Larry Brooks Rumors Nashville Problems


Rebooting myself
Oct 12, 2003
Somewhere on Uranus
Brooks is just being Brooks

he is just one step above ekland

and the last time I made my view known about Ekland I got hit with points from Buffaloed--so I aint going there


Is this so hard to believe? Nashville having problems :eek: ...this is hockey in freakin' nashville. it doesn't belong there.


Is this so hard to believe? Nashville having problems :eek: ...this is hockey in freakin' nashville. it doesn't belong there.

It isn't up to you to decide where Hockey belongs
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The original, baby
Feb 28, 2003
Nashville, TN

Because, in Nashville, they don't even have paved roads, let alone ice. They marvel over man-made pools as "ce-ment ponds," which surely never freeze. All they care about in Nashville is bathtub moonshinin', the outlaw country of Waylon Jennings, and courting first cousins.

Sadly, I'll bet he actually believes that. I live in NYC, and you'd be amazed at how many people exclaim, "You're from Nashville?! But you dont have an ACCENT!"

It's fun to reply, "Garsh, and you're from NEEEEW YOOORK? Saaaay, you ain't one of them mafia guys, ares ya?!"

But yeah, Larry Brooks is bitter and perpetually the laughingstock of the US hockey media. Scamper along, there's nothing to see.


Registered User
Sep 18, 2005

dosen't that guys' s/n speak for itself?
Bettman's trying to turn this into the NBA; soon guys will be doing nothing but slam dunks and using a new synthetic puck. traveling will run rampant and officials will have to start calling technical fouls for whining. :shakehead
all of the south is light years behind the rest of the country, and especially Canada, but because new things are usually instantly and universally adopted and since Nashville doesn't sell out every night or bring big TV ratings, they don't deserve a team... :sarcasm:



where to?
May 27, 2003
Huntington, WV
dosen't that guys' s/n speak for itself?
Bettman's trying to turn this into the NBA; soon guys will be doing nothing but slam dunks and using a new synthetic puck. traveling will run rampant and officials will have to start calling technical fouls for whining. :shakehead
all of the south is light years behind the rest of the country, and especially Canada, but because new things are usually instantly and universally adopted and since Nashville doesn't sell out every night or bring big TV ratings, they don't deserve a team... :sarcasm:



Personal thing. I'm always curious to hear the anti-Southern("non-traditional") market arguments.


Registered User
Dec 21, 2005
What NHL team draws big ratings? On the attendance case, Boston, NJ, NYI, Phoenix, Florida, and Washington should be gone.


Registered User
Sep 24, 2003
Great article, Brooks is bang on, Nashville needs to go and so should Bettman.

What's your issue with Nashville? Do you feel the same way about Atlanta, Phoenix, Florida, Tampa Bay, and Dallas? Those cities are more southerly than Nashville...

Please explain your reasoning. Until then, your argument has no validity.
Dec 15, 2002
As a general statement: please don't just make some half-informed, "(insert city here) doesn't need/deserve a hockey team" comment unless you're going to support that statement with an argument and hopefully a few facts.

Otherwise, someone could say "Montreal, Toronto, Edmonton and Calgary don't deserve a hockey team" remark and it be just as accurate. Believe me, an argument can be made for any current NHL hockey market to have its team yanked away - it's a matter of digging out the facts and forming an argument accordingly; it's easier for some than for others, but you're more likely to gain credibility if you at least have a couple facts to back your position.


Registered User
Mar 18, 2004
Doesn't the NHL owe it to communities that built arenas, and will be paying on them for the next 20-30 years at least, to give them a chance to develope the market? Especially in non-traditional markets where the NHL knew it would take some time to grow the sport from scratch. What kind of message does that send? Yeah, build an arena and taken on massive debt, and if you do not have an instant deep rooted fan base and sold out buildings no matter if your team is good or sucks for decades, we can and will move you within the first ten years. I would also imagine there are some poison pills in the Nashville lease that was signed when they built the arena that would make moving the team improbable or at least painful. But move that aside. The real question if why I would move the NHL in, while paying for a bright shiny arena, if they will move out if my community does not meet some initially unrealistic goals of support?


Not Ingrid for now
Mar 11, 2002
Missoula, Montana
Larry Brooks rules; everyone says that he's a goof, don't take his rumors seriously, but he does getting people talking.

Nashville will be fine, they have a decent following, and as soon as they win a few rounds in the playoffs or win the division, all the relocation talk will quickly vanish.


Family Friend
Apr 1, 2004
South Rectangle
Because, in Nashville, they don't even have paved roads, let alone ice. They marvel over man-made pools as "ce-ment ponds," which surely never freeze. All they care about in Nashville is bathtub moonshinin', the outlaw country of Waylon Jennings, and courting first cousins.

Sadly, I'll bet he actually believes that. I live in NYC, and you'd be amazed at how many people exclaim, "You're from Nashville?! But you dont have an ACCENT!"
Your rope belt and the alfalfa stalk you chew on doesn't tip them off?

Bear of Bad News

Your Third or Fourth Favorite HFBoards Admin
Sep 27, 2005
So does a guy running down the street naked, doesn't mean he has anything worthwhile to say.

Now you're being ridiculous. If Larry Brooks decided to run down the street naked, he'd first have to write two dozen columns about how his decision was all Gary Bettman's fault.


Registered User
Mar 4, 2005
It isn't up to you to decide where Hockey belongs

It is up to the market to decide. Brooks is suggesting the market has, indeed, decided.

Not that I trust Brooks in anything. His entire schtick is to invent reasons to whine about the salary cap because it harms the Rangers ability to spend a billion dollars.


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