Advice: Inlinehockey Outdoor Court


Registered User
Mar 21, 2012
Hi all,

this is probably the wrong forum but i did not know where else to put this:
i am looking for a material for an inlinehockey outdoor court. The problem is - it should be useable when wet.

I figured there are probably lots of inline players in this forum:
has anyone got any experience with some kind of court thats playable with indoor equipment (soft wheels + composite sticks) that would work even when its raining?


Registered User
Jan 26, 2012
Yea, i cant think of any surface that would work in those conditions. if you build a court just put poles up and drape tarps over it? could probably use 550 cord and stakes to keep it tight. would be a little ghetto, but thats what i would try.


Unregistered User
Mar 29, 2010
Used to have one of those gigantic water scrapers on a local tennis court. Should probably request for one.


Registered User
Mar 21, 2012
in europe most outdoor rinks simply use some kind of asphalt (we play with a ball instead of a puck). as long as the ball keeps rolling we can play:

but you need new wheels every second week, cant play with nice sticks and the biggest problem: the surface is not completely plain -> so the ball will be deflected a lot ... So the solution will either be a proper roof or a asphalt court. thats not what i was hoping for.

after using those water scraper on a wet court. is it immediatly playable?


Unregistered User
Mar 29, 2010
in europe most outdoor rinks simply use some kind of asphalt (we play with a ball instead of a puck). as long as the ball keeps rolling we can play:

but you need new wheels every second week, cant play with nice sticks and the biggest problem: the surface is not completely plain -> so the ball will be deflected a lot ... So the solution will either be a proper roof or a asphalt court. thats not what i was hoping for.

after using those water scraper on a wet court. is it immediatly playable?

You need to give it some time.

If it's sunny, usually after scraping off the water, the courts (tennis courts at least) dry out in 5-10 minutes.


Registered User
Mar 1, 2010
There is no such thing as an outdoor roller surface that is playable when wet. The only thing would be Asphalt, but as rhumbot said, it would tear up wheels and sticks, not allow the use of a puck, and would take away from the experience.

It seems you are playing in a tropical climate, under NO circumstances, should you purcahse a tile surface for your rink. The morning dew seeps in the cracks of the tiles and is an absolute mess to dry out.

Your most practical option is a smooth concrete while having those rubber squeeges (sp) on hand for when it rains.


Unregistered User
Mar 29, 2010

Had something similar for our local tennis court. Covered a ton of area and was pretty easy to use. Should work a lot faster on a proper, smooth inline rink. The tennis courts are pretty frictiony.


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