Glasses and Contacts and Surgery, oh my....

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I wear glasses, but hate playing with them. I even bought a pair of sports glasses but they fog up so bad, no matter what I spray on them. So I have gone back to my street glasses, which don't fog when sprayed with anti-fog solution. Problem is, they move around, especially if I get hit. I am constantly having to adjust them.

I am considering contact lenses, as laser surgery is spendy. Any four-eyes out there have a solution or an opinion? :confused:


Habsfan 32

Registered User
Aug 18, 2004
Way up north...
I used to play with my glasses but now I play with contacts and it's alot better. You don't have to worry about breaking your glasses also if you have contacts.


Registered User
Nov 15, 2003
Columbus, OH
Contacts or surgery are the way to go. I play with contacts, but with all extrenuating physical activity, blood flow increases to my eye and theres need for the eye to "breathe" --which doesnt occur, so after a game I look like I had been crying the entire game... or stoned

I've gotten both remarks :confused:

Gee Wally

Old, Grumpy Moderator
Feb 27, 2002
HF retirement home
go with contacts for now...but SAVE up for LASIK surgery. I had my eyes done 2 years ago. The best money i ever spent on anything in my life !


Registered User
Mar 1, 2002
Northern Hemisphere
I play with contacts but wear glasses otherwise. It takes a little getting used to if you're not used to wearing contacts (especially putting them in), but it makes it much easier to play.


Registered User
Oct 9, 2003
I too, play with contacts. Best advantage (especially for a goalie like myself), is that your peripheral vision no longer is a hindurance as it can be while wearing glasses.

The disadvantage of course, is that once sweat gets in your eyes, it stings like a mother. Best solution for that is to wear a bandanna or something like that underneath your helmet/mask.


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May 5, 2002
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Gee Wally said:
go with contacts for now...but SAVE up for LASIK surgery. I had my eyes done 2 years ago. The best money i ever spent on anything in my life !

That's good to hear. My little brother is going on wednesday to have this surgery done. In Canada it costs $2950.00 not sure what it costs in the states.
I also have a friend who had it done and he had pop bottle glasses. He swears by it.


MikeS said:
I wear glasses, but hate playing with them. I even bought a pair of sports glasses but they fog up so bad, no matter what I spray on them. So I have gone back to my street glasses, which don't fog when sprayed with anti-fog solution. Problem is, they move around, especially if I get hit. I am constantly having to adjust them.

I am considering contact lenses, as laser surgery is spendy. Any four-eyes out there have a solution or an opinion? :confused:


This is funny because in The Ottawa Citizen today there was an editorial saying that laser surgery was the equivalent of using steroids. I just read the editorials to have my blood boil.


Wig like a mink skin, soft like Twinkie dough
May 15, 2004
I've been wearing contacts for 7 years and the difference is dramatic. I think my peripheral vision even increased! Although better than glasses there are a few drawbacks. I get really dry eyes and sensitivity to light. They also tend to roll up into my eylids if I somehow get bumped in the eye.

I tried to get laser eye surgury but I am not a good candidate because apparently I have enormous pupils. The Dr. says technology will probably be good enough to do it in 6-18 months... so I guess I'll try then.

Since laser eye IS a bit pricey and not even a certain thing, as I found out, I highly recommend contact lenses. I buy mine for a fair price at Shoppers Optical and a friend of mine gets a different brand for even cheaper at Wal-Mart...yes Wal-Mart.

I'd say go for it... Just like you I found glasses to be a pain in the butt. Contacts were not only less distracting in game actions but I truly believe they give superior vision on the ice.


HFBoards Sponsor
Sep 8, 2004
got lasered for $499/eye never been happier. up, it's worth it if you're a candidate!!


Registered User
Mar 3, 2004
I got drilled in the eye with a slapshot 2 years ago with my glasses still on...not a pleasant experience. The frames bent in half and the puck bust through the lens and into my eye. I now do not wear glasses or contacts. If anything it keeps me more defensively minded so i'm not always trying to rush...mainly because i can only see decent to the redline. :)


Registered User
Feb 3, 2005
I can't imagine playing any sport more active than golf with glasses on. I tried skating on an outdoor rink with glasses, and i kept loosing the puck in my skates.


Registered User
Just played tonight for the first time in contacts... What a difference!
:handclap: No problems whatsoever. Saw the puck well, no fogging to worry about. No sweat burning my eyes...

I can't believe I fumbled with glasses for so damned long. :dunno:

Thanks for the advice


Registered User
Apr 28, 2004

I play with glasses and its great for me, doesnt wiggle even when i swing my head hard, fits snuggly in my mask and allows me perfect vision.



Most doctors won't let you get the surgery until your eyes have stopped changing.

I'm 25 now, have been playing with contacts since I was 13, never had any probelems with them. A few months ago I tore one in the locker room and had to play net with my glasses on since I didn't have contacts and am fairly blind. I was lit up for around 10 goals-- and all of them came from the "peripheral vision" areas where I couldn't see the puck.
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