Books: Book(s) you are Currently Reading | Part 3


Registered User
Mar 6, 2002
Agreed! The beginning was so good, and I figured the rest of the book would proceed in that manner, which even with the density of the prose I would have enjoyed, but no, it turned into chapter after chapter of , like you said, encyclopaedic whaling entries. Luckily the chapters are extremely short, so you're able to read a couple and put it down.

By the way, I haven't seen you in forever. How have you been? You still reading lots? Any favourites lately? I still have to thank you for getting me into Ali Smith. I enjoyed the "seasons" books.
I'm still ready, although not quite as much as I was. I'm only a couple of books in but I've started reading Ishiguro in chronological order. His first novel is good, his second a step up from that and I'm just about to start his third. Apparently it's where his work becomes really good so I'm expecting good things.
I'm glad to have introduced you to her, she's probably my favourite living author. I don't know if you've read Companion Piece, the unplanned 5th book in the Seasonal Quartet? If not I recommend it highly, I think it's quite a bit better than Summer.
Otherwise there aren't too many other books I've loved that have stayed with me.

Kane One

Registered User
Feb 6, 2010
Brooklyn, New NY

@Thucydides what have you done to me lol. This book is huge!

I’m two chapters in and it’s definitely hard to read, which you’ve at least warned me about. I’ll power on though.

So far I like the writing style. The last chapter I read was pretty absurd (in a good way) with the weed addiction and how he’s trying to stop. I think the entire chapter was like 10 pages of one gigantic paragraph.
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Registered User
Dec 24, 2009
View attachment 660652

@Thucydides what have you done to me lol. This book is huge!

I’m two chapters in and it’s definitely hard to read, which you’ve at least warned me about. I’ll power on though.

So far I like the writing style. The last chapter I read was pretty absurd (in a good way) with the weed addiction and how he’s trying to stop. I think the entire chapter was like 10 pages of one gigantic paragraph.

Hey - I figured you would have researched it a little before buying, or taking it on, lol. It's massive! But awesome, you'll be happy you read it when you're done, and then you can brag about having read it. 😅

the whole book is pretty absurd , and pretentious , but at the end I was super glad I read it , and it did have me laughing out loud in parts, and disturbed in other parts.

I still remember the bus ride with the large lady going over potholes as being super funny. Not sure where it takes place, but it's hilarious.

Once you get going with it it becomes easier to read.

Im pumped to hear your thoughts on it.
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Kane One

Registered User
Feb 6, 2010
Brooklyn, New NY
Hey - I figured you would have researched it a little before buying, or taking it on, lol. It's massive! But awesome, you'll be happy you read it when you're done, and then you can brag about having read it. 😅

the whole book is pretty absurd , and pretentious , but at the end I was super glad I read it , and it did have me laughing out loud in parts, and disturbed in other parts.

I still remember the bus ride with the large lady going over potholes as being super funny. Not sure where it takes place, but it's hilarious.

Once you get going with it it becomes easier to read.

Im pumped to hear your thoughts on it.
Lol yeah I always knew it was hard to read but I never quite understood what that meant. Like I’ve read books this big and it’s not a big deal. I didn’t realize the grammar/vocabulary is what would make it hard. But yeah. I also watched the movie about him with Jason Segal when it came out so I knew about him.

I saw online that it took people months and most it seemed like 5 weeks to read it. I think I’ll do it quicker than that but I have no interest in having a dictionary by my side doing so, so I may miss a bit here and there, but context clues should hopefully fill in the rest.

I‘m probably not going to read it today because I went out drinking with coworkers instead but I read more last night.

So far I like it though. I may end up taking a break in between to read something else but we’ll see about that.

Babe Ruth

Don't leave me hangin' on the telephone..
Feb 2, 2016

Book about Generation X's coming of age. The author was born in the early 7os, so he remembers & understands (well) the 1990s' social/cultural forces that shaped Xers.
I had a girlfriend back in the 9os, who had one of those see-thru phones (like the cover photo).. it freaked me out the first time my Neanderthal'esque eyes saw it.
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Rebooting myself
Oct 12, 2003
Somewhere on Uranus
I finished the lives of Brian by Brian Johnson.

Two problems are that he talks all of about 3 pages of his time in ACDC. I was not looking for gossip but, but it would have been interesting to have a deeper insight in going from playing in front bar crowds to 20k in a matter of 8 months. But, ACDC is very tight with what the band members say and do. He does really address the phone calls where he gets sacked by the band. In the book he bounced quicker than the band wants to admit. The problem is just me being me. 80% of the book was already known via interviews he gave. He touches on smoking pot with Cliff Williams. But does not touch on his short fatuation with cocaine. His famous quote was 'coke is gods way of telling you, you make too much money".

Spring in Fialta

A malign star kept him
Apr 1, 2007
Montreal, QC
The Passenger's first chapter is intense. It's a schizophrenic hallucination made all the more disturbing by the fact that you realize that schizophrenic hallunications don't show up as hostile to the person experiencing them.
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Registered User
Dec 24, 2009

Book on the nature and treatment of psychological trauma in the Western world.

I'm interested in this. I've read his other book "in the realm of hungry ghosts" - was great.


Sounds like a "self helpy" title, but it's more science/ psychology with a focus on the neuroplasticity of our brains.

Babe Ruth

Don't leave me hangin' on the telephone..
Feb 2, 2016

I've been sick all weekend, so got a chance to start this new one, while laying around.. Various writers cover how the (peoples of the) American South was depicted over the years in comic strips/books, etc.
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Registered User
Dec 24, 2009


I've been sick all weekend, so got a chance to start this new one, while laying around.. Various writers cover how the (peoples of the) American South was depicted over the years in comic strips/books, etc.

You're cruising through the books this year. Been laid up sick as well - best time to do some reading

Babe Ruth

Don't leave me hangin' on the telephone..
Feb 2, 2016
You're cruising through the books this year. Been laid up sick as well - best time to do some reading
chuckle.. yeah.
For a long time I was typically reading two books a week simultaneously. Depending on my mood, I'd go back & forth and have both finished by end of the week. But last year I changed (low paying) night jobs & have more down time while working at night.. so I'm often reading 3 books in a week. Sometimes if it's a disappointing library book, I'll just skim the last chapters. If it's a book I paid for, I'll force myself to read it all tho. I've kinda become an information junkie, even tho it's not really benefitting me much.
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Registered User
Dec 20, 2013

Amoralman - Derek Delgaudio

Truth and lies are two sides of the same coin. But who's flipping it? A thought-provoking and brilliantly entertaining work of nonfiction from one of the world's leading deceivers, the creator and star of the astonishing theater show and forthcoming film In & Of Itself.
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Jun 8, 2012
The Passenger's first chapter is intense. It's a schizophrenic hallucination made all the more disturbing by the fact that you realize that schizophrenic hallunications don't show up as hostile to the person experiencing them.
Have you finished it yet?

Spring in Fialta

A malign star kept him
Apr 1, 2007
Montreal, QC
Have you finished it yet?

Just about. Large chunks are reminiscent of Suttree but it's somehow more and less plotless by moments and a lot of it gets tied down to random conversation about subjects that seem to interest McCarthy (somewhat surprisingly, even being transgender) and a lot of the language can get a bit boringly technical at what are plot-advancing chapters but there's some really funny colorful characters (and even some hallucinations) but I don't think incest subplot is as interesting as it was meant to be and in terms of pure idea, Stella Maris seemed more engaging to read. Still pretty damn good, but compared to his others, I'd say it's fairly low in his output.
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Jun 8, 2012
Just about. Large chunks are reminiscent of Suttree but it's somehow more and less plotless by moments and a lot of it gets tied down to random conversation about subjects that seem to interest McCarthy (somewhat surprisingly, even being transgender) and a lot of the language can get a bit boringly technical at what are plot-advancing chapters but there's some really funny colorful characters (and even some hallucinations) but I don't think incest subplot is as interesting as it was meant to be and in terms of pure idea, Stella Maris seemed more engaging to read. Still pretty damn good, but compared to his others, I'd say it's fairly low in his output.
It took me a few months to read Suttree and I thought that suffered quite badly from everything you've just described, so I'm not filled with confidence.


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