OT: Favrourite Radio Host

Joey Hoser

Registered User
Jan 8, 2008
At the same time, I think that's why so many of you like Hayes. He's not polarizing and doesn't really seem to take too many sides. The only times I enjoy listening to them is when Ferraro is on.

Yup, I do like him for that. I don't need to hear self-righteous know-it-alls pretending to know things they dont in order come off as some media character who "tells it like it is, and doesn't care what people think", as if that type of thing has ever been said by an honest, informed person.


Registered User
Feb 12, 2015
I think they all annoy me to a certain extent, some of them seem to think they are much more important to sport than some of the athletes involved. The constant trying to make a story out of nothing makes me just turn off the radio.

Hayes is probably the one I listen to most, on Leafs Lunch.

Bob McCown is the biggest jerk. I haven`t listened to him in years & when I see him doing his idiotic show with his shades on, I just want to punch him in the face. Does he even watch any sport other than basketball? He used to get caught in lies about watching Leaf games all the time.

Finnish your Czech

J'aime Les offres hostiles
Nov 25, 2009
I love leafs lunch, though I'm not a big fan of Brian Hayes. I think he puts his opinion in a bit too much, and his opinions are hfboards-esque, which I already read enough of... Lol


Registered User
Nov 4, 2005
Since I revived this post with my question on Macko's whereabouts, I'll chime in. I'm not a Leaf fan but I love Leafs Lunch. I hated O'Neil when he first became a media guy but with Hayes and McLennan he's perfect. I love the 3 stars because there are usually 15 of them. I love hearing them laugh. So many sports guys (McCown, Simmons, Cox) seem to hate their job as they've gotten older so hearing these 3 is a breath of fresh air.

Same goes for Macko and Cauz, they work so well together and are never as good with others or on their own as they are together.

I like Blair but he interrupts or goes off on tangents that are irrelevant way too much. Brunt is terrific but I think over time they might get a bit boring because neither is too exciting. Until Macko and Cauz are reunited, if that happens, I'll listen to them because there is no fear of Steve Simmons coming on and making everything miserable.

The early morning shows are a waste and I find myself listening to CBC radio instead. Or 680.


Makes The Pass
Oct 29, 2010
I love leafs lunch, though I'm not a big fan of Brian Hayes. I think he puts his opinion in a bit too much, and his opinions are hfboards-esque, which I already read enough of... Lol

I'm the same way. Hayes thinks his opinion is fact and no one can tell him differently. He's developed a pretty condescending personality over the years.

I know O Dog is about as bright as a tree stump but the guy completely makes the show. I remember back when it was just Hayes and Noodles; it was such a boring show with no personality. Say what you will about O Dog, the guy is hilarious and has created all of the best parts of the show.

Andrew Walker is the only other personality on that list I can tolerate on a regular basis.


Registered User
Feb 17, 2013
Hayes and Leafs Lunch is the best by a country mile. And for those condescending posters who claim we aren't intelligent enough to understand McCown, he's a pompous buffoon who a few fools on here fawn over. He's boring and his schtick has gotten old. He's not even that controversial anymore. It's about balance between entertainment and information, and Hayes, Noodles, and O-Dog have that.


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