups are so small as to be essentially meaningless.

So, until strong evidence to the contrary emerges, I'm going to continue to assume the same is true for language variation as well.

Fun discussion! :cheers:
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Aug 21, 2015
Seriously how is this labeled “Player Discussion” I guess we need to brush up on our English. :help:
Haha as much as I agree with your point, the thread is labelled « New Captain… » so we’re talking captaincy; there’s no hockey to comment yet :)

Convos like « does he really care? will he stay long term? Will he give interviews in french? Does he have nudies on his phone? Does he party hard? Is he good to his mom… » will surely quiet down soon as we get to enjoy his first saucer pass to Caufield :)


Oct 7, 2017


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Oct 13, 2012
Suzuki during his 1 preseason game and his game last night looks like he's finding a whole other level out there.
His passing is world-class. Looking like a bonafide SUPERSTAR

looked like a great game for him to have making his debut as captain. I've felt way more certain about Caufield being the superstar but even if Nick doesn't quite fit in that class (he very well could and I'm not betting against him) you know he's gonna be great enough. And I feel really confident that he'll always step it up when it really matters. Fun times ahead.
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Jan 18, 2022
Suzuki last night with 21 minutes, 2 points and 57% on faceoffs. Looks like he has evolved his game into even higher #1 center this year.. playing with Caufield he should be point a game center, really good two way. Closer to the Bergeron comparsion
Scoring is up in the NHL but I feel like he’s gonna breeze by his career high this year.

Such an intelligent player, he sees the game in slow motion.
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Aug 21, 2015
French is very complicated and almost useless as soon as you exit Quebec. Even living in Quebec you can not speak a word of French and be fine.
ouch Golden, “being fine” not speaking the common language sounds about as sexy as being at a swim suit pageant after-party and sticking with the barman all night talking about hockey…
It’s only complicated if you decide it is btw, learning basic conversational short sentences in any language is actually quite fun! Some people make it sound like a feat or something lol.
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Fainting Couch

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Jun 21, 2019
Your kids, if you have any, should do the same about your account on here

Zing! Words hurt!

Conspiracy Rob is going to make his son answer uncomfortable questions all because he can't keep his jackassery off of social media. Conspiracy Rob is the new Julie Petry.


Aug 21, 2015
Is there many French fan forums for the French habs fans ? I tried to learn French in grade 7 here in Saskatchewan but it was too late for me , I had no interest. My nieces daughters go to French immersion school , it’s amazing how much French they know at age 6 and 7.
A context that is familiar to you like hockey would be a great stepping stone! Unfortunately I have never found a good forum in French. Comment section on RDS is as cringe as early days youtube… Maybe reddit (I’m not really active on it)?
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