Confirmed with Link: Francis out as GM - Don Waddell named GM 5/8/18


This is Hurricanes Hockey
Sep 16, 2010
That tweet is...concerning yet perplexing. Dundon doesn't seem to be the personality of a Jones or a Cuban and why would anyone want to manage through a puppet GM for a team you know nothing about. Hopefully, it's just he wants to be active in the team but will leave the hockey decisions to hockey people. I would hate to have a Michael Jordan where you hear about things like him calling the GM on draft night telling him to take a certain player or such.

Thats what I'm hoping. He seems to be interested in the well-being of his players and has already done things with them like TopGolf, Steak dinners, better nutrition and equipment, kind of like what Cuban did when he first took over the Mavs.

I like the fact that the guy is a fan-friendly/player-friendly kind of owner. He's pretty much the opposite of Karmanos. However, this could also lead to like you said about Jordan w/ the Hornets. God help us in that case because Jordan has been a terrible owner and has no clue how to evaluate talent (Kwame Brown, Adam Morrison, Sean May ring a bell?). At least Dundons alma mater doesn't produce NHL guys so we have that going for us :)


Noted Jerk
Apr 7, 2003
Winston-Salem NC
The fear of change in this thread is greater than I would have anticipated.
To be 100% honest I'd have less fear of this type of change if I had reason to believe that Dundon knows what he's doing when it comes to the sport. As I said earlier, it's like someone having me decide who's going to play Magnus Carlsen for the World Championship in Chess.

Boom Boom Apathy

I am the Professor. Deal with it!
Sep 6, 2006
Being more involved, as rumored, is so terrible. Karmanos was a super owner with his hands off style. We will surely miss those days. Sitting back letting his GM kill the franchise.

I never said it was terrible. Is said I hope it's more "Mark Cuban than it is Daniel Snyder". Go look it up if you don't believe it. Doesn't seem too unreasonable. Just keep being you though. ;)

You're pathetic,, to be honest. Grasping at imaginary straws. Sorry your boy Francis got "promoted", but you're simply being ridiculous. Biggest overreacting of the day. Your deflections are weaksauce.

Ah, did I get under the Big Bad Kahuna's Skin? Must have with you resorting to your juvenile name calling. Face it, you calling for others to be patient is about as ridiculous as it gets. We all can see your posting history. That was my point all along. Not that this was a bad move, or that Dundon shouldn't have made it, or that we even know what he'll do next. Just that you, specifically, are being very hypocritical telling others to be patient. If you can't see that, well, that's on you.

But hey, keep calling me childish names if it makes you feel better. :thumbu:


Registered User
Oct 10, 2014
Columbia, SC
Here's the thing: The Canes are the 4th youngest team in hockey. Never had a chance to draft a generational talent. Never had had a chance to really spend on free agents. The rebuild was going well. Plus, Francis didnt make stupid panic trades for giys like Nash or Kane at the deadline. I kinda wish I didn't renew my season tickets today now

A Star is Burns

Formerly Azor Aho
Dec 6, 2011
This is certainly interesting. I was kinda at the point where I was okay keeping Francis, and okay if we let him go. I won't tell anybody they should or shouldn't be patient, but there is obviously a lot that is going to play out. It's just weird for anybody to be sure this is a good thing, or a bad thing. I think it's an understandable thing for Dundon to do.

On Shannon: He may prove to be right, we'll see what else comes out. But I listen to him quite a bit, and he's not a guy I consider one of the top authorities or sources. He's not a total crackpot, but I find it curious that he would somehow get that scoop. We'll see if anyone else corroborates it.

I feel like people saying Dundon has no idea what he's doing and are worried about his decision is about as laughable as everyone that were touting Francis as the only guy in the world (yes, hyperbole, but it was brought up several times) that can teach Dundon hockey (yeah, how'd that work out?). He's got Don Waddell (I do think he's done well for us in his role), and there have been plenty of times that owners in all sports, whether they are experienced or not, will lean on hiring firms or consultants to help with these decisions. Maybe he will do it all by himself, but based one what we heard about him when hired, I don't know that I buy that as being his direction.

The guy I'm still interested in as a potential replacement is BriseBois in Tampa. He's been mentoring under Yzerman, and unlike Dubas, who is another great potential candidate, he's not likely getting promoted to the big job anytime soon in Tampa. He's young, and that organization has been run very well. That certainly doesn't always lead to success, but it'd be intriguing. I know that Paul Fenton in Nashville and Mike Futa from LA are both guys that are frequently mentioned as potential future GM's that have been part of successful organizations as well.

I'm incredibly interested to see how this all plays out. There's probably a lot of information still to come, probably conflicting at times, and hopefully it all works out well.


Registered User
Jan 24, 2012
Bingy town, NY
I'll take being the next Redskins or Cowboys over potentially becoming the new Browns or Bengals.

These aren't mutually-exclusive you realize.

The GM of the Bengals is owner Mike Brown (going on like 15 years) and much of the embarrassment attributable to the Browns is the period they were owned by the micromanaging Randy Lerner who ran through a new GM every 18 or so months and was constantly coming up with new bad ideas he'd expect them to implement.

Finlandia WOAT

May 23, 2010
There was no one we could have reasonably acquired at the deadline that would have changed the downward spiral the team has found itself in since... probably that Washington game where they gave up a GWG with seconds left.
stop with this loser talk. drop the defeatist attitude. my source told me dundon plans to fire fans who aren't optimistic, patient, loyal and uncritical of the glorious new regime.


"Puck don't lie"
Jun 12, 2006
North Carolina
I love it. This team is about to get reality-show insane.

I really, really hope so....okay, maybe not shit show insane....but I'm not sure what people want.

Fire Bill Peters. Bill Peters is a great coach. The players are no talent. The players are driven into the ground by the coach. Francis made terrible moves. Francis didn't make the right moves. Francis didn't make enough moves. The players are lazy, no effort hacks. The coaches make the players hate hockey. It's all Eric Staal's fault. Peter Karmanos....well, okay that's not debatable.

New ownership is going to want to put their own mark on things. Maybe Shannon knows a lot about the situation. Maybe he's inferring part of what he said based on assumptions and/or other information....or what he thinks he knows.

Go ahead and shit on Jerry Jones, but the Cowboys have 3 Super Bowls under him. The Mavericks have made the playoffs 15 of the last 17 seasons and won an NBA championship. Yeah, that is all so terrible.

Right now this team is noted for underperforming, occasionally not putting in the effort, and not having the talent and/or the coaching to really compete. I'll take a shake up of those metrics any time.

Regardless of what you think of Francis and Dundon, if the original article that said that they don't see eye to eye is true, then Francis had to go. Can't have an owner and GM who aren't on the same page and rank has it's privileges.

Indeed. My sense all along was that Ron's plan was not aligned with Tom's definition of plan. I always got the sense that Ronnie's default was, "let's see how it goes and we'll take it from there".

The fear of change in this thread is greater than I would have anticipated.

Which seems to fly in the face of the screams for change coming from most corners of Caniac Nation.

[Edit] Let me be clear. I didn't want Ron to be fired and had hoped he'd get a chance with Dundon's wallet. I also didn't want Peters fired, but had hoped he'd be more aggressive as the season slipped away. In the end, I expected something to happen, but didn't know what. Now that it has, I'm more excited than anything else....even with the "be careful what you hope for caveats".

The Faulker 27

Registered User
Nov 15, 2011
To be 100% honest I'd have less fear of this type of change if I had reason to believe that Dundon knows what he's doing when it comes to the sport. As I said earlier, it's like someone having me decide who's going to play Magnus Carlsen for the World Championship in Chess.

I get that 100%. At the same time, I just can't stomach another season like this one. I mean, irrationally speaking, I'd rather take an implosion from stem to stern and see this team finish last in the league next season than what I've had to endure since 2009. At least then we could land a top talent, and someone to potentially build a winning team around.

My frustrations have reached an all time high, and I just can't see major change as anything but positive at the moment. Maybe Dundon turns out to be a cancer, but I'll be honest, for me, this team's miserable mediocrity is the actual cancer. He might make them worse, or better, but I can't imagine he can make them any more luke warm.

Boom Boom Apathy

I am the Professor. Deal with it!
Sep 6, 2006
This is certainly interesting. I was kinda at the point where I was okay keeping Francis, and okay if we let him go. I won't tell anybody they should or shouldn't be patient, but there is obviously a lot that is going to play out. It's just weird for anybody to be sure this is a good thing, or a bad thing. I think it's an understandable thing for Dundon to do.

Agree. It's understandable, but it's also interesting enough to discuss and question it. Like it or not, when a guy buys at team, it's his to do what he wishes with it and when the team hasn't made the playoffs in 9 years, it's hard to argue with him making moves, even if they are unpopular to some of the fan base.

As I said earlier, if it's true they didn't see eye to eye, Francis pretty much had to go no matter what. Can't operate like that.


Jan 18, 2014
Live footage from Peters room


Good thing he has plenty of Kinetico water to keep him hydrated.


Feb 16, 2007
Los Angeles
If giving one of the worst goalies in Canes history a big contract is part of the plan and “being conservative” then im gonna have to agree with Dundon. Ik he was constrained by the budget but that was one of the worst moves in Canes history so far and there should be some accountability maybe.

Im indifferent. Same shit, new year. Hopefully ill see another Canes playoff team in my lifetime.


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