OT: Leafs fans and your relationship with the Bruins


Registered User
Dec 8, 2013
Also I find it incredibly stupid that as a Leafs fan I have to automatically hate the Habs. Don't get me wrong I don't like them, but hate? We havent had a meaningful series against the Habs in the last 20+ years of me being a fan of the Leafs.

Rivalries and hate are created in the playoffs, regular season is rather meaningless. Till then it will be hard for me to generate the hate and vitriol that you old timers have.

the Habs were more hated in the 70's when they won 7 cups, they were like the Yankees of baseball, for the last 36 years, they lost their dominance and are no better than any other team, in fact many years they were worse. That's why the hatred for them isn't as strong as it was in the 70's.


Mitch "The God" Marner
Jun 10, 2011
I don't hate the bruins, i hate the bruins fans. I actually love and respect that bruins team a lot, with an exception of 1 or 2 players. Habs on the other hand i cannot stand. Not taking anything away from them, they played well and are having a solid run but i absolutely hate that team.

Don't get me wrong, Carey Price is in my mind the best goalie in the league, Subban/Pacioretty really stepped their game up. But i just hate how 'soft' some of the players are, how easily some of them get knocked over. I hate teams that are soft, whine, and play like boys not men. Also the same reason why i hate the Penguins and Canucks.


Ok, just to make things perfectly clear, I was not commenting on the skill of the players that I mentioned (aside from Thornton, who is useless). I was making comments on how despicable I found them. Nothing else.

And excuse me? Who the hell are you to judge me? I'm bitter and jealous? No, I disliked the Bruins long before last season, because of the players on their team, their ownership, and their fanbase. If anything, I blame the Leafs for letting the collapse happen, not Boston. And I already said I hate Montreal, I just hate Boston even more. Stop pretending that you know anything about how I think. You don't. Shame on you for telling me how I should feel. Sick. Shut up and go preach to somebody else.

You are on a forum...if you don't want people responding to your posts..don't write them. Ill preach whatever I want to whoever I want. You shut up Jack. Sick. I also find it pretty comical for you to call Thornton useless but most likely (I dont know for sure)...were speaking of the virtues of the useless plugs the Leafs employ like Orr and McClaren. Players who have no right being in the NHL. At least Thornton knows how to skate LOL....

Stop being a baby you Habs loving traitor. :laugh:


Registered User
Oct 18, 2008
Toronto, Ontario
You are on a forum...if you don't want people responding to your posts..don't write them. Ill preach whatever I want to whoever I want. You shut up Jack. Sick. I also find it pretty comical for you to call Thornton useless but most likely (I dont know for sure)...were speaking of the virtues of the useless plugs the Leafs employ like Orr and McClaren. Players who have no right being in the NHL. At least Thornton knows how to skate LOL....

Stop being a baby you Habs loving traitor. :laugh:

It really rustles your jimmies when people have opinions that you don't agree with, doesn't it? I simply stated my opinion and you responded like a petulant (that means "childish", by the way) infant (although truth be told, infants have a better grasp of grammar and punctuation) because my opinion was contrary to your own.

You're obviously either ignoring what I'm writing or - more likely - are too stupid to comprehend it, but I've stated this so many times that I literally don't know how to make it any clearer: I hate the Habs. But whatever. You're clearly extremely immature and need some way of keeping yourself entertained. If picking fights on an internet forum is how you get your kicks, fine. Knock yourself out. But I'm not interested in wasting any more of my time on arguing with some slack-jawed simpleton who has nothing better to do with their time but flaunt their obtuseness on an internet forum.

Welcome to my ignore list.


Registered User
Sep 20, 2009
The Leafs-Habs rivalry is a joke. The most meaningful games these two play are the first and last games of their respective seasons. I find it pretty easy to root for them whenever they're not playing the Leafs. On the flip side, I can't stand guys like Lucic and Marchand and can't stand anyone who supports their antics. On top of that, I haven't had any pleasant experiences with Bruins fans, they're typically a loud and wasted group whenever we interact. Also very condescending towards Leafs fans


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