Keto diets and Concussions?


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May 13, 2011
Somewhere around the world
I am currently recovering from my third concussion since the winter. It's a horrifying experience which I would not wish this on my worst enemy. Pre-concussion me was living a rather healthy lifestyle, eating well, going to the gym, etc... I haven't trained since, lost all motivation and I have been making poor eating choices. Now I am in a situation where I see I am putting on some weight. I am too scared to weigh myself. I can hardly fit in my pants anymore and it's freaking me out. I read my coworker is on a keto diet, lost weight without doing any exercise. I was wondering if I should do the same because I can hardly exercise at this point. It's mainly just some odd walks here and there. I get too dizzy and nauseous to do a proper workout as I used to. I miss my leg and deadlift days.

I found this website Personalized Keto Meal Plan which creates a personalized keto diet if you pay. I am not sure if it's legit or not. Should I get that or should I go see a regular nutritionist? I am happy with any advice and tips given.

Thank you
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Apr 14, 2007
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May 13, 2011
Somewhere around the world
Sorry you're going through this, this may be of help and you don't have to pay for it -

Ketogenic Diet: An Ultimate 25+ Page Guide | Mark's Daily Apple

Going Keto: What to Eat | Mark's Daily Apple

Similarly I witnessed a co workers transformation on Keto, she lost a lot of weight. There are also a lot of stories out there from people who have had success with it. It definitely works.

Best of luck.

Thank you so much I really appreciate this. Would you know if I would need any supplements besides protein powder? I have 10 pounds of ISO right now.


Registered User
Apr 14, 2007
That what to eat link should have everything you need as far as food and what not, but I would suggest reading a fair amount of what is there, especially the beginners guide. Should be a link for it on the first page I listed.
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Jul 10, 2010
im not going to say keto "doesnt work" but essentially it works because youre cutting out all the processed shet food that you eat, because it is nearly all carbs.

nearly identical results can be obtained through simply eating real, nutritious food.
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Jul 3, 2008
I had a similar experience with concussions

I tried alot of things and quite honestly Cannabis is the best medicine at treating my issues.

Especially CBD.

Did Keto for 7 days. The weight loss is real. First two days were so rough (keto flu, very tired, headache). Felt pretty good in the middle and pain in the body definitely decreased. Good energy levels.

I would say it has its positives forsure but also some drawbacks (for me lack max of explosion in strength, bowel movements).

Anyways goodluck!


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May 13, 2011
Somewhere around the world
I have some good news! As of yesterday, it makes one month I've been on the keto. I am happy to report I've lost 11 pounds and my pants are fitting again. I wish I could say the same about the concussion symptoms.

I had a similar experience with concussions

I tried alot of things and quite honestly Cannabis is the best medicine at treating my issues.

Especially CBD.

I've started vaping CBD earlier this week. It's helping. I am just getting used to the inhaling part because I've never smoked.


Meet me at Belmont
Dec 4, 2011
Greetings hockey fans. First off let me say, let's go Islanders.

What does it mean to be in Ketosis? It means your brain is functioning on keytones, not glucose (carbs / sugar as energy source).

ketones serve as an alternative energy source to maintain normal brain cell metabolism.

This has a direct effect of fat burning as well, fat cells will be used for fuel. This is the true meaning of a "keto diet", when your brain is functioning off ketones and the body us being fueled by fat.

A lot of fad diets will steal the word keto and brand it on a diet loaded with sugars and carbs. It's a farce. Also, eating a bunch of bacon, butter,loads of saturated fats, and too much fats will take you out of ketosis because even super clean fats like walnuts, natural peanut butter and cashews, if you eat too much you're out of ketosis because carbs too.

A high protein diet, moderate fats / no direct sources of carbs is the only way to be in a constant state of ketosis.

This is not a diet for performance athletes, but if you're just training for the beach, or want to lose weight it works wonders on a lot of people. When you take away carbs / sugars after a few weeks you no longer crave them, which increases the chances of you stick to the diet.

Go Islanders

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Sep 2, 2012
Keto might work short term but is awful for you long term. The Keto diet is meant for those with epilepsy to help prevent seizures.

It’s not meant for other people.
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Registered User
Sep 2, 2012
im not going to say keto "doesnt work" but essentially it works because youre cutting out all the processed shet food that you eat, because it is nearly all carbs.

nearly identical results can be obtained through simply eating real, nutritious food.

This. And these results aren’t going to f*** you down the road.
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Dec 22, 2006
Read the book,"Undoctored",Keto doesn't go far enough,it's not just about the carbs.


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Feb 8, 2011
I broke my collar bone a few years ago and stopped playing recreational sports or even going to the gym afterwards. I ballooned up to 286lbs. With keto and cardio I lost about 60lbs in about a year so it’s definitely a good option for overall fitness and weight loss. I’m not sure about the benefits with concussions but it seems to help me in terms of energy and mental clarity.

That being said it’s different for some people, my wife doesn’t see the same benefit and is miserable on keto due to the restrictions. I don’t mind fattier foods but if you’re someone who just needs that pastry or muffin, it might not be right for you. Let’s just say there’s some nasty side effects involved when it comes to leaving ketosis.

Also, if you plan on using keto for a short duration of time be sure to research coming off keto. If you just go all in with carbs immediately afterwards then you’re in for a world of hurt, physical illness, and a lot of weight gain/lethargy.

I also wanted to add that there’s a lot of resources for keto meal preparation online. There’s a supportive community and a number of high profile YouTube channels full of recipes. I’d personally track macros with my fitness pal and just eat whatever catches my eye. Meal prep is pretty easy for the diet.
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Aug 25, 2021
The main drawback of the keto diet is the keto flu
What is the keto flu ?

I agree with the commenter above that cbd helps very well with my problems too. I have a fairly rare disease that is characterized by poor sleep quality and trouble falling asleep. CBD gummies with melatonin helps me very well and I sleep much better. Check out the description here.
Keto flu is not a virus that infects only those who decide to try a ketogenic diet. This is the body's response to carbohydrate restriction. The most common symptoms of keto-flu are craving for sugar, dizziness, irritability, fog in the head and poor concentration, stomach pain, nausea, cramps, muscle soreness, and insomnia.
How to avoid the keto flu ?
1. Drink more water (with a pinch of unrefined salt).

Hydration is vital, especially when you are on a ketogenic diet. If during a keto diet you do not drink enough water, you can easily dehydrate and experience side effects.
2. Supplement your diet with sodium, potassium and magnesium.
(keto bofytone) To get enough potassium, add avocados and leafy greens such as spinach to your diet. Add a little crude salt to each meal and to water to replenish sodium levels. Magnesium is another important mineral that can significantly ease your transition to ketosis. Although you do not lose magnesium, while limiting carbohydrates, it is important to help you prevent and eliminate cramps, improve sleep quality and increase insulin sensitivity. Simply add pumpkin seeds, almonds and spinach to your diet.
3. Eat more fat.

To help your body adapt, eat more fat. Fat provides Acetyl-CoA liver cells, which they can use to make ketones.
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