Hockey Night in Canada - Can it Recover?


Registered User
Nov 1, 2009
GTA or the UK
Since the switch over to Rogers, the general consensus has been that Hockey Night in Canada has gone right down the drain. People point to different reasons for this - the host, cutting Cherry's time, not enough Friedman's / too many Doug MacLeans.

Viewership numbers are apparently down consistently as well.

Do people have an idea of why this is? And what sorts of things, if any, can HNIC do to maybe bounce back and get back into people's good graces?
Nov 15, 2010
Western Canada
As far as I know, it is Rogers calling the shots and not CBC, despite it airing on the latter's channel (part of the deal that was reached when Rogers won the contract). So as long as Rogers is in charge, I cannot see it improving.


Registered User
Jan 9, 2009
Canadian teams are bad which doesn't help.

To be honest, even if the Canadian teams were good I'm not sure the viewership numbers would have held. Between on-demand movies, Netflix and all the specialty stations, Canadians today have a lot more entertainment options than they did in the past.

I actually gave up my cable last year because I didn't use it enough to justify the cost - so I for one am watching no HNIC. But it has nothing to do with the format or content.


Master Monkey Herder
Jul 2, 2012
It's so awful. Rogers is the brodcast equivalent of the oilers old boys club. I swear these guys come into the bathroom after each other and just smell the scent of each others **** and call it flowers; similarly to the **** they put out and call "entertainment"


Registered User
Nov 11, 2002
Visit site
As far as I know, it is Rogers calling the shots and not CBC, despite it airing on the latter's channel (part of the deal that was reached when Rogers won the contract). So as long as Rogers is in charge, I cannot see it improving.

Whoever is producing for Rogers needs to go, I seriously cant stand Strombo. Maclean is an incredible host, I dont need a hipster telling me about hockey. He also looks like he needs some rest maybe taking some time off and sleeping will be the best thing for the guy.

Prairie Habs

Registered User
Oct 3, 2010
I believe when Rogers got the new deal they only had to let HNIC run for two more years so this is the last year they we are guaranteed to even have it. I think that Rogers would be out of their minds to try and turf HNIC as it is a Canadian staple and they would get a huge backlash but who knows.

I may be confusing this with Coaches Corner only being guaranteed two years though, can't quite remember and don't feel like looking it up. Same argument applies though, people would be mad if Cherry got cut.


Registered User
Apr 18, 2006
I haven't watched HNIC more than a couple of times since it switched, whereas I used to watch at least 50% of the time on average. Not a boycott or anything, it's not that bad, but it's just "meh" now, nothing special.


Registered User
Nov 29, 2011
Since the switch over to Rogers, the general consensus has been that Hockey Night in Canada has gone right down the drain. People point to different reasons for this - the host, cutting Cherry's time, not enough Friedman's / too many Doug MacLeans.

Why in the world is that a bad thing? The guy is a dinosaur with a wacky shirt.


Registered User
Nov 1, 2009
GTA or the UK
Why in the world is that a bad thing? The guy is a dinosaur with a wacky shirt.

Do you have a drunk uncle who turns into the laughable fool at parties?

Everyone has a drunk uncle who turns into a laughable fool at parties.

Don Cherry is Canada's drunk uncle who turns into a laughable fool at Saturday parties.


Registered User
Apr 12, 2014
I haven't watched HNIC more than a couple of times since it switched, whereas I used to watch at least 50% of the time on average. Not a boycott or anything, it's not that bad, but it's just "meh" now, nothing special.

Pretty much. I used to watch it almost every weekend. Now it just seems like a bunch of former frat boys took over. They don't have as many genuine methodical discussions anymore. Give Marek, Shannon and Elliott more airtime and maybe the perception will change.

Buck Aki Berg

Done with this place
Sep 17, 2008
Ottawa, ON
I think it can recover. I hate to use the word "tradition", because doing things a certain way "because tradition" is a fantastic way to make something suck, but this might be the exception that proves the rule.

Rogers needs to embrace the tradition of HNIC, the way CBC did. For years, CBC snuck the tagline "the tradition continues" into their broadcasts at some point, and at every turn there was some kind of nod to the history not only of the game, but of the broadcast - use of the same clips and imagery in their montages over and over again, Foster Hewitt's "Hello Canada, and hockey fans in the United States and Newfoundland", those admittedly-pointless "It happened on Hockey Night" segments.

So much of the HNIC experience was rooted in tradition and continuity - the game you watched while laying on the floor as a child with your parents on the sofa is the same game you watch today while sitting on the sofa with your own kids laying on the floor, and Rogers threw all that in the garbage in an understandable-but-misguided attempt to "make it their own". HNIC certainly had to be brought out of the dark ages, but I think they did way too much way too fast, and viewers tune in and ask "What the hell did you do to my show?!".

Cut back on the expensive studios and graphics and bells and whistles, remind the on-air staff that Canadians (rightly or wrongly) see HNIC as a sacred cultural institution (not a place for idiotic hijinks or a vehicle for corporate synergy), and maybe cut down on the number of regional games airing at the same time, and that would go a long way in bringing people back.

Also, stop airing Coach's Corner with Ron and Don in separate studios.


Registered User
Jun 17, 2009
Sportsnet/HNIC all the same thing - it's pretty bad. I am so happy when I find out the Leafs are playing on TSN. It's not even a competition in terms of quality.

Gonna enjoy TSN trade deadline show as well :)


When the Leafs are good HNIC will be fine

When I stop getting the Leafs forced onto me in games they aren't even playing in HNiC will be fine.
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Glass not 1/2 full
Apr 8, 2014
HNIC is pretty much the same now as any other weekday night game. Mostly the same people, same studio, same horrible analysis except Friedman. No more montages, Coaches Corner somehow even more awkward, Ron Maclean has been banished to Canada's smallest most uninteresting towns, etc.


President of the Drew Doughty Fan Club
Jul 20, 2011
It's so awful. Rogers is the brodcast equivalent of the oilers old boys club. I swear these guys come into the bathroom after each other and just smell the scent of each others **** and call it flowers; similarly to the **** they put out and call "entertainment"

It's insane that they will keep drudging out the same unlikeable cast of characters and expect the viewers to enjoy it. Honestly, does anybody actually like MacLean (Doug), Millard, Healy, or Cox? And yet while all of this is happening, they have their best option rotting away doing CHL game broadcasts


Registered User
Aug 15, 2011
I think it can recover. I hate to use the word "tradition", because doing things a certain way "because tradition" is a fantastic way to make something suck, but this might be the exception that proves the rule.

Rogers needs to embrace the tradition of HNIC, the way CBC did. For years, CBC snuck the tagline "the tradition continues" into their broadcasts at some point, and at every turn there was some kind of nod to the history not only of the game, but of the broadcast - use of the same clips and imagery in their montages over and over again, Foster Hewitt's "Hello Canada, and hockey fans in the United States and Newfoundland", those admittedly-pointless "It happened on Hockey Night" segments.

So much of the HNIC experience was rooted in tradition and continuity - the game you watched while laying on the floor as a child with your parents on the sofa is the same game you watch today while sitting on the sofa with your own kids laying on the floor, and Rogers threw all that in the garbage in an understandable-but-misguided attempt to "make it their own". HNIC certainly had to be brought out of the dark ages, but I think they did way too much way too fast, and viewers tune in and ask "What the hell did you do to my show?!".

Cut back on the expensive studios and graphics and bells and whistles, remind the on-air staff that Canadians (rightly or wrongly) see HNIC as a sacred cultural institution (not a place for idiotic hijinks or a vehicle for corporate synergy), and maybe cut down on the number of regional games airing at the same time, and that would go a long way in bringing people back.

Also, stop airing Coach's Corner with Ron and Don in separate studios.

Agree..the nostalgic feel of HNIC isn't the same.. I don't mind George but miss the old presentation..the new studio has too much going on and the camera is zoomed too far out so it is hard to focus on who is speaking..


Simple yet effective

Deuce Awesome

Registered User
Feb 23, 2010
Id watch HNIC to see Grapes and always enjoyed the satellite hotstove which was great for trade rumours before the rise of the internet.

Even with the rise of the internet I still watched it mostly out of habit.

It was a nice package. You may not be enjoying the team playing but you would always get something out of it.

Now, all I get out of it is annoyance with Strombo's cringe worthiness and Rogers wanting to sell me "apps" or watch the game on my phone (I mean really??)

Used to be in terms of broadcasts: CBC, TSN, Sportsnet.

Now its just TSN or I wont even bother. Id rather listen to Joe Bowen on the radio for Leafs games. At least he makes a bad product somewhat enjoyable.


It's insane that they will keep drudging out the same unlikeable cast of characters and expect the viewers to enjoy it. Honestly, does anybody actually like MacLean (Doug), Millard, Healy, or Cox? And yet while all of this is happening, they have their best option rotting away doing CHL game broadcasts

I like Healy. I don't really know why people hate him so much when he's certainly better than the other 3 you mentioned.


President of the Drew Doughty Fan Club
Jul 20, 2011
I like Healy. I don't really know why people hate him so much when he's certainly better than the other 3 you mentioned.

He's got that Steve Simmonds vibe to him. Watch the next broadcast he does, and count how many positive and how many negative things he says. It'll be 100% negative


Registered User
Jan 25, 2012
1. NHL players fold like cheap tents under the pressure of Canadian cities.
2. NHL management folds like cheap tents under the pressure of Canadian cities.
3. The lack of sunshine and cold weather in the winter turns NHL players to crap.
4. The NHL is fixing the league knowing Canadians will go to watch garbage hockey teams.

I don't know or believe any of this is true.

But I find it awfully strange how no team ever endures any real lasting success in Canada since the 2004 lockout.
The odd trip to the cup final. A couple of playoff years.

Ottawa fell off the map. Vancouver fell off the map.
Edmonton.. yah let's not go there.

Montreal has a good year or two then craps the bad.


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