Post-Game Talk: Cole's Plus/Minus: Flower Power! Pens vs. Caps

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ti kallisti
May 31, 2004
Shaky, penalty-fillled first period and questionable ice-time decisions aside, that was my favorite game of the year. Maybe the Pens blowing out the Capitals never gets old, for me. I dunno. But I loved it. That unbelievable Crosby PPG alone would have made it a standout. But on top of that, all of the guys you want to see show up in a "rivalry" game like this did. Orpik very much included. What a huge game by him and Martin... that pairing completely suffocated Washington's top line all game.

Hopefully, in regards to Bennett, they quickly ramp up his ice time. I can understand wanting to bring him along a little cautiously, I guess... but it seems pretty clear that he's ready to play alongside Sid on that top line. I really believe those two, so long as the coach is patient, are going to start finding a great groove out there. It should be fun to watch. Bennett was a physical force much of the game, too. Particularly as the game wore on... that's possibly more encouraging than anything.

That little blurb by Rossi is just so telling. Dupuis might have been one of the very few Penguins that I wasn't much liking, last night. I mean... he was fine... but I can see how his crackpot theory about energy conservation, or whatever, translates out to the ice. Hopefully Bennett pays him some lip service... but nothing more. You build your skills, work through weaknesses and hone your physical fitness (despite Dupuis' warnings) through practice... Dupuis would do himself a favor by remembering that.

I don't get the shots at Letang. I'm usually one of the first to cast a doubtful eye towards him... but I thought he played very well, on the balance. He's a total dingus on the powerplay... but that shouldn't be a mystery, anymore. Otherwise I thought he was a steadying presence in his own end (for a switch), physical but smart and was really helping drive the offense 5 on 5.

Second really good game in a row by Malkin. I hope he's building on it. Terrible decision on that non-shot earlier on... but he looked mostly like vintage Geno. Crosby barely merits a mention... not because he wasn't brilliant... but because I just expect games like this from him. I know he's gone through a tough patch, lately but I still never worry about the guy, ya know?


Registered User
Jun 27, 2012
+ DB The line changes hes made the last 2 games has helped get the pens out of there slump, Pierre mentioned how DB put out KCM after a icing which was good coaching, it seemed like DB was able to get Martin-Orpik out there most of the time on OV, just a great job by DB and his staff the past 2 games.

+ PK thought they were the number 1 star of the game, they had some good kills early in the game, being up 1-0 and down 1-0 is such a huge difference in this league, would of been a different game if caps scored on the PP.


Registered User
Jun 13, 2009
+With a 3 point game next, Geno will be tied for 3rd in league scoring. Crazy considering his horrible start.

That's how Special Malkin is of a player.. Crosby too! Barring injuries, in the blink of an eye they can be at the top of the league.. Same for Ovi... Those 3 aren't great players, they are special players... Franchise Players... Players who can put a team on their backs and take that team to greatness... Only a few belong in the special category.. Everyone else in the league are just soooo far behind those top 3


Registered User
Sep 21, 2012
Canada, Eh
also this fleury vezina talk needs to stop. hes not playing at a vezina level. hes playing like a solid goaltender on a solid defensive team.

Funny... that's exactly how Tim Thomas won two Vezinas and how Rask is already an early favourite for it, just like last season.

The difference: Boston is one of the best defensive teams in the NHL - something the Pens could only dream of.

Shady Machine

Registered User
Aug 6, 2010

Shady Machine

Registered User
Aug 6, 2010
+ DB The line changes hes made the last 2 games has helped get the pens out of there slump, Pierre mentioned how DB put out KCM after a icing which was good coaching, it seemed like DB was able to get Martin-Orpik out there most of the time on OV, just a great job by DB and his staff the past 2 games.

+ PK thought they were the number 1 star of the game, they had some good kills early in the game, being up 1-0 and down 1-0 is such a huge difference in this league, would of been a different game if caps scored on the PP.

That's called common sense. I mean, I think DB does a lot of good things, but why should get praise for putting out his best players for an offensive zone draw when the other team is tired? Any sane person that knows an ounce about competitive sports would do that.

That said, he should get props for getting the Martin-Orpik pairing out on Ovy all night. The Orpik vs Ovy is the one match up Bylsma seems to get.

Mr Jiggyfly

Registered User
Jan 29, 2004
Bennett was a physical force much of the game, too. Particularly as the game wore on... that's possibly more encouraging than anything.

I've noticed with BB this year that he looks as big as I have ever seen him. When you look at him on the ice, he just looks physically imposing now. He has to be playing around 210 or so. He has to be one of their biggest wingers right now.

He's really rubbing guys out on the boards when he hits them and completely obliterated someone last night on the right half boards (didn't catch the number because the guy laid on the ice like he was dead). When he hits guys, most times it looks like he is hitting to hurt.


Registered User
Aug 14, 2008
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ti kallisti
May 31, 2004
I've noticed with BB this year that he looks as big as I have ever seen him. When you look at him on the ice, he just looks physically imposing now. He has to be playing around 210 or so. He has to be one of their biggest wingers right now.

He's really rubbing guys out on the boards when he hits them and completely obliterated someone last night on the right half boards (didn't catch the number because the guy laid on the ice like he was dead). When he hits guys, most times it looks like he is hitting to hurt.

Absolutely. I know that the team told him to make it a priority to add strength and good weight during his college tenure but man... he obviously took that ultimatum very, very seriously. He was a rail coming out of his draft class... he's playing legitimately nasty, now. It is, IMO, the most eye-opening aspect of his game. And somewhat unexpected for a guy with his natural skillset. It will serve him extremely well.

And yeah... I know the exact hit you are talking about. Unfortunately, I didn't get a look at who he trucked, either. It was impressive, though. He was engaging like that all game long. Even late when the game was essentially out of reach for the Caps.

Speaking of which... I just have to give an additional mention to James Neal. Holy hell. Where'd this guy come from? Everyone knows what kind of ability he has shooting the puck... but now I'm noticing a lot of other little things creeping into his game. Consistent physicality, responsible defensive work in all three zones and even some really nifty playmaking here and there.
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Coastal Kev

There will be "I told you so's" Bet on it
Feb 16, 2013
The Low Country, SC
God love him, but Dupes could use a little less energy and a little more practice.

That quote explains a lot.

God do I hate reporters. He starts out stating that Dupuis is worth every penny of his contract, providing cover for Shero, DB and Dupes. I hate having a state run media and that's what media has become today.


Registered User
Dec 26, 2011
Full Rossi regarding Dupuis

I just picture Rossi lurking behind a doorway eavesdropping on the conversation and getting all excited that he may actually have inside information.


Registered User
Mar 22, 2004
+ Orpik/Martin: Mostly Martin here but #44 played a great game, too. I cannot believe the Paul Martin we all hated. For two years now he's played A+ hockey for us. To the point where I cannot imagine a team without him. He's so damn good. He makes all the smart plays and doesn't try to be someone he isn't. I'm so proud of the guy Martin is to stand up and admit how bad he was. Two years now of insanely good hockey.

+ Maatta: He's getting more time than Nisky and Engo and deservedly so. It's not his ability that shocks me, it's his intelligence. He makes great plays and smart plays. He knows when to do something and when not to. No 19 year old should do that. He's playing like a 30 year old.

These two go hand in hand. Great for Maatta to have someone like Martin to watch and learn from as they play somewhat similar games. Maatta will be better, that's the best part.


Registered User
Mar 22, 2004
How is that going to happen? You really think Ray Shero lets Tanner Glass walk?

I'm not sure if that's serious, but I'd guess he's almost assuredly gone unless he turns into Clutterbuck for the next 60 games. He's been acceptable this year but that's not another for another contract.


Registered User
Dec 5, 2010

Maybe this works for Dupes who has to play 100 mph to be slightly effective with Crosby, but BB doesn't need to fly around the ice like a headless chicken like Dupuis does. Maybe if Dupes slowed down some, his hands and instincts might be able to keep up with his feet.

Chicago abused Chara by going E-W and using their skill. Lemieux, Gretz, Jagr and even Malkin when he is on, slow(ed) the game down. I think if Crosby has any flaws it's that he doesn't have that same patience. With his acceleration he should have no problems slowing things down when need be and letting things develop.

If he wants to play with a skilled playmaker like BB, he better start slowing his game down a little and letting the play develop more.

Patrick Kane is a perfect example of a speedster who shifts gears constantly and sometimes slows the play down to a near standstill.... It's pretty remarkable to watch the insane speed deviations he plays the game at.

Which is why I always wanted KCD broken up. Sid always wants to play at Mach speed. Sometimes you have to slow things down and let your linemates catch up with what you're trying to do.

I think having a guy like Beau on his wing will make him a better player for sure. And obviously his line will become tougher to defend. And he'll be alot less likely to lose his mind in a playoff series. Forcing passes that aren there and taking on 3 opponents at a time.

Mr Jiggyfly

Registered User
Jan 29, 2004
Absolutely. I know that the team told him to make it a priority to add strength and good weight during his college tenure but man... he obviously took that ultimatum very, very seriously. He was a rail coming out of his draft class... he's playing legitimately nasty, now. It is, IMO, the most eye-opening aspect of his game. And somewhat unexpected for a guy with his natural skillset. It will serve him extremely well.

And yeah... I know the exact hit you are talking about. Unfortunately, I didn't get a look at who he trucked, either. It was impressive, though. He was engaging like that all game long. Even late when the game was essentially out of reach for the Caps.

Ya it was my only real worry with BB, but now he has turned my worry into one of his best assets.

He doesn't just bump guys, he is trying to kill them and it's fun to watch.

Speaking of which... I just have to give an additional mention to James Neal. Holy hell. Where'd this guy come from? Everyone knows what kind of ability he has shooting the puck... but now I'm noticing a lot of other little things creeping into his game. Consistent physicality, responsible defensive work in all three zones and even some really nifty playmaking here and there.

I was once told I had nice diamond shoes and expecting Neal to play like this was... not fair.

Maybe he doesn't like Geno's nickname for him any longer?


Registered User
Jun 17, 2009
Pittsburgh, PA
I'm not real sure why Bennett isn't getting more time. Typically you can sort of garner why a player hasn't got more time or responsibility here, but with Beau, I just don't get it. He brings the whole package.

If you go shift-by-shift on ShiftChart, it's not as bad as raw TOI numbers make it seem. Much of the time Bennett spent on the bench was during PK situations, and there were a few cases where Bennett was delayed getting on the ice because the guy he was supposed to change on for didn't leave the ice until later in the shift.

Bennett spent almost every shift with either Crosby or Malkin, and the exceptions generally came at the tail end of a power play, or just after Crosby and Malkin spent a shift on the same line (with Kunitz as the third member of the line).

I do think that the coaching staff could have found more ways to get Bennett out there on the ice, but this doesn't look like a deliberate benching - just something circumstantial.

It is worth noting that 3:25 of Dupuis' TOI came shorthanded, but even at that, I do still think that Dupuis got too much even-strength ice-time.


Registered User
Mar 22, 2004
Speaking of which... I just have to give an additional mention to James Neal. Holy hell. Where'd this guy come from? Everyone knows what kind of ability he has shooting the puck... but now I'm noticing a lot of other little things creeping into his game. Consistent physicality, responsible defensive work in all three zones and even some really nifty playmaking here and there.

He had the reputation in Dallas but it comes and goes with Neal. Definitely played that way his first 25 games here (when the puck wouldn't go in for him) but his attention to detail and puck hounding waned a bit as he pumped in the goals the last 2 years.


ti kallisti
May 31, 2004
Yeah... Neal has always had it in him. And why not? He's a big dude, good skater, nice hands, well-conditioned (doesn't he train with Scary Gary?) and possesses really good on-ice vision and awareness. There's no reason for him not to play that brand of hockey and still snipe. If anything, it'll help open up even more chances.

Neal possesses all the tools to be a dominating player, should he so choose. And is still pretty young. It's why I was so excited and shocked that the Penguins were able to acquire him.


Registered User
Apr 14, 2010
Going to watch the game tonight after I land, and I'm sitting in the las vegas airport as I write this.

DB does pay attention to matchups, such as putting out certain d-men against certain forwards, but he tends to forget that in today's NHL, defense is played as a 5 man unit. It's nice that he throws out 5 & 44 out there, but the way he uses Adams and Glass like Selke candidates is still a joke.

I'm still of the mindset that the only way we'll get to consistently see our ideal lineup is if RS chooses to get rid of a few of DB's toys.

As horrible as this sounds, imagine Glass and Adams on IR, and start listing your lines. Sweet no?


Registered User
Jul 9, 2012
Pittsburgh, USA
If you go shift-by-shift on ShiftChart, it's not as bad as raw TOI numbers make it seem. Much of the time Bennett spent on the bench was during PK situations, and there were a few cases where Bennett was delayed getting on the ice because the guy he was supposed to change on for didn't leave the ice until later in the shift.

Bennett spent almost every shift with either Crosby or Malkin, and the exceptions generally came at the tail end of a power play, or just after Crosby and Malkin spent a shift on the same line (with Kunitz as the third member of the line).

I do think that the coaching staff could have found more ways to get Bennett out there on the ice, but this doesn't look like a deliberate benching - just something circumstantial.

It is worth noting that 3:25 of Dupuis' TOI came shorthanded, but even at that, I do still think that Dupuis got too much even-strength ice-time.

-Dupuis had 11:02 EV and 3:25 PK time before the 3rd period even started.
-Adams had 6:11 EV and 2:10 PK time before the 3rd period even started.
-Bennett meanwhile had 6:54 EV and 0:17 PP before the 3rd period started.

I'd like to subscribe to your late shift theory, but the ice time distribution through the first 2 periods was almost a carbon copy of the previous game.
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