CBA Meeting Going Well, Maybe

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Mar 16, 2003
Per Eklund,
Thursday, June 23, 2005

From a source "Meetings going very well....very smoothly."
Many, many rumors....
everything from....
"It could be announced as early as tomorrow or Saturday that the Board of Governors and the players will ratify this next week."
"we are still weeks away from resolution."
All I can safely say is coming....
chat today will be at 5pm in the big room....
# posted by Eklund @ 2:15 PM

Sorry, Eklund doesn't have his blog set up to post a direct thread.


Registered User
Jan 31, 2005
Toronto, Ontario
I remember hearing sometime last week, maybe on a Wednesday.. That it would be complete in 2 weeks. It is now 1 week and a day later, and people still say "weeks"

Does anyone have any conception of time?

Oilers Ent

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Aug 31, 2002
Burnaby, BC
Eklund!? That's about as legitimate as... oh wait... it is legitimate now. Well then this is good news.

Anyway, everyone knows things must be going well if they aren't holding press conferences after every meeting and talking about having "philosophical differences".

It's only a matter of time.

Belgian Fan

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Nov 28, 2002
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On the other hand, they might better get it right this time, there's no need to rush anything as they have at one or two weeks left to put in the details without the season (and the FA market before it) coming under any real pressure.

I'm hoping it will turn out to be a good all round package, not just adressing the financial issues and the grand economical scheme but also making some necessary adaptions to the sporting side of the game as well (like the goalie pads and things like that)


Global Moderator
Feb 27, 2002
Extreme optimism to pessimism on that update.


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Feb 13, 2003
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and the weather man says it's going to rain next tuesday

the only thing that is certain here is that they are meeting more often than they did during the year that wasn't, that no one is commenting officially after each meeting (especially pronouncing philosophical differences), and that everyone remotely associated with the game but not intimately involved with the negotiations can speculate and be called 'a source' by writers from eklund to strachan to mckenzie

it ain't over till it's over


Registered User
Feb 24, 2004
All he can safely say is that "it is coming". Great, I thought maybe they were going to just quit and never make a new CBA.


Registered User
Apr 14, 2004
Old Bridge, NJ
If they are meeting late into the nite past midnight, they must be close. Im sure the clubs are putting pressure on the negotiating comittee to get this done as the clubs have to sell season tickets and line up sponsors. I bet by Fri nite, maybe into the weekend at latest, an agreement in principal is reached. Ratification will be next week and then the fun begins.
Ok, time for another Dolfanar Psychic Advisory update (this seemed like the *perfect* place to place it...)

My psychic advisor has spent the last couple days trying to pry my ex-ouijii board out of her nether regions the last couple days after the Ouiji predicted June 15th, and she predicted June 16th.

The tea leaves said June 17th... Did you know tea leaves can also be used for cat litter? Well they can...

My astrologist was claiming the Ptolemy's spear is still crossing into Uranus meant that June 21st was the most likely date. I plan on setting up Mr. Astrologist and Mrs. Psychic advisor so they can talk about the kind of damage that Ptolemy's Oujii can do...

I'm starting to think that my Magic 8-ball reads Bob Mackenzie, because it has AGAIN changed it's prediction! June 29th, yadda, yadda, yadda...

Which brings me to animal sacrifice. I said that if none of my other avenues were going to do the trick, that I WOULD go there. I was going to try to find a live chicken, but that proved remarkably difficult living in the city. I had to settle for KFC, but unfortunatly the Colonel's best was hard to read, though despite supposedly having no entrails to read I was able to get part of a reading firghteningly enough, though I think the act of deep frying threw off the prediction... July 5th.

The colonel having failed me, I then decided to move on to "the other white meat", but Eklund being unavailable I had to settle for a Guinea Pig instead. Unfortunatly I didn't have the heart to kill the little fellow, so I settled for trying to read his entrails while he was still alive. He seemed to like June 30th ALOT... in fact I think I have a date for this Friday because of it. Nobody tell my wife, ok?

So there you have it, and barring getting between Wild Thing and his goats (which would probably necessitate getting jaws of life and put my virtue at EXTREME risk) I think I have exhausted the animal sacrifice route.

I'm all out of ideas... suggestions?


Global Moderator
Feb 27, 2002
norrisnick said:
The NBA Finals are done tonight. Read into that what you will.

It will still take a week to ratify the deal so unless this was done a week ago, nothing will get done before July 1 anyways.

I keep liking the July 5 prediction. It will be a nice birthday present.


The best...
Apr 14, 2005
go kim johnsson said:
It will still take a week to ratify the deal so unless this was done a week ago, nothing will get done before July 1 anyways.

I keep liking the July 5 prediction. It will be a nice birthday present.
Shouldn't take a whole week. A couple days for the meetings and presto. Could happen any day next week, IMO.

Plus, I still find it odd how the last several days have been completely silent from those involved. We used to get "Meeting went well, some progress, we'll meet again XXX but won't comment further until this set of talks is concluded." Since last week they haven't uttered a single word.


Registered User
Apr 9, 2003
norrisnick said:
Shouldn't take a whole week. A couple days for the meetings and presto.

You likely have to get all the Players into a room somewhere though, that is the part that takes a little more time.

The owners are all likely to be in NA somewhere and just a short flight away from NY.... half the players will be in Europe somewhere.


Registered User
Jan 28, 2005
norrisnick said:
Shouldn't take a whole week. A couple days for the meetings and presto. Could happen any day next week, IMO.

Plus, I still find it odd how the last several days have been completely silent from those involved. We used to get "Meeting went well, some progress, we'll meet again XXX but won't comment further until this set of talks is concluded." Since last week they haven't uttered a single word.
no, we got those statements at the end of each series of meetings, meaning the last few fridays, if we dont get something like that tomorrow, itll be different


Registered User
Apr 9, 2003
chiavsfan said:
The PA has their own secure website if I am correct, I dont think you will necessarily have to get them "all in a room"

For something this big i imagine they will try to get as many as possible together.


Registered User
Feb 14, 2005
Well, at least the meeting are going well. I would hate for league and PA to be having these late night meetings because they gorged out of pizza and are now sitting on opposite sides of the room recovering from indigestion. :shakehead


Registered User
Jan 31, 2005
Toronto, Ontario
Honestly, I'm just going to go on a vacation for 2 weeks. Then when I get back, I will either hear "Deal done", or "Talks going well, deal imminent. Perhaps 2 more weeks"
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