SIHR Blog Arkadi Chernyshov, the Forgotten Head Coach


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Apr 6, 2010
Anatoli Tarasov was the most vocal figure in Soviet hockey – so vocal, in fact, that hockey historians tend to forget he wasn't actually the head coach of the Soviet national team during its dynasty years from 1963 to 1972. Tarasov was only the assistant or associate coach. The head coach was another, much more reserved man: Arkadi Chernyshov. However, even those who are aware of him are prone to think of Chernyshov as a mere figurehead who dealt with the Soviet authorities and let Tarasov do the actual coaching. This picture isn't accurate. In reality, the two unlike men worked in tandem and it was indeed Arkadi Ivanovich Chernyshov who was the commander-in-chief. Take the following quotes from Soviet players:

Stanislav Petukhov:

Yes, there were so-called moments of friction. Arkadi Ivanovich was capable of showing that he had the final word. [1]​

Leonid Volkov:

As for the leadership of the team during the game, it was Chernyshov who had the say. There was no dual power. [2]​

Sport journalist Alexander Petrov adds the following story:

At one of the World Championships, the Soviet team was losing against the Czechs. The moment a two-minute penalty was called against one of the opponents, Anatoli Vladimirovich [Tarasov] swept across the bench and immediately proposed: “Arkadi, let's form an experimental unit of five forwards!” Chernyshov looked at him and replied calmly: “Anatoli, I have a game to manage and on top of it I also have to wrestle with you, you never back down.” At which point Tarasov, as they say, pulled back. [3]​

Crucially, training programs and game tactics were worked out by Chernyshov and Tarasov together. Tarasov would later describe their cooperation as follows:

He will listen to your argument with suspicion and even after all his objections have been exhausted, he will prefer to measure not seven times, but much more. That's his manner, and when we started working together, I found it somewhat bizzare. But later I became grateful for it because Chernyshov's unhurriedness and his slow pace in working out fundamental decisions balanced out the poles in our tandem. (…) Let's say we finally agree on something that Chernyshov was initially against. And then my proposal ends in a failure. No, Chernyshov will not complain to anyone that he himself had initially thought differently. He won't reproach me: “See? I told you so.” He's a steady man, he's steady in everything he does. [4]​

Initially, both coaches went out on the ice to conduct drills: Chernyshov with the defencemen and Tarasov with the forwards. Later, after he had developed severe chronic radiculopathy, Chernyshov let Tarasov handle the on-ice training and observed from the bench. [5]



This division of labour is described by Boris Mayorov:

During training, Chernyshov's place is off the ice, on the other side of the board. Tarasov's place is right on the ice. For orientation, Chernyshov first calmly and very concisely outlines the game plan and the individual tasks. Tarasov complements and concludes the address with emotional appeals like “don't bring shame upon”, “give everything”, “show your dedication”, and so on. It's well known that the two of them sometimes argue for a long time before important decisions, but in front of the players they always stand united and give each other full support. [6]​

A vivid portrayal of the two men is given by Boris Mayorov respectively the ghostwriter of his autobiography, Yevgeni Rubin:

Really, how different our coaches are as people! A greater difference would be hard to find, even if one tried. I just can't imagine Chernyshov talking loudly and Tarasov talking softly. I don't think I have ever seen Chernyshov lose his state of inner balance, even when his club Dinamo Moscow or the national team suffered a heavy defeat. Tarasov I've never seen remaining calm, not even when the situation didn't call for unrest. [7]​

Their contrasting personalities also worked in tandem when dealing with the players. Tarasov instilled in them an obligation to win and to improve without rest. In training, he drove them recklessly – but when he was about to go too far, Chernyshov would step in and enforce a break. Valeri Kharlamov remembered Chernyshov like this:

In contrast to Anatoli Vladimirovich [Tarasov], Arkadi Ivanovich is forgiving, gentle, polite and always calm – at least on the outside. He's always composed and regardful. Chernyshov skillfully soothes the players, softens the emotional and sometimes unnecessarily harsh tirades of his colleague; he is very cautious in his choice of expressions and it seems he never does anything nor speak without weighting all possible pros and cons... Arkadi Ivanovich was always mindful of the players, he lived for their concerns; it was always possible to come and pour one's heart out, even when the cause of one's trouble had nothing to do with hockey at all. He listened to us with evident interest and attention... [8]​



As a tactician, Chernyshov's work with the club team Dinamo Moscow earned him the reputation of a defence-first coach, as Tarasov explained:

Chernyshov built and builds the game on accurate and strict observance of the defensive tasks by his players. That's why Dinamo stand out through the strength of their defence. A lot of their game is characterized by the motto “If we don't give up a goal, we win!” [9]​

However, a closer look shows that Chernyshov was tactically flexible and capable of adapting to the talent level of the players at his disposal. A conversation Tarasov once had with Chernyshov about the offensively skilled Alexander Maltsev highlights this:

When I made claims to Chernyshov about Maltsev and began to reproach him for his dislike of the dirty work, Chernyshov rightly replied: “Well, why should we turn Maltsev into a defenceman? His most important quality is the ability to score.” [10]​

An observation by sport journalist Anatoli Salutsky adds to the impression that Chernyshov was a pragmatic coach:

There was one more fundamental difference between the coaching concepts of Chernyshov and Tarasov: not a tactical one, but rather a pedagogical one. Tarasov was an adherent of “Kolkhoz hockey”, equally demanding all players to sacrifice themselves. Chernyshov was a principled opponent of this approach. He once said: “I don't remember any case when Bobrov blocked shots with his body. And to me that was fine. Tarasov used to throw himself into shots to make up for some other shortcomings, and also demanded it from other players. But imagine Bobrov throwing himself into a shot... To me, Bobrov was too valuable for this. He blocks a shot, he has to leave the game – what a great loss for his team. This prompted me to not demand such actions from Bobrov. Later, I never put Alexander Maltsev on the ice when our team was shorthanded. Maltsev wasn't made for playing 4 against 5. A clever player like him must be used when the opponent is one man short. Why use generals like Bobrov and Maltsev at the front line in an infantry attack?” [11]​

There is no doubt that Tarasov with his energetic personality, restless mind and creative training methods was crucial for the success of the Soviet national team. His influence went well beyond the confines of the ordinary assistant coach – not the least because many of the best players were supplied by his club CSKA Moscow and had gone through his school. Still, at the national team level his inventiveness and impulsiveness were kept in check by Arkadi Chernyshov who was more than a mere figurehead: he worked closely with Tarasov, balanced out his extremes, had the final say on game tactics and was, indeed, capable of demonstrating his superior authority and overruling his younger colleague.

[1] Alexander Petrov: Tayny sovetskogo khokkey (2010)
[2] Alexander Gorbunov: Anatoliy Tarasov (2015)
[3] Petrov
[4] Gorbunov
[5] ibid.
[6] Boris Mayorov: Ya smotryu khokkey (1970)
[7] ibid.
[8] Valeri Kharlamov: Khokkey – moya stikhiya (1977)
[9] Anatoli Tarasov: Put k sebe (1974)
[10] ibid.
[11] Quoted after Fyodor Razzakov: Anatoliy Tarasov. Bitva zhelenykh trenerov (2014)

Posted on Behind the Boards (SIHR Blog)
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sr edler

gold is not reality
Mar 20, 2010
Interesting read, Theo.

I found this passage below funny, and it made me think of a classic good cop/bad cop situation, or instead, in hockey, a "good coach/bad coach" situation. I take it if you have two different personalities like that working alongside each other, you can perhaps play a bit on it. Not suggesting there were any charades or fake personas going on, but I guess it could be a pragmatical dynamics to have going on depending on the circumstances.

Their contrasting personalities also worked in tandem when dealing with the players. Tarasov instilled in them an obligation to win and to improve without rest. In training, he drove them recklessly – but when he was about to go too far, Chernyshov would step in and enforce a break. Valeri Kharlamov remembered Chernyshov like this:

In contrast to Anatoli Vladimirovich [Tarasov], Arkadi Ivanovich is forgiving, gentle, polite and always calm – at least on the outside. He's always composed and regardful. Chernyshov skillfully soothes the players, softens the emotional and sometimes unnecessarily harsh tirades of his colleague; he is very cautious in his choice of expressions and it seems he never does anything nor speak without weighting all possible pros and cons... Arkadi Ivanovich was always mindful of the players, he lived for their concerns; it was always possible to come and pour one's heart out, even when the cause of one's trouble had nothing to do with hockey at all. He listened to us with evident interest and attention... [8]​


Global Moderator
Apr 6, 2010
I found this passage below funny, and it made me think of a classic good cop/bad cop situation, or instead, in hockey, a "good coach/bad coach" situation. I take it if you have two different personalities like that working alongside each other, you can perhaps play a bit on it. Not suggesting there were any charades or fake personas going on, but I guess it could be a pragmatical dynamics to have going on depending on the circumstances.

That's certainly a possibility. Both Chernyshov and Tarasov would have been intelligent enough for it.

Funny fact: Some of the Soviet national players thought of their unlike coaching tandem as the emodiment of the "carrot and stick" approach and consequently they nicknamed Chernyshov "carrot" and Tarasov "stick".

Wasn't there a documented blow up between them about Tarasov wanting to put Romishevsky in the game?

Indeed. It's one of apparently very few examples when there was a blow up in front of the players and it was mentioned on this forum some time ago:

Excerpts from the recent Alexander Yakushev inteview in Sport-Express, translated by me.


Is there a historical unfairness in the fact that Tarasov who was an assistant coach of the national team, is held in higher regard than Chernyshev, the main coach? How did this happen?

It was a unique tandem. Two opposites of character, complimenting each other. Tarasov was in charge of the training process, Chernyshev -- of the game. Why was Tarasov more famous? Journalists spoke to him more often, he was often interviewed. He was a charismatic man, and his replies were often unusual, unorthodox. Which is what press loves. That's why reporters spoke to him more and wrote more about him.

Everybody knew the relationship between the two of them was complex, but they were both smart enough not to bring it out in the open. They split their roles and played them well. But once it broke out. We were getting one penalty after another, and the PK unit was gassed. So Tarasov walked up to the colleague: "My Romik (Igor Romishevsky) is ready." Chernyshev exploded: "You and your Romik can go **** yourselves! Davydov, you're out!" The boys still talk about this episode.


Global Moderator
Apr 6, 2010
Thought about adding more about Chernyshov's personality and biography here, but I think I will make a full article out of that again. Just one point: After the 1972 Olympics, Chernyshov and Tarasov were released as coaches of the Soviet national team – apparently on their on request, but it seems they didn't actually hope and expect the request would be accepted. The Soviet hockey federation, however, had enough of Tarasov's temper and used the opportunity to get rid of him in a face-saving manner. They replied to the coaches' request with a polite but unexpected "thank you very much for your service and enjoy your well-earned rest". Tarasov, at least, was surprised and upset by this move. He took solace in the hope that the Soviet hockey federation would reverse their decision in case the new coaching duo Bobrov and Puchkov failed to win the 1972 World Championship. And the really failed to win, but only assistant coach Puchkov was replaced (by Boris Kulagin) while Bobrov still remained head coach.

In the subsequent 1972 Summit Series, Tarasov wasn't given a role – as opposed to Chernyshov. Certainly his level-headedness and reliability were big factors that made the Soviet hockey federation send the former head coach to scout the training camp of Team Canada together with Kulagin while Tarasov remained at home.
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A 19-year ATDer on HfBoards
Sep 4, 2004
South Korea
Chernyshov's role was to liaise with the Communist government to allow Tarasov to concentrate on coaching, as per the book The Red Machine).


Global Moderator
Apr 6, 2010
Chernyshov's role was to liaise with the Communist government to allow Tarasov to concentrate on coaching, as per the book The Red Machine).

That is an inadequate picture and needs correction, as pointed out in this very thread.


Registered User
Nov 6, 2006
New York, NY
Tarasov wasn't given a role – as opposed to Chernyshov. Certainly his level-headedness and reliability were big factors that made the Soviet hockey federation send the former head coach to scout the training camp of Team Canada together with Kulagin while Tarasov remained at home.

Well, that, plus Tarasov and Bobrov despised each other. This would certainly create a tense working environment.


Global Moderator
Apr 6, 2010
A sign that the awareness of Chernyshov is growing: In an interview with Boris Mikhailov published today, blogger and KHL reporter Gillian Kemmerer asked Mikhailov specifically about Chernyshov. Mikhailov's reply chimes very well with the quotes in my article above.

Two quotes from the interview:

"Their principal of work was labor distribution: Tarasov was responsible for training and for preparation for games, but Chernyshov was managing the game itself."

"Chernyshov was more humanistic. You could talk to him at any time, and he could tell you what was going great, what was going well, and what was going badly. With the National Team, outside of the ice rink, you could always talk to Chernyshov about whatever you wanted."



Registered User
Nov 6, 2006
New York, NY
Tarasov is highly respected and rightfully so, but the one thing I wonder about is what happened between him and Almetov.

We might never know the full story.


Registered User
Sep 8, 2012
A sign that the awareness of Chernyshov is growing: In an interview with Boris Mikhailov published today, blogger and KHL reporter Gillian Kemmerer asked Mikhailov specifically about Chernyshov. Mikhailov's reply chimes very well with the quotes in my article above.

Two quotes from the interview:

"Their principal of work was labor distribution: Tarasov was responsible for training and for preparation for games, but Chernyshov was managing the game itself."

"Chernyshov was more humanistic. You could talk to him at any time, and he could tell you what was going great, what was going well, and what was going badly. With the National Team, outside of the ice rink, you could always talk to Chernyshov about whatever you wanted."

Very nice article!

I think that Chernyshov is fairly well respected anf his role is understood in Europe, but in North America Tarasov became face of Soviet hockey. He was always in the spotlight. I have mentioned often that I´m not that much into HHOF, but Tarasov being in and Chernyshov being out is one of the biggest "North American view" selection.


Global Moderator
Apr 6, 2010
I think that Chernyshov is fairly well respected anf his role is understood in Europe

More so than in North America, but still...

Less than a year ago, the former secretary of the IIHF told me on Twitter that Chernyshov was underrated as "chief ideologist" but that it was Tarasov who was "running the bench" with the Soviet national team.

And when Russian sports writer Leonid Reizer published his Chernyshov biography (see below) last year, he started with the statement that if you ask knowledgable Russian hockey people about Arkadi Chernyshov, almost all of them will run out of things to say pretty quickly.

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