GDT: Around the League 2023-24: The Marathon Becomes A Sprint

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Registered User
Nov 11, 2011
Usually I’d feel bad for a small market non-rival like the Jets. But since they hate us so much, get f***ed.

And no offence but I think the jets fanbase may be one of the stupidest Canadian fanbases in the League in terms of hockey knowledge.


Registered User
Nov 11, 2011
The one thing I'll say about NHL refs is, they really aren't paying enough to get the quality of refs you'd expect. Salary range is only 165k to 250k, and honestly, given the difficulty of the job, the pressure, the hundreds of nut bars personally invested in your every whim, there is no way I'd do it for that price.

Hell just think about how after every playoff game how many people get jumped in every city in the league for just wearing the other teams colors. Now imagine you have to be the guy making the decision on if a goal counts, if something's a penalty, etc and what some of those nutbars (look at that Vegas fans in Dallas this year for example, or that crazy Kings Lady and Cecily last year) who nearly killed a guy for looking the other team but not actually being involved would do if they caught you after you "screwed their team."

Honestly, 165k doesn't go very far now a days. And then you consider that these guys are traveling for 200 days of the year, worse than players.

No wonder all of the refs are primadonnas that want to be the star. Why the f*** else would you do the job? Develop the niche skills to skate at the NHL level? Put your normal life and plans at jeopardy? Hard to maintain a relationship let alone say raise kids when you're gone more days than you're there. They aren't doing it for the money, it's barely above normal white / blue collar work. You can pull more than that easily without the strict skillset in the oil patch if you put in the work, or almost any degree with similar levels of success compared to being an NHL level ref.

And no wonder the league can't create accountability among its refs. Can't otherwise they'd just not have any friggen refs. Lol. They should be paying these guys 5x as much, it really would fix everything almost instantly. Makes it so you could retire after a couple of years, makes it worth it. Also makes it something you can aspire to and something worth taking on the accountability of day a post game press conference. And the entire cost would only be like 20 million per year total - Same as the cap moving up 312k if you consider that there's say 20 NHL refs & 40 NHL linesmen, and then 32 teams with each player splitting things to be 64.

I'm sure every team in the league would pay 300k to fix the reffing NBA style. It's peanuts in terms of the league's overall budget. It's just a matter of the league having the will to fix it.
I didn’t realize their salaries but that does seem stupidly low for this type of job. I should clarify though that I don’t put it all the blame on the refs. Like you’ve noted they are getting the screw job by the league but also the league sets them up to fail with a gray area mess of a rule book. And with confusing game management “rules” that are outside the actual written rule. Like how the f*** are they supposed to manage all that including the speed of the game. The entire system is set up for them to fail.


Registered User
Jul 27, 2006
The one thing I'll say about NHL refs is, they really aren't paying enough to get the quality of refs you'd expect. Salary range is only 165k to 250k, and honestly, given the difficulty of the job, the pressure, the hundreds of nut bars personally invested in your every whim, there is no way I'd do it for that price.

Hell just think about how after every playoff game how many people get jumped in every city in the league for just wearing the other teams colors. Now imagine you have to be the guy making the decision on if a goal counts, if something's a penalty, etc and what some of those nutbars (look at that Vegas fans in Dallas this year for example, or that crazy Kings Lady and Cecily last year) who nearly killed a guy for looking the other team but not actually being involved would do if they caught you after you "screwed their team."

Honestly, 165k doesn't go very far now a days. And then you consider that these guys are traveling for 200 days of the year, worse than players.

No wonder all of the refs are primadonnas that want to be the star. Why the f*** else would you do the job? Develop the niche skills to skate at the NHL level? Put your normal life and plans at jeopardy? Hard to maintain a relationship let alone say raise kids when you're gone more days than you're there. They aren't doing it for the money, it's barely above normal white / blue collar work. You can pull more than that easily without the strict skillset in the oil patch if you put in the work, or almost any degree with similar levels of success compared to being an NHL level ref.

And no wonder the league can't create accountability among its refs. Can't otherwise they'd just not have any friggen refs. Lol. They should be paying these guys 5x as much, it really would fix everything almost instantly. Makes it so you could retire after a couple of years, makes it worth it. Also makes it something you can aspire to and something worth taking on the accountability of day a post game press conference. And the entire cost would only be like 20 million per year total - Same as the cap moving up 312k if you consider that there's say 20 NHL refs & 40 NHL linesmen, and then 32 teams with each player splitting things to be 64.

I'm sure every team in the league would pay 300k to fix the reffing NBA style. It's peanuts in terms of the league's overall budget. It's just a matter of the league having the will to fix it.
A year one ref makes 220k and a seasoned ref can make up to 480k.


Registered User
Nov 11, 2011
Oilers better put some practice in on their Rush chances. In zone offence won’t be enough to rely on. We need to be able to execute on the rush at a high clip.
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