Greatest Movie Villiains TOURNAMENT!!


Registered User
May 27, 2009
Ok,we have greatest movie character winner(Han Solo), but let's decide who is greatest screen villains of all time..

I pick 64 most famous(or infamous for that matter) ,most recognizable movie villains of all time.

Same as character tourney, just vote for villains you guys think are more evil,more despicable or greatest..

So let's go..

1 . R O U N D:

Amon Goeth(Schndler's List) vs Max Cady(Cape Fear)
Mr.Blonde(Reservoir Dogs) vs Nurse Ratched(One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest)
Annie Wilkes(Misery) vs John Ryder(American Psycho)
Catherine Tramell(Basic Instinct) vs Jason Voorhess(Friday the 13th)
Christian Szell(Marathon Man) vs El Indio(For a Few Dollars More)
Dracula(Dracula) vs Loki(Thor)
Auric Goldfinger(Goldfinger) vs Hans Gruber(Die Hard)
Alex DeLarge(A Clockwork Orange) vs Scorpio(Dirty Harry)
Emperor Palpatine(Star Wars) vs Samuel Norton(The Shawshank Redemption)
Calvin Candie(Django Unchained) vs Frank Booth(Blue Velvet)
Frank(Once Upon a Time in the West) vs Harry Lime(The Third Man)
Noah Cross(Chinatown) vs T-800(The Terminator)
Alien Queen(Alien) vs Hal 9000(2001:A Space Odyssey)
Alonzo Harris(Training Day) vs Bill the Butcher(The Gangs of New York)
Buffalo Bill(The Silence of the Lambs) vs Hannibal Lecter(The Silence of the Lambs)
Harry Powell(The Night of the Hunter) vs Lord Voldemort(Harry Potter etc.)

Alex Forrest(Fatal Attraction) vs Jack Torrance(The Shining)
Agent Smith(The Matrix) vs Darth Vader(Star Wars)
Clarence Boddicker(Robocop) vs Jigsaw(Saw)
John Doe(Se7en) vs Walter E.Kurtz(The Apocalypse Now)
Angel Eyes(The Good,the Bad and the Ugly) vs Biff Tannen(Back to the Future)
Frank Costello(The Departed) vs Keyser Soze(The Usual Suspects)
Commodus(Gladiator) vs Michael Corleone(The Godfather)
Khan Noonien Singh(Star Trek) vs Michael Myers(Halloween)
Anton Chigurh(No Couny For Old Men) vs Leatherface(The Texas Chainsaw Massacre)
Hans Landa(Inglorius Basterds) vs Norman Stansfield(Leon:The Professional)
Freddy Krueger(A Nightmare On Elm Street) vs Hanz Beckert(M)
Patrick Bateman(American Psycho) vs Wicked Witch of West(The Wizard of Oz)
Amy Dunne(Gone Girl) vs Norman Bates(Psycho)
Mrs.Iselin(The Manchurian Candidate) vs T-1000(Terminator 2)
Bane(The Dark Knight Rises) vs Tommy DeVito(Goodfellas)
Gordon Gekko(Wall Street) vs Tony Montana(Scarface)


Registered User
May 27, 2009
My wotes::
Amon Goeth(Schndler's List) vs Max Cady(Cape Fear)
Mr.Blonde(Reservoir Dogs) vs Nurse Ratched(One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest)
Annie Wilkes(Misery) vs John Ryder(American Psycho)
Catherine Tramell(Basic Instinct) vs Jason Voorhess(Friday the 13th)
Christian Szell(Marathon Man) vs El Indio(For a Few Dollars More)
Dracula(Dracula) vs Loki(Thor)
Auric Goldfinger(Goldfinger) vs Hans Gruber(Die Hard)
Alex DeLarge(A Clockwork Orange) vs Scorpio(Dirty Harry)
Emperor Palpatine(Star Wars) vs Samuel Norton(The Shawshank Redemption)
Calvin Candie(Django Unchained) vs Frank Booth(Blue Velvet)
Frank(Once Upon a Time in the West) vs Harry Lime(The Third Man)
Noah Cross(Chinatown) vs T-800(The Terminator)
Alien Queen(Alien) vs Hal 9000(2001:A Space Odyssey)
Alonzo Harris(Training Day) vs Bill the Butcher(The Gangs of New York)
Buffalo Bill(The Silence of the Lambs) vs Hannibal Lecter(The Silence of the Lambs)
Harry Powell(The Night of the Hunter)
vs Lord Voldemort(Harry Potter etc.)

Alex Forrest(Fatal Attraction) vs Jack Torrance(The Shining)
Agent Smith(The Matrix) vs Darth Vader(Star Wars)
Clarence Boddicker(Robocop) vs Jigsaw(Saw)
John Doe(Se7en) vs Walter E.Kurtz(The Apocalypse Now)
Angel Eyes(The Good,the Bad and the Ugly) vs Biff Tannen(Back to the Future)
Frank Costello(The Departed) vs Keyser Soze(The Usual Suspects)
vs Michael Corleone(The Godfather)
Khan Noonien Singh(Star Trek) vs Michael Myers(Halloween)
Anton Chigurh(No Couny For Old Men) vs Leatherface(The Texas Chainsaw Massacre)
Hans Landa(Inglorius Basterds) vs Norman Stansfield(Leon:The Professional)
Freddy Krueger(A Nightmare On Elm Street) vs Hanz Beckert(M)
Patrick Bateman(American Psycho) vs Wicked Witch of West(The Wizard of Oz)
Amy Dunne(Gone Girl) vs Norman Bates(Psycho)
Mrs.Iselin(The Manchurian Candidate) vs T-1000(Terminator 2)
Bane(The Dark Knight Rises) vs Tommy DeVito(Goodfellas)
Gordon Gekko(Wall Street) vs Tony Montana(Scarface)


Former Flyers fan
Sep 28, 2014
1 . R O U N D:

Amon Goeth(Schndler's List) vs Max Cady(Cape Fear)
Mr.Blonde(Reservoir Dogs) vs Nurse Ratched(One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest)
Annie Wilkes(Misery) vs John Ryder(American Psycho)
Catherine Tramell(Basic Instinct) vs Jason Voorhess(Friday the 13th)
Christian Szell(Marathon Man) vs El Indio(For a Few Dollars More)
Dracula(Dracula) vs Loki(Thor)
Auric Goldfinger(Goldfinger) vs Hans Gruber(Die Hard)
Alex DeLarge(A Clockwork Orange) vs Scorpio(Dirty Harry)
Emperor Palpatine(Star Wars) vs Samuel Norton(The Shawshank Redemption)
Calvin Candie(Django Unchained) vs Frank Booth(Blue Velvet)
Frank(Once Upon a Time in the West) vs Harry Lime(The Third Man)
Noah Cross(Chinatown) vs T-800(The Terminator)
Alien Queen(Alien) vs Hal 9000(2001:A Space Odyssey)
Alonzo Harris(Training Day) vs Bill the Butcher(The Gangs of New York)
Buffalo Bill(The Silence of the Lambs) vs Hannibal Lecter(The Silence of the Lambs)
Harry Powell(The Night of the Hunter) vs Lord Voldemort(Harry Potter etc.)

Alex Forrest(Fatal Attraction) vs Jack Torrance(The Shining)
Agent Smith(The Matrix) vs Darth Vader(Star Wars)
Clarence Boddicker(Robocop) vs Jigsaw(Saw)
John Doe(Se7en) vs Walter E.Kurtz(The Apocalypse Now)
Angel Eyes(The Good,the Bad and the Ugly) vs Biff Tannen(Back to the Future)
Frank Costello(The Departed) vs Keyser Soze(The Usual Suspects)
Commodus(Gladiator) vs Michael Corleone(The Godfather)
Khan Noonien Singh(Star Trek) vs Michael Myers(Halloween)
Anton Chigurh(No Couny For Old Men) vs Leatherface(The Texas Chainsaw Massacre)
Hans Landa(Inglorius Basterds) vs Norman Stansfield(Leon:The Professional)
Freddy Krueger(A Nightmare On Elm Street) vs Hanz Beckert(M)
Patrick Bateman(American Psycho) vs Wicked Witch of West(The Wizard of Oz)
Amy Dunne(Gone Girl) vs Norman Bates(Psycho)
Mrs.Iselin(The Manchurian Candidate) vs T-1000(Terminator 2)
Bane(The Dark Knight Rises) vs Tommy DeVito(Goodfellas)
Gordon Gekko(Wall Street) vs Tony Montana(Scarface)

Hans Landa vs. Norman Stanfield was my toughest choice.


Feb 8, 2012
Mulberry Street
Amon Goeth(Schndler's List) vs Max Cady(Cape Fear)
Mr.Blonde(Reservoir Dogs) vs Nurse Ratched(One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest)
Annie Wilkes(Misery) vs John Ryder(American Psycho)
Catherine Tramell(Basic Instinct) vs Jason Voorhess(Friday the 13th)
Christian Szell(Marathon Man) vs El Indio(For a Few Dollars More)
Dracula(Dracula) vs Loki(Thor)
Auric Goldfinger(Goldfinger) vs Hans Gruber(Die Hard)
Alex DeLarge(A Clockwork Orange) vs Scorpio(Dirty Harry)
Emperor Palpatine(Star Wars) vs Samuel Norton(The Shawshank Redemption)
Calvin Candie(Django Unchained) vs Frank Booth(Blue Velvet)
Frank(Once Upon a Time in the West) vs Harry Lime(The Third Man)
Noah Cross(Chinatown) vs T-800(The Terminator)
Alien Queen(Alien) vs Hal 9000(2001:A Space Odyssey)
Alonzo Harris(Training Day) vs Bill the Butcher(The Gangs of New York)
Buffalo Bill(The Silence of the Lambs) vs Hannibal Lecter(The Silence of the Lambs)
Harry Powell(The Night of the Hunter) vs Lord Voldemort(Harry Potter etc.)

Alex Forrest(Fatal Attraction) vs Jack Torrance(The Shining)
Agent Smith(The Matrix) vs Darth Vader(Star Wars)
Clarence Boddicker(Robocop) vs Jigsaw(Saw)
John Doe(Se7en) vs Walter E.Kurtz(The Apocalypse Now)
Angel Eyes(The Good,the Bad and the Ugly) vs Biff Tannen(Back to the Future)
Frank Costello(The Departed) vs Keyser Soze(The Usual Suspects)
Commodus(Gladiator) vs Michael Corleone(The Godfather)
Khan Noonien Singh(Star Trek) vs Michael Myers(Halloween)
Anton Chigurh(No Couny For Old Men) vs Leatherface(The Texas Chainsaw Massacre)
Hans Landa(Inglorius Basterds) vs Norman Stansfield(Leon:The Professional)
Freddy Krueger(A Nightmare On Elm Street) vs Hanz Beckert(M)
Patrick Bateman(American Psycho) vs Wicked Witch of West(The Wizard of Oz)
Amy Dunne(Gone Girl) vs Norman Bates(Psycho)
Mrs.Iselin(The Manchurian Candidate) vs T-1000(Terminator 2)
Bane(The Dark Knight Rises) vs Tommy DeVito(Goodfellas)
Gordon Gekko(Wall Street) vs Tony Montana(Scarface)

Toughest ones for me were Bane vs DeVito & Gekko vs Montana.


Registered User
Dec 14, 2011
1 . R O U N D:

Amon Goeth(Schndler's List) vs Max Cady(Cape Fear)
Mr.Blonde(Reservoir Dogs) vs Nurse Ratched(One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest)
Annie Wilkes(Misery) vs John Ryder(American Psycho)
Catherine Tramell(Basic Instinct) vs Jason Voorhess(Friday the 13th)
Christian Szell(Marathon Man) vs El Indio(For a Few Dollars More)
Dracula(Dracula) vs Loki(Thor)
Auric Goldfinger(Goldfinger) vs Hans Gruber(Die Hard)
Alex DeLarge(A Clockwork Orange) vs Scorpio(Dirty Harry)
Emperor Palpatine(Star Wars) vs Samuel Norton(The Shawshank Redemption)
Calvin Candie(Django Unchained) vs Frank Booth(Blue Velvet)
Frank(Once Upon a Time in the West) vs Harry Lime(The Third Man)
Noah Cross(Chinatown) vs T-800(The Terminator)
Alien Queen(Alien) vs Hal 9000(2001:A Space Odyssey)
Alonzo Harris(Training Day) vs Bill the Butcher(The Gangs of New York)
Buffalo Bill(The Silence of the Lambs) vs Hannibal Lecter(The Silence of the Lambs)
Harry Powell(The Night of the Hunter) vs Lord Voldemort(Harry Potter etc.)

Alex Forrest(Fatal Attraction) vs Jack Torrance(The Shining)
Agent Smith(The Matrix) vs Darth Vader(Star Wars)
Clarence Boddicker(Robocop) vs Jigsaw(Saw)
John Doe(Se7en) vs Walter E.Kurtz(The Apocalypse Now)
Angel Eyes(The Good,the Bad and the Ugly) vs Biff Tannen(Back to the Future)
Frank Costello(The Departed) vs Keyser Soze(The Usual Suspects)
Commodus(Gladiator) vs Michael Corleone(The Godfather)
Khan Noonien Singh(Star Trek) vs Michael Myers(Halloween)
Anton Chigurh(No Couny For Old Men) vs Leatherface(The Texas Chainsaw Massacre)
Hans Landa(Inglorius Basterds) vs Norman Stansfield(Leon:The Professional)
Freddy Krueger(A Nightmare On Elm Street) vs Hanz Beckert(M)
Patrick Bateman(American Psycho) vs Wicked Witch of West(The Wizard of Oz)
Amy Dunne(Gone Girl) vs Norman Bates(Psycho)
Mrs.Iselin(The Manchurian Candidate) vs T-1000(Terminator 2)
Bane(The Dark Knight Rises) vs Tommy DeVito(Goodfellas)
Gordon Gekko(Wall Street) vs Tony Montana(Scarface)

Wee Baby Seamus

Yo, Goober, where's the meat?
Mar 15, 2011
Amon Goeth(Schndler's List) vs Max Cady(Cape Fear)
Mr.Blonde(Reservoir Dogs) vs Nurse Ratched(One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest)
Annie Wilkes(Misery) vs John Ryder(American Psycho)
Catherine Tramell(Basic Instinct) vs Jason Voorhess(Friday the 13th)
Christian Szell(Marathon Man) vs El Indio(For a Few Dollars More) I have seen neither
Dracula(Dracula) vs Loki(Thor)
Auric Goldfinger(Goldfinger) vs Hans Gruber(Die Hard)
Alex DeLarge(A Clockwork Orange) vs Scorpio(Dirty Harry)
Emperor Palpatine(Star Wars) vs Samuel Norton(The Shawshank Redemption)
Calvin Candie(Django Unchained) vs Frank Booth(Blue Velvet)
Frank(Once Upon a Time in the West) vs Harry Lime(The Third Man) I've seen neither
Noah Cross(Chinatown) vs T-800(The Terminator)
Alien Queen(Alien) vs Hal 9000(2001:A Space Odyssey)
Alonzo Harris(Training Day) vs Bill the Butcher(The Gangs of New York)
Buffalo Bill(The Silence of the Lambs) vs Hannibal Lecter(The Silence of the Lambs)
Harry Powell(The Night of the Hunter) vs Lord Voldemort(Harry Potter etc.)

Alex Forrest(Fatal Attraction) vs Jack Torrance(The Shining)
Agent Smith(The Matrix) vs Darth Vader(Star Wars)
Clarence Boddicker(Robocop) vs Jigsaw(Saw)
John Doe(Se7en) vs Walter E.Kurtz(The Apocalypse Now)
Angel Eyes(The Good,the Bad and the Ugly) vs Biff Tannen(Back to the Future)
Frank Costello(The Departed) vs Keyser Soze(The Usual Suspects)
Commodus(Gladiator) vs Michael Corleone(The Godfather)
Khan Noonien Singh(Star Trek) vs Michael Myers(Halloween)
Anton Chigurh(No Couny For Old Men) vs Leatherface(The Texas Chainsaw Massacre)
Hans Landa(Inglorius Basterds) vs Norman Stansfield(Leon:The Professional)
Freddy Krueger(A Nightmare On Elm Street) vs Hanz Beckert(M)
Patrick Bateman(American Psycho) vs Wicked Witch of West(The Wizard of Oz)
Amy Dunne(Gone Girl) vs Norman Bates(Psycho)
Mrs.Iselin(The Manchurian Candidate) vs T-1000(Terminator 2)
Bane(The Dark Knight Rises) vs Tommy DeVito(Goodfellas)
Gordon Gekko(Wall Street) vs Tony Montana(Scarface)


McEnroe: The older I get, the better I used to be.
Jun 14, 2006
Amon Goeth(Schndler's List) vs Max Cady(Cape Fear)
Mr.Blonde(Reservoir Dogs) vs Nurse Ratched(One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest)
Annie Wilkes(Misery) vs John Ryder(American Psycho)
Catherine Tramell(Basic Instinct) vs Jason Voorhess(Friday the 13th)
Christian Szell(Marathon Man) vs El Indio(For a Few Dollars More)
Dracula(Dracula) vs Loki(Thor)
Auric Goldfinger(Goldfinger) vs Hans Gruber(Die Hard)
Alex DeLarge(A Clockwork Orange) vs Scorpio(Dirty Harry)
Emperor Palpatine(Star Wars) vs Samuel Norton(The Shawshank Redemption)
Calvin Candie(Django Unchained) vs Frank Booth(Blue Velvet)
Frank(Once Upon a Time in the West) vs Harry Lime(The Third Man)
Noah Cross(Chinatown) vs T-800(The Terminator)
Alien Queen(Alien) vs Hal 9000(2001:A Space Odyssey)
Alonzo Harris(Training Day) vs Bill the Butcher(The Gangs of New York)
Buffalo Bill(The Silence of the Lambs) vs Hannibal Lecter(The Silence of the Lambs)
Harry Powell(The Night of the Hunter) vs Lord Voldemort(Harry Potter etc.)

Alex Forrest(Fatal Attraction) vs Jack Torrance(The Shining)
Agent Smith(The Matrix) vs Darth Vader(Star Wars)
Clarence Boddicker(Robocop) vs Jigsaw(Saw)
John Doe(Se7en) vs Walter E.Kurtz(The Apocalypse Now)
Angel Eyes(The Good,the Bad and the Ugly) vs Biff Tannen(Back to the Future)
Frank Costello(The Departed) vs Keyser Soze(The Usual Suspects)
Commodus(Gladiator) vs Michael Corleone(The Godfather)
Khan Noonien Singh(Star Trek) vs Michael Myers(Halloween)
Anton Chigurh(No Couny For Old Men) vs Leatherface(The Texas Chainsaw Massacre)
Hans Landa(Inglorius Basterds) vs Norman Stansfield(Leon:The Professional)
Freddy Krueger(A Nightmare On Elm Street) vs Hanz Beckert(M)
Patrick Bateman(American Psycho) vs Wicked Witch of West(The Wizard of Oz)
Amy Dunne(Gone Girl) vs Norman Bates(Psycho)
Mrs.Iselin(The Manchurian Candidate) vs T-1000(Terminator 2)
Bane(The Dark Knight Rises) vs Tommy DeVito(Goodfellas)
Gordon Gekko(Wall Street) vs Tony Montana(Scarface)


Registered User
Dec 2, 2009
Amon Goeth(Schndler's List) vs Max Cady(Cape Fear)
Mr.Blonde(Reservoir Dogs) vs Nurse Ratched(One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest)
Annie Wilkes(Misery) vs John Ryder(American Psycho)
Catherine Tramell(Basic Instinct) vs Jason Voorhess(Friday the 13th)
Christian Szell(Marathon Man) vs El Indio(For a Few Dollars More)
Dracula(Dracula) vs Loki(Thor)
Auric Goldfinger(Goldfinger) vs Hans Gruber(Die Hard)
Alex DeLarge(A Clockwork Orange) vs Scorpio(Dirty Harry)
Emperor Palpatine(Star Wars) vs Samuel Norton(The Shawshank Redemption)
Calvin Candie(Django Unchained) vs Frank Booth(Blue Velvet)
Frank(Once Upon a Time in the West) vs Harry Lime(The Third Man)
Noah Cross(Chinatown) vs T-800(The Terminator)
Alien Queen(Alien) vs Hal 9000(2001:A Space Odyssey)
Alonzo Harris(Training Day) vs Bill the Butcher(The Gangs of New York)
Buffalo Bill(The Silence of the Lambs) vs Hannibal Lecter(The Silence of the Lambs)
Harry Powell(The Night of the Hunter) vs Lord Voldemort(Harry Potter etc.)

Alex Forrest(Fatal Attraction) vs Jack Torrance(The Shining)
Agent Smith(The Matrix) vs Darth Vader(Star Wars)
Clarence Boddicker(Robocop) vs Jigsaw(Saw)
John Doe(Se7en) vs Walter E.Kurtz(The Apocalypse Now)
Angel Eyes(The Good,the Bad and the Ugly) vs Biff Tannen(Back to the Future)
Frank Costello(The Departed) vs Keyser Soze(The Usual Suspects)
Commodus(Gladiator) vs Michael Corleone(The Godfather)
Khan Noonien Singh(Star Trek) vs Michael Myers(Halloween)
Anton Chigurh(No Couny For Old Men) vs Leatherface(The Texas Chainsaw Massacre)
Hans Landa(Inglorius Basterds) vs Norman Stansfield(Leon:The Professional)
Freddy Krueger(A Nightmare On Elm Street) vs Hanz Beckert(M)
Patrick Bateman(American Psycho) vs Wicked Witch of West(The Wizard of Oz)
Amy Dunne(Gone Girl) vs Norman Bates(Psycho)
Mrs.Iselin(The Manchurian Candidate) vs T-1000(Terminator 2)
Bane(The Dark Knight Rises) vs Tommy DeVito(Goodfellas)
Gordon Gekko(Wall Street) vs Tony Montana(Scarface)

Holden Caulfield

He's guilty
Feb 15, 2006
Amon Goeth(Schndler's List) vs Max Cady(Cape Fear)
Mr.Blonde(Reservoir Dogs) vs Nurse Ratched(One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest)
Annie Wilkes(Misery) vs John Ryder(American Psycho)
Catherine Tramell(Basic Instinct) vs Jason Voorhess(Friday the 13th)
Christian Szell(Marathon Man) vs El Indio(For a Few Dollars More)
Dracula(Dracula) vs Loki(Thor)
Auric Goldfinger(Goldfinger) vs Hans Gruber(Die Hard)
Alex DeLarge(A Clockwork Orange) vs Scorpio(Dirty Harry)
Emperor Palpatine(Star Wars) vs Samuel Norton(The Shawshank Redemption)
Calvin Candie(Django Unchained) vs Frank Booth(Blue Velvet)
Frank(Once Upon a Time in the West) vs Harry Lime(The Third Man)
Noah Cross(Chinatown) vs T-800(The Terminator)
Alien Queen(Alien) vs Hal 9000(2001:A Space Odyssey)
Alonzo Harris(Training Day) vs Bill the Butcher(The Gangs of New York)
Buffalo Bill(The Silence of the Lambs) vs Hannibal Lecter(The Silence of the Lambs)
Harry Powell(The Night of the Hunter) vs Lord Voldemort(Harry Potter etc.)

Alex Forrest(Fatal Attraction) vs Jack Torrance(The Shining)
Agent Smith(The Matrix) vs Darth Vader(Star Wars)
Clarence Boddicker(Robocop) vs Jigsaw(Saw)
John Doe(Se7en) vs Walter E.Kurtz(The Apocalypse Now)
Angel Eyes(The Good,the Bad and the Ugly) vs Biff Tannen(Back to the Future)
Frank Costello(The Departed) vs Keyser Soze(The Usual Suspects)
Commodus(Gladiator) vs Michael Corleone(The Godfather)
Khan Noonien Singh(Star Trek) vs Michael Myers(Halloween)
Anton Chigurh(No Couny For Old Men) vs Leatherface(The Texas Chainsaw Massacre)
Hans Landa(Inglorius Basterds) vs Norman Stansfield(Leon:The Professional)
Freddy Krueger(A Nightmare On Elm Street) vs Hanz Beckert(M)
Patrick Bateman(American Psycho) vs Wicked Witch of West(The Wizard of Oz)
Amy Dunne(Gone Girl) vs Norman Bates(Psycho)
Mrs.Iselin(The Manchurian Candidate) vs T-1000(Terminator 2)
Bane(The Dark Knight Rises) vs Tommy DeVito(Goodfellas)
Gordon Gekko(Wall Street) vs Tony Montana(Scarface)


the last emperor
Sep 11, 2004


Registered User
May 24, 2006
Fairfax, VA
Amon Goeth(Schndler's List) vs Max Cady(Cape Fear)
Mr.Blonde(Reservoir Dogs) vs Nurse Ratched(One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest)
Annie Wilkes(Misery) vs John Ryder(American Psycho)
Catherine Tramell(Basic Instinct) vs Jason Voorhess(Friday the 13th)
Christian Szell(Marathon Man) vs El Indio(For a Few Dollars More)
Dracula(Dracula) vs Loki(Thor)
Auric Goldfinger(Goldfinger) vs Hans Gruber(Die Hard)
Alex DeLarge(A Clockwork Orange) vs Scorpio(Dirty Harry)
Emperor Palpatine(Star Wars) vs Samuel Norton(The Shawshank Redemption)
Calvin Candie(Django Unchained) vs Frank Booth(Blue Velvet)
Frank(Once Upon a Time in the West) vs Harry Lime(The Third Man)
Noah Cross(Chinatown) vs T-800(The Terminator)
Alien Queen(Alien) vs Hal 9000(2001:A Space Odyssey)
Alonzo Harris(Training Day) vs Bill the Butcher(The Gangs of New York)
Buffalo Bill(The Silence of the Lambs) vs Hannibal Lecter(The Silence of the Lambs)
Harry Powell(The Night of the Hunter) vs Lord Voldemort(Harry Potter etc.)

Alex Forrest(Fatal Attraction) vs Jack Torrance(The Shining)
Agent Smith(The Matrix) vs Darth Vader(Star Wars)
Clarence Boddicker(Robocop) vs Jigsaw(Saw)
John Doe(Se7en) vs Walter E.Kurtz(The Apocalypse Now)
Angel Eyes(The Good,the Bad and the Ugly) vs Biff Tannen(Back to the Future)
Frank Costello(The Departed) vs Keyser Soze(The Usual Suspects)
Commodus(Gladiator) vs Michael Corleone(The Godfather)
Khan Noonien Singh(Star Trek) vs Michael Myers(Halloween)
Anton Chigurh(No Couny For Old Men) vs Leatherface(The Texas Chainsaw Massacre)
Hans Landa(Inglorius Basterds) vs Norman Stansfield(Leon:The Professional)
Freddy Krueger(A Nightmare On Elm Street) vs Hanz Beckert(M)
Patrick Bateman(American Psycho) vs Wicked Witch of West(The Wizard of Oz)
Amy Dunne(Gone Girl) vs Norman Bates(Psycho)
Mrs.Iselin(The Manchurian Candidate) vs T-1000(Terminator 2)
Bane(The Dark Knight Rises) vs Tommy DeVito(Goodfellas)
Gordon Gekko(Wall Street) vs Tony Montana(Scarface)

Bubba Thudd

is getting banned
Jul 19, 2005
Amon Goeth(Schndler's List) vs Max Cady(Cape Fear)
Mr.Blonde(Reservoir Dogs) vs Nurse Ratched(One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest)
Annie Wilkes(Misery) vs John Ryder(American Psycho)
Catherine Tramell(Basic Instinct) vs Jason Voorhess(Friday the 13th)
Christian Szell(Marathon Man) vs El Indio(For a Few Dollars More)
Dracula(Dracula) vs Loki(Thor)
Auric Goldfinger(Goldfinger) vs Hans Gruber(Die Hard)
Alex DeLarge(A Clockwork Orange) vs Scorpio(Dirty Harry)
Emperor Palpatine(Star Wars) vs Samuel Norton(The Shawshank Redemption)
Calvin Candie(Django Unchained) vs Frank Booth(Blue Velvet)
Frank(Once Upon a Time in the West) vs Harry Lime(The Third Man)
Noah Cross(Chinatown) vs T-800(The Terminator)
Alien Queen(Alien) vs Hal 9000(2001:A Space Odyssey)
Alonzo Harris(Training Day) vs Bill the Butcher(The Gangs of New York)
Buffalo Bill(The Silence of the Lambs) vs Hannibal Lecter(The Silence of the Lambs)
Harry Powell(The Night of the Hunter) vs Lord Voldemort(Harry Potter etc.)
Alex Forrest(Fatal Attraction) vs Jack Torrance(The Shining)
Agent Smith(The Matrix) vs Darth Vader(Star Wars)
Clarence Boddicker(Robocop) vs Jigsaw(Saw)
John Doe(Se7en) vs Walter E.Kurtz(The Apocalypse Now)
Angel Eyes(The Good,the Bad and the Ugly) vs Biff Tannen(Back to the Future)
Frank Costello(The Departed) vs Keyser Soze(The Usual Suspects)
Commodus(Gladiator) vs Michael Corleone(The Godfather)
Khan Noonien Singh(Star Trek) vs Michael Myers(Halloween)
Anton Chigurh(No Couny For Old Men) vs Leatherface(The Texas Chainsaw Massacre)
Hans Landa(Inglorius Basterds) vs Norman Stansfield(Leon:The Professional)
Freddy Krueger(A Nightmare On Elm Street) vs Hanz Beckert(M)
Patrick Bateman(American Psycho) vs Wicked Witch of West(The Wizard of Oz)
Amy Dunne(Gone Girl) vs Norman Bates(Psycho)
Mrs.Iselin(The Manchurian Candidate) vs T-1000(Terminator 2)
Bane(The Dark Knight Rises) vs Tommy DeVito(Goodfellas)
Gordon Gekko(Wall Street) vs Tony Montana(Scarface)


Registered User
Jan 11, 2003
Visit site
1 . R O U N D:

Amon Goeth(Schndler's List) vs Max Cady(Cape Fear)
Mr.Blonde(Reservoir Dogs) vs Nurse Ratched(One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest)
Annie Wilkes(Misery) vs John Ryder(American Psycho)
Catherine Tramell(Basic Instinct) vs Jason Voorhess(Friday the 13th)
Christian Szell(Marathon Man) vs El Indio(For a Few Dollars More)
Dracula(Dracula) vs Loki(Thor)
Auric Goldfinger(Goldfinger) vs Hans Gruber(Die Hard)
Alex DeLarge(A Clockwork Orange) vs Scorpio(Dirty Harry)
Emperor Palpatine(Star Wars) vs Samuel Norton(The Shawshank Redemption)
Calvin Candie(Django Unchained) vs Frank Booth(Blue Velvet)
Frank(Once Upon a Time in the West) vs Harry Lime(The Third Man)
Noah Cross(Chinatown) vs T-800(The Terminator)
Alien Queen(Alien) vs Hal 9000(2001:A Space Odyssey)
Alonzo Harris(Training Day) vs Bill the Butcher(The Gangs of New York)
Buffalo Bill(The Silence of the Lambs) vs Hannibal Lecter(The Silence of the Lambs)
Harry Powell(The Night of the Hunter) vs Lord Voldemort(Harry Potter etc.)

Alex Forrest(Fatal Attraction) vs Jack Torrance(The Shining)
Agent Smith(The Matrix) vs Darth Vader(Star Wars)
Clarence Boddicker(Robocop) vs Jigsaw(Saw)
John Doe(Se7en) vs Walter E.Kurtz(The Apocalypse Now)
Angel Eyes(The Good,the Bad and the Ugly) vs Biff Tannen(Back to the Future)
Frank Costello(The Departed) vs Keyser Soze(The Usual Suspects)
Commodus(Gladiator) vs Michael Corleone(The Godfather)
Khan Noonien Singh(Star Trek) vs Michael Myers(Halloween)
Anton Chigurh(No Couny For Old Men) vs Leatherface(The Texas Chainsaw Massacre)
Hans Landa(Inglorius Basterds) vs Norman Stansfield(Leon:The Professional)
Freddy Krueger(A Nightmare On Elm Street) vs Hanz Beckert(M)
Patrick Bateman(American Psycho) vs Wicked Witch of West(The Wizard of Oz)
Amy Dunne(Gone Girl) vs Norman Bates(Psycho)
Mrs.Iselin(The Manchurian Candidate) vs T-1000(Terminator 2)
Bane(The Dark Knight Rises) vs Tommy DeVito(Goodfellas)
Gordon Gekko(Wall Street) vs Tony Montana(Scarface)

My picks.


pastured mod
Jul 22, 2003
Amon Goeth(Schndler's List) vs Max Cady(Cape Fear)
Mr.Blonde(Reservoir Dogs) vs Nurse Ratched(One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest)
Annie Wilkes(Misery) vs John Ryder(American Psycho)
Catherine Tramell(Basic Instinct) vs Jason Voorhess(Friday the 13th)
Christian Szell(Marathon Man) vs El Indio(For a Few Dollars More)
Dracula(Dracula) vs Loki(Thor)
Auric Goldfinger(Goldfinger) vs Hans Gruber(Die Hard)
Alex DeLarge(A Clockwork Orange) vs Scorpio(Dirty Harry)
Emperor Palpatine(Star Wars) vs Samuel Norton(The Shawshank Redemption)
Calvin Candie(Django Unchained) vs Frank Booth(Blue Velvet)
Frank(Once Upon a Time in the West) vs Harry Lime(The Third Man)
Noah Cross(Chinatown) vs T-800(The Terminator)
Alien Queen(Alien) vs Hal 9000(2001:A Space Odyssey)
Alonzo Harris(Training Day) vs Bill the Butcher(The Gangs of New York)
Buffalo Bill(The Silence of the Lambs) vs Hannibal Lecter(The Silence of the Lambs)
Harry Powell(The Night of the Hunter) vs Lord Voldemort(Harry Potter etc.)

Alex Forrest(Fatal Attraction) vs Jack Torrance(The Shining)
Agent Smith(The Matrix) vs Darth Vader(Star Wars)
Clarence Boddicker(Robocop) vs Jigsaw(Saw)
John Doe(Se7en) vs Walter E.Kurtz(The Apocalypse Now)
Angel Eyes(The Good,the Bad and the Ugly) vs Biff Tannen(Back to the Future)
Frank Costello(The Departed) vs Keyser Soze(The Usual Suspects)
Commodus(Gladiator) vs Michael Corleone(The Godfather)
Khan Noonien Singh(Star Trek) vs Michael Myers(Halloween)
Anton Chigurh(No Couny For Old Men) vs Leatherface(The Texas Chainsaw Massacre)
Hans Landa(Inglorius Basterds) vs Norman Stansfield(Leon:The Professional)
Freddy Krueger(A Nightmare On Elm Street) vs Hanz Beckert(M)
Patrick Bateman(American Psycho) vs Wicked Witch of West(The Wizard of Oz)
Amy Dunne(Gone Girl) vs Norman Bates(Psycho)
Mrs.Iselin(The Manchurian Candidate) vs T-1000(Terminator 2)
Bane(The Dark Knight Rises) vs Tommy DeVito(Goodfellas)
Gordon Gekko(Wall Street) vs Tony Montana(Scarface)

No fair putting Agent Smith against Darth Vader in the first round!:rant: Smith should go further, but he's not better than Vader.

Didn't vote on a few where I didn't see either film.


Registered User
Jun 10, 2007
Edmonton, Alberta

Mr.Blonde(Reservoir Dogs) vs Nurse Ratched(One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest)
Catherine Tramell(Basic Instinct) vs Jason Voorhess(Friday the 13th)
Dracula(Dracula) vs Loki(Thor)
Auric Goldfinger(Goldfinger) vs Hans Gruber(Die Hard)
Alex DeLarge(A Clockwork Orange) vs Scorpio(Dirty Harry)
Alien Queen(Alien) vs Hal 9000(2001:A Space Odyssey)
Buffalo Bill(The Silence of the Lambs) vs Hannibal Lecter(The Silence of the Lambs)

Alex Forrest(Fatal Attraction) vs Jack Torrance(The Shining)
Agent Smith(The Matrix) vs Darth Vader(Star Wars)
Clarence Boddicker(Robocop) vs Jigsaw(Saw)
Angel Eyes(The Good,the Bad and the Ugly) vs Biff Tannen(Back to the Future)
Anton Chigurh(No Couny For Old Men) vs Leatherface(The Texas Chainsaw Massacre)
Freddy Krueger(A Nightmare On Elm Street) vs Hanz Beckert(M)
Patrick Bateman(American Psycho) vs Wicked Witch of West(The Wizard of Oz)
Amy Dunne(Gone Girl) vs Norman Bates(Psycho)
Mrs.Iselin(The Manchurian Candidate) vs T-1000(Terminator 2)
Gordon Gekko(Wall Street) vs Tony Montana(Scarface)

End of Line

Registered User
Mar 20, 2009
1 . R O U N D:

Amon Goeth(Schndler's List) vs Max Cady(Cape Fear)
Mr.Blonde(Reservoir Dogs) vs Nurse Ratched(One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest)
Annie Wilkes(Misery) vs John Ryder(American Psycho)
Catherine Tramell(Basic Instinct) vs Jason Voorhess(Friday the 13th)
Christian Szell(Marathon Man) vs El Indio(For a Few Dollars More)
Dracula(Dracula) vs Loki(Thor)
Auric Goldfinger(Goldfinger) vs Hans Gruber(Die Hard)
Alex DeLarge(A Clockwork Orange) vs Scorpio(Dirty Harry)
Emperor Palpatine(Star Wars) vs Samuel Norton(The Shawshank Redemption)
Calvin Candie(Django Unchained) vs Frank Booth(Blue Velvet)
Frank(Once Upon a Time in the West) vs Harry Lime(The Third Man)
Noah Cross(Chinatown) vs T-800(The Terminator)
Alien Queen(Alien) vs Hal 9000(2001:A Space Odyssey)
Alonzo Harris(Training Day) vs Bill the Butcher(The Gangs of New York)
Buffalo Bill(The Silence of the Lambs) vs Hannibal Lecter(The Silence of the Lambs)
Harry Powell(The Night of the Hunter) vs Lord Voldemort(Harry Potter etc.)

Alex Forrest(Fatal Attraction) vs Jack Torrance(The Shining)
Agent Smith(The Matrix) vs Darth Vader(Star Wars)
Clarence Boddicker(Robocop) vs Jigsaw(Saw)
John Doe(Se7en) vs Walter E.Kurtz(The Apocalypse Now)
Angel Eyes(The Good,the Bad and the Ugly) vs Biff Tannen(Back to the Future)
Frank Costello(The Departed) vs Keyser Soze(The Usual Suspects)
Commodus(Gladiator) vs Michael Corleone(The Godfather)
Khan Noonien Singh(Star Trek) vs Michael Myers(Halloween)
Anton Chigurh(No Couny For Old Men) vs Leatherface(The Texas Chainsaw Massacre)
Hans Landa(Inglorius Basterds) vs Norman Stansfield(Leon:The Professional)
Freddy Krueger(A Nightmare On Elm Street) vs Hanz Beckert(M)
Patrick Bateman(American Psycho) vs Wicked Witch of West(The Wizard of Oz)
Amy Dunne(Gone Girl) vs Norman Bates(Psycho)
Mrs.Iselin(The Manchurian Candidate) vs T-1000(Terminator 2)
Bane(The Dark Knight Rises) vs Tommy DeVito(Goodfellas)
Gordon Gekko(Wall Street) vs Tony Montana(Scarface)


Aug 22, 2011
Edmonton, AB
Amon Goeth(Schndler's List) vs Max Cady(Cape Fear)
Mr.Blonde(Reservoir Dogs) vs Nurse Ratched(One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest)
Annie Wilkes(Misery) vs John Ryder(American Psycho)
Catherine Tramell(Basic Instinct) vs Jason Voorhess(Friday the 13th)
Christian Szell(Marathon Man) vs El Indio(For a Few Dollars More)
Dracula(Dracula) vs Loki(Thor)
Auric Goldfinger(Goldfinger) vs Hans Gruber(Die Hard)
Alex DeLarge(A Clockwork Orange) vs Scorpio(Dirty Harry)
Emperor Palpatine(Star Wars) vs Samuel Norton(The Shawshank Redemption)
Calvin Candie(Django Unchained) vs Frank Booth(Blue Velvet)
Frank(Once Upon a Time in the West) vs Harry Lime(The Third Man)
Noah Cross(Chinatown) vs T-800(The Terminator)
Alien Queen(Alien) vs Hal 9000(2001:A Space Odyssey)
Alonzo Harris(Training Day) vs Bill the Butcher(The Gangs of New York)
Buffalo Bill(The Silence of the Lambs) vs Hannibal Lecter(The Silence of the Lambs)
Harry Powell(The Night of the Hunter) vs Lord Voldemort(Harry Potter etc.)

Alex Forrest(Fatal Attraction) vs Jack Torrance(The Shining)
Agent Smith(The Matrix) vs Darth Vader(Star Wars)
Clarence Boddicker(Robocop) vs Jigsaw(Saw)
John Doe(Se7en) vs Walter E.Kurtz(The Apocalypse Now)
Angel Eyes(The Good,the Bad and the Ugly) vs Biff Tannen(Back to the Future)
Frank Costello(The Departed) vs Keyser Soze(The Usual Suspects)
Commodus(Gladiator) vs Michael Corleone(The Godfather)
Khan Noonien Singh(Star Trek) vs Michael Myers(Halloween)
Anton Chigurh(No Couny For Old Men) vs Leatherface(The Texas Chainsaw Massacre)
Hans Landa(Inglorius Basterds) vs Norman Stansfield(Leon:The Professional)
Freddy Krueger(A Nightmare On Elm Street) vs Hanz Beckert(M)
Patrick Bateman(American Psycho) vs Wicked Witch of West(The Wizard of Oz)
Amy Dunne(Gone Girl) vs Norman Bates(Psycho)
Mrs.Iselin(The Manchurian Candidate) vs T-1000(Terminator 2)
Bane(The Dark Knight Rises) vs Tommy DeVito(Goodfellas)
Gordon Gekko(Wall Street) vs Tony Montana(Scarface)


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