How do you account for cheap shots?


Registered User
Apr 22, 2005
First, we are about the same size. I am a little taller a less then 10 pounds heavier. So I know it's not easy being the smallest guy out there. A lot of times you are the target because of your size.

Anyway, that is no excuse for what you did. You crossed the line. Instead of clubbing the guy risking permanent injury. The best thing to do would be to show him up. He'll never live down getting smoked by the little guy. That's why if I am going to do something I do it cleanly. Knock a guy that size on his back using your shoulder and no one messes with you again.

How exactly would I show him up when there are 3 seconds left in the game and I don't have the puck?


Registered User
May 17, 2006
Golden, CO
How exactly would I show him up when there are 3 seconds left in the game and I don't have the puck?

there's always another game. slashing someone in the neck is inexcusable.

like you guys I am always the smallest guy on the ice, 5'7 160. my greatest joy comes from laying a bigger guy out. the highlight of my past season was flattening a guy that was about 6'1 210. he tried lining me up and I and I just pounded my shoulder right into his chest, he went down and I kept going.


Registered User
Apr 22, 2005
there's always another game. slashing someone in the neck is inexcusable.

like you guys I am always the smallest guy on the ice, 5'7 160. my greatest joy comes from laying a bigger guy out. the highlight of my past season was flattening a guy that was about 6'1 210. he tried lining me up and I and I just pounded my shoulder right into his chest, he went down and I kept going.

If I laid him out I probably would have gotten suspended as well.


Registered User
May 17, 2006
Golden, CO
well if you slashed him harder as you said you could have broken his neck... i'm guessing that would carry more than a suspension. i've seen guys banned for life for slashing someone in the head/neck.

Mr Jiggyfly

Registered User
Jan 29, 2004
This story usually wins me first prize in any type of thread like this...

When I was younger, there was a group of older guys who played pickup every Saturday during the Summer and different times in the Winter. Regular old foot hockey. They where well known throughout as the best foot hockey players in the city; they had won the championships at every local rink, won all of these state tournaments blah blah blah.

So my friends and I, eventhough we hated foot hockey, we wanted to play with them. But you had to be asked. (Sort of like Mystery, Alaska lol)

My friends and I where playing pickup on the lake one day when a few of these guys showed up and joined in.

Apparently I impressed them, and they asked me to play with them that Saturday in some scheduled pickup game against one of their biggest rivals. So eventhough it was foot hockey, I wanted to play really badly with these guys and of course said yes.

They had a player on their team, Dave, who loved to fight, and had been in jail several times for simple assault. He was their goon, tough guy, muscle, whatever.

So Saturday came and right from the drop of the puck, this lunatic Dave keeps jawing with a player from the other team, DJ.

It escalated throughout the game, until Dave finally punched DJ in the face. A few guys stepped in and broke it up, and then when Dave turned his back, DJ pushed him from behind. Dave turned around and swung his stick like an ax and buried it right in the middle of DJ's head.

We all stood their with our jaws open, and DJ I think didn't realize what happened at first, then he put his hands on his head and felt the blade in his skull. (Half the stick had broke off on impact, so he had the blade stuck in his skull and about half the stick hanging there)

DJ started to scream and run around, and his friends had to tackle him and hold him down. He had blood all over his face and started to shake and go into convulsions.

So someone ran to a payphone and got the cops and ambulance down there.

Dave got 6 months for an assault charge and DJ to this day still has migraines and trouble focusing on things for more than a few minutes at a time.

Never saw anything like that before or since...and hope I never do.
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Registered User
Apr 22, 2005
well if you slashed him harder as you said you could have broken his neck... i'm guessing that would carry more than a suspension. i've seen guys banned for life for slashing someone in the head/neck.

There was definetly no way I was ever gonna break his neck. Worst case scenario his neck is pretty sore from it.

I easily could have broken my neck as well, except his on mine was unprovoked, and there is no way I'm gonna let someone do that to me for no reason except that I'm smaller and I don't see it coming, you better believe that if someone does it to me again I'm willing to seriously hurt them in retrobution.

If you can't dish it out, you shouldn't be doing it.

^Holy ****, after reading that post, my slash was like a baby tap.


Registered User
Apr 16, 2005
usually everyone on the team hits the guy all game long,always going out of there way to throw the hit.but i think you guys are talking about rec hockey,and i cant condone any type of retaliation,only to say anybody playing a goon role in a rec league should be kicked out.those people have to work the next day.i'm not against fighting or rough play,but it should be exclusive to serious doesnt take much to seriously injure a weekend player.if it's non seriuos,just try and be wayne gretzky and stay in shape.

BCCHL inactive

He wasn't even hurt and he skated away and we both got 2 game suspension.

Even now knowing what I did was dirty, I'd still do it. If he pressed charges on me, I'd do the same to him.

No you wouldn't, because you would get nowhere. A check from behind, as dirty as it is, unfortunately is a common happening in hockey that does not always occur with vicious intent. Whether in your case it was or not, slashing somebody in the neck with a stick (in court-language: weapon, possibly a deadly weapon) ALWAYS occurs with vicious intent.

It doesn't matter whether or not he was hurt. You committed the crime. Brad May slashed Steve Heinze in the face 6 years ago, "only" caused Heinze to get 9 stitches on his nose, and got a 20-game suspension. The guys running your rec league have their heads up their asses. Any referee's report containing the words, "slash to the head/neck" in a rec league should mean at least the rest of the season. Rec hockey is non-contact hockey meant for fun. Guys like you ruin it, and your consistant willingness to do it again further proves my point.

How exactly would I show him up when there are 3 seconds left in the game and I don't have the puck?

If responding violently is that important to you (Exhibit A as to why you shouldn't be allowed to play rec hockey), then drop your gloves and go after him. Don't assault him with a weapon. Just because you didn't hurt him seriously doesn't mean you couldn't have killed him.

If I laid him out I probably would have gotten suspended as well.

So you think it's ok to commit assault with a weapon because a less violent act would result in the same suspension from the morons running your league?

Exhibit B as to why you shouldn't be allowed to play rec hockey.

Dave got 6 months for an assault charge

That's it? He should have been put away for at least a decade, especially considering his record.

There was definetly no way I was ever gonna break his neck. Worst case scenario his neck is pretty sore from it.

I easily could have broken my neck as well, except his on mine was unprovoked, and there is no way I'm gonna let someone do that to me for no reason except that I'm smaller and I don't see it coming, you better believe that if someone does it to me again I'm willing to seriously hurt them in retrobution.

Exhibit C as to why you should not be allowed to play rec hockey.

You can't say that you would never have broken his neck. Fact is, you don't know. Don't try to argue that because you can't.

Guys like you have the same amount of respect as the guys who hit from behind for no apparent reason: None.

Magnus Fulgur

Registered User
Nov 27, 2002
Another good way to neutralize goons is for your teammates to skate together in a tighter pack. You pass quicker and goons can't get their stupid fat feet moving, and can't line you up for destruction.

Then after the game, be sure to slash their tires, "befriend" their girlies, and steal the online identities of their infirm grandparents.

Sugar in the gastank is good too.

Canadian Chris

Registered User
Feb 28, 2002
Nanaimo, BC
Visit site
Generally I try to keep my cool, in my hockey career as a defenseman from the age of 6 to 21 I probably have under 15 penalty minutes, most for trip or hook.

But this year in a no hitting league we were up 15-0, 3 seconds left, without the puck I got hit from behind and I was pretty pissed so I slashed him as hard as I could between the helmet and shoulder pads on the side of this neck. It was pretty dirty, but if I had the chance I'd do it again, just harder.

It also should be noted that he was about 5'11 280, and I'm about 5'7 140 soaking wet, definetly the smallest player on my team.

No wonder hockey is seen as such a barbaric joke of a sport. **** like this happens in REC LEAGUES, REC-RE-***-ATIONAL HOCKEY - leagues for fun. No money, just some pride and a good time. If you did that in our rec'd be banned~!


Registered User
Apr 22, 2005
Guys like you have the same amount of respect as the guys who hit from behind for no apparent reason: None.

:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Cry me a fu*king river bit*h.

I would never try to hurt somebody for no reason (he did, saw the smallest guy on the ice and hit him from behind without the puck), never have, never will, but I will not take a cheap shot and not do one in return, if you're prepared to try and break my neck, I will certainly try to do the same to you.

I will protect myself, with any means necessary, sorry you don't hold the same value for yourself.
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BCCHL inactive

:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Cry me a fu*king river bit*h.

How old are you? I've heard worse rhetoric when reffing peewee games.

I would never try to hurt somebody for no reason (he did, saw the smallest guy on the ice and hit him from behind without the puck), never have, never will, but I will not take a cheap shot and not do one in return, if you're prepared to try and break my neck, I will certainly try to do the same to you.

I will protect myself, with any means necessary, sorry you don't hold the same value for yourself.

You didn't protect yourself, you retaliated and used your stick as a weapon. You weren't hurt either, so by your logic, what he did to you wasn't much of anything.

From what you have said here, you are a violent-natured person. This, "eye for an eye" mentality does not belong in the game... at least not at the RECREATIONAL level.

As Chris said, if you did that in the rec league here, you wouldn't get a 2nd chance. You would be banned permanently.

Mr Jiggyfly

Registered User
Jan 29, 2004
That's it? He should have been put away for at least a decade, especially considering his record.

I have no clue if he plea bargained or not, or why the sentence was so light.

This happened about 10 years ago, and Dave has been in and out of jail non-stop. He has probably spent 1/4 of his life behind bars.

I was coaching a youth hockey team about three years ago, and I saw him at one of the games. He asked if I still played and if I could get him on a team.

I lied and told him I retired. That brother has mental issues, and it's best not to give him a reason to be mad at you.


Registered User
Apr 22, 2005
How old are you? I've heard worse rhetoric when reffing peewee games.

You didn't protect yourself, you retaliated and used your stick as a weapon. You weren't hurt either, so by your logic, what he did to you wasn't much of anything.

From what you have said here, you are a violent-natured person. This, "eye for an eye" mentality does not belong in the game... at least not at the RECREATIONAL level.

As Chris said, if you did that in the rec league here, you wouldn't get a 2nd chance. You would be banned permanently.

I wasn't hurt and neither was he, but hopefully anyone who saw that would say I'm not gonna touch that guy because he's crazy.

No, I believe in an eye for an eye.


I wasn't hurt and neither was he, but hopefully anyone who saw that would say I'm not gonna touch that guy because he's crazy.

No, I believe in an eye for an eye.

Honestly, no matter how hard you had hit the guy, if I had seen you do that to a teammate of mine, I would've eaten the suspension and clocked you, with my fist of course.

You took it too far.


Registered User
Apr 22, 2005
Honestly, no matter how hard you had hit the guy, if I had seen you do that to a teammate of mine, I would've eaten the suspension and clocked you, with my fist of course.

You took it too far.

Oh wow, its way less dirty if its with your fist. :shakehead

By the way, feel free to do so, but remember, I'm willing to fight very dirty, and I can wait a game or two for my retrobution.


Registered User
Nov 25, 2005
Tampa, FL
what are you going to do? trip him and step on his throat? whatever man.

Hitting someone in the neck with a stick(remember bertuzzi hit him with his hand), is taking it to the extreme. If you would have done that to a teammate of mine I would have beat the **** out of you... and I wouldn't need a stick to do it.

While I agree that it was a cheap shot and that some sort of retaliation was in order a potentially devistating hit with a stick was crossing that line. You cound have slashed him in the shin and let him know that you weren't going to take it, maybe a cup check... what you did was stupid, immature and wrong.


Registered User
Apr 22, 2005
what are you going to do? trip him and step on his throat? whatever man.

Hitting someone in the neck with a stick(remember bertuzzi hit him with his hand), is taking it to the extreme. If you would have done that to a teammate of mine I would have beat the **** out of you... and I wouldn't need a stick to do it.

While I agree that it was a cheap shot and that some sort of retaliation was in order a potentially devistating hit with a stick was crossing that line. You cound have slashed him in the shin and let him know that you weren't going to take it, maybe a cup check... what you did was stupid, immature and wrong.

So doing it with a stick is now more dirty? You guys have the biggest double standards of all time, and you think you're tough because you can beat up a little guy?

If you're going to try to injure me, I'll do that same back, I really don't care if idiots think I'm dirty.


Registered User
Nov 25, 2005
Tampa, FL
Think about it. You're hitting someone IN THEIR NECK with a weapon. It's not like you're giving him a little slash to his shin that might give him a bruise, you are putting his life and his way of life at risk. You could have seriously injured him, would you feel the same way if you had paralyzed him? There's a difference between a cross check and a slash to the neck.


Registered User
Apr 22, 2005
Think about it. You're hitting someone IN THEIR NECK with a weapon. It's not like you're giving him a little slash to his shin that might give him a bruise, you are putting his life and his way of life at risk. You could have seriously injured him, would you feel the same way if you had paralyzed him? There's a difference between a cross check and a slash to the neck.

Hitting someone with your fist is a weapon as well.

Do you have any idea how hard you would have to hit someone to break their neck, there is no way you could do that unless it was like a tomohawk axe swing. :biglaugh: Hell, Perezogins (sp) hit didn't even completely crumple the guys face, and the neck is way bigger.

He could have seriously injured me too, and that injury on mine is not at all uncommon. He was willing to risk my life, I'm willing to do the same to his.


Registered User
May 17, 2006
Golden, CO
Seriously dude hitting someone in the neck with your stick is wrong under any circumstance. As I said I am a small guy and people have run me many times throughout my time playing. I have never slashed anyone in the head or neck. Standing up for yourself and commiting assault are two different things.


Registered User
Apr 22, 2005
Seriously dude hitting someone in the neck with your stick is wrong under any circumstance. As I said I am a small guy and people have run me many times throughout my time playing. I have never slashed anyone in the head or neck. Standing up for yourself and commiting assault are two different things.

Yeah, he tried to hurt me, so I tried to hurt him, we're agreeing here.


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