Looking Between The Pipes Longterm

Up the Irons

Registered User
Mar 9, 2008
I doubt that, we'll see!

Even if we re-sign Fasth, if we turned our D from worst in the league to at least average or slightly above average, he'd be fine too. Defense is our #1 issue, not goalie.

that's it right there. I'm not sure our D would be above average in the A. Schultz and Nikitin are the cause of almost every loss. When they have a decent game, we usually get at point or two; which explains why we have so few.

Need 2 or 3 decent D in a horrible way.


Registered User
Jan 22, 2014
Victoria B.C.
being .900 in front of Weber and Josi is different than in front of Schultz-Nikitin.

Scrivens was at the top of the entire league in save% when we traded for him. Fasth was 0.921 for ANA in 12\13.

Add a couple decent Dmen and goaltending wont be an issue here.
Or go and trade for Rinne, Luongo or Lundqvist if you want one to "carry" this team

Of course upping our d is going to help and its absolutely needed, but I would never go as far as saying Scrivens and Fasth are starters, I don't care what their save percentage was at one point, just watch them play. Backups can have good save % stats, while being backups.

Not to knock Rinne is any way, he is awesome, but saying he would carry the team (and he might) while he has Weber and Josi is kind of both sides of the debate, obviously good dmen and team make goalie look better and vice versa.

Obviously you need a full team, dmen,good goalie, plus forwards, but a great goalie can get you extra unexpected wins with a weaker d and team, it also adds confidence to players and lets them play a much loser game. There is no question whatsoever that goalies have lost us games we shouldn't have lost, its a definite weak spot on our team. Many games were over inside 10 minutes of play.

I used Hasek as an example in earlier post, and he absolutely carried an average (at best) team. Its not that we need a Hasek, but it sure would be nice to have an excellent goalie, and it is the most important position on the team.


Jun 9, 2007
He makes 6.7M next season..
I would deal him for 2 of Nikitin,Purcell, Fasth

Don't make it Nikitin.

If it's Purcell I do it.

Nikitin actually has a chance to become useful. Not as useful as the money he's making but there's a chance that his health has held him down.


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
Edmonton, AB
I have alot to say on the subject but not enough time right now to get into it in detail.

As for our immediate needs, i think Scrivens+someone else. Probably Cam Ward. I don't mind his contract on a 1 yr basis. I also like that he's playing for his survival in the league. He should be motivated. There won't be any big names available so unfortunately for us we need to look at the leftover crumbs in the goalie market.

One thing that I will say is that we should have more goalies in our system. I'll even go further and say we should be drafting one goalie every year between the rounds of 2-7.

Competition breeds better goalies. If your Broissoit and you had another guy lighting it up competing for your job... you will step up your game and become a better goaltender as a result. It also shows that you won't fold under pressure.

There's alot of good value picks in the later rounds if you are willing to pay attention and understand the evolution of a goaltender through the various leagues as the player matures into a NHL caliber player.

I agree.

But the last draft they we did take 2 goalies between rounds 2-7..

Kevan Bouchard and Zachary Naglevoort both taken last year...couldnt believe my eyes when they decided to pass on Eric Comrie and Juuse Saros in 2013 draft...

Fixed to Ruin

Come wit it now!
Feb 28, 2007
Grande Prairie, AB
I agree.

But the last draft they we did take 2 goalies between rounds 2-7..

Kevan Bouchard and Zachary Naglevoort both taken last year...couldnt believe my eyes when they decided to pass on Eric Comrie and Juuse Saros in 2013 draft...

Kevan Bouchard unfortunately was a garbage pick.

7-11-2 4.34 GAA 0.853 Save% so far this year.

I'm fairly confidant in saying we will never see him again.

Oil Gauge

Apr 9, 2009
No one give a care about feelings and Look.
That is skewed by personal Bias.

How do we judge Goalies?

We need to look at how Goals are scored.

1. A puck is directed at net.

2. it can be Blocked Influenced by D

3. it can miss the net influenced by D

At this point I am telling you information that was discussed with Dallas Goalie Coach who stated that this matched Detroits and now Dallas (nill)goalie theory!

4. It can hit a Goalie. Pucks hiting a goalies: Arms;: Chest; Pads; blocker; Glove Shoulder. Ie. the puck shot in the glove and the goalie then does the arm swing.
These are not saves! If you took a cardboard cutout of the goaltender covering the area of net he covers and moved it at angle following the puck. Hit goalies are all the shots that hit a goalie without extra movement. It does not require a goalie to move to stop a shot directed at one of the 7 holes a goalie has.

You want Dmen that have a Higher hit goaie ratio.

So up to this point a goalie has done nothing other than what any other avg goalie should be able to do.

5. Only the shots at the open holes require a goalie to move. the possible results are:
1. open hole shot saved
2. open hole shot not saved (goal)

You want a goalie that has the best Open hole save% (open hole shot saved/ total open hole shots)

So that is the real measure of a goalie.

Wins are a joke.
50% GF
I have never seen a goalie roof a puck driving the Ozone.

50% GA
Corsi = Blocks + Misses + hit Goalie + Open hole saves + Goals
The average pucks directed at net in 60 minutes is 53.8
there are on average
12.5 blocks per 60 12.5/53.8 23.2% of corsi blocked
14.0 blocks per 60 14.0/53.8 26.0% of corsi misses
24.6 (hit goalie + open hole saves) per 60 /53.8 45.8% of corsi
2.7 goals per 60 for each team 5.0% of corsi

There is no readily available data for what % is Hit Goalie.

All this discussion of who is a good goalie lacks the basic understanding of it.
At a lower than NHL Mgmt level
Some cases not even.

So a goalie that gets out of position and makes an athletic save is a better goalie than the one that is sound positionally? Your logic has holes from my view.

I'm a goalie and when ever I have to make an athletic save I think back as to what I could have done better to make it an easy save. Not the other way around.


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